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      • KCI등재

        고려 국왕의 南京 巡幸과 儀禮

        김철웅 서울역사편찬원 2013 서울과 역사 Vol.- No.85

        Royal tour of Koryo Kings was to go round their people and territory. Most kings had an inspection tour to Seokyeong and Namkyeong. The capital city based on the three in Koryo was rationized by the theory of Geomancy. Koryo dynasty established the Southern Capital(Namkyeong) around the presentday Seoul city. The Southern Capital region was called Yangju during the reign of King Taejo of Koryo dynasty. King Munjong wanted to build the southern Capital, but the project could not be finished. Kim Wije suggested to King Sukjong rebuilding of the southern Capital and the capital relocation. Royal tour to the Southern Capital was irregular visit, the highest form of domination. It took about 3~4 days, or 9~10 days long from Gaekyeong, main capital city, to Namkyeong. Royal tour was marked by ceremonial pomp and was courtesy protocol. And Royal tour involved a welcoming ceremony consisting of a review of military honor guards, parades, and the playing of royal musics by a military band. Royal tour to the Southern Capital included a Arrival Ceremony at Namkyeong. It was often with a formal address for the people. Royal tour to the Southern Capital was included usually accompanied by a senior government minister. The southern Capital was accorded a higher status than ordinary prefectures and counties. Among the three secondary capitals, the southern Capital was lower in status than the Western capital, and on a par with the Eastern capital. But as for ceremony the southern Capital' status was on a par with the Western capital. 고려의 남경은 개경, 서경과 함께 삼경으로 취급되는 중요한 지역이었다. 이에 남경 순행의 왕래 과정, 체류 시기 등의 여러 상황, 그리고 순행과 관련한 의례를 살펴보았다. 개경에서 남경까지, 그리고 남경에서 환궁까지 소요되는 시일은 일정하지 않아 빠르면 대략 4·5일이, 늦으면 14일이 걸렸다. 그렇지만 대체로 9~10일이 걸린 경우가 많았다. 아마 직로는 4·5일이, 우회로는 9·10일이 걸린 것으로 보인다. 체류 시일은 짧게는 3~4일(인종·의종), 길게는 30일, 37일, 65일 등으로 일정하지 않았다. 순행 기간은 짧게는 17~18일 정도였고, 길게는 42일~83일 등이었다. 장기간 순행한 것은 남경 순행 후에 장원정에 순행하여 환궁하였기 때문이다. 남경 순행 시기도 일정하지 않았는데, 대체로 8월·9월 경에는 남경을 순행하고 있다. 남경까지는 이른바 ‘임진 도로’와 ‘장단 도로’ 상의 역로를 이용하였을 것인데 국왕 순행 시에는 驛·館 보다는 주로 院을 이용하고 있다. 국왕들이 서경 및 남경 지역을 순행한 것은 태조의 훈요십조와 풍수지리설에 근거한 것이라 생각된다. 그러나 순행 전후의 통치 행위를 볼 때 국왕의 巡幸은 『서경』과 『예기』 등의 유교 경전에 밝힌 ‘省方’의 실천에 목적을 두고 있었다. 고려 국왕들이 남경을 중요하게 생각한 것은 풍수지리설에서 비롯된 것이지만, 근본적으로 순행은 정치적 행위로서 천자인 고려 국왕이 지역(남경)을 순수한다는 의미가 있었다. 국왕들은 남경을 행차할 때 지나온 주·현에 조세 감면의 등의 혜택을 주었고, 명산대천에 제사와 봉작을 내렸다. 남경 순행 의례는 「서남경순행의장」, 「서남경순행회가봉영의장」, 「西南京巡幸還闕奉迎鹵簿」, 「按察使別銜及外官迎行幸儀」 등이 있었다. 이들 의장에는 많은 인원이 동원되었는데, 「서남경순행의장」은 「조회의장」 보다 많고, 「서남경순행회가봉영의장」은 고종 9년에 정한 「宣赦衛仗」 보다 더 많았다. 「서남경순행회가봉영의장」의 인원은 「법가의장」, 「중동팔관회출어위장」 다음으로 많은데 이들 의례가 가장 중요했기 때문일 것이다. 순행 의례는 「서남경순행의장」→「안찰사별함급외관영행행의」→「서남경순행회가봉영의장」·「서남경순행환궐봉영로부」의 순서였다. 남경 순행에서 돌아와 의봉문에 도착하면 덕음을 반포하는데 充庭 儀式으로 거행하였다. 한편 고려시대에 삼경의 위상은 서경, 동경, 남경의 순서였다. 그러나 여러 면에서 남경이 서경과 차이가 있었음에도 불구하고 품계나 순행 의례에서는 동일하였다. 남경은 고려시대에 수 차례에 걸쳐 천도가 논의되었을 만큼 정치적으로도 중요한 의미를 갖는 지역이었다. 그리고 그 순행 의례를 보면 순행 인원은 개경에서 거행된 주요 의례와 별반 차이가 없는 대규모였고, 수행 관료도 分司와 같은 규모였다. 따라서 국왕이 ‘京’을 순행한다는 의미에서 서경이나 남경이나 차이가 없었던 것이다. 즉 의례상으로 남경은 서경과 같은 위상을 갖고 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        東洋學硏究院 50년의 성과와 과제

