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        일제 강점기 한국시의 자연에 관한 연구

        김지숙(Kim Ji-Sug) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2005 인문사회과학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The aim of this study is to explore the response of the Korean poetry to the special situation under the Japanese rule in Korea and the aspects of the major Korean poets' views of Nature and life in their poetry during this period through the material 'Nature'. They divided life in their poems into four types: realistic life, aesthetic life, instinctive life, and transcendental life and the properties of Nature in them related to human life are as follows. First, it can be said that the relation between speakers' realistic life and Nature is that these speakers approach to Nature and the reality. The speakers of Kim, So-Wol, Oh, Jang-Hwan, Lee, Yook-Sa, Yoon, and Dong-Ju in their poetry are highly interested in realistic life and Nature. Second, when it comes to the relation between speakers' aesthetic life and Nature in poetry, speakers approach to Nature and try to avoid the reality. Although the speakers of Jung, Ji-Yong, Kim, Young-Ryang, Park, Mok-Wol, and Jo, Ji-Hoon in their poetry are beyond the reality, they are interested in Nature with the aesthetic eye. Third, if we consider the relation between speakers' instinctive life and Nature, there is a tendency that speakers try to escape from Nature and the reality. The speakers of Lee, Yong-Ak, Noh, Chun-Myung, Lee, Sang-Hwa's seem to have in common in that they tend to escape from Nature and the reality and this tendency to escape can be explained from the frustration in instinctive life. Fourth, as for the relation between speakers' transcendental life and Nature, we can see that speakers escape from Nature and approach to the reality. In the case of the poems of Lee, Jang-Hee, Shin, Suk-Jung, Pak, Sok, and Park, Du-Jin, Nature is related to speakers' lives and this is represented as a myth, degradation, fantasy, and ideal.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        최근 5년간 나병의 병리조직학적 고찰

        김지숙 ( Kim Ji Sug ),김명화 ( Kim Myeong Hwa ),최혜영 ( Choe Hye Yeong ),함정희 ( Ham Jeong Hui ),고영훈 ( Go Yeong Hun ) 대한피부과학회 2003 대한피부과학회지 Vol.41 No.8

        N/A Background : In Korea, the prevalence of leprosy and the number of new indigenous cases has fallen. With this reason, the diagnosis of leprosy is not as easy as in the past and it became more dependent of the histopathologic features by skin biopsy. Object : The aim of this study was to document and analyze the clinical and histopathological features of leprosy in Korea. Methods : We carried out the clinical and histopathological studies on 90 leprosy patients who visited the Institute of Leprosy Control during the period from Jan. 1998 to Aug. 2002. Results : The results obtained were as follows. 1. Elongated granulomas which are frequently observed in the leprosy lesions, was not present in the 3 cases(18.7%) of T types, 2 cases(28.6%) of B types and 17 cases(27.9%) of L types of leprosy. 2. In the L type of leprosy, infiltration of foamy cells showed elongated(63.9%) or nodular(27.9%) patterns more than typical diffuse infiltrative pattern(8.2%). 3. Selective nerve involvement by lymphocytes was found in 2 cases of L types of leprosy. 4. In the B type and the L type leprosy, prominent nerve involvement and neural destruction was not found in 1 and 7 cases, respectively and sparse to mild infiltration of foamy cells was found in 71.4% and 34.4%, respectively. Conclusion : In the histopathological diagnosis of T type leprosy, elongated or even round granuloma, perineurial lymphocytic infiltration and nerve remnant in the granuloma was characteristic. As for L type of leprosy, we should know that in 1/3 cases, it can show only sparse to mild infiltration of foamy cells and there is no obvious nerve abnormalities. Therefore, these results suggest that many cases of leprosy can show atypical histopathological findings and we should take caution in the diagnosis of leprosy. (Korean J Dermatol 2003;41(8) : 1049~1056)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        육아종성 색소성 자반성 피부염

        김소연 ( Kim So Yeon ),김지숙 ( Kim Ji Sug ),김명화 ( Kim Myeong Hwa ),최혜영 ( Choe Hye Yeong ),명기범 ( Myeong Gi Beom ) 대한피부과학회 2003 대한피부과학회지 Vol.41 No.11

        Granulomatous pigmented purpuric dermatosis was first described by Saito and Matsuoka in 1996. Clinically, the lesions manifest purpuric and petechial brown pigmented macules as a result of hemosiderin deposits. Histopathologically, it is characterized by lymphocytic perivascular infiltrate limited to the papillary dermis with extravasated red blood cells and hemosiderin deposition, accompanied by granulomatous infiltration. We report our experience of a case which presented a clinical picture of pigmented purpuric dermatosis and histologically granulomatous inflammation. (Korean J Dermatol 2003;41(11) : 1530-1533)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        조갑진균증이 동반된 피부 국소성 점액증 1예

        김소영 ( Kim So Yeong ),김지숙 ( Kim Ji Sug ),김명화 ( Kim Myeong Hwa ),최혜영 ( Choe Hye Yeong ),명기범 ( Myeong Gi Beom ) 대한피부과학회 2004 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.42 No.1

        N/A Cutaneous focal mucinosis was first described by Johnson and Helwig in 1961 and is histo-logically characterized by localized accumulation of mucin in the upper and middermis with scattered spindle-shaped fibroblasts. The mucis is jelly-like acid mucopolysaccharide consisting of hyaluronic acid bound to small amounts of chondroitin sulfate and heparin. The pathogenesis of cutaneous mucinosis is unclear. However, studies of various cutaneous mucinoses suggest that there may be an unknown circulating factor that stimulates fibroblasts to produce this material. Differential diagnoses include papular mucinosis, myxoid cyst, cutaneous myxom. Simple surgical excision is the treatment of choice. In the present case, cutaneous focal mucinosis occurs on the nail bed with onycho-mycosis. (Korean J Dermatol 2004;42(1):61~64)

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