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      • 한ㆍ미간 국방분야 대북정책 공조방안 : Search for New Military Alliance

        김형국 한국전략문제연구소 2003 전략연구 Vol.- No.28

        Despite the facts that there had been seemingly successful attempts to improve the relations between the US. and North Korea as well as North Korea's relations with South Korea and Japan in the past, the revelation of the nuclear program in October 2002 by North Korea puts the time back to pre-1994. North Korea blamed the U.S. for escalating the tension since the September 11 attacks and following developments, such as Bush's remarks on "axis of evil" and the war in Iraq. The US. and its allies criticize North Korea for not giving up its development of weapons of mass destruction in violation of the 1994 Agreed Framework. Unlike the previous administration in the US., what is required from North Korea to improve the relations with the Bush administration is verification of North Korean nuclear program, calling for dismantling it before any serious improvement of relationship between the US. and North Korea. A more comprehensive engagement is now in order through either the three-party talks or truly multilateral talks with six-party. North Korea should not abandon this opportunity to resume talks with the US. and South Korea from such a perspective because a comprehensive engagement can also bring comprehensive benefit to North Korea. While the situation between the U.S. and North Korea was becoming more complicated since October 2002, South Korea had its presidential election in December 2002 For the first time, the US.-South Korea relations became a very sensitive political issue during the campaign. Because of the US. ruling of the case involving fatal accident of Korean middle school students killed by U.S. military tank during the military excercise in June 2002, the U.S.-South Korea military alliance system was seriously questioned by many Korean people. Many people in Korea questioned the nature of SOFA, and some extreme Koreans manipulated political situation calling for anti-Americanism. In addition to the domestic situation, there were rapid changes in international system The US. decided to take a unilateral military action against Iraq giving mixed message to both Koreas. The Roh Administration had to deal with both domestic and international developments even before its official inauguration in February 2003. The immediate task of the Roh administration was to restore the traditional alliance between the US. and South Korea in order to effectively deal with dangerous situation in North Korea. The new developments after the war in Iraq require new policies with different ways of coordinating the alliance between the US. and South Korea. It is required not only in case of North Korean nuclear development but also in the field of conventional military cooperation between the two allies. As Joseph Nye pointed out in his article published by Foreign Affairs in 1995 comparing the US.-Japan defense treaty as an oxygon of the bilateral relationship, the US.-South Korea military alliance must be the same for U.S.-South Korea relations. From such a perspective, this study will analyze possible policies for military cooperation between the US. and South Korea as the two countries deal with North Korea. After a brief introduction of this study, section two will compare the similarities and differences of North Korea policy between Kim Dae Jung Administration and the Roh government in South Korea. Section three will analyze the U.S. foreign policy in light of new international developments in general and Bush's North Korea policy in particular. In this section, interests and positions of major powers will be discussed. Section four will try to study the nature of US. military policy based on its force transformation and the impact on the US. forces in Korea. This section will focus on various options dealing with North Korean nuclear development as well as possible cooperation between the US. and South Korea. Section five then will points out some important issues for the military alliance between the two countries, such as burden sharing, defense budget of Korea, reduction and relocation of the US. forces in Korea, and conventional weapons of North Korea The final section will be a conclusion of this study emphasizing the importance of military alliance and policy coordination between the U.S. and South Korea in order to effective deal with the North Korean situation

