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      • KCI등재

        『의궤(儀軌)』를 통해 본 조선후기 도감(都監)의 구조와 그 특성

        나영훈(Na, Young-hun) 한국역사연구회 2014 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.93

        Determined here is the structure of the ‘temporarily opened(“權設, Gweonseol”)’ governmental offices, which were usually called “Dogam(都監).” They are examined here in order to have an understanding of the fact that they had a major role in the central political system during the Joseon dynasty’s latter half period. "Jwa’mok(座目)" sections of the "Euigwe(儀軌)" ritual manuals reveal this most nicely. Here, ritual manuals involving kings from Sunjo(宣祖) to Cheoljong(哲宗) are examined. Dogam units could be categorized by their orientations: "Nangcheong-bu(郎廳部)," "Docheong-bu(都廳部)", and "Byulcheong-bu(別廳部)", as analysis of 239 items of "Eui’gwe(儀軌)" materials reveals. It is confirmed that "Nangcheong-bu(郎廳部)" has a total of 13 types of organizational structure. Public office was labelled as "So(所)," while Courtesy Office was as "Bang(房)". The Dogam(都監) units, by their functions and internal structure, and their place inside the governmental hierarchy sysem, highly assisted, facilitated and complemented the functions of the government.

      • KCI등재

        조선 현종대 문과급제자의 관직 경로와 배경

        나영훈 ( Na Young-hun ) 조선시대사학회 2020 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.94 No.0

        This study analyzed Bungwan(分館) and the route of government office of the Passers of the Munkwa-Examination(文科及第者), focusing on during the Reign of King Hyunjong in Joseon Dynasty. Based on this, the difference between the route of government service and the promotion pattern was identified, and the cause of the difference was identified. The background of the Bungwan was then divided into the test results, test types, age and hometown, and background of the family. In Chapter 1, the Passers of the Munkwa-Examination was divided into different Bungwan and analyzed the official positions in which they were appointed. the Passers of the Munkwa-Examination has taken a strictly separate route to government posts since graduating from Bungwan. There were also differences in awarding key posts and promotions depending on Bungwan. Joseon had already discriminated against their promotion through the Bungwan system from the beginning of the official position called the Passers of the Munkwa-Examination. Chapter 2 looked at the background of the Bungwan. First of all, the first section identified the grades, types of tests, age and residence of successful applicants, which can be called a personal element of the Bungwan. Through this, it was understood that the personal factors assigned to good Bungwan should generally be moderately good in the test rankings, should be passed at irregular times, and should be young talents living in Seoul. The second verse examined the family background of the person concerned. And it can be seen that the family background has had a more important impact than other factors in Bungwan. A good family background ensured a good Bungwan. Of course, personal virtues, marital relationships, and the assessment of the time would have affected good Bungwan admissions, although they were not reviewed in the text. But the important thing is that Bungwan that have an absolute impact on future government service routes should not forget that the family background was the most important. This proves that the Passers of the Munkwa-Examination was not a capacity-oriented system for selecting government officials, but rather a system that relied on family and blood.

      • KCI등재

        17~18세기 도감의 고가(雇價) 마련과 군문재원(軍門財源)의 활용

        나영훈(Na, Young-hun) 한국역사연구회 2017 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.103

        Examined in this article is the fact that newly established “Gun’yeong” Military headquarters in the 17th and 18th centuries were utilized not only as military entities but also as financial resources. There are evidences which show us that some of the military headquarters’ budget were diverted to the Dogam offices (temporarily established ones for specific projects like dynastic rituals or large scale constructions by the government), allowing in the process the headquarters’ own budget to be utilized by several Dogam offices, which had nothing to do with the headquarters’ functions. Until 1674 Dogam offices were financially supported by other governmental offices or even local districts as well, but never by military headquarters. But later, although the size of the Dogam budget varied by its mission and its functions, they began to be funded by military headquarters and at times the overall size of (headquarters’) funding rose to almost 50% of the Dogam office’s entire budget. This was probably because the Gun’yeong military headquarters had many resources to tap into in the first place, and the “Northern campaign” was turning into a lost cause coming into king Sukjong’s reign. And the changing climate (literally) was accommodating such change in the government’s practice of funding some of its own offices, as severe draughts hit Joseon at the time and made it imperative for the government to divert military budgets to other purposes such as lifting heavy stresses off of the population. We can say that the Gun’yeong Amun military headquarters after king Sukjong’s days were no longer expanding their budgets in preparation for the upcoming Northern campaign, and were beginning to use their reserve resources to aid dynastic relief projects or constructions, serving as de facto financial offices.

