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        우리나라 병원의 마케팅 활동수준과 재무성과

        한창훈 ( Chang Hoon Han ),김원중 ( Won Joong Kim ) 한국병원경영학회 1999 병원경영학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        The main objective oh this paper is to perform an empirical analysis on the relationship between various marketing activities and financial performance of Korean hospitals. A survey was conducted through structured questionnaire for 495 hospitals, and data from 218 hospitals were utilized in the final analysis. (response rate : 44%) Survey items include general characteristics of the hospitals (size, type, location), degree of competition, financial performance, marketing organization/ budget, and level of various marketing activities in service development, access improvement, promotion, and pricing. We examine descriptive statistics of the response scores on marketing activities to evaluate the current status of marketing management of Korean hospitals, compare the results across hospital size, type and location, and perform regression analysis to investigate the relationship between marketing and financial performance. Major findings are as follows : 1) About 46% of the responding hospitals gave marketing departments although they are named as 'planning' or 'PR' departments, and the marketing budget on average represents 1.74% of the total expenditures. 2) Average level of marketing activities is calculated to be about 3.32 on 5-point scale, meaning that Korean hospitals implement their marketing programs 'somewhat actively'; however, the scores on the areas of marketing planning and strategy are relatively low. 3) Large hospitals tend to be more active in marketing than small hospitals, and public hospitals' activities in marketing are not lower compared to private hospitals. 4) Level of overall marketing activities is positively related with financial performance measured by various financial indicators except for profitability, implying that marketing is successful in revenue generation but needs to be more cost-effective. Also, when the marketing variables are separately included in the regression, no significant relationship is found, which means that various marketing activities are more effective when they are collectively implemented.

      • KCI등재

        장기균형환율의 결정요인

        현준석(Jun Seog Hyun),김원중(Won Joong Kim) 한국무역연구원 2015 무역연구 Vol.11 No.4

        Under the Balassa-Samuelson model, the long-run equilibrium exchange rate condition is derived by assuming that the wage in the tradable goods equals that in the non-tradable goods. This paper relaxes this assumption and empirically examines the importance of wage differential between tradable and non-tradable goods in the long-run exchange rate. The cointegration analyses show that, in both nominal won/dollar exchange rate and in nominal effective exchange rate of won, the long-run equilibrium patterns in exchange rates are not found with the classical Balassa-Samuelson model. However, with the wage differential in the model, we find a strong long-run equilibrium in exchange rate. Based on the results, it is suggested that wage differential which also accounts for the differences in the labor market between tradable and non-tradable goods, should be included to analyze the long-run movement in the nominal exchange rate.

      • KCI우수등재

        16세기 카스티야 코르테스와 마드리드 - 도시대표들 Procuradores 의 선출 , 권한 , 경제적 보상을 중심으로 -

        김원중 (Won Joong Kim) 한국서양사학회 1999 西洋史論 Vol.61 No.1

        According to the traditional interpretation, in Castile, with the defeat of the revolution of Comuneros in 1521, absolute monarchy was established, and the Cortes was reduced to `little more than a rubber stamp`. But new investigations after the 1970s insist that the Cortes of early modern Castile, far from being in decline, mattered a good deal more than assumed, and from the point of view of the Crown, a far more inconvenient body than they had been in the previous century. This study is an attempt to clarify this question by means of one example ; the case of Madrid. In relation to this question, the author intended to verify is the type of the bond(as it were, procuradores) that binded the Cortes with cities, because the relation between the Cortes and the monarchy was defined by the medium of them. For this work, it was necessary to clarify the basic questions : the system of election of procuradores, the power which the cities endowed to the procuradores, and the system of the economic benefits assigned to them, etc... The result of this investigation holds up the revisionism in the interpretation of the question of the Cortes of Castile ; the Castilian kings did not have active intention to intervene in the election of the procuradores ; voto decisivo(decisive vote) in the Cortes meeting was always in the hands of the regidores of the city councils; and even if the procuradores enjoyed various economic benefits from the Crown, it did not mean the surbordinate attitude of the procuradores. In conclusion, with regard to the political significance of the Cortes of Castile, it can be said that the Cortes of the early modern Castile had two different concepts ; the one is the Cortes as a representative institution of whole kingdom, and the other is the Cortes as a representative organ of the urban oligarchy of Castile. Of this two concepts, the role of the former declined, but not the role of the latter. Whatever intention of the procuradores might be, they were under the absolute influence of the city councils. The city council members (regidores), in opposition to the excessive demand of the Crown, expressed, sometimes with violence, the interest of the cities, or rather, of the urban oligarchy itself.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스페인 역사 교과서의 수정과 국민적 화해