        김철웅 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2021 東洋學 Vol.0 No.82

        The Academy of Asian Studies succeeds the Institute of Oriental Studies which was founded in September 28, 1970. The Institute of Oriental Studies was reorganized into the Academy of Asian Studies in September 2011 and is now continuing. This year is the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Academy of Asian Studies. This paper traces back the Academy’s 50-year activities and achievements, and suggests tasks for the future developments. The greatest accomplishment of the Academy is the completion of the Dictionary of Korean-Chinese Characters and the Great Chinese-Korean Dictionary. At the end of the 30 some years of efforts, the Academy completed the compilation of the Dictionary of Korean-Chinese Characters and the Great Chinese-Korean Dictionary. After the completion of these dictionaries, the Academy is planning to continuously compile dictionaries, such as the Yidu Dictionary and the Korean-origin Chinese Character Dictionary, which the academic world requires. The Academy has contributed to oriental studies’ developments by publishing the Oriental Studies that is a journal listed in the Korea Citation Index, hosting annually the Academic Conference for Asian Studies, publishing “Asian Studies Series”, and so on. For the future, the Academy should contribute to academic advancements by consistently publishing the Oriental Studies and “Asian Studies Series”, and continuously hosting the academically highly valuable Academic Conference for Asian Studies. The Academy under itself has Institute of History & Culture, Institute of East Asian Traditional Culture, and Institute of East Asian Interchanges as its subsidiary institutes. The Academy should search for the methodologies to invigorate its subsidiary institutes which are the bases of the academy system. The Academy of Asian Studies renewedly professed for Asian studies within its systemic reorganization. The Academy should establish its research areas and goals as much as it professes Asian studies. Also, the expansion of researcher pool and the budget support are necessary to back it up. In order to expand and reinvigorate research activities, stabler budget should be supported. Currently, the Humanities including Asian studies goes through the era pursuing usefulness and economic feasibility. In such a circumstance, it is predictable that the Academy of Asian Studies shall face a lot of difficulties in its future. I hope that the Academy of Asian Studies will make remarkable progress so that it can become a central institution for Asian studies at home and abroad beyond Dankook University’s central research institute around the time of the next 60th or 70th anniversary. 동양학연구원의 전신은 東洋學硏究所로 1970년 9월 28일에 설립되었다. 동양학연구소는 2011년 9월에 동양학연구원으로 개편되어 지금에 이르고 있다. 올해로 동양학연구원은 開院 50주년을 맞이하였다. 동양학연구원 50년의 활동과 성과를 되짚어보면서 향후 발전을 위한 과제들을 제시해보았다. 동양학연구원의 가장 큰 업적은 『韓國漢字語辭典』과 『漢韓大辭典』의 완간일 것이다. 동양학연구원은 30여 년간의 노력 끝에 『한국한자어사전』과 『한한대사전』 편찬을 완성하였다. 이들 사전을 완간한 이후, 『이두사전』, 『한국고유한자자전』 등 학계가 필요로 하는 각종 사전을 지속적으로 편찬할 예정이다. 동양학연구원은 등재학 술지 『東洋學』 발간, 동양학학술회의의 개최, 동양학총서 간행 등을 통해 동양학 발전에 기여해 왔다. 앞으로 도 『東洋學』과 동양학총서의 지속적인 간행, 학술 가치가 높은 동양학학술회의 개최 등을 통해 학문 발전에 기여해야 할 것이다. 동양학연구원은 역사문화연구소, 동아시아전통문화연구소, 동아시아교류연구소 등의 산하 연구소를 두고 있다. 앞으로 동양학연구원은 연구원 체제의 근간인 산하 연구소를 활성화할 수 있는 방안 을 모색해야 할 것이다. 동양학연구원은 체제 개편과 함께 새롭게 아시아학을 표방하였다. 이제 아시아학을 표방하고 있는 만큼 이에 걸맞은 연구 영역과 목표를 구축해야 할 것이다. 아울러 이를 뒷받침할 수 있는 연구자확충과 예산 지원도 필요하다. 연구 활동의 확장과 활성화를 위해서는 좀 더 안정적인 예산이 지원되어야 할 것이다. 현재 동양학을 비롯한 인문학은 효용성과 경제성을 추구하는 시대와 함께 하고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 동양학연구원의 앞날에는 많은 난관이 있을 것으로 예상된다. 향후 60년, 70주년에 즈음해서는 동양학연구원이 단국대학교의 중추 연구기관을 넘어 국내외 아시아학의 중심 기관으로 자리 잡을 수 있도록 괄목상대한 발전이있기를 기대해본다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • Development of olefin interconversion technology

