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      • KCI등재

        한국과 프랑스 제 3공화국의 사회정책과 국가

        나병균 ( Byong Kyun Na ) 한국사회복지연구회 2013 사회복지연구 Vol.44 No.3

        The objective of this article is to compare the characteristics and the origin of Welfare State in Korea and France. This study also finds out the causes of underdevelopment of Welfare State in Korea. In the third Republic of France, the first Industrial Accident Compensation Law was legislated in 1898. The discussion of the project of Law commenced in 1880. The Parliamentary Debate on the legislation of the Law had continued for 18 years. The leaders of the debate was the group of progressive Republicans(Radicals) in the French Parliament. In Korea, it was also in the period of the third Repulic, the President and several members of the Supreme Committee of National Reconstruction (Guk-Ga-Jai-Gun-Choi-Go-Ho-Eui), the authoritative military government who enacted and developed the Social Insurance Law of Industrial Accident Compensation, the first Law of Welfare State in Korea. However, Korea and France show more differences than similarities in the terms of the origin of the Welfare State. The motivations and goals of social policies of the two countries were quite different at the beginning stage. In France, the progressive Republicans of Parliament made welfare state policies in order to maintain the politico-social hegemony and social peace by provision of economic supports to workers. In Korea, the group of military officers had begun the welfare legislation in order to win the general election and obtain political power in 1963. Comparison on the origins of the welfare states in the two countries shows similarities as well as differences in terms of the role of actors. In France, the state and the owners of big enterprises had agreed and played positive roles in the legislation of the welfare state policies. However, the owners of small companies, merchants and farmers had played negative roles. Like the French case, Korean government and owners of big enterprises had played positive roles. The state as a major actor of the legislation of the social insurance programs in the two countries are slightly different. In Korea, the owners of small companies had played negative roles in making of medical insurance programs in 1976. Comparison of the current state of two welfare states shows substantial differences in terms of the development of the welfare state. What is the reason for such differences? Why does Korean Welfare State underdevelop? Historically, the developmentalism as an major ideology of the third Republic of Korea has continually influenced the underdevelopment of the Welfare State. It implies that Koreans have to invent a new ideology of Welfare State which can replace the developmentalism and support the development of Welfare State in the future. Without such a new ideology, it is very difficult to develop an european style welfare state in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        서구적 동아시아 복지국가 담론의 한국에 대한 적용 가능성 연구

        나병균 ( Byong Kyun Na ) 한국사회복지연구회 2010 사회복지연구 Vol.41 No.3

        The objective of this study is to examine the dicourse of East Asian Welfare Models and its applicability to explain the development of the Korean Welfare State(regime). The Confucianist Welfare State, representing East Asian Welfare Models has limitations in explaining the current features and dynamics of east asian welfare states. Compared to the western and northern european welfare states, the Welfare State(Regime) of Korea, one of the east asian countries show the clear differences in terms of its origin, the background of formulation, the orientation of the policy and the actors. Thus, a new approach to examine the East Asian Welfare Model is needed. As a theoretical framework, the origin and the growth of the Korean Welfare State(Regime) can be understood and explained in the boundary of concept and the theoretical framework of the Authoritative Developmental State; Historically, the democratization of the 1980s and the financial crisis of the end of 1990s in Korea contributed to the growth of the welfare policies and institutions in Korea. Japan, Taiwan and other east asian counties, such as Hong Kong and Singapore have many similarities with Korea in terms of welfare policies and institutions. Comparative studies of these countries can create significant and useful results to develop a new concept and model of East Asian Welfare States. Case studies and active academic exchanges among welfare state researchers in these east asian countries are very important to develop a new concept of East Asian Welfare State Models.

      • KCI등재

        1980년 이후 서유럽 복지국가들의 신보수주의와 사회보장제도의 개혁 - 프랑스 , 독일 , 영국의 예

        나병균(Byong Kyun Na) 한국사회보장학회 1997 사회보장연구 Vol.13 No.1

        There have been social welfare policy changes in France, Germany, and Britain. First of all, the role of the state has been changed from patron to manager. However, it has varied according the type of welfare system. While the role of the state has been emphasized as the financial providers in the role of the state in the Bismarkian welfare system, the traditional role of the state has been weakened and private organization and local government have replaced the role of the state. The role of the state can be properly understood, considering the history relationship between a state and a society. The historical factors are more important and fundamental than ideological attacks from the neo-liberalism and idelogies of the ruling elites. Finally major changes in the welfare policy can be summarized by reduction of the welfare benefits, privatization of pension system, expansion of health-medical policy, and efforts to improve efficidiency of the social security.

