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      • KCI등재

        계몽주의 시대 문학 개혁의 산실로서의 떼르뚤리아 연구

        김재선 ( Jae Seon Kim ),박채연 ( Chae Yeon Park ) 韓國世界文學比較學會 2010 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        Este estudio trata de las tertulias literarias del siglo XVIII espanol tales como la Academia de Tripode, la Academia del Buen Gusto, la tertulia de la Fonda de San Sebastia..n y los salones de Olavide. Estudiamos sus historias,sus caracteri..sticas, sus participantes y sus influencias en la literatura y la sociedad de la e..poca ilustrada. Las tertulias estudiadas llevaron a cabo un papel importante en la sociedad espanola de entonces como la esfera pu..blica para crear y divulgar una opinio..n pu..blica, a pesar de que eran reuniones so..lo para los nobles e intelectuales. Lograron la reforma poe..tica de la segunda mitad del siglo gracias a las conversaciones y las discusiones entre los tradicionalistas del gusto barroco y los neocla..sicos en las tertulias desde la Academia de Tri..pode hasta la tertulia de la Fonda de San Sebasti..an pasando por la Academia del Buen Gusto. En cuanto al triunfo del teatro neocla..sico en la segunda mitad del XVIII tambie..n debio. mucho a los salones de Olavide. Pero no llegaron a florecer las reformas realizadas por el propio Olavide y sus contertulianos en Sevilla porque la Inquisicio..n lo condeno. a Olavide por la hereji..a, lo cual nos muestra el li..mite de la Ilustracio..n espanola.

      • KCI등재

        신 사이네떼(sainete moderno)의 등장인물 연구

        김재선 ( Jae Seon Kim ) 한국스페인어문학회 2002 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.24

        Durante el u´ltimo tercio del siglo XIX y la primera de´cada del XX los escenarios espan˝oles. en especial los madrilen˝os. vivieron una animacio´n excepcional gracias al estimulo del sainete moderno. El foco de atencio´n argumental de dicho teatro se cintraba en las clases populares. ma´s bien bajas, que habitaban en las tipicas casas de vecindad con sus caracteristicos patios. Efectivamente, como si de un escaparate costumbrista y co´mico se tratase. se conseguia reflejar la cotidianidad y la vivacidad de los barrios bajos madrilen~os. De acuerdo con ello. afloraba un punto de optimismo en el ser humano y en la sociedad que parecia componer otro mundo idilico dentro de la oscura realidad que se vivia. Simultaneaba dicho optimismo con una actitud moralista ma´s que evidente al te´rmino de las obras. Atendia este tipo de teatro a la tradicio´n del teatro breve espan˘ol -entreme´s. loa. ja´cara, mojiganga, sainete, tonadilla, etc.- al que seguia de cerca y con claridad en sus pasos. En especial las andanzas del sainete moderno retomaban el novedoso sistema del teatro por horas o ge´nero chico y confirmaban la sucesio´n directa del sainete dieciochesco por el predominio del costumbrismo y la moraleja inherente al tratamiento que de temas, personajes y comicidad que se daba. Su aparicio´n ahondaba raices estupendamente en la tradicio´n del teatro breve por un lado y. por otro. desarrollaba la propia actualidad y la mentalidad de su tiempo satisfaciendo el gusto del pu´blico. Tradicionalmente los personajes del teatro breve se presentan bajo perfiles exteriores y caricaturizados por rasgos peculiares o co´micos: pero tambie´n se reiteran en las diferentes obras formando unas tiposogias. Nos detenemos en la caracterizacio´n de los tipos principales de las obras del sainete modernoChulo, Chula, Bobo. Viejo-. tratando de demostrar la permanencia y la evolucio´n de la tradicio´n. Asi, por ejempio. la tipologia del chulo ya aparece en el majo dieciochesco y en rufia´n renacentista y barroco. Finalmente, mientras en el teatro breve del siglo de oro los personajes suelen aparecer asociados a aspectos despectivos, dado su afa´n por lograr una buena vida o un instante feliz, en el seinete moderno confirman los caracteres estimables del ser humano: el amor, la lealtad. la generosidad. etc., prefigurados como sabemos en los sainetes del seglo XVIII.

