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      • 韓國産 참복亞目 魚類

        金益秀,李完玉 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1991 基礎科學 Vol.14 No.2

        韓國産 참복亞目 魚類를 4科 10屬 24種으로 分類하여 科, 屬 및 種 檢索表를 作成하고, 1986년 부터 1990년 까지 채집한 17종에 대하여 計數, 計測形質, 外部形態, 體色 그리고 採集地域 등을 기록하였다. 이중 Lagocephalus gloveri Abe et Tabeta 1983, 와 L. wheeleri Abe, Tabeta et Kitanhama 1984, 를 한국 미기록종으로 記載하면서, 國名을 "흑밀복"과 "은밀복"으로 각각 명명한다. Takifugu chinensis(Abe)는 1949년 Abe가 부산표본을 paratype으로 사용하여 기재 보고 하였으나, 최근의 한국산 목록에 포함되어 있지 않아 본 연구에서 이 종을 추가하고, 한국명으로 "참복"으로 제안한다. 우리나라에 분포하는 참복亞目에 해당하는 종의 대부분은 日本과 中國에도 분포하고 있지만, 그 가운데 황복 T. obscurus, 황점복 T. flavidus와 바실복 T. basilevskianus 3종은 한국의 黃海와 중국의 海域에만 출현하고 있어 주목되었다. Twenty four species belonging to 10 genera and 4 families in the suborder Tetraodontoidei in Korea were reviewed and provisional keys to species, genera and families are provided. Among them available specimens of seventeen species in this taxa collected during 1986 to 1990 from Korean waters were examined and recorded on the morphometric characters, their body color and collection sites. And two species are reported for the first time to Korea with their descriptions and figures: Lagocephalus gloveri Abe et Tabeta, 1983 and L. wheeleri Abe, Tabeta et Kitahama, 1984. Takifugu chinensis Abe, previously recorded from Pusan, Korea as paratype locality but not included in the list of Chyung, 1977, is listed in the present paper with the new Korean name, "Chambok". Many of this taxa are also distributed throughout the waters of China and Japan. But it is found that the distribution of three species of genus Takifugu are restricted only to the west coast of Korea as well as to the adfacent waters of China in the Yellow Sea; T. obscurus, T. flavidus and T. basilevskianus. Taxonomy and distribution of this taxa were discussed with refences to the information obtained so far.

      • 韓國의 朱子學 受容과 그 展開에 關한 論究 : 主로 麗末鮮初를 中心으로 Mainly the last era of Koryo and the first one of Chosun

        金益洙 건국대학교 1981 論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        Neo-Confucianism can be called "physical science" or "ethics". This eventually means the philosophyical system of confucianism which was commenced by confucius. Infact, Neo-Confucianism suggested the theory of Neo-Confucianism to that of confucius and Mencius. The major reason for the Neo-Confucianism in "Song" of China lies in the following two factors; one is external element of political and social causes and the other internal element of ideological causes. The formation of Neo-Confucianism in the era of "Song" was much influenced by Buddhism and Taoism and yet was integrated the establishment of independence in the sense of Confucianism. When we take a close look at the process of Neo·Confucianism formation in the era of "Song", "Ch'i; material force" theory by such individuals as "Chou Lie Chi, and Chang Heng Ch'u" is first and "Li, principle by Ch'eng I Ch'uan" and "Chu Hsi" (1130-1200) came into being next, and "Hsin Hsu¨en" by "Lu Hsiang Shan" and Yang Tzu-Hu was followed. This study in going to take a good look at the formation and development of Neo-Confucianism in Korea. (1) The formation of Neo-Confucianism in the later era of Koryo Dynasty. Since the King "Ch'ungnyoˇl"(the 25th King of Koryo 1275-1308), Neo-Confucianism was studied and understood firstly by "An Hyang" (1243-1306) and then by "Baek Yi Chung", "Wau Tak", "Kwuen Boo", Lee Je Hyun", "Yi Saek" and "Chong Mong Chu". The characteristics of confucianism of Koryo era can be seen in the parley among confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, but after that the Neo-Confucanism was accepted and recongnized and in the mean time Taoism and Buddhism were being rejected. Shortly after this, new learning began coming up with influence by Taoism of "North Song" and Chutzuism (Chinese Dualistic Philosophy) of "South Song". There were two classes of Confucianist at the later era of Koryo Dynasty; one who studied in Peking of "Yu¨an" and the other who studied in Nanking of "Ming". And those who studied in "Yu¨an" got the knowledge both on Neo·Confucianism and literal sentences, and on the other hand rising scholars such as "Chong Mong Chu" (1337-1392), "Chong To Chien" (1342-1398) and Kwon Kuen (1352-1409) firstly formed Neo-Confucianism in our country. Especially, "Chong Mong Chu" not only occupied a form position in Korean history on Confucianism but also he was called as the Father of Korean Neo-Confucanism and "Kil Jae" (1352-1419) is renouned for the fidelity to his principle. (2) The formation and development of Neo-Confucianism in the early era of "Yi Dynasty". After Koryo Dynasty came to an end, "Yi Dynasty" began to develop the conversion of ideology; admiring for Confucianism and rejecting Buddhism. Consequently, the Confucianists of "Yi Dynasty" could set up new type of learning based on faithful, rational and moral thoughts for the formation of Neo-Confucianism. But in Korea Neo-Confucianism and Taoism are distinguished from each other. The learning and spirits of "Chong Mong Chu" at the later era of Koryo Dynasty were handed down developing to "Kil Jae", to "Kim Sook Cha" (1398-1456), to his son "Kim Kuing Pil" (1454-1504), to "Chong Yeo Chang" (1450-1504), and handed down from "Kim Kuing Pil" to "Cho Kwang Cho" (1482-1519) this sort of scholastic mantle may be regarded as a real vein of Korean Neo-Confucianism.