        김철웅 한국공업화학회 2019 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2019 No.1

        In recent years, the light olefin manufacturers have often confronted an unpredictable regional supply-demand imbalance between light olefins due to the higher price of propylene and the expectation of an increase of the propylene demand, and sufficient amounts of ethylene from many newly devised ethane crackers using shale gas in the U.S. Therefore, olefin plant requires an olefin interconversion technology as a simple and optional process to respond quickly to the sudden imbalance of light olefins. The olefin interconversion process is typically divided into two processes: the ethylene-to-propylene (ETP) process and propylene-to-ethylene (PTE) process. Our group has been worked on the catalyst design and process development of olefin interconversion technology. Some results on the synthesis of zeolite catalyst used, their catalytic evaluation, and process evaluation for the commercial application will be presented.

      • KCI등재

        이숭인의 생애 자료와 활동

        김철웅 釜山大學校 韓國民族文化硏究所 2015 한국민족문화 Vol.56 No.-

        Lee, Sung-In was a distinguished wise man of the late Goryeo dynasty era. In the 16th year of Gongminwang’s reign, when the Seong’gyungwan was completed, Lee, Sung-In joined the task of promoting Neo-Confucianism at the side of Yi, Saek. In the first year Wuwang’s reign he opposed the government’s plan to greet the emissary from Northern Yuan. When General Lee, Seong-Gye returned with his troops from Wihwado he sided with officials such as Lee Saek who wanted to preserve the Goryeo dynasty. Lee, Sung-In was very much active in supporting the employment and initiation of Neo-Confucian. He was victimized by political opponents together with the defeat of Goryeo and evaluated that had done every budding bureaucrats and politicions to participare in a real consideration with the defeat of Goryeo as throughout his life that left a very special footsteps. He has never deviated from the course of honestly all his life and was constant in his patriotic resolution through his long career. The first edition of Lee, Sung-In"s Doeunjip(陶隱集) was published in the early Chosun period, and the seven kinds of editions were published until 1923. The six kinds of editions, Doeunjip followed the compiling way of the first edition. The sixth edition were published in 1922, and the seventh edition were published in 1923. The fact that Doeunjip has seven editions means that later generations were much interested in Lee, Sung-In. There are his annals and biographical data in the sixth edition and the seventh edition. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out more systemic studies or researches on Lee, Sung-In"s outlook on world and activities who lived in the turbulent period of history.

      • KCI등재

        홍화약침액(紅花藥鍼液)이 t-Butylhydroperoxide에 의한 가토(家兎)의 뇌조직(腦組織) Na<sup>+</sup>-K<sup>+</sup>-ATPase 활성장애(活性障碍)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        김철웅,서정철,윤현민,장경전,송춘호,안창범,Kim, Cheol-Woong,Seo, Jung-Chul,Youn, Hyoun-Min,Jang, Kyung-Jeon,Song, Choon-Ho,Ahn, Chang-Beohm 대한침구의학회 2001 대한침구의학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Objectives ; This study was undertaken to determine whether Carthami-Flos aquacapuncture (CFA) exerts protective effect against oxidant-induced inhibition of $Na^+-K^+$-ATPase activity in cerebral synaptosomes. Methods and Results ; The enzyme activity was dependent on incubation time and enzyme protein concentrations. An oxidant t-butylhydroperoxide (tBHP) at 1 mM concentration caused a significant inhibition of $Na^+-K^+$-ATPase activity, which was prevented by addition of 0.01% CFA. tBHP inhibition and CFA protection were independent on incubation time or enzyme protein concentrations. The enzyme activity was increased by ATP in a dose dependent manner. Effects of tBHP and CFA were not affected by ATP cocentrations. tBHP (1 mM) produced a significant increase in lipid peroxidation in cerebral synaptosomes, which was prevented by 0.01% CFA. CFA decreased oxygen free radicals generated induced by the phorbol-ester in a dose-dependent manner in human neutrophil. Conclusions ; These results suggest that CFA exerts protective effect against tBHP-induced inhibition of $Na^+-K^+$-ATPase activity, which is due to by an antioxidant action resulting from a direct scavenging effect of oxygen free radicals in the cerebral synaptosomes.

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