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      • 서해연안 조간대에 서식하는 점망둑(Chasmichthys dolichognathus)의 식성

        김종연(Jong-Yeon KIM) 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 2004 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 연구논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        To know the food chain of an intertidal community, feeding habits of Chasmichthys dolichognathus were studied by analyzing stomach contents. C dolichognatluIs were monthly collected and the feeding habits were investigated in the intertidal zone of Dodun-ri, Sochon from May 1997 to April 1998. Fullness of stomach was increased twice a day in the morning and afternoon except winter. C dolichognathus(1.0-6.0cm TL) was a carnivore which consumed mainly gammarid amphipods, polychaetes, copepods and crabs. Its diets included minor quantities of gastropods, shrimps, bivalves, cirriped larvae and stomatopods. C dolichognatluIs showed ontogenetic changes in feeding habits. Small individuals fed mainly on gammarid amphipods, polychaetes and copepods. While the portion of the stomach contents attributable to polychaetes and crabs increased steadily with increasing fish size, consumption of copepods decreased progressivly. Although gammarid amphipods, polychaetes, copepods and crabs were major prey organisms for all seasons, the relative proportion of these food items changed with seasons. Consumption of copepods was relatively high in spring and fall and consumption of gammarid amphipods, polvchaetes and crabs was relatively high in summer.

      • KCI등재

        서해연안 조간대에 서식하는 두줄망둑(Tridentiger trigonocephalus) 자치어의 먹이생물

        김종연(Jong-Yeon KIM),윤종만(Jong-Man YOON) 한국수산해양교육학회 2016 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.28 No.1

        To investigate the feeding habits of Tridentiger trigonocephalus juveniles captured in the intertidal zone of Dodun-ri, Seocheon-gun from the end of May to early June 2012, the gut contents were observed. Feeding incidence of the juveniles increased twice a day, first in the morning and second in the afternoon. The major food organisms of the juveniles (6.5〜10.0 ㎜ NL) were composed of copepods (65.4%), amphipods (2.0%), shrimp larvae (14.5%), polychaete larvae (22.6%), and etc. These food items held more than 2 percentage in the dry weight of the total food items.

      • KCI등재

        미호천 퇴적층의 매몰연대에 대한 연구: 정북동 토성과 범람원의 물질을 대상으로

        김종연 ( Jong Yeon Kim ),성정용 ( Jeong Yong Seong ) 한국지리학회 2016 한국지리학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        Depositional environment changes of drainage basin of Geum River during Pleistocene and Holocene have been studied by some researchers. Previous studies classified fluvial terraces along the channel of Miho river by the relative height from the current river channel. The lower terraces of this area supposed to be formed after the last glacial maximum. However, the burial age of fluvial sediments of Miho river have not estimated using numerical method. Samples for age estimation were collected from the Jeongbuk earth wall and adjacent area. The Jeongbuk earth wall is supposed to be constructed on the natural levee of Miho river. Sand layer forms the basis of fluvial depositional layers of the study area. The fluvial gravel layer, can be found from the channel bed, overlain the basal sand layer and are covered by upper sand and finer particle layer. The burial age of upper sand layer and finer particle layer are estimated as 13.65±2.04ka BP and 4ka BP respectively. At the south-east part of the wall three burial ages are estimated from samples of the lowest part (sand; 9ka), middle part (finer particles; 6ka) and the upper part (sandy: 9ka). The soil wedges are found from clay layer at the bottom of south part of the wall and adjacent floodplain area. The burial age of these layer estimated as 17~12ka BP and it is the time global warming after the last glacial maximum. It was reported that precipitation of that period also increased.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        충청북도의 하천 지형 연구에 대한 고찰

