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        『아들과 연인』의 여성주의적 읽기

        김정매 한국현대영미소설학회 1997 현대영미소설 Vol.4 No.1

        This paper aims to analyse the male-female relationships between the main characters of D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers from a feminist viewpoint. Women, in spite of their unfair treatment within patriarchal society, have been generally regarded as "magna mater" embodying overwhelming power over men. This sense of women's formidable power seems to occupy the mind of Paul due to his unusually close relationship to his mother, and drive him to fear and defensive assertion against women. This state of mind seems the pathological motivation that makes Paul swagger and insist on egocentric male supremacy. Viewed from the surface structure of the story, Paul is the triumphant victor who mercilessly uses the three women for his growth as a man and artist: his possessive yet sacrificial mother, Mrs. Morel, the spiritual and intelligent lover, Miriam, and the earth-mother mistress of sensuality, Clara, the suffragette. Yet according to the subtext, his regression into self suggests that it is Paul who after all is defeated by these women's powerful love and vitality.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재후보

        방한관광객의 만족도에 대한 인구통계적 차이 연구 -일본, 중국, 대만 관광객을 중심으로-

        김정매,홍미영 한국호텔리조트학회 2012 호텔리조트연구 Vol.11 No.3

        This study is researched from 2010 June to 2010 November at the Incheon International airport which has the heaviest tourist traffic, and the research is filled by Japanese, Chinese, and Taiwanese tourists. Total of 1000 research papers were used and 932 papers were collected. Research papers without confidence (139) were excluded among the 932 papers. In the end, total of 793 papers (Japanese 319, Chinese 280, and Taiwanese 194) were selected as final sample and used on actual analysis. First, to recognize the general characteristic of sample, frequency analysis was done. Second, to analysis reliability and credibility of tourist satisfaction, factorial analysis and reliability analysis were done. Third, to find out general difference between Japanese, Chinese, and Taiwanese tourist, T- test and ANOVA verification were done. As a result of analysis, first non tourism activity satisfaction based on nationality is Japanese tourist has the most satisfaction and Chinese tourist is next. Second, non tourism activity satisfaction based on sexuality is that male has more satisfactory than female. Third, non tourism activity satisfaction based on the method of traveling scored high satisfaction on all method which are private traveling, group tour,and AIR-TEL. There was no difference by posteriori test, and private traveling has the highest satisfaction among the other method of traveling.

      • KCI등재

        패밀리레스토랑 메뉴의 원산지표시 지각이 브랜드신뢰와 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향

        김정매,어윤선 한국외식경영학회 2011 외식경영연구 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this study is based on family restaurant customers dealing with the effect of the perception in an indicated ingredient's origin on the brand trust and brand loyalty. This study was conducted for the span of three months from June to August, 2010. V and O family restaurants were selected as the subject of study, since they are known to be top ranked in the family restaurant industry according to NCSI (National Customer Satisfaction Index)in 2009. The total of 300 questionnaires were distributed to V and O restaurant customers from which 268 valid samples were collected and used for the study. The results of this study is outlined as following;First, the perception in an indicated ingredient’s origin had a positive (+)effect on brand trust and loyalty of the family restaurant. Second, the brand trust of the family restaurant had a positive (+) effect on the brand loyalty. Third, the perception of an indicated ingredient’s origin at the family restaurant did not have any significant effect on brand loyalty of the family restaurant.

      • 소설의 아이러니 수법 : 콘래드의 「밀정」(The Secret Agent)

        김정매 동국대학교 영어영문학과 1984 Dongguk review Vol.- No.12-13

        콘래드는 「밀정」을 본래 단편소설로 시작했다. 그러나 집필하는 도중에 점점 불어나서 이 이야기는 1906년 10월부터 미국의 주간지인 Ridgways: A Militant Weekly for God and Country에 연재되기 시작했다. 콘래드는 이 연재를 다 끝내기도전에, 이 이야기를 단행본으로 출간하려면 많은 부분을 보충하면서 길이도 늘려야 겠다는 사실을 깨달았다. 콘래드는 그해 겨울부터 이야기를 보완하는 작업에 들어갔고, 1907년 9월에는 드디어 The Secret Agent가 한권의 소설로 출판되었다.

      • James Joyce의 Dubliners 고찰 : "The Dead"를 중심으로

        金正梅 동국대학교 영어영문학과 1990 Dongguk review Vol.- No.18-19

        James Joyce는 1904년 22살의 나이로 조국 Ireland를 스스로 등지고 영영․몇번의 짧은 기간을 방문을 제외하고는 떠나기 전에 “The Holy Office"란 시를 집필했다. 그중 한 stanza는 다음과 같다. So distantly I turn to view The shamblings of that motley crew, Those souls that hate the strength that mime has Steeled in the school of old Aquinas Where they have crouched and crawled and prayed I stand, the self-doomed, unafraid, Unfellowed, friendless and alone, Indifferent as the herring bone Firm as the mountain ridges where I flash my antlers on the air (Burgess.224)

      • 『젊은 예술가의 초상』과 『아들과 연인』의 비교 : 스티븐과 폴의 비전을 중심으로 Focussing on the Visions of the Heroes

        김정매 동국대학교 영어영문학과 1996 Dongguk review Vol.- No.24-25

        This paper aims to examine James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers from a comparative point of view, paying special attention to the scenes of visions of the respective main figures, Stephen Dedalus and Paul Morel. The two novels belong to the genre of Bildungsroman in that they both depict the process of the heroes growing from their early infantile period up to the time when they can stand alone, ready to start an independent life. They also can be regarded as belonging to the genre of Ku‥nstlerroman because both of the heroes are artists: Stephen, a poet and Paul a painter, although the latter is rather vaguely represented as a painter when compared with the former. The two youths share a common ground in that they undergo the moments of revelation through the contact with female figures, either with a girl or a woman. The female figures play a vital role in their lives until they become mature men, offering them an unusual insight into life and the universe. Ironically in order that they may be liberated from the shackles of various oppressions, they have to leave the women who have enriched them to mature. In Paul's case, his possessive mother of Oedipal love, Miriam of spiritual love and Clara of physical love are the persons who provide him with insight and visions of the world, but ironically he considers them to be elements of oppression from which he should be liberated. In the case of Stephen, not only the intimate relationship with his parents and friends but also the Catholic Church and his own country, Ireland, emerge as the elements he should deny in order to stand alone true to his vision.

      • 다시 읽는 『더버빌가의 테스』 : 테스의 정체성을 중심으로 Focusing on the Identity of Tess

        김정매 東國大學校 1995 東國論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        This paper aims to re-read Thomas hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervills focusing on the nature of Tess's identity as a woman. Until quite recently most of the received criticism, predominantly of male critics, has regarded Tess as an impotent, passive victim of Fate, having no control over her conducts. Certainly she shows, to a certain extent, passivity, ready to follow patriarchal value system, and to sacrifice herself for her family. Yet even these traits are connected with other aspects that are in conflict with the common image of "a passive victim." When we read the text more objectively, it provides us with a new perspective to deepen our understanding of the true nature of her identity. Her physical voluptuousness is nothing but an aspect of her female sexuality which also harbors an independent critical mind, a noble spirit that can sympathize with others' suffering. In short her female sexuality is the very source of perseverance, deep sympathy as well as violence when driven to the extreme. She is also a person who is capable of being in harmony with nature in full cosmic consciousness as well as a complex human being conscious of contradicting elements in her self and concretely reiterating the full vibrant rhythm of life.

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