      • KCI등재

        부에로 바예호의 정치극에 나타난 억압된 과거와 초자아의 전개

        김재선 ( Kim Jae Seon ) 한국스페인어문학회 2003 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.28

        En 1975, la muerte del general Franco acabo´ con una larga noche de dictadura militar e inicio´ un proceso confuso hacia la democratizacio´n. Para realizar una transicio´n paci´fica, los poli´ticos de distintas ideologi´as se reunieron y realizaron un pacto. Asimismo, el pueblo espan~ol tambie´n colaboro´ de manera importante, puesto que ya no queri´an ver de nuevo una historia manchada de sangre. Sin embargo, en esta nueva situacio´n, se omitio´ una tarea que se trataba de la aclaracio´n del pasado. En este arti´culo, vamos a analizar el teatro de la transicio´n, en donde se observa el trauma de la dictadura y su superacio´n conforme a las ideas ba´sicas de Freud en dos obras poli´ticas de Buero Vallejo; La doble historia del doctor Valmy(1976) y Jueces en la noche(1979). Estas dos obras revelan la injusticia de una sociedad tirana y la ruina moral de sus miembros. Los protagonistas reconocen haber cometido errores inhumanos durante la dictadura pero argumentan que fue algo necesario e inevitable para el bien del Estado. No obstante, tambie´n son concientes de que fueron actores de hechos terribles. Aunque ellos ocultan o niegan el pasado, guardan en si´ las heridas psicolo´gicas-traumas- en su subconsciencia. De alli´, se produce la lucha interna: la conciencia les dice que confesen la verdad y que rompan con la cadena del pasado.

      • KCI등재

        구성원 신뢰, 소속감, 성과기대가 팀 협력의지에 미치는 영향

        김재선(Jae Seon Kim),공수(Kong Soo Kim),이국용(Kook Yong Lee) 한국무역연구원 2014 무역연구 Vol.10 No.6

        In this study, we wished to examine structurally the relationships between team collaboration intention and members trust, sense of belonging, performance expectation. For this purpose, we collected data from 161 participants experiences collaborative behavior using survey by questionnaires, to confirm the influential relationships between these constructs due to relative literature reviews such as Knowledge Sharing and Team Collaboration. PLS modelling techniques to verify the hypotheses was performed. Empirical results show that members s trust, sense of belonging, performance expectation significantly influenced the team collaboration intention except of 3 hypotheses(members trust and similarity, familiarity and sense of belonging, sense of belonging and members trust). From these results, we reaffirmed that higher attributes such as the members s trust, sense of belonging, performance expectation, opportunistic behavior, similarity, familiarity, usefulness influence team collaboration intention.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        담관내압 측정검사로 진단한 Oddi 괄약근 협착

        김재선(Jae Seon Kim),조은래(Eun Rae Jo),권소영(So Young Kwon),변관수(Kwan Soo byun),박영태(Young Tae Bak),진호(Jin Ho Kim),종극(Jong Guk Kim),이창홍(Chang Hong Lee) 대한소화기학회 1994 대한소화기학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        Unexplained chronic and recurrent biliary type abdominal pain, with or without prior histo- ry of cholecystectomy, in the absence of structural changes in pancreatobiliary anatomy is often attributed to an abnormal pressure profile of the sphincter of Oddi. This symptom com- plex is often attributed to the syndrome of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. The diagnosis of this disorder has been suggested by the symptom compex, exclusion of anatomic biliary tract disease, dilatation of common bile ducts or delayed drainage of contrast media from the bile ducts during the endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. But, more recently developed tech- nique, endoscopic manometry of the sphincter of Oddi, appears to be most sensitive for detect- ing increases in biliary sphincter pressures, even in the presence of nondilated bile ducts. This syndrome may be further subdivided into sphincter of Oddi stenosis that indicates a structual narrowing of the sphincter of Oddi and sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia that is defined as abnormal sphincter of Oddi motor activity. The basal pressure, which is elevated in both stenosis and dyskinesia of the sphincter of Oddi, is the most widely agreedupon abnormality. Administration of smooth muscle relaxants may help to distinguish between the two enti- ties; these agents do not have any effect on a fixed stenosis but may inhibit the elevated sphincter tone in dyskinesia. 3Ve report a case of the sphincter of Oddi stenosis diagnosed by biliary manometry. (Korean J Gastroenterol 1994; 26: 200 205)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        반복되는 담도성 산통을 호소하는 환자에서 담관내압검사와 담낭스캔의 의의

        김재선(Jae Seon Kim),정문기(Moon Gi Chun),이성준(Seong Jun Lee),경민(Kyoung Min Kim),변관수(Kwan Soo byun),박영태(Young Tae Bak),진호(Jin Ho Kim),종극(Jong Guk Kim),이창홍(Chang Hong Lee) 대한소화기학회 1995 대한소화기학회지 Vol.27 No.5

