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        일제강점기 월미도유원지를 통한 행락 문화의 수용과 변화에 관한 연구

        김정은,Kim, Jeoung-Eun 한국조경학회 2014 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.42 No.5

        일제강점기 도입된 유원지는 새로운 행락활동이 조직되는 장이었으며, 대규모 사적 공간인 동시에 새로운 유형의 공공 공간으로 발전해갔다. 이에 본 연구에서 당시 대표적 유원지였던 월미도유원지를 통해 유원지의 경관과 수용, 행락 문화의 변화를 고찰해 보았다. 당시 월미도는 수목과 어우러진 이국적 건물, 해수욕장, 임해학교, 공설운동장, 동물원 등 서구 및 일본 유원지의 요소들이 섬 곳곳에 배치되어 종합적인 오락/놀이 공간이 되었다. 일제강점기 경성과 경인선으로 연결되었던 월미도유원지는 당시 대표적 행락지로 떠오르면서, 행락 문화의 대중화와 상품화 과정을 보여준다. 행락의 대중화 과정을 보면, 유원지를 통해 수려한 풍경을 찾아 여가를 즐기는 행락 활동이 다양한 계층으로 확산되는 양상을 확인할 수 있다. 사회적으로는 신분제가 철폐되고, 유원지의 이용은 비용만 지불하면 누구라도 이용할 수 있었고, 그 이용요금도 다양하였으므로, 유원지에서의 행락은 남녀노소, 조선인과 일본인 등 계층의 구분이 점차 사라져갔다. 또한 유원지는 서구적인 취미-스포츠 활동이 펼쳐지는 공간이었으며, 여름학교와 각종 운동경기가 열리면서 집단적이고 역동적인 활동을 보편화하는 매개가 된다. 동시에, 유흥시설과 복합되어 기존의 사회적 규범에서 일탈하는 공간이 되기도 했다. 행락의 상품화는 인위적 환경 속 인공적 오락문화의 형태로 이루어졌다. 첫째, 인위적으로 경관을 조성하고, 이를 매개로 '매혹적인 여름 휴양지', '물나라' 등 낙원이라는 장소이미지를 만들어낸다. 이는 관광을 통해 경제적 이윤을 창출하고, 지역개발을 꾀하려는 식민당국과 철도회사, 유원회사의 의도가 결합한 결과이다. 둘째, 자연을 배경으로 한 인위적인 스펙터클을 조성한다. 월미도 유원지에는 다양한 양식의 건물들이 조합되어 선진화되고, 이국적인 이미지를 만들어낸다. 특히 방파제나 아케이드 등의 인공물들은 자연과 군중을 새로운 시점에서 조망할 수 있도록 하여 새로운 볼거리를 창출했다. 셋째, 유원지는 주어진 용도와 이용방법을 벗어남 없이 따르는 수동적인 이용자를 등장시켰다. 이처럼 유원지가 역동적인 활동을 지원하는 공간으로 조성되면서 현재 관광 단지나 놀이공원, 테마파크 등의 대중적 오락 공간의 원형적 모습을 확인할 수 있다. Pleasure grounds, which were introduced during the Japanese colonial era, were places for organizing new amusement activities, and developed into a large-scale private spaces and a new type of public space at the same time. This study explores the scenery and accommodations of pleasure grounds and the changes of the amusement culture through the Wolmido Pleasure Grounds, which was a typical pleasure grounds of the time. At that time, Wolmido became a comprehensive amusement/entertainment place with many elements of both Western and Japanese pleasure grounds such as exotic buildings harmonized with trees, a beach, a seaside school, public playing field, and zoo constructed on the Island. Wolmido Pleasure Ground, which was connected with Kyungsung by Kyungin railroad during the Japanese colonial era, is a good example showing the process of the popularization and commercialization of the amusement culture. The process of popularization of amusement shows the spreading of the enjoyment of leisure time with amusement activities through appreciating the beautiful scenery of the pleasure grounds among various social classes. The caste system was broken and anyone could use the pleasure grounds by paying the fee, of which there were many kinds, so the distinction between genders and the different classes, such as the Chosun people and Japanese, regarding amusement in pleasure grounds disappeared gradually. Also, pleasure grounds were a place for Western hobby-sports activities and were the means to generalize collective and dynamic activities through summer school and various sport games. At the same time, there were places for deviation from the existing social norms when it was combined with entertainment facilities. The commercialization of amusement took place in the form of an artificial entertainment culture within an artificial environment. First, the scenery was artificially constructed and this scenery created the image of paradise such as 'captivating summer vacation spot' and 'water kingdom'. This was the result of the combined intentions of the colonial authority, the railroad company and the amusement corporation to produce economic profits and encourage development in the area. Second, an artificial spectacle was constructed using nature as the backdrop. Buildings of various styles created a modernized and exotic image when they were combined with each other. Artifacts such as breakwaters and arcades created new attractions for people that enabled them to view both nature and the crowds from a whole different perspective. Third, pleasure grounds contributed to the advent of passive users who would just follow the given use and instructions. In this way, one can find the prototype of popular entertainment places of today such as sightseeing complexes, amusement parks, and theme parks through the construction of amusement grounds as a place for providing dynamic activities.

