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        10대 카누 선수의 철분영양상태 조사

        김정수,김선효,권용헌 한국운동과학회 2002 운동과학 Vol.11 No.2

        김정수, 김선효, 권용헌. 10대 카누선수의 철분영양상태 조사. 운동과학 제11권 제2호, 535-550, 2002. 이 연구는 남녀 중·고등학교 카누선수를 preseason 중에 18명, season 중에 12명을 대상으로 식이 조사와 혈액검사를 통해 카누 선수의 스포츠 빈혈 요인을 분석하였다. Preseason과 season 중 남녀 카누 선수의 평균 연령은 15.3세, 평균신장은 173.3㎝, 평균체중은 64.9㎏이었으며, 평균체질량 지수(BMI)는 21.7로 표준 체중에 속하였다. 식이 조사는 24시간 기억법(24-hour recall method)과 CAN프로그램(computer aided nutritional analysis program; 한국영양학회개발)을 이용하여 조사된 내용을 한국인 영양 권장량(Korean RDA)과 비교하였다. 혈청 철, 혈철 페리틴, TIBC, TS, 헤마토크리트 그리고 헤모글로빈 등 철 영양상태에 대해 분석하였다. 연구결과 식이를 통한 하루 영양소 섭취량은 preseason보다 season동안에 남녀 선수 모두 높았으며, 남자선수에 비해 여자선수의 철 섭취량이 양호하였다(p<0.05). Preseason 중에 철 섭취량은 권장량의 63.7%로 낮았으며, season 중에는 권장량의 93.6%로 권장량고 거의 유사하였다(p<0.01). 끼니별 영양소 섭취 비율에서 preseason과 season 동안 아침, 점심, 저녁식사와 간식을 통한 영양소 섭취 비율은 남자선수의 경우는 양호하였으나, 여자선수의 경우 아침식사를 통한 영양소 섭취비율이 낮고 간식을 통한 영양소 섭취비율이 높아 바람직하지 못하였다. Preseason과 season 동안 동물성 식품과 식물성 식품을 통한 철의 섭취 비율은 남녀 모두 식물성 식품에서 2/3정도 섭취하고 있어, 연구대상자의 철의 주요 급원은 식물성 식품으로 나타났다. 전체 대상자의 heme 철과 nonheme 철 섭취량은 preseason 보다 season 동안이 2배정도 높았으나(p<0.05), 가상적인 철 흡수율은 season에서 낮았다. 이는 preseason에 비해 season에서 철 유용도가 낮은 식사를 하는 비율이 높았기 때문으로 생각된다. 혈청 철 농도와 transferrin 포화도는 preseason 보다 season에서 높았으나(p<0.05), ferritin을 제외한 혈청 철 영양 상태 분석 지표는 두 기간간에 차이가 없고 대부분이 정상범위에 속해 있었다. Preseason과 season에서 전체 대상자의 혈청 ferritin 농도와 혈청 중의 다른 철 영양 상태를 나타내 주는 지표들간의 상관관계는 혈청 ferritin 농도와 혈청 TS간에는 유의적인 양의 상관관계가 있었으나(p<0.05), 다른 지표간에는 유의성이 나타나지 않았다. 빈혈 발생 요인은 preseason에서 혈청 ferritin 44.4%, 철 농도 50%, TS 44.4% 그리고 Hb 13.3%, Hct 6.7%로 나타났으며, season에서는 33.3%, 25.0%, 25.0% 그리고 8.3%, 8.3%로 각각 나타났다. 연구 대상자의 식이를 통한 철 섭취량은 preseason에서는 불량하고 season에는 양호하여, 두 기간간에 차이가 있어 철 영양섭취가 평소에 고르게 이루어지지 않고 있음을 보여주었다. 그러나 season의 경우에도 철 유용도를 높일 수 있는 MPF나 비타민 C의 섭취가 적절히 이루어지지 못해, 철 흡수율을 떨어뜨릴 수 있는 등 철 섭취의 질적인 문제도 인식할 수 있었다. 따라서 preseason과 season의 구분 없이 철의 양적, 질적인 섭취를 고려한 균형 잡힌 식사와 함께, 개개인의 체력에 맞는 적절한 운동량 조절이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 또한 남녀 대상자 모두 흡수율이 낮은 nonheme 철을 주로 섭취하고 있으므로 육류의 붉은 살코기, 가금류 및 생선류 등을 주로 섭취하고 철의 흡수율을 높이는 데에 기여하는 비타민 C의 섭취도 충분히 해야할 것이다. 아울러 운동선수의 합리적인 영양관리를 위한 영양교육과 체력에 맞는 운동조절이 함께 이루어져야 카누선수들의 빈혈 발생률을 줄일 수 있을 것이다. Kim, J. S., Kim, S. H. and Kwon, Y. H. A Study on the Nutrition Status of Iron among Teenage Canoe Players in Korea Exercise Science, 11(2): 535-550, 2002. This study was carried out to compare the nutrition status of iron(Fe) among teenage canoe players in Korea between the periods of preseason and season, based upon dietary nutrient intakes and serum indices of Fe nutrition status. Subjects were composed of 18 and 12 students including male and females, in preseason and season, respectively. Blood was collected for all subjects after 15 hour fasting in preseason and in season, respectively. Serum Fe concentration, ferritin concentration, total Fe binding capacity(TIBC), transferrin saturation(TS), hematocrit(Hct) and hemoglobin(Hb) values were determined. As a result, dietary nutrient intakes were lower in preseason than in season. Daily dietary Fe intake of subjects was 63.7% during preseason, and that was 93.6% of the Korean PDA during season; thus Fe intake was significantly lower in preseason than in season (p<0.01). However, apparently absorption ratio of Fe was higher in preseason than in season as food source of iron tended to be better in preseason than did in season. Serum Fe concentration and TS were significantly lower in preseason than in season (p<0.05), other indices of serum Fe nutrition status were not different between in two periods except serum ferritin. Serum ferritin and TS had significantly positive correlation in two period (p<0.05),respectively. For the prevalence of anemia in preseason, 44.4%, 50.0%, 44.4%, 13.3% and 6.7% by determining serum ferritin concentration, Fe concentration, transferrin saturation, Hb and Hot, respectively. In case of season, the prevalence of anemia evaluated by serum ferritin, Fe concentration, transferrin saturation, Hb and Hct was 33.3%, 25.0%, 25%, 8.3% and 8.3%, respectively. As a consequence, canoe players should increase the intakes of foods containing heme-Fe such as red lean meat and also increase intake of vitamin C as an increasing factor of bioavailability of vitamin C in order to prevent the sport anemia by enhancing the nutrition status of Fe, and they should manage their meals evenly through preseason and season.