      • 孔子敎學思想硏究 : 人間學的 考察을 中心으로 Aspects of Anthropology

        金益洙 건국대학교 1979 論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        1.Preface The centrial idea of confucius is perfect virtue. He considered as the most important element in morality and advocated physiognomy. The essence of humanity is uprightness. He said politics depended on righteousness and emphasized the need to govern the nation by 7eans of virtue purpose of education was to hand down to posterity, he emphatically assorted, and it was the main feints of education through which they tried to bring up a disciple as a true gentleman of goodwill. Confucius placed emphasis on schooling common people and teaching practical philosophy. Moreover he attached much importance to moral education. He judged four teaching (literature, conduct, loyality, confidence) as the main task of education. Confucius was the founder of confucianism and it had a great influence on Korean educational principle. Therefore, we can find confucius, thought is closely related with Korean educational philosophy. The subject of this study is to help both humanize Korean education through confucius' moral philosophy and practical philosophy, and recongnize that education in this country should be based on philosopy 2.The intention of confucius' education Firstly, spooking abstractly, the aim of schooling, said confucius, was to morality. Perfect virtue and master ship are the central principle as well as an ultimate aim of education. Secondly, spooking concretely, a purpose of teaching was to bring up a man of goodwill. A man of goodwill is a typical model of human being whom we consider the subject of education. For that reason, Confucius laid stress on education of one's whole personality. 3.Confucius' method of education Confucius' method of education was very diverse. (1) Reformatory instruction by personality Confucius always attacked great importance to moral education. According to him, a teach who had admirable personality and dignity inspired his disciple by means of practicing morality. He also took a serious view of consistency of speech and action. His education was not a abstract ethics but a practical philosophy. (2) Introspection enlightment. Confucius held individuality and self-exarlination in esteem, and escaped cramming, education and one which is centering around a teacher. (3) self-denial and self-examination In social life, a selfish desire often come into being. It is perfect virtue that overcomes the selfish is desire and goes hack to decorum Self-denial is an ability to suppress a selfish desire and self-examination is examining oneself after a sense of self-interest comes into being. (4) Thought is labour lost ; thought without learning is perilous. We should practice an education accompanied learning and thinking. (5) Endeavour Confucius said one should study gradually in order. And be asked everybody to improve his ability. One's position is settled by one's ability, not by a more accident (6) Individuality adoptation. Confucius practiced an education which adapted individuality and was appropriate to one's talent. (7) The importance of surroundings Confucius stressed the fact that environment influenced one's learning and one's associates was a very import element in pursuing his study. 4.Conclusion It seems unrealistic, unvaluable and backneyed to say about confucius, its influence in education and so on. But, we must recognize that there are boundless educational principle in confucius' thought and his thought is filled will educational philosophy which has no second. Now that the wourld trys to humanize education. Reexamining help establish Korean educational philosophy.