      • KCI우수등재

        일제강점기 창경원의 이미지와 유원지 문화

        김정은,Kim, Jeoung-Eun 한국조경학회 2015 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.43 No.6

        창경원은 일제강점기 창경궁에 박물관과 동 식물원이 계획되면서 조성된 유원지다. 오락거리를 갖추고 즐거움을 주는 공간인 유원지는 현실에서 벗어난 낙원의 이미지를 재현해왔다. 본 연구는 창경원의 조성 과정과 공간 변화를 고찰하고, 그 결과 조성된 낙원으로서 유원지의 경관과 문화적 특성을 도출했다. 창경원의 조성 의도와 과정을 문헌으로 고찰한 결과, 창경원은 조선의 식민지화 과정에서 순종의 즐거움을 위한 '어원'이자, '대중을 위한 오락장'으로 조성되었으며, 개원과 동시에 일반인들에게 개방되면서 누구나 입장료만 지불하면 이용할 수 있는 공중을 위한 공간이 되었다. 창경원의 공간 구성은 근대 도면과 사진을 비교 분석해 파악했다. 창경원의 배치를 살펴보면, 중앙에는 박물관 영역, 북쪽에는 식물원 영역, 남쪽에는 동물원 영역으로 구성되었다. 식물원 지구에는 대온실을 중심으로 한 식물배양실 등 열대 식물의 전시 및 관리 기능이 집약되었으며, 동물원 영역의 연못은 수금방양소로 만들고, 이 주변으로 각종 동물사와 동물 온실을 신축했다. 박물관 시설은 본관 건물뿐만 아니라, 기존의 전각들을 전시 시설로 흡수했으며, 전각 사이에는 서양식 정원을 조성해 꽃을 계획적으로 재배하기도 했다. 1930년대에 이르면 아동운동장이나 말운동장과 같이 어린이들을 위한 놀이 공간이 만들어졌다. 다음으로 창경원의 낙원 이미지와 유원지 문화를 고찰했다. 그 결과, 첫째, 창경원은 동 식물원을 통해 희귀한 동물과 식물들을 대중적으로 접할 수 있는 낙원의 이미지를 가지게 되었다. 이는 꽃관상이나 동물 구경과 같은 새로운 대중오락을 만들어냈다. 둘째, 창경원은 도시의 일상에서 탈출할 수 있는 '도시 안에서 도시 밖 자연을 간직한 낙원'을 상징하며, 도시민의 여가 공간이 되었다. 셋째, 벚꽃의 개화기에 야간 개방이 시작되면서 창경원에서는 조명 효과를 중심으로 '환상적인 밤 경관'이 연출되었다. 이러한 밤벚꽃놀이는 각종 공연, 음주 등과 결합되면서 선정적으로 변해갔고, 그 결과 창경원은 일탈의 낙원이라는 이미지를 가지게 되었다. 창경원은 다양한 성격의 시설이 혼재되면서 유원지라는 새로운 유형의 공간을 만들어내는데 기여했으며, 사람들은 유원지에서의 경험을 통해 새로운 오락 문화를 수용했다. Changgyeongwon emerged as pleasure grounds following the creation of a museum, zoo and botanical garden in Changgyeonggung Palace during the Japanese colonial period. Pleasure grounds offer space for entertainment and have maintained the image of a paradise apart from reality. This study examined the creation process of pleasure grounds within a royal palace and the following spatial changes. By analyzing the image of Changgyeongwon as an artificial paradise, this study explored its landscape and cultural aspects. Literature reviews on the intention and process showed that the Changgyeongwon pleasure grounds were created as a 'royal garden' for the amusement of Sunjong, as well as 'public pleasure grounds' in the process of colonization. It was one of the first public spaces open to everyone who could afford the entrance fee. The layout of Changgyeongwon was studied by a comparison and analyzation of modern plans and photographs. It was composed of the central museum zone, northern botanical garden zone, and southern zoological garden zone. A conservatory and greenhouse to exhibit and maintain tropical plants were intensively built in the botanical garden zone while an aviary was created on the zoo pond. In the vicinity of the aviary a vivarium was constructed. Museum exhibition facilities included a main building as well as existing buildings, and a western flower garden was created between the buildings. Space for children including a playground and horse-riding course were created in the 1930's. The paradisiacal image and pleasure grounds culture of Changgyeongwon were studied as follows. Firstly, it shows that Changgyeongwon's paradisiacal image where rare animals and exotic plants were open to the public was promoted by the zoo and botanical garden. This led to the creation of new popular leisure activities such as flower appreciation and animal watching. Secondly, Changgyeongwon offered an urban leisure space, symbolizing the 'non-urban nature within the city' where the urban residents could escape from the daily routine. Thirdly, Changgyeongwon was known for its 'fantastic night landscape' by its night opening during the cherry blossom season. This cherry blossom viewing at night sadly degenerated by various shows and drinking, and as a result, an image of a deviant paradise was given to Changgyeongwon. Changgyeongwon contributed to creating a new space with its diverse facilities, and the public embraced the urban culture through experiences of pleasure and entertainment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학습기술과 인지기능과의 관계 연구