      • KCI등재

        1980년대 이후 프랑스 사회보장의 개혁 - 기초보장 기능 강화와 국가 역할 증대

        나병균 ( Byong Kyun Na ) 한국사회보장학회 2014 사회보장연구 Vol.30 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the reform of French Social Security since 1980s. The contents and directions of the reform in France can be summarized as follow. First, the ``dualization of social security`` can be found in the level of social right. While the amounts and conditions of benefits in public pensionprograms have been obviously deteriorated, the right of medical security (e.g. sickness insurance benefits) and that of basic income (e.g. family allowances) have been enhanced. However, most of these benefits are based on the principles of selective welfare. Second, family allowance benefits in France had been traditionally universal. However, through several steps of reforms, the benefits whose eligibilities were limited to the poor and economically weak have been increased. Since 1990, the French family policies have been directed to support working mothers through work and family compatibility policies. Third, regarding the levels of social security financing, the proportion of social contribution has been reduced. Instead, the proportion of state tax has been rapidly increased up to more than 30% by the introduction of new types of taxes such as CSG, CRDS. Fourth, new types of benefits such as RMI which favors young unemployed and working poor peoplehave been stipulated in 1980s. The reform of 2007 has changed the objectives of benefits as well as title. The new RSA (i.e. Income of Social lidarity) was designed to protect work incentives of the target groups. Such new benefits of social security indicate the introduction of activation and social investment policies. The dualization of French Social Security systems does not mean the retrenchment of social right of Etat-Providence (French Welfare State) because the reforms have accompanied the improvement of social right for the poor and economically weak.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스의 초기 가족정책과 정책행위자별 역할

        나병균(Byong Kyun Na) 한국사회정책학회 2007 한국사회정책 Vol.14 No.2

        이 논문은 프랑스 가족정책의 역사적 기원과 발전 과정을 분석하고 있다. 연구 범위는 1910년대부터 1945년까지의 변화이다. 가족수당을 중심으로 한 프랑스 가족정책의 기원은 기업들이 1910년대부터 자체적으로 실시하던 루베 뚜르꾸엥 지역 섬유업체 연합(Consortium Textile de Roubaix-Tourcoing)의 가족수당과 파리지역 가족수당 조합(Caisse de Compensation de la Region Parisienne)이 해당 기업들의 노동자들을 대상으로 시행한 가족수당과 관련 서비스들에서 찾을 수 있다. 가족정책으로서 가족수당은 1930년대에 들어 프랑스에서 모든 인구를 포함하는 보편적 제도가 된다. 가족수당에 대한 국가의 정책적 개입의 동기는 저출산 문제를 해결코자 함이었다. 인구문제의 여론화와 보편주의 가족정책의 성립에 기여한 주된 정책행위자는 1920년대와 1930년대의 출산장려주의자들(pronatalists)이었다. 프랑스 가족수당은 1940대 후반에 사회보장 제도로 통합되면서 더욱 보편주의적 성격을 갖고 발전하게 된다. The objective of this study is to analyse the origin of French Family Allowance, which has been appeared and generalized during the period of 1910-1945. The Family Allowance System of Textile Industries Consortium of Roubaix-Tourcoing(Consortium Textile de Roubaix-Tourcoing) and that of Compensation Fund of Paris Region(Caisse de Compensation de la Region Parisienne) have respectively provided the family allowances and the related services to the employees` families from the year of 1910s, which became the origin of French Family Policy. The Family Allowance System became universal in the 1930s in France. The main objective of the state intervention with Family Allowance System at that time was to solve the problem of low birth rate by supporting (financially and non-financially) the families with children. The "pronatalists" (the group of men and women composed of some civil servants, politicians, citizens, and professors) were the main initiators (actors of policy) of universal family policy in the 1920s-1930s in France. The Family Allowance system was incorporated into French Social Security System in the late 1940s.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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