        김원중(Kim, Won-Joong) 역사비평사 2014 역사비평 Vol.- No.108

        Since the latter part of the 1980s, there has been a major change in writing Spanish history textbooks. The change has to do with how these textbooks describe the periods of the Second Republic, the Spanish Civil War, and the Franco dictatorship. In the past, history textbooks in Spain primarily reflected the position of the Franco regime without presenting the perspectives of other political factions. In the last twenty years, however, textbook authors have taken into account new research into Spanish history and have begun describing historical events more objectively. Consequently, the partiality that characterized the old textbooks―the anti-democratic and pseudo-social explanations of the groups behind the 1936 coup―cannot be found in the new history textbooks. Democracy in Spanish society, which was possible after the death of Franco, led to the almost universal transition from old interpretations to new ones in history textbooks. The more balanced historical descriptions have contributed to reconciliation between the winners and losers of the Spanish Civil War. However, there are still a number of defects that need to be addressed in recently published history textbooks. For example, they still tend to overlook the fact that politicians have taken an ambiguous position toward victims of the past since the death of Franco in 1975. Furthermore, the textbooks pay little attention to the details of reconciliation, their significance and limitations. These flaws need to be rectified soon if the function of the history textbooks to help achieve national reconciliation is to be realized.

      • KCI등재

        젊은 한국 여성의 시상면상 골반 형태에 대한 방사선학적 계측

        김원중(Won Joong Kim),이상호(Sang-Ho Lee),민상혁(Sang-Hyuk Min),최병관(Byung Kwan Choi),이은숙(Eun-Suk Lee),신송우(Song-Woo Shin) 대한정형외과학회 2005 대한정형외과학회지 Vol.40 No.1

        목적: 척추의 시상면상 균형과 밀접한 관계가 있는 골반의 형태 요소 중 가장 많이 사용되는 pelvic lordosis angle (PRS1)과 pelvic angle of incidence (AQI)를 측정하여 한국 여자 성인에서의 평균치와 평균적인 범위를 설정하는 것이었다. 대상 및 방법: 후향적 탐색을 통하여 2002년 1월 1일부터 12월 31일까지 본원에 내원하였던 20대와 30대의 발병 2주 미만의 급성 요부 염좌 환자들을 골라 전화 문진을 실시하였다. 문진상 당해 급성 염좌가 단발성이었고 완전히 회복되어 정상 적인 일상생활로 복귀한 경우에 한하여 기립 측면 방사선 디지털 영상 사진 상에서 PRS1과 AOI를 계측하였다. 환자들의 병록번호순으로 측정을 시행하여 20대와 30대의 수가 각각 40명이 되도록 하였다. 결과: 두 각도 모두 연령간의 차이는 없었다. 평균 PRS1은 38.7±8.3° (range: 13.6-52.9° 였으며 평균 AOI는 48.5±9.4° (range: 30.5-74.7°)였다. PRS1과 AOI 사이에는 밀접한 상관관계가 있었으며(상관계수, r=-0.965), PRS1=79.909-0.850×AOI, AOI=90.902-1.096×PRS1 (linear regression analysis, p=0.000, R²=0.931) 의 관계가 있었다. 결론: 본 연구의 결과는 향후 한국인의 시상 만곡과 척추골반 균형의 연구와 수술적 복원에 대한 연구의 기초자료로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Purpose: To determine the normative data for the pelvic morphology parameters in the young Korean female population. Materials and Methods: Young Korean female patients in 20s and 30s who had visited the outpatient clinic for a first attack acute sprain underwent a telephone interview at a minimum of 1 year after their last hospital visit. Those who had recovered completely and had no back-related complaints were selected for the pelvic lordosis angle (PRS1) and pelvic angle of incidence (AOI) measurements (n=40 each age group). Results: There was no age difference in both parameters. The PRS1 in the young female population was 38.7±8.3° (range: 13.6-52.9°) and the AOI was 48.5±9.4° (range: 30.5-74.7°), which shows a close correlation between the two parameters (correlation coefficient, r=-0.965). The linear regression equation obtained is as follow; Equation I: PRS1=79.909-0.850×AOI, Equation Ⅱ: AOI=90.902-1.096×PRS1 (linear regression analysis, p=0.000, R²=0.931). Conclusion: The data obtained from the study may be used for future studies related to the sagittal spinopelvic balance.