      • 측백하늘소(Semanotus bifasciatus M.)의 生態 및 防除에 關한 硏究

        金正洙,黃震聲 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1989 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.2 No.-

        측백하늘소의 生態와 加害習性 및 藥劑防除의 效果를 알기 위하여 1981년 12월∼1983년 12월과 1987년 12월∼1988년 12월까지 試驗한 바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 측백하늘소는 年1回 發生하고 越冬成蟲 發生 最盛期는 3월 12일 前後였다. 2. 初孵化 最盛日은 4월 6일 前後였다. 3. 樹幹內 侵入한 幼蟲의 加害方向은 基部를 向하는 것이 70%, 先端을 向하는 것이 21%, 水平으로 向하는 것이 9% 이였고, 胸高直徑에 따른 被害는 30∼40mm(12∼14年生)에서 가장 컸다. 4. 各態別 期間은 卵期 18∼23일, 幼蟲 105∼121, 번데기 17∼21日 이였으며 越冬後 용실에서 胎出하는 成蟲의 壽命은 雌蟲이 27日, 雄蟲이 30日이였다. 5. 藥劑別 濃度別 殺蟲效果는 Cythrin2 EC, 800배액에서 가장 높았고, 藥劑撤布 時期에 대한 殺卵效果는 4월 3일이 가장 높았다. The objective of this thesis is to investigate into the ecology of Japanese juniperus bark borers, Semanotus bifasciatus M., their attack habit and the effect of insecticides on them. The periods of experiments were between Dec., 1981 and Dec., 1983, and between Dec., 1987 and Dec., 1988. The results obtained are as follows : 1. Adult bark borers appeared once a year with the over-wintered adults' peaktime around the 12th of March. 2. The first-hatching peaktime was around the 6th of April. 3. Attack directions of the larva after their invasion into the stem were 70% toward the base, 21% toward the tip and 9% toward the horizon. The damage in each DBH(Diameter of Breast Height). 4. The egg stage was 18-23 days long : the larva stage was 105-121 days long : the pupa stage was 17-21 days long. The post-emergence life-time of over-wintered adults was 27 days for females and 30 days for males. 5. The adult-killing effect was the greatest with Cythrin 2 EC at the concentration level of 1:800. The egg-killing effect was the greatest when the insecticide was applied on the 3rd of April.