      • KCI등재

        텔레메틱스 기반의 통화음질향상을 위한 잡음제거 알고리즘의 성능비교

        김형국,최홍재 한국ITS학회 2012 한국ITS학회논문지 Vol.11 No.1

        다양한 잡음환경에 노출되는 텔레메틱스 기반의 음성 통화 시스템에서 고품질의 통화 품질을 제공하기 위해서는 저연산량을 가지며 효과적으로 배경 잡음을 제거할 수 있는 잡음제거 알고리즘이 요구된다. 본 논문에서는 Mel-Filter 기반의 잡음제거 알고리즘을 제안하며, 제안된 알고리즘을 기존 잡음제거 알고리즘들과 비교하여 설명한다. 자동차 잡음과 배블 잡음 환경에서 잡음제거 알고리즘의 성능 측정 결과, 제안된 Mel-Filter 기반의 잡음제거 알고리즘이 기존 잡음제거 알고리즘들에 비해 비슷한 PESQ 성능에 적은 연산량을 가지는 장점을 가지고 있으며, 제안된 잡음제거 알고리즘이 텔레메틱스 단말기에서 효과적으로 잡음을 제거할 수 있음을 입증하였다. To provide high voice quality of real-time voice communication based on telematics exposed to various noise environments, the noise reduction algorithm with low computing load is required to effectively remove the noise. In this paper, we propose a noise reduction algorithm based on Mel-Filter and illustrate the proposed algorithm comparing with conventional noise reduction algorithms. As a experimental result that evaluates the performance of the noise reduction algorithms under the car and babble noise environments, the proposed noise reduction algorithm has the lower computing load with the similar PESQ score compared to the conventional noise reduction algorithms. It proves that the proposed noise reduction algorithm can efficiently remove the noise in mobile telematics.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        음악 장르 분류를 이용한 자동차 오디오 시스템에서의 이퀄라이저 자동 조절 방식

        김형국,남상순 한국ITS학회 2009 한국ITS학회논문지 Vol.8 No.4

        본 논문은 자동차 오디오 시스템에 내장된 라디오에서 실시간으로 재생되는 연속적인 오디오 신호로부터 음악 신호를 선별하고, 해당 음악에 대한 실시간 음악장르 분류를 통해 자동으로 이퀄라이저를 조절하는 방식을 제안한다. 제안된 방식에서는 음악분류 정확도를 높이고 실시간 신호처리를 실행하기 위해 연속적인 오디오 신호로부터 추출한 음색 특징 벡터와 리듬 특징 벡터를 GMM (Gaussian mixture model) 분류 방식에 적용하여 음악 분류를 수행한다. 제안된 방식은 카 오디오 시스템의 라디오로부터 출력된 오디오 신호로부터 분할된 다양한 오디오 구간을 5가지 음악장르로 분류하여 음악 장르 분류 성능을 측정하였다. This paper proposes an automatic equalizer control method in automobile audio system. The proposed method discriminates the music segment from the consecutive real-time audio stream of the radio and the equalizer is controlled automatically according to the classified genre of the music segment. For enhancing the accuracy of the music genre classification in real-time, timbre feature and rhythm feature extracted from the consecutive audio stream is applied to GMM(Gaussian mixture model) classifier. The proposed method evaluates the performance of the music genre classification, which classified various audio segments segmented from the audio signal of the radio broadcast in automobile audio system into one of five music genres.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        Max Frisch 의 「Die Chinesische Mauer」 연구 : 시간문제를 중심으로 in Bezug auf das Zeitproblem in diesem Werk