      • KCI등재

        조선 단종대 궁궐 경영(經營)과 그 정치사적 의미

        나영훈(Na Young-hun) 한국역사연구회 2011 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.82

        This study looks at the connection between political power and the building of palaces in King Danjong(端宗)’s reign. The term ’Palace managements’ refers to the construction and repairs of palaces, and also refers to the movements of the Kings’ residence. Repairs or constructions of palaces were sometimes required because of certain unexpected and extraordinary situations such as damage or destruction by fire or war, or even the breakout of a plague, yet at times they were required by purely political reasons and motivations. Before the political coup of the Gye’yu-year(Gye’yu Jeong’ran, 癸酉靖難), The Supreme Ministers at the Euijeong-bu office selected the Sugang-gung/壽康宮palace and the Yeong’yang-wi/寧陽尉mansion as residences for King Danjong. By doing so, having the King reside at places that suited their interest, the high-ranking officials easily grabbed political power. After the coup, Prince Su’yang(首陽大君) moved Dangjong’s residence back to the Gyeongbok-gung(景福宮) palace. By controlling Danjong’s residence, Su’yang strengthened his position. Since his claim for power was less than justified, he attempted to build his own notion of legitimacy by returning the king to the ‘lawful’ palace(法宮). The repairs made to the Changdeok-gung(昌德宮) palace, decided by the high-ranking officials shortly after Danjong was enthroned, were also promoted as a political maneuver. Officially, Changdeok-gung had to be repaired because there was a rumor that there was something inauspicious about the Gyeongbok-gung palace. Yet actually, it was nothing but a political move on the high-ranking officials’ part. The Docheong(都廳) office, the governmental body exclusively in charge of the Changdeok-gung repairs, was run by the high-ranking officials, and through this Docheong, they were able to expand their economic power and military influence. However, the excessive repairs and ensuing public labors aroused the opposition of the politically neutral Censorate officers(臺諫). It gave them a strong reason to oppose the high-ranking officials and passively support Prince Su’yang.

      • KCI등재

        순조대 明溫公主 婚禮의 재원과 前例ㆍ定例의 준수

        나영훈 ( Na Young-hun ) 조선시대사학회 2017 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.83 No.0

        Garye(嘉禮) is the royal wedding, which is called ‘Gukhon(國婚 : marriage of nation)’ and is one of the national rites. This is the situation where related research is cumulative. Most of these studies focus attention on the ceremonies of Garye(嘉禮), and analysis on political character is the main. On the other hand, there were no studies that approached the scale of the royal wedding funds to which the national finances were introduced. Then, in fact, how much was the cost used for the wedding of the royal family of Chosun(朝鮮) Dynasty? Did this cost threaten the national finances? Korea was always wary of proceeding with the royal events extravagant. In particular, for the “King Youngjo(英祖)”, he published “Takjijungrye(度支定例)” and “Gukhonjungrye(國婚定例)” and tried to save the royal expenses. This paper explored what “Gukhonjungrye(國婚定例)” published in the latter half of the 18 th century had on the scale of the royal wedding revenue later. For this reason, the wedding ceremony of “princess of Myoungon(明溫公主)”, where the scale of the royal wedding in the middle of the 19th century remains relatively large, was targeted. As a result, Chosun(朝鮮) Dynasty confirmed that the expenses required for the wedding did not require more than the amount stipulated in the Code such as “Gukhonjungrye(國婚定例)”. Through this, we can carefully think that in the royal family we tried to suppress the waste of expenses through rituals.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선전기 都監의 운영과 官制정비