      • KCI등재

        韓國敎育思想史를 통해 본 현대교육의 당면과제

        김익수 한국사상문화학회 2010 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.51 No.-

        Filial piety is Korea’s traditional thought since the ancient time. The Three Kingdoms period inherited this traditional thought. With this traditional thought as a foundation, Goguryo’s Taehak and Baikje’s Taehak taught the Five Classics of Confucianism. The curriculum emphasized the Study of Benevolence and the Study of Filial Piety in the Five Classics of Confucianism to educate the students to learn li and chi as one that consolidate the thought of Korean filial piety. Silla’s Gukhak emphasized the study of benevolence and filial piety making the studies of Analects and Book of Filial Piety as the general requirements by the government. Goryo’s national college Gukjagam also inherited this tradition while adopting the thought of filial piety of Yuan Dynasty. During Joseon Dynasty, the Book of Elementary Education replaced the Book of Filial Piety as a national requirement because of the boom of the study of Chu Hsi. Family Rituals of Chu Hsi became a part of everyday life and the foundation for the study of Chu Hsi was well established. As the national educational institutions, Seongyunguan in the capital educated the Four Books of Ancient China and Five Books of Confucianism while Four Colleges in the capital and Hyanggyo in the regions educated the study of Confucian classics. The study of benevolence and filial piety became so important and it became a world standard. King Sejong the Great published and circulated the Diagram for the Three Bonds to make political and educational aims as one with the ideas of filial piety, loyalty and devotion. During the era of Jeongjo, he communicated with people as a policy of consolidation with the publication of the Diagram for the Moral Rules to Govern the Five Human Relationship. Korea faces the crisis with confusion caused by the destruction of the substance of education from the total collapse of filial piety that is the framework of Korean traditional educational thought since the modern period, which is the time that the Western educational thoughts were adopted with criticism. The crisis in education causes the total crisis in government policy. Finally, the Law of the Headship of Family revised in 2005 in a wrong way to make the moral system unreliable. On August 3, 2007, the “Law Related to Encourage and Support Filial Piety” promulgated and the Governor of Chungnam Province promulgated the “Ordinance Related to Encourage and Support Filial Piety in Chungnam” in July 20, 2008. This trend continues to spread out to all the regional and local governments. The codification clarifies that all preschools, elementary schools, junior‐high schools and high schools must educate the subject of filial piety as well as the continuing education. Korean education needs to shift the paradigm with revitalizing its substance to make this change as the stepping stone. 효(孝)는 우리의 고유사상(固有思想)이라고 한다. 삼국(三國)시대로 이어져 傳承해 온 고유사상의 바탕위에 고구려의 태학(太學), 백제의 태학(太學)에서 五經중심의 교육을 하였는데 五經속에 내재(內在)한 仁學과 孝學을 공부하여 겉과 속(表裏)이 일체(一體)가 되는 한국의 효사상으로 확고해졌다. 신라의 國學에서는 「論語」와 「孝經」이 국책적 교양필수과목이어서 仁孝교육이 철저하였다. 고려(高麗)의 대학인 國子監에서 이를 계승 발전시켜는데 원(元)나라의 효사상도 수용되었다. 조선조는 朱子學의 열풍으로 「孝經」 대신에 「小學」이 중시되어 국책교과가 되었고, 朱子家禮가 생활 속에 자리를 굳혀지면서 주자학이 정초가 세워졌다.官學으로는 중앙의 成均館에서는 사서(四書), 오경(五經)을 공부하고, 四部學堂과 지방의 향교(鄕校)에서도 경학(經學)공부를 통한 仁孝교육이 절대적이어서 감히 세계적이라고 할만하다. 세종대왕은 국책으로 「三綱行實圖」를 편찬 보급하여 孝·忠·烈을 가치체계로 政敎를 一致시켰다. 中宗 때는 「二倫行實圖」로 보완하였고, 正祖때는 「五倫行實圖」로 이른바 통합정치로 국민과 소통되었다. 근세에 이르면서 서구교육사조의 비판없는 수용으로 전통적인 교육사상의 골격인 효사상이 완전히 붕괴되어 교육의 본질이 실종되어 위기를 맞고 있다. 교육위기가 총체적인 국정의 위기를 초래시키고 있다. 2005년 호주제 개악(改惡)이후 도덕적 기조가 부실해져서 2007년8월3일에 대통령령으로 “효행장렴및 지원에 관한 법률” 이 공포되고, 2008년 7월 20일 충남도지사는 “충남 효행장려 및 지원에 관한 조례‍”를 공포했으며 각지자체에서도 연속되고 있다. 교육에 관한 주요조항이 유치원 초, 중, 고등학교에서부터 교육을 해야 하고, 사회교육에서도 효행교육을 해야 한다고 명시하였다. 이를 버팀목으로 하여 교육의 본질을 회복시기 위하여 반전(反轉)시키는 기회로 삼자.