      • Childhood Tuberculosis : Pathogenesis, Pitfalls and Controversy

        김정수 대한소아감염학회 1998 Pediatric Infection and Vaccine Vol.5 No.1

        산업혁명과 함께 유럽지역에서 급속히 확산되었던 결핵은 20세기에 들어오면서 환경 위생 의 개선과 함께 BCG와 항결핵제의 개발, 우형결핵의 퇴치등에 힘입어 근절을 바라 볼 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 최근 HIV의 확산과 함께 다시금 전세계적인 문제로 대두되었다. 다행 히 우리나라에서는 범국가적인 결핵 퇴치사업에 힘입어 근래 결핵 감염율이나 방사선 검사 상 활동성 결핵환자수 및 약제내성율 등에서 현저히 호전된 양상을 보이고 있다(1995년 제 7차 전국 결핵 실태조사 결과 참조). 소아결핵은 성인과 달리 정확한 진단이나 치료여부를 결정하는데 많은 어려움이 있으며, 오랜 기간이 지난 후에도 재활성화에 의해 감염성 성인 결핵으로 진행되는 경우가 적지 않아 역학적으로 많은 관심을 갖게 되었다. 본 글에서는 우선 최근의 결핵실태와 함께 소아결핵의 특징에 대해 알아보고, 근래 많은 관심을 갖게 된 병인론과 함께 예방적 화학요법, 치료약제의 선택 및 치료 기간 등 논란이 되고 있는 몇가지 사항에 대해 기술하고자 한다.

      • Arthur Miller의 초기 극을 통해 본 자아인식

        金正洙 부산 외국어 대학교 2003 外大論叢 Vol.26 No.-

        Arthur Miller is a famous social dramatist who is interested in society and individual. He always emphasizes on the organic relationship between individual and society dealing with political and social problems in his plays. He describes an interrelationship between society and individual. He is very much concerned about individuals under the influence of the political or economic situation of society which oppresses and distorts them. The characters in his plays struggle against society to keep their integrity but come to destruction owing to its oppression and their lack of self-recognition. In this respect, Miller is judged as a social dramatist. He always focuses on self-recognition, social awareness and the sense of responsibility based on mutuality. In his early plays, Miller usually deals with responsibility of individual to society and responsibi society to individual. But he tends to focus on the inside problems of individuals in his later plays as his Interest has changed from society to individual. Miller intends to have protagonists experienced self-recognition in his plays. In All My Sons, Joe Hollers private and social guilt is revealed. Joe has lived relatively unaffected by his guilt for three years. When he recognizes that his crime has directly toughed his own family, his central and limited concern, and when his private guilt is reinforced by his recognition of social responsibility to all of mankinds sons, Joe achieves what Miller feels is a satisfactory recognition and accepting full personal and social culpability, he shoots himself. In Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman is a common man who is obsessed with an illusion for success. He has lack of self-recognition and the standard of moral values. Willys those characteristics causes trouble and discord among the family members. Willy longs for the pursuit of the material success as a salesman in the capital society and aims at coming true his success dram through his son, Biff. But Willy fails and even more he is fired by the company where he devoted himself for 36 years. He tries an expedient falling into the deep frustration and Isolation. Then he willingly sacrifices himself in order to give the insurance money for justifying his dream and ideal and recovering his authority as a father. Through Willys suicide, Miller criticizes the values and morals of a industrial and materialistic society. Almost all of Millers major plays present some characters who are destroyed because they lack social awareness and self-recognition. Joe in A11 My Sons and Willy in Death of a Salesman are the egoistic protagonists who fall victim of the phony success dream and dehumanization. In conclusion Miller clearly stresses the importance of self-recognition in individual who has to live in our society.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Desire Under the Elms에 나타난 비극적 갈등과 구원

        金正洙 부산 외국어 대학교 2002 外大論叢 Vol.25 No.-

        Eugene O'Neill has been respected as the pioneer of the modern American drama. He was awarded a Nobel prize and several Pulitzer Prizes. But the other side of his brilliant life was as tragic as his heroes in his plays. When he was young, he had no real home and his parents are incompatible. Since his mother was narcotic, he was always lonely and homeless. To him playwriting was a substitute of religion in his whole life. His plays dealt with the problems and anguish based on his own experiences of his unhappy family life. In such domestic plays as Desire Under the Elms and Long Day's Journey info Night, past is a force behind that controls the families love-hate conflicts. The characters are controlled by past events, their dead ancestors or happy and unhappy memories of their past. Those who are controlled by past cannot face realities and develop their own future. The past elements and todays tragic realities are in cause and effect relation. Especially in Desire Under the Elms Eben and Abbie commit the crimes of incest and infanticide, which they at length feel responsibility for and force them to go to the scaffold for its retribution. Ephraims attachment to the material wealth, which brings about his self-deception and alienation from his family, is resolved by the love of Eben and Abbie and sublimated to the recognition of his own new God. His spiritual awakening to the vision of new life makes him endure the hardening of reality. Ebens sacrificial attitude to share the sin Abbie committed is different from Abbies though these two persons love is sublimated as a true love. Abbie commits infanticide for the sake of love and intends to receive a due punishment for the crime but does not repent of her love for Eben. Eben seeks salvation through self-destruction by forgiving Abbies sin and accepting her love. Therefore, O'Neill asserted that, even though a human being had a miserable tragic result in Desire Under the Elms, he could overcome his limitation and that the possibility of the salvation for the human sprit was given by Dionysus.

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