        김종연 ( Jong Yeon Kim ) 한국지리학회 2016 한국지리학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Previous studies on fluvial landforms in Chungcheongbukdo (Province) are reviewed in this study. Various micro-forms, like pothole and grooves, are found from channel bed of mountain streams incising granite area of Sobaek mountain range. However only the forms at Hwayang valley area were studied. Fluvial terraces can be found from the Danyang area, mid reach of the Nanhangang (River). Lower terrace of this area are regarded as fill terrace, while upper terraces are weathered strath terrace. There are some proposed hypothesis on the age and forming processes of terraces, but further scientific analysis on the chemical composition of weathered sediment and burial ages are needed. Number of abandoned channels are formed by meander cut along the head and mid reach of Dalchen (River), a tributary of Namhangang. Information on the burial age of the sediment can contribute to the studies on the landform change of Sobaek mountain range. Abandoned palaeo-channel and terraces can be found from the Chogangcheon (River) in Yeongdonggun, southern part of Chungcheonbukdo. There are previous studies on fluvial terraces along the Mihocheon (River), the forming age and processes of terrace are reported recently.

      • KCI등재

        기반암의 물리 화학적 특성과 산지 풍화 지형 발달과의 관계에 대한 연구1) -강원도 삼척시 쉰움산을 사례로-

        김종연 ( Kim Jong Yeon ) 한국사진지리학회 2017 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        There are more than 250 weathering pits at the top of the Suinumsan (mountain), located in Samcheok, Gangwon province. Previous researches have distinguished the pits according to their geometrical aspects and formation process. In this study, the landscape of the top (SU07∼SU13) and mid-slope of mountain (Su02∼06) are investigated. In order to compare the characteristics of rock strength and chemical composition affecting pit formation, XRF analysis and Schmidt hammer rebound test were adapted. In the field survey, linear depressions (groove) and circular depressions (gnamma) were found in the middle of the slope. The scale were smaller and development level were lower than those of the mountain top. Also, forming process of the circular pits were similar to the portholes. There was no difference in the rebound strength between two sites. However, there is a difference in rebound strength within each site, which seems to be related to the characteristics of horizontal and vertical cracks developed at each site. Based on this, it seems that there is no direct relationship between rebound strength and pit development. The chemical composition also showed no difference between the top and the midpoint of the slope and the chemical weathering index was not affected by weathering as a whole. The chemical composition also showed a difference in each point. The correlation between rock strength and chemical composition was investigated. There was a direct correlation between the two variables, but there was statistically significant correlation between the content of Si and the content of Al. However, there was no significant correlation with CIA. These results should be reviewed together with the validity of the relevant indicators through further studies in the future.

      • KCI등재

        양구 수입천 단구의 빙기 퇴적물의 특성에 대한 연구

        김종연 ( Jong Yeon Kim ),신원정 ( Won Jeong Shin ) 한국지리학회 2014 한국지리학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        There are some previous studies on the sedimentary deposits of glacial period in Korea. Most of these deposits are identified as loess or loess like aeolian deposits based on physical characteristics, while chemical composition of these deposits caused debate on the origins and the natures. The characteristics of the fluvial terrace deposits found from Suip river, Bangsan, Yanggu-gun, Gangwon-do which the burial age of its particles belong to MIS 6, are analyzed using granulometric studies and geochemical analysis in this study. The result from XRF used to find chemical composition and weathering related indices, while XRD results are used to identify the rock foorming minerals and clay minerals. The color of the deposits showed similarity with previously reported loess lays, however these are coarser and far poorly sorted than the loess. These deposits are located at illite zone by the chemical composition and some layer affected by the post-depositional disturbance caused by additional supply of unweathered material. The quartz peaks are dominant for all samples. For the clay minerals, illite peaks are stronger than those of kaolin. It must be the effect of climatic characteristics ever since the deposition event of the area. The strong feldsapr peaks are also found and it could be the result of postdepositional disturbances.