      • 인성교육의 회고와 반성

        김원중 ( Won Joong Kim ) 경남대학교 교육문제연구소 2014 敎育理論과 實踐 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this article was to reflect on the past 20 years of Korean ‘insung’ education. Korea educational reform which was named ‘May 31 Educational Reform Program’ started in 1995. Practice-oriented ‘insung’ education was one of educational reform programs. But its nature was not fully discussed and its meaning was not clearly defined. So there was always many confusion about ‘what it is’ and ‘what the adequate contents and correct methods are’. Confusion did not get resolved and went on to today. Consequently it failed to arrive at a result.

      • KCI등재

        『史記』 「屈原賈生列傳」을 통해서 본 司馬遷의 치유적 글쓰기 전략 - 發憤과 憐愍의 승화적 차원을 중심으로 -

        김원중(Kim, Won-Joong) 동북아시아문화학회 2019 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.59

        This study examines the expressions of resentment (怨) and rage (憤) in Sima Qian’s “Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng” (屈原賈生列傳) in the Records of the Grand Historian. The examination reveals that Sima Qian’s choice of biographic subjects and narrative techniques can be understood as the writer’s efforts to heal his own psychological trauma caused by wrongful imprisonment and castration. Sima Qian chose Qu Yuan (屈原 c. 340–278 BC) and Jia Sheng (Jia Yi 賈生 c. 200-169 BC) as biography subjects and depicted them as tragic heroes. The writer expressed his deep sympathy for Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng, who lived unfortunate lives suffering from false accusations made by people jealous of their outstanding literary talents. The author used a river motif and paralleled the lives of Qu Yuan, Jia Sheng, and himself in the work. Qu Yuan weighed himself down with a stone and committed suicide by wading into the Miluo River. More than a hundred years after Qu Yuan’s death, during the Han Dynasty, Jia Sheng went to the Xiang River and wrote a funeral oration for the river to mourn Qu Yuan. Sima Qian also went to the Xiang river and mourned the two with tears. He highlighted a literary setting-a river-to enable readers to identify the three as tragic heroes. He also used Jia Sheng’s reading about Qu Yuan and his own readings about the two people to explore the nuances of empathy. This characterization is Sima Qian’s strategy to reveal himself as a tragic hero similar to the famous two from the past and evoke readers’ sympathy.

      • 일반원고 : 청소년상담의 현실과 앞으로의 과제

        김원중 ( Won Joong Kim ) 경남대학교 교육문제연구소 2006 敎育理論과 實踐 Vol.16 No.-

        It is a big problem that Korean school counseling centers have not been often visited by students. According to a survey, just 20.9 percent of the students had ever visited school counseling centers. Another survey showed that 0.8% of adolescents asked professional counselors for help and 4.3% discussed with their teachers when they had problems. Most of them consulted with their friends or mothers. Besides, a study of Korea Youth Counseling Institute showed that among teenagers with counseling experience, only a quarter of them wanted counseling for themselves, and the others were forced to do that by their parents, teachers or the police. Fortunately, online counseling is becoming popular in recent years. Korea Youth Counseling Institute started to provide cyber counseling in 1998, and online clients has increased every year. It`s desirable that online counseling is taking root as one of counseling methods, but it cannot be a perfect alternative to face-to-face counseling. Expecting the former to make the latter unnecessary is dangerous. A lot of youth problems must be handled by face-to-face counseling, not by online one. However, a survey showed that face-to-face counseling was on the decrease lately. It is important to boost face-to-face counseling. To do so, we have some tasks as follows. Firstly, the way teenagers look at counseling center should be changed. They should no longer be forced to come to counseling center by others. And the fact that the objects of counseling are not troublemakers but people who have worry and anxiety should be remembered. School counseling centers should stop calling and scolding troublemakers. Instead, they should be dedicated to a small number of voluntary clients, and the best way to publicize counseling center is through the word of mouth among those who have been helped by it.

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