        N/A Background/Aims: Tbis study was aimed to evaluate the clinical significance of the sphincter of Oddi manometry (SOM), cholescintigraphy, endoscopic sphincterotomy(EST), and cholecystectomy in patients complaining of recurrent biliary-type abdominal pain. Methods: 20 patients with recurrent biliary-type abdominal pain not explained by conventional diagnostic studies were sampled. All the patients with manometrically verified sphincter of Oddi dystunction(SOD) and some patients with normal or failed manometry underwent EST. Among those with normal or failed manometry laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed to patients with acalcu)ous cholecystopathy(ACP) diagnosed by cholescintigraphy. Results: Of 26 sessions of SOM tried in all the 20 cases, 2l sessions in 17 cases were technically successful. Among those 17 patients, SOM was abnormal in 9 cases(6:sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia; 3:sphincter of Oddi stenosis). Four of five patients undergoing cholescintigraphy in patients with normal or t'ailed manometry were verified as ACP. The procedure-related pancreatitis occurred in 7/26 sessions after SOM and in 3/12 sessions after EST. In 1 case, a micro-perforation followed EST. All these patients with complications recovered uneventfully. Mean duration of fo]low-up was 13.5(range 7 -24) months. EST was of benefit to 7 of 9 patients with manometrically verified SOD and also to all 3 patients with normal or failed manometry undergoing EST. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was of henefit to all 3 patients with ACP undergoing cholecystectomy. Conclusions: Extensive diagnostic procedures such as SOM and cholescintigraphy and proper therapy according to their results should be considered with patients complaining of recurrent biliary-type abdominal pain not explained by other conventional diagnostic studies. (Korean J Gastroenterol 1995;27: 563 - 572)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        내시경 검사시 Phenol Red 분무에 의한 Helicobacter pylori 감염 진단의 의의

        종극(Jong Guk Kim),이창홍(Chang Hong Lee),박영태(Young Tae Bak),진호(Jin Ho Kim),원남희(Nam Hee Won),김재선(Jae Seon Kim),변관수(Kwan Soo byun) 대한소화기학회 1993 대한소화기학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        N/A A strong association between Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and chronic active inflammation of the gastric antrum and duodenal ulceration has been recognized. Although various rnethods have been proposed to detect this microorganism, no unanimity exists among investigators concerning which method represents a gold standard. H. pylori producee urease that converts urea to ammonia which then raises the pH, therefore we have utilized an endoscopic spray technique using phenol red (pH indicator) in vivo to assess H. pylori infection itself and its distribution. 87 patients with dyspepsia were pre-medicated with ranitidine 150 mg p.o. 3 houre before endoscopy to maintain a gastric pH between 3-6. During endoscopy, 20 ml of a mixture containing 0.05% phenol red and 0.5% urea was sprayed over the antral mucosa using a spray catheter. It was defined as positivc if any area of the mucosa turned red within 3 min after spraying. Antral biopsies were taken from all patients. Biopsies were assessed in a blind fashion after H&E, Giemsa and Warthin-Starry silver stain. The phenol red positive patients were 54.0%, and diffuse pattern of positive staining was 85.1% and regional pattern was 14.9%. Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the endoscoic spray technique were 87.2%. and 85.0% respectively. In conclusion, the endoscopic phenol red spray technique may be one of the simple and useful screening tests for diagnosis of H. pylori infection and for dilineating its probahle pattern of distributionvn gastric mucosa in vivo, but this method seems not useful for confirmatory diagnosis of H. pylori infection and needs further study.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        하부대장 과형성 용종의 의의

        종극(Jong Guk Kim),이창홍(Chang Hong Lee),박영태(Young Tae Bak),진호(Jin Ho Kim),김재선(Jae Seon Kim),변관수(Kwan Soo byun),지종대(Jong Dae Ji),송훤택(Hwun Taig Song) 대한소화기학회 1993 대한소화기학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        N/A Adenomatous polyps are known to be precursors for cancer, and identifying of persons with adenomatous polyps is practically important because these individuals should constitute a disproportionate percentage of persons destined to have colorectal cancer. There is enough reason to believe that regclar endoscopic screening of persons with adenomatous polyps and removal of these polyps can reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer. But hyperplastic colonic polyps are generally regarded as being of little or no clinical consequence. Recentlyl, however, controversy has not been settled down on the significance of distal colonic hyperplastic polyp as a marker for proximal colonic adenomatous polyp (s). To establish the prevalence of proximal neoplasms in subjects with or without hyperplastic polyps in distal colon and to determine whether the presence of hypcrplastic polyps in the distal colon could serve as a market for proximal synchronous adenomatous colonic polyps, we prospectively analyzed 895 consecutive subjects who were examined with colcnoscopy between March 1990 and October l992. 191 of 895 subjects (21.4%) had one or more colonic polyps. The prevalence of adenomatous polyps alone was 10.2% hyperplastic polyps 8.4%, and both 1.9%. The proportion of subjects with both proximal adenomatous polyp and distal hyperplastic polyps (6.0%) was not significantly different from the proportion of those without distal hyperplistic polyps(5.1%), But subjects with distal adenomatous polyps (s) were si!nificantly more likely to have proximal adenomatous polyp (s) than those without distal adenomatous polyp (s). The result of this study suggests that hyperplastir. polyps of distal colon do not serve as a marker for neoplastic polyps of proximai colon.

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