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      • KCI등재

        위장관 질환자의 임상진단과 치료방법

        김재웅 한국식품영양학회 1997 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.10 No.2

        성별, 직업, 성품, 생활양식이 전혀 다른 K43과 C45환자의 위 내시경적 소견과 치료방법을 논의하였다. K43은 잘못된 식습관과 스트레스에 의한 미란성 위염환자로서 제산제와 함께 H_2-수용체 길항제, H^+/K^+-pump 억제제, prostaglandin 제제, colloidal bismuth, sucralfate, prokinetics 등 전통적인 약물에서부터 부작용을 감소시킨 최근에 개발된 약물에 이르기까지 효과가 인정된 약물들을 폭넓게 사용하였으나 증상을 개선치 못하였으며, 임상병리 검사와 상복부 초음파 검사는 정상이었으나, 소화생리기능 검사에서 visceral hypersensitivity를 나타내었다. 그러나 C45는 평소에 두통으로 NSAIDs를 습관적으로 복용한 경험에 의하여 발생되었을 것으로 추정되는 전형적인 위·십이지장 궤양의 환자로서 H. pylori 박멸제와 함께 일반적인 소화성 궤양이 치료제로 활동기에서 치유기로 증상을 크게 완화시켰다. 특히 K43은 amitryptyline을 투여하였으나 난치성 환자로 남아 있다. 이러한 원인불명의 비궤양성 환자는 미국에서 해마다 15%씩 증가하는 추세에 있고 적절한 치료법도 없으며, 우리 나라에서는 통계치도 없는 실정인 점을 지적하고 싶다. Endoscopic diagnosis and medical management from K43 and C45 patients, whose sex, occupation, character and life patterns are quite different each other, were discussed. The K43 was patient with erosive gastritis, which may caused by maldietary habits and life stresses. Although the effective drugs such as H_2-receptor antagonists with atacids, H^+/K+-pump inhibitors, prokinetics, colloidal bismuth, and sucralfates, were administrated for long time, symptomatic relief of abdominal pain was not imperoved. The tests of clinical phathology and abdominal sonogram were normal, visceral hypersensitivity was appeared from barostat test of stomach. However C45 had taken headache during every day life, and endoscopically confirmed as a gastric·duodenal ulcer patiant, which may caused by chronic use of NSAIDs. The her ulceric symptoms were suppressed from active stage to healing stage by using combination therapy for H. pylori with traditional antipeptic ulcer drugs, where as amitriptyline was administrated to the K43 but not effective. Nonulcer dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome is pooly defined, and affect about 15% of the population annually in U.S.A but don't seek medical care. Author would like to point out that statistics for visceral pains are absent in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1950년대 중반 북한 지식층의 체제 비판과 개혁 요구 -중소의 내정 간섭과 헝가리사태가 끼친 영향을 중심으로-

        김재웅 동국대학교 북한학연구소 2023 북한학연구 Vol.19 No.2

        This study deals with the trends of the intellectual class in the 1950s, the most dynamic period in North Korea’s history. At a time when Khrushchev’s new policy, which criticized Stalinism was sparking reform movements in many Eastern European countries and fanning social chaos, the voices of intellectuals calling for system reform were growing louder in North Korea as well. Immediately after the repression of Yan’an group and Soviet-based Koreans who rebelled against the leadership of the Korean Workers’ Party in late August 1956, as the Soviet Union and China intervened in North Korea’s internal affairs, the repression targeting them stopped and the space for freedom began to expand. The Hungary Crisis which occurred at that very time, provided an opportunity for North Korea’s intellectual class, including overseas students, to reflect on the situation in their country. They criticized the national leadership for neglecting solutions of economic problems and directly expressed their desires for freedom and democratization. This study seeks to examine under what background the voices of the North Korean intellectual class in the 1950s calling for system reforms emerged and were oppressed.