        김정은(Jeoung-Eun KIM),강영심(Young-Sim KANG) 한국수산해양교육학회 2009 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between learning skills and cognitive functions on elementary school students. In this study CAS and Learning Skills Test(LST) were administered with 3 to 6 grade, 60 students from 5 elementary schools. The data were analyzed according to Pearson's correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. The results are as follows. Firstly, girls and older students showed significantly higher ability than boys and younger students on the learning skills. And girls significantly outperformed boys on the planning function and attention function and on the simultaneous cognitive function was the other way round. Secondly, learning skills were explained 41% by two variables that the planning function and the successive function which are sub factors of the cognitive function. And then, planning and successive processing effected to self-management, attention and planning to test-taking skills, successive processing and attention to class-participation skills, and successive processing to information processing.

      • KCI등재

        성인 천식과 우울증과의 관계에 관한 연구

        김여진 ( Yeo Jin Kim ),김정은 ( Jeoung Eun Kim ),이주석 ( Ju Suk Lee ) 대한천식알레르기학회 2015 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease Vol.3 No.3

        Purpose: Asthma is one of the most common allergic diseases in which depression is an important comorbidity. However, little is known about the prevalence of depression in Korean adult asthmatics. This study was performed to evaluate the association between asthma and depression and to investigate the clinical characteristics of Korean adult asthmatics with depression. Methods: Data were acquired from 18,066 men and women, aged older than 19 years who participated in the Fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, which was conducted from 2010 to 2012. The presence of asthma was based on self-reported physician diagnosis of asthma in the Health Interview Surveys. Results: The prevalence of asthma was 3.2%, and that of depression was 4.2%. In univariate analysis, adults with asthma were old age, marital status, unemployment, low education, low monthly family income, low number of household members, obesity (P<0.05) were significantly associated with asthma, but sex, residence area, and smoking status were not associated with asthma. The prevalence of hypertension and depression were higher in asthmatics (P<0.05), while diabetes mellitus was not associated with asthma. After adjustment for age, marital status, number of household members, monthly family income, body mass index, hypertension, unemployment, low educated status, and depression were associated with the higher prevalence of asthma (P<0.01). Depression was associated with female sex, unemployment, while it was not associated with lung function in asthmatics. Conclusion: The results of this study show that depression may be an important risk factor for asthma in Korean adults. Further studies are needed to explore mechanisms responsible for the association between depression and asthma.(Allergy Asthma Respir Dis 2015;3:173-179)

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