        나영훈(Na, Young-hun) 한국사연구회 2013 한국사연구 Vol.162 No.-

        In this article I try to explain the government principles of the Dogam(都監) from the beginning of early Choson dynasty to its abolition. The historic sources used in the first paragraph of the 2nd part are exclusively from early Choson and comprise in total 132 documents, as for the sources from later periods when the Dogam ceased to exist I analyst 126 individual documents. In the 3rd part as for the sources concerning the fixed establishment of the Dogam I analyzed 6 documents. And lastly I analyzed with the same method of part 2 80 individual documents from the 16th century. Basing my analysis on the results of the 4th part, I examined the fact that the fixed, established Dogam vanished, the fact that they were converted in to provisorily existing entities and what that implies. The Dogam institution existed from the early Koryo Dynasty and experienced a noticeable sophistication towards the end of Koryo dynasty. The already existing government fabric was eroded by the role of the Dogam subsequently causing turmoil within the government structure. The late Koryo reformers Jojun(趙浚) and JeongDojeon(鄭道傳) understood the gravity of the situation and tried to tackle it. With the rise of the new Dynasty established by LeeSeonggye(李成桂) after the reign of king Gongyang(恭讓王) the institution of the Dogam was reformed. In the year 1392 after the formation of the new government most of the flaws troubling the Dogam system had been fixed. But not all Dogam task forces had been installed with a temporal intention. Because of the following 3 major reasons the installation of the Dogam institution has to be continued. First the government under the reign of king Taejo(太祖) recycled basically the Koryo government system. Second, since the offices continued their work it was reasonable to continue also the Dogam system. Third, in case of an work overload the establishment of a Dogam was the only possibility to process unprocessed work. But since the temporarily employed officials acted very self confidently the interruption of the employment of the Dogam was only a matter of time that could expected. At that time most of the government officials agreed with the temporal establishment if the Dogam task forces. By the time of the reign of King Sejo(世祖) the Dogam as a common institution vanished and only it’s temporal character remained . Thus the modification of this system has far reaching implications on the establishment of the central government based on the Kyeonggugdaejeon(經國大典) law code. On the one hand the Dogam contributed to the effectiveness of the established government system but on the other hand if established for a long period of time the Dogam could erode and threaten the establishment. These kind abuses of the system had a major impact on the Choson government and therefore reassuring the temporal establishment of the Dogam has to be regarded as very meaningful.

      • KCI등재후보

        17세기중반 樂善君 李潚의 생애와 혼례의 특징

        나영훈(Na, Young-Hun) 계명대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 동서인문학 Vol.0 No.55