      • KCI등재

        오대천 수항 계곡의 산지 하천성 퇴적층 특성에 대한 연구

        김종연 ( Jong Yeon Kim ),이상헌 ( Sang Heon Yi ),종욱 ( Jong Wook Kim ) 한국지리학회 2012 한국지리학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        The sediment particles found from depositional landforms at Suhangri, Hajinbu, Gangwon province were analyzed in this study. The samples were collected from the depositional forms located near of Odaecheon. Odaecheon is deeply dissecting the paleozoic sedimentary rocks (mainly sandstone) and formed fluvial terraces along its course. The sediment particles of depositional landforms showed different origin and transport route. The lower terraces near of current channel are formed with well rounded granite gravels while higher depositional forms at the foot of the slope are formed with sub angular - sub rounded sandstone gravels with clay matrix. In addition, the thickness of the landforms found less than 10m. So it should be pointed that overall feature of the landform is not decided by the depositional processes of stream but the surface feature formed by erosional processes. It is also found from the slope of the mountain that the gullies on the slope are the main erosional and depositional agents. The sediment particles formed by mechanical weathering or deposited by other processes are transported through the gully. The particles found from the bottom of the gully showed similar roundness and lithology with depositional forms at footslope. It means that sediment particles at the area transported from upslope by the gullying rather than upstream by the fluvial processes. So, it should be mentioned that the depositional forms at this area have different sediment link with slope or upstream reaches, though relative height form the channel is similar.

      • KCI등재

        단보 : 외국의 해외지명 결정 관련 조직 현황에 대한 연구 -영토교육을 위한 기초 연구-

        김종연 ( Jong Yeon Kim ) 한국지리환경교육학회 2008 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        지리교육 분야에서 우리 영토의 교육은 그 중요성에 비하여 간과되어온 측면이 크다. 독도와 동해와 관련한 국제적인 논쟁이 발생할 경우 영토교육의 강화가 중요한 과제로 부각되어 왔으나, 이에 대응하는 학교교육을 위한 교육 자료 제공 등은 역사적 자료에 치중되어 왔다는 지적이 있다. 이는 지리분야에서의 자료의 부족 등에 기인한 측면도 있다. 특히 지명은 문화적 유산으로 지리학의 중요한 연구 대상이었으며 영유권과 관련한 국가간의 논쟁에서 중요한 증거 자료로서의 중요한 역할을 해왔다. 그러나 지금까지 한국 정부는 지명과 지명 표기의 중요성에 대한 큰 강조점을 두지 않아 왔으며, 학교교육에서도 이에 대한 교육은 사실상 존재하지 않아 왔다. 또한 외국의 지명 결정 관련 기관에 대한 연구와 이의 학교 교육에의 전파는 전혀 이루어지지 않아왔다. 본 연구에서는 미국과 영국의 지명 표기 관련 기관인 `미국지명위원회`, 영국의 `영국정부의 공식적 이용을 위한 지명에 대한 영구 위원회` 그리고 `국제연합지명전문가회의`의 역사와 역할, 조직 현황을 살피고자 한다. 이러한 자료의 제공을 통하여 현장 지리교육에서의 영토교육에 요구되는 자료를 제공하고, 향후 우리 정부의 독도 및 동해 관련 대응과 영토에 대한 학교 교육에 기여하고자 한다. Education on territory is the important issue in geography education, however most of study materials for territory education has been biased on historic document rather than geographic facts, even in the geography curriculum of school. It is partly caused by the lack of information on the territory and international context of the issue. Geographical name or toponym is the cultural heritage of specific cultural group and has been an important part of geographical research. However, Korean government`s activities on territorial dispute has been focused on the aspect of international law rather than holistic approach to the issue. There is strong need to review Korean government`s policies on geographical name after the conflict between U.S and Korea caused by the USBGN`s decision on display of the sovereignty and toponym over Dokdo island in the East Sea on their geographical name search service through internet. In this paper, the history, organizational structure and role of the US and UK governmental bodies on foreign geographical names were examined to provide information for territory education. The role and activities of UNGEGN also investigated. In addition, cooperation between the USBGN and PCGN of UK also be examined.

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