        김형국 한국독어독문학회 1988 獨逸文學 Vol.41 No.1

        Bisher haben die Interpreten `die Unfahigkeit des Intellektuellen zu der Wirklichkeit' , `das politische VerantwortungsbewuBtsein des einaelnen' , `das tdliche Vorurteil' and `Pesaimismus des Nachkriegswelt' als das Hauptproblem dieses Werkes ausgelegt, Im gewissen Sinne sind diese Ansichten nat"urlich gultig, ubersehen jedoch each meiner Untersuchung das zentrale Problem dieses Werkes, Fur das Verstandnis dieses Dramas ist das ZeitbewuBtsein des Menschen von groBer Relevanz, das Max Frisch in diesem Stuck konkret gestaltet, Um ein Beispiel anzufuhren, kann man ohne das Verstehen fur das ZeitbewuBtsein des Menschen die Szene nicht erklaren, in der der Heutige and der Kaiser, der mehr als 2000 Jahre fruher als der Heutige gelebt hat, sick miteinander heftig atreiten, So babe ich dieses Stuck in der vorliegenden Arbeit ausschlieBlich aufgrund dem ZeitbewuBtsein des Menschen untersucht, Man kann die Figuren von diesem Drama gruttdsatzlich in zwei Gruppen teilen, die wir bier "Vergangenheitsmensch" and "zukunftsorientierten Mensch" nennen, Die Vergangenheitsmenschen bleiben nur in der Vergangenheit wegen des Mangels an dem ZeitbewuBtsein fur die Zukunft. Der Kaiser Tsin Sche Hwang Ti vertritt in diesem Drama den Vergangenheitsmensch-er will sich u, sein Reich beschutzen vor dem F1uB der Zeit, der Veranderung, durch den Bau der Mauer. Napoleon and der Kbnig Phillip machen such darin keine Ausnahme, daB ihr BewuBtsein nur in der Vergangenheit verweilt. Die zukunftsorientierten Menschen wie Mee Lan, Columbus and Don Juan leben stets nur in sehnsuchtsvollen Traumen der Zukunft, ohne die Vergangenheit zu reflektieren. Das Volk such sieht sich nicht um and blickt nicht voraus, sondern nur die augenblickliche Gegenwart wie der Mensch in der reiBenden Zeit, Sie alle k5nnen die zeitlose Gegenwart nicht erleben, die der einzige Weg au dem wahren Leben and dem Erkenntnis der Wahrheit ist, denn sie kbnnen die Vergangenheit u, die Zukunft nicht zugleich integrieren, Das Erlebnis der zeitloaen Gegenwart kann sich erst ergeben, als man die Vergangenheit in die Zukunft zurucksieht and zugleich die Zukunft in die Vergangenheit. Ohne das Erlebnis der zeitlosen Gegenwart kann es ein echtes, erfulltes Erlebnis der Vergangheit ebensowenig geben wie eines der Zukunft. Denn ohne diese Gegenwart bleibt die Zeit nicht im F1uB, sondern auseinander gespaltet, In der gespalten Zeit stehen die Vergangenheit, die Gegenwart u, die Zukunft in keiner Beziehung zueinander. Und infolgedessen muB das Leben in der gespalten Zeit unwirkliches Leben sein. Zusammenfassend laBt sich zu diesen Figuren u. ihrer Zeiterfahrung also sagen, daB sie nicht die Fahigkeit haben, die zeitlose Gegenwart zu erleben, da sie stets in sehnsuchtsvollen Traumen der Zukunft oder Vergangenheit schwelgen. Wie steht es diesbezuglich mit dem Heutigen? Nur er halt das Erlebnia der zeitlosen Gegenwart fest, and gelingt es ihm also, ein Verhaltnis zur Gegenwart u. damit Bezugspunkte zur Zukunft u. Vergangenheit herzustellen. Mit diesem ZeitbewuBtsein versucht er, die Umgebenden von der geschichtlichen Wahrheit, daB die ungluckliche Geschichte von Vergangenheit sich nicht wiederholen darf, zu uberreden. Und er will die Menschheit von der Katastrophe befreien, die ein Despot, eiu Tyrantt oder ein Diktator durch den Mil3brauch der Atombombe verursachen kann, Die Aufgabe sieht er sogar als eine ihm gegebene sittliche Verantwortung an, Jedoch scheitert er an dem Unverst~ndnis, d, h, dem in Vergangenheit oder Zukunft fixierten Zeitbewul3tsein der ihn Umgebenden, Allerdings bedeutet das Scheitern nicht das vollkommene AufhBren seines Versuches. Er wird weiter versuchen, denn: "Je mehr wir(dank der Techaik) k8nnen, was wir wollen, um so nackter stehen wir da, wo Adam u. Eva geatanden haben, vor der Frage hhmlich: Was wollen wir? vor der aittlichen Entscheidung... Entscheiden wir uns aber: Es soll die Menschheit gebenl so heiBt das: Eure Art, Geschichte zu machen, kommt nicht mehr in Betracht," Aber es iat leicht zu vermuten, daB der Heutige von nun as seine Absicht verat~,rkern will, Denn er wurde action durch das Scheitern ein mehr mutiger, tatkr~ftiger Menach als frfiher and hat action featgestellt, daB es sehr schwer ist, die in Vergangenheit oder Zukunft fixiertea Umgebenden von der geschichtlichen Wahrheit zu uberreden, So gesehea vertritt der Heutige die Zeitauffasaung von Max Frisch, denn die Zeitauffassung von Max Friach iat nichts anderes ala seine Weltanschauung u, seine Lebensauffassung.