      • KCI등재

        38선 분쟁과 접경지역 위기에 대처한 북한의 민간인 동원정책

        김재웅 국민대학교 한국학연구소 2016 한국학논총 Vol.45 No.-

        Troubles of various types occurred in border regions adjacent to the 38th parallel after liberation and ex post facto measures show clearly adherence process of division between South and North Korea. After demarcation of the 38th parallel, intensification of complications and conflicts between South and North Korea and complete equipment of defensive and mobilizational system for safeguard of own country and so on reveal that geographical division between South and North Korea gradually developed for establishment of heterogeneous regimes. Border regions adjacent to the 38th parallel are symbolical spaces showing concrete aspects of mobilization policies of civilians and a mechanism of formation of mobilization system in North Korea. North Korean civilians living at border regions extremely being damaged by military collisions between South and North Korea were annoyed by stronger human and material mobilization than other regions of the State. Public opinion was so bad that popular discontents were erupted. How could North Korea suppress popular discontents and then establish everyday and permanent mobilization system under such conditions? This study intends to illuminate how those goals were solved by North Korea. Establishment of mobilization system in border regions adjacent to the 38th parallel was core goal for maintenance of defensive strength and unification of civilians. This study pursuing formative process of mobilization system in North Korea pays attention to chief subject and ideology of mobilization and values rationalizing it and so on. 해방 이래 38선 접경지역에서 발생한 여러 유형의 분쟁들과 그에 따른 사후 조치들은 남북 분단이 고착화돼가는 과정을 선명히 보여준다. 38선 획정 이후의 미소 간 남북 간 갈등 고조와 무력 충돌의 격화, 체제 보위에 요구된 방위체계 정비와 동원체제의 확립, 반체제행위 범주의 확장을 통한 각종 방어기제 확립 등은 남북의 지리적 분단이 점차 이질적 체제의 형성으로 발전해 갔음을 드러낸다. 38선 접경지역은 북한이 주목한 민간인 동원정책의 구체적 양상과 동원체제의 형성 메커니즘을 선명히 보여줄 수 있는 상징적 공간이다. 남북 간 군사 충돌로부터 가장 큰 피해를 입은 접경지역민들은 역설적이게도 여느 지역보다 강도 높은 인적․물적 동원에 시달렸다. 불평불만이 끊이지 않았을 만큼 민간의 여론은 좋지 못했다. 이러한 상황에서 어떻게 민간의 불평불만을 잠재우고 일상적․항구적 동원체제를 확립할 수 있을까? 필자의 관심은 북한이 고민한 이 과제가 과연 어떤 방법을 통해 해결되었는지 밝히는데 있다. 접경지역 동원체제의 확립은 지역민들의 체제 내 통합과 방위력 유지에 요구된 핵심 과제였다. 접경지역 동원체제의 형성과정과 작동방식을 추적하고 있는 이 연구는 동원의 주요 대상, 동원 이데올로기, 동원을 합리화한 가치체계 등에 주목하였다. 이 연구는 38선 접경지역 동원체제의 메커니즘을 규명하는 한편, 그것이 북한의 일반적 동원체제와 비교해 어떠한 유사성과 차이점을 보이는지 가늠할 수 있는 실마리를 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • SDS 및 polyoxyethylene lauryl ether 계면활성제 혼합에 의한 수용액의 표면 물성의 변화

        김재웅,김영호 한국공업화학회 2002 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2002 No.0

        SDS (anionic) 및 polyoxyethylene lauryl ether (nonionic surfactant) 혼합물의 표면 점탄성 물성을 검토하였다. 두 계면활성제를 혼합함으로서 계면장력이 현저히 감소함이 관찰되었다. 음이온계면활성제에 비이온계면활성제의 혼합 시 시너지 효과가 있었으며 동족 계면장력 측정결과 두 혼합물에서 표면활성도가 가장 높은 혼합비에서 elasticity가 최고 높았다. 계면레올로지 물성과 기포 안정성을 서로 비교한 결과 계면 elasticity 값이 작을수록 기포 안정성이 작았다.

      • KCI등재

        해방 후 북한의 친일파와 일제유산 척결

        김재웅 한국근현대사학회 2013 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.66 No.-

        Colonial rule of Korea by Japanese imperialism was one of the main factors regulating Korean modern history. It provided a cause of division of Korea as well as had a profound effect on formation of system of South and North Korea. Spread of human heritage represented by the pro-Japanese group and material heritage and institutional heritage and ideological heritage and cultural heritage and so on reveals that remnants of colonial rule by Japanese imperialism are still alive widely in our society. Our Japanese terminologies and styles used unwittingly until today is a good indication showing that those remnants have a strong life. After liberation, ways of countermeasure by South and North Korea against remnants of Japanese imperialism presented a striking contrast. Unlike South Korea taking a negative attitude for liquidating them, North Korea did not allow even remnants remaining in notions and habits of individuals. That North Korea spent one year to establish legal concept and categories of the pro-Japanese group reveals difficulty of liquidation task of heritages of Japanese imperialism. To set a concrete standard for the pro-Japanese acts and the pro-Japanese group was a task hard to resolve. Researches examining liquidation ways of the pro-Japanese group and heritages of Japanese imperialism by North Korea are worthy in that they can provide a meaningful reference South Korea that did not yet complete the task. This study examining liquidation process of heritages of Japanese imperialism by North Korea from liberation to outbreak of Korean war noted liquidation of human heritage that is to say the pro-Japanese group as well as liquidation of material,institutional, ideological, cultural heritages.

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