        낙선군 이숙은 인조의 아들로 태어나 왕자에 봉해졌지만, 인조 사후 효종의 즉위와 함께 신상의 변화가 생겼다. 모친인 귀인조씨와 김자점의 역모에 연루되어 폐서인이 된 것이었다. 이 논문은 왕자와 사서인의 경계에 놓였던 낙선군 이숙의 혼례를 통해, 예의 차등을 중시했던 조선 왕조가 이숙의 혼례를 어떻게 처리했는지를 추적하였다. 낙선군 이숙은 1657년 혼례를 진행하였다. 왕자가 아니었던 낙선군 이숙의 혼례는 크게 4가지 지점에서 논란이 발생하였다. 첫째, 이숙의 간택을 왕자의 예로 할 것인가, 사서인의 예로 할 것인가의 문제였다. 본래 왕자들은 三揀擇에 따라, 금혼령을 내려 적합한 신부 후보를 선정하고 국왕이 최종 낙점하는 방식으로 간택이 진행되었다. 그러나 이숙은 왕자의 예를 따를 수 없었고, 사서인의 예인 議婚절차마저 제대로 수행할 수 없었다. 이에 따라 변칙적으로 한성부와 오부에서 적합한 후보자를 찾아주는 방식으로 신부를 찾았다. 둘째, 이숙의 혼례를 주관할 기구인 ‘가례청’의 설치에 대한 문제였다. 본래 왕자의 혼례에는 자연스럽게 예조 당상이 주관하는 가례청이 설치되어 예조와 유관기관의 도움으로 가례가 성대하게 치루어질 수 있었다. 그러나 왕자가 아니었던 이숙은 가례청이 설치될 수 없었다. 이에 따라 효종은 형제이자 혼례의 主婚이었던 인평대군이 예조와 상의하여 필요한 물품을 조달하는 방식으로 혼례를 주관하게 하였다. 셋째, 이숙의 혼례에 전형적인 왕가의 혼례 절차인 四禮를 진행할 수 있는가의 문제가 걸렸다. 일반적으로 왕자들은 납채, 납폐, 명복내출, 친영의 절차를 거쳐 혼례를 치룬다. 그러나 이숙은 왕자가 아니었기 때문에 납채와 납폐를 합쳐 한 번에 진행하도록 하였고, 왕실에서 신부에게 의복을 내어주는 명복내출은 아예 진행하지 않도록 하였다. 이에 따라 납채와 납폐, 친영만으로 혼례를 진행하게 되었다. 넷째, 이숙의 혼례는 절차가 생략되며 자연히 물품 역시도 줄어들 수밖에 없었다. 왕자의 신분을 상징하는 상아홀이나 공복, 소오건, 금장식 등을 생략함으로써, 왕자가 아닌 이숙의 혼례를 표현하고자 하였다. 뿐만 아니라 이숙은 단지 왕자궁만 수리하고 부인가의 수리는 일절 생략하였다. 또한 조현례 역시 생략했기 때문에 조현에 들어가는 물품도 생략하였다. 이처럼 이숙의 혼례는 왕자와 비교하여 상당한 물량을 줄였다. 이렇게, 이숙의 혼례는 왕자와 사서인의 중간지점에 위치한 예로서 진행되었다. 이는 조선왕실이 국가를 경영하는데 있어 중요한 의미를 내포하고 있었다. 조선은 예적 질서를 강조하며 국가를 운영하고 있었고, 국왕을 정점으로 한 왕실에서부터 사대부와 중인, 상민, 천민으로 이르는 계서적으로 정렬된 체제를 갖추고 있었다. 각각의 신분은 분수에 맞는 역할을 수행해야 질서 있게 국가를 통치할 수 있었다. 효종은 사적으로는 낙선군의 혼례가 감소된 상황이 못마땅했을 것이다. 그러나 국가를 통치하는 입장에서 이숙의 혼례를 감손시킴으로써 일반 사대부와 민인을 설득할 수 있는 기제를 마련하였다. 효종은 이숙의 혼례를 처리하는 과정에서 왕가와 사대부가의 예를 접목함으로써 교차점에 있던 이숙의 혼례를 무탈히 치렀고, 이는 조선의 예적 질서를 해치지 않는 선에서 이숙을 대우하여 왕실의 위격도 함께 높인 것으로 평가할 수 있다. This paper considers the wedding of ‘Raksungun leesuk(樂善君李潚)’, which was at the boundary between the prince and the common man. ‘Raksungun leesuk(樂善君李潚)’ advanced wedding in 1657. The wedding of ‘leesuk(李潚)’ who did not have a prince was largely discussed at four points. First of all, what do you do with ‘gantek(揀擇 : choose his wife)’ of ‘leesuk(李潚)’? Will it be a ritual of the prince or a ceremony of ordinary people? Second, will we establish a mechanism to control the wedding of ‘leesuk(李潚)’? Third, will we proceed to the wedding proceedings of a typical royal family wedding? Fourth, Will you reduce the items used for wedding? Thus the ‘leesuk(李潚)s’ wedding was held in the middle of the place between the prince and the common man. This included an important meaning for the Korean royal family to operate the nation. ‘Hyojong(孝宗)’ was not dissatisfied with the situation in which the wedding of ‘leesuk(李潚)’ decreased privately. However, by deteriorating the wedding of ‘leesuk(李潚)’ in the position of governing the state, we set up an opportunity to persuade ‘ordinary people.’ ‘Hyojong(孝宗)’ safely handled the wedding of ‘leesuk(李)’ who was in the intersection by fusing the royal family and the horseman of the ordinary family in the process of handling the wedding of ‘leesuk(李潚)’. It can be evaluated that it treated ‘leesuk(李潚)’ in the range not harming the order of Joseon(朝鮮)"s honor, and raised the royal position together.