      • KCI등재
      • 왕종개 Cobitis longicorpus의 地理的 變異

        金益秀 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1981 基礎科學 Vol.4 No.1

        우리나라 南部地方의 여러 河川에서 採集된 Cobitis 屬魚類 橫珽型을 分類學的으로 檢討하였던 바 調査標本은 모두 Cobitis longicorpus로 同定되었으며, 그들의 분측정문, 骨質般 및 生物側定値 地理的 集圈에 따라 差異를 보였으나 亞種으로는 分類되지 않았다. 특히 분측정문은 地理的으로도 뚜렷한 差異을 보였는데 이러한 變異는 本 種이 살고있는 河川의 生態的 條件에 따라 다르게 나타나는 점으로 보아 棲息處變異라고 본다. 그리고 本 種은 우리나라의 小白山脈과 盧嶺山脈 二南의 全水城과 南部島嶼地方에서도 分布한다는 事實은 動物地理學的 立場에서 볼 때 크게 注目된다. The taxonomical review was conducted on the cross band type of the Cobitid fishes which were collected in several streams in the southern parts of Korea from 1973 to 1980. The morphological variations exist among some geographic populations, but all populations were identified with monotypic species, Cobitis longicorpus K_IM, C_HOI and N_ALBANT, 1976, because the pattern of geographic variation in one trait is not trait is not necessary paralleled by variation in another hand, color patterns on their body sides exhibit considerable geographic differences, which are regared as habitat variation adapted to the ecological conditions of the stream. It is remarkable on the zoogeographical viewpoint that the present species is didtributed in the all waters of the southern part of the Sobaik Mountains and Noryeong Mountains and some islands of southern part in Korea.

      • 韓國産 망둑어 亞科 魚類의 分類學的 再檢討

        金益秀,李鎔周,金容億 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1987 基礎科學 Vol.10 No.1

        Thirty three species belonging to twenty genera in the subfamily Gobiinae of Korea were reviewed and key to species and genera were provided. Among them twenty seven species captured during 1985-1987 were examined on the cephalic sensory canal systems for the taxonomic review, and classified into 4 groups based on the presence or absence of the canal and their canal pore patterns. It was confirmed that the pore patterns of preopercular and anterior ocular-scapular canal were important in the diagnosis of gobiid genera or species and in the discussion of the specialized species group. It was considered that the genus of Acentrogobius masago should be transferred to Pseudogobius from Acentrogobius, because A. masago was more similar to P. javanicus than to A. pflaumi and its congeneric species in their cephalic sensory canal systems. Some populations of Chaenogobius annularis and Acanthogobius lactipes showed the geographical variations in cephalic pit organs and the number of predorsal scales. The endemic gobiid species was not found the Korean waters, but some species showed a disjunct distributions between the west and the east coast waters in Korea. The south coast was inhabited by the abundant species including twenty seven species of seventeen genera. The genera of Acanthogobius, Chaenogobius, and Chasmichthys were considered to be the common genera in Korean waters.

      • 잡견 기관지 평활근에 Acetylcholine과 정맥마취제의 상관 관계에 관한 연구

        김익수 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1981 충남의대잡지 Vol.8 No.2

        The effects of intravenous anesthetics on contractures induced in dog tracheal smooth muscle by acetylcholine 10 ug have been investigated in vitro. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Thiopentone 10 ug/cc, 30 ug/cc, 100 ug/cc and 300 ug/cc induced dose-dependant relaxation on acetylcholine contracture significantly. 2. Propanidid in dose 30 ug/cc, 100 ug/cc, 300 ug/cc and 1000 ug/cc induced dose dependant relaxation on acetylcholine contracture significantly. 3. Ketamine in dose 30 ug/cc, 100 ug/cc, 300 ug/cc and 1000 ug/cc induced dose dependant contracture in comparison with the contractures induced by the acetylcholine.

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