      • T-50 항공기모델 풍동시험

        김형국,박남은 한국항공우주학회 2006 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        이상과 같이 T-50 풍동시험 과정을 항목별로 요약/정리하였다. 지난 10여 년 간의 T-50 개발과정에서 수행한 성공적인 풍동시험을 통하여 다양한 경험과 기술을 획득하였다. 돌이켜 볼 때, 수많은 우여곡절과 난관도 함께 경험했지만 결국 우리도 할 수 있다는 신념을 얻었으며, 우리가 흘린 땀 한 방울이 훗날 좋은 결실을 얻기 기대한다.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        내열성 세균이 요구르트 발효중 granular particle 의 생성에 미치는 영향

        김형국,박종수,최우영,정회 한국농화학회 1992 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.35 No.4

        요구르트 제조공정상 조제유의 살균온도인 95℃에서 5분간의 열처리에 의해서도 사멸하지 않고 잔존하는 내열성 세균과 호상 요구르트 제품의 조질(texuture)을 열화시키는 granular particle의 생성과의 관계를 조사하였으며 그 곁과는 다음과 같다. 조제유는 95℃에서 5분간 살균하면 최초 생균수 4.8×10^6 ofu/ml로부터 10³ofu/ml수준으로 세균수가 감소하였으며, 이 열처리한 조제유로 요구르트를 제조시 커드에 granular particle이 생성되었으나, 잔존세균수가 l0²ofu/ml 이하로 열처리한 경우에는 요루르트 커드에 granular particle이 생성되지 않았다. 조제유를 95℃에서 5분간 살균한 후 잔존하는 세균은 단간균 HR 1과 간균 HR 2로 분리하였으며, 분리균주 HR 2는 Bacillus 속으로 분류되었고, 총 수준으로 보면 B. laterosporuse의 근연 균주로 동정되었다. 분리균주 HR 1 및 HR 2 두 균주 모두 5℃ 및 50℃ 에서는 생육하지 않았으며, 20℃, 30℃ 및 37℃에서 생육이 양호하였다. HR 1은 100℃에서 5분간의 살균으로 완전히 사멸되었으나, HR 2는 내열성이 높아 100℃에서 30분간 사멸되었다. 분리균주가 생성하는 세포내의 효소의 특성은 HR 1은 lactose broth에서 β-galactosidase를 주로 생성하였고, HR 2는 생성하는 tryptic soy broth에서 주로 protease를 생성하였다. HR 2가 생성하는 protease는 95℃에서 10분간의 열처리에도 80%이상의 활성이 유지되었다. 조제유의 응고실험에 의하면 HR 2의 protease가 granular perticle의 생성에 관여하는 것으로 추정하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Music/Voice Separation Based on Kernel Back-Fitting Using Weighted β-Order MMSE Estimation

        김형국,진영 한국전자통신연구원 2016 ETRI Journal Vol.38 No.3

        Recent developments in the field of separation of mixed signals into music/voice components have attracted the attention of many researchers. Recently, iterative kernel back-fitting, also known as kernel additive modeling, was proposed to achieve good results for music/voice separation. To obtain minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimates of short-time Fourier transforms of sources, generalized spatial Wiener filtering (GW) is typically used. In this paper, we propose an advanced music/voice separation method that utilizes a generalized weighted β-order MMSE estimation (WbE) based on iterative kernel back-fitting (KBF). In the proposed method, WbE is used for the step of mixed music signal separation, while KBF permits kernel spectrogram model fitting at each iteration. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better separation performance than GW and existing Bayesian estimators.

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