      • KCI등재

        총론:조선시대 ‘국가의례’ 연구의 성과와 전망

        나영훈(Na young hun) 한국사학회 2021 史學硏究 Vol.- No.144

        조선시대 국가의례는 ‘五禮’로 정리할 수 있다. 본 공동연구는 조선의 ‘국가의례’와 관련된 성과가 상당수 누적되어 있는 것에 비해 이들 성과를 정리한 시도가 없었던 점에 착안하여서 이들 연구사를 세밀하게 정리하여 연구의 한계점을 파악하고, 또한 향후 국가의례 연구가 나아갈 방향에 대한 고민을 하고자 시도되었다. 각 연구자들은 오례 가운데 ‘길례’, ‘가례’, ‘빈례’, ‘흉례’ 연구사를 정리하고 또한 실학자들의 ‘예학’을 추가하여 공동으로 국가의례 연구를 정리하였다. 총론에서는 조선시대 국가의례 연구를 박사학위논문을 중심으로, 연구의 추이를 종합적으로 정리하였다. 국가의례 연구의 서막은 1980년대 이범직과 지두환의 오례 연구로 시작된다. 이전까지 유교망국론 등의 영향으로 연구가 진행되지 않는 불모지였던 국가의례 분야는 이들 연구자에 힘입어 본격적인 연구의 발판이 마련되었다. 1990년대는 국가의례 연구의 기반이 조성된 시기로 중요한 의미가 있다. 김해영, 한형주는 길례 연구를 토대로 오례 전 분야에 걸친 연구를 시도하였다. 이 시기에는 조선 왕실에 대한 연구자와 대중의 관심이 함께 증가한 시점으로, 이들 연구는 국가의례 연구에도 영향을 주었다. 또한 예학과 관련된 심도 있는 연구가 이 무렵 증폭되면서 이 역시 국가의례 연구에 기여한 바가 컸다. 이 시기는 국가의례를 주제로 한 분야가 한국사 내에서 점차 학문적 영역을 확보한 시작점으로 의미가 있다. 2000년대는 왕실에 대한 관심 속에서 연구자의 수효가 증가하고 학술적인 연구 역시 폭발적으로 증가하는 시기였다. 국가의례를 선도하는 다수의 연구자가 배출되었고 연구의 기반이 될 전례서, 의궤, 등록 등의 자료에 대한 이해 역시 심화되었다. 이 시기는 다방면에서 국가의례 연구가 비상할 수 있게 해준 시기로 의미가 크다. 2010년대는 국가의례 연구의 방법론상의 외연이 확장된 시기이면서 폭넓은 사례 연구가 진행되는 시기이다. 더 나아가 90년대 후반부터 진행된 주요 자료의 인터넷 서비스로 관련 자료를 손쉽게 접근하고 연구할 수 있는 토대가 마련되었다. 이에 따라 국가의례 연구가 범람하는 시기라고 할 수 있다. 지금까지 누적된 수많은 국가의례 관련 연구에도 불구하고, 몇 가지 해결해야할 과제 역시 남아 있다. 첫째, 국가의례 전체를 아우르는 시도가 다시 진행되어야 한다. 둘째, 방법론상의 영역을 넓히되 국가의례를 주요 주제로 하는 연구가 이루어져야 한다. 셋째, 타분과 학문과의 긴밀한 융복합 연구를 모색해야 한다. 조선시대 국가의례는 현재에도 상당한 연구가 이루어져 있지만 앞으로 더 많은 연구주제가 산적해있는 분야이기도 하다. 본 공동 연구사 정리는 현재까지 누적된 국가의례 연구를 집적하는 역할에 그쳤다. 향후 이를 토대로 내실 있는 연구가 이루어지기를 기대한다. The Joseon Dynasty’s “National Ritual(國家儀禮)” can be summarized as “Five Rites(五禮)”. This study was attempted based on the fact that there were no attempts to summarize these achievements, compared to the accumulation of significant achievements related to Joseon’s ‘National Ritual’. It was attempted to understand the limitations of the study by organizing the ‘National Ritual’ study in detail and to think about the future direction of the "National Rituals’ study. The prelude to the study of ‘National Ritual’ begins with the study of ‘Five Rites(五禮)’ by “Lee Bum-jik” and “Ji Doo-hwan” in the 1980s. The 1990s was the time when the foundation for the study of ‘National Ritual’ was established, and it is of great significance. This period is meaningful as a starting point for the field under the theme of ‘National Ritual’ to gradually secure academic areas within Korean history. The 2000s was a time when the number of researchers increased and academic research exploded amid interest in the ‘Royal(王室)’. The 2010s was a time when the extension of the methodology of ‘National Ritual’ research was expanded and extensive case studies were conducted. Despite the accumulated studies so far, several challenges remain to be solved. First, attempts must be made to encompass the entire ‘National Ritual’. Second, while expanding the scope of methodology, research with the main theme of ‘National Ritual’ should be conducted. Third, it is necessary to seek close convergence research with other branches and disciplines. This joint research organization has only played a role in integrating research on ‘National Ritual’ accumulated so far. It is expected that substantial research will be conducted based on this in the future.

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