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        탄소포화철의 스래그에 의한 탈황속도론

        김영홍 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1980 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        Slag에 의한 탄소포화철의 탈황속도 기구를 1460℃, CO gas의 환원성 분위기 하에서 조사하였다. Slag로는 SiO₂-CaO-MgO계의 slag가 사용되었으며 탈항속도는 slag의 조성, melt geometry 및 CO gas압력, Si 및 MnO의 첨가량 등을 변화시켜가며 측정하였다. 실험결과에 따르면 탈황반응의 속도는 metal 또는 slag중의 유황의 확산속도에 좌우되는 것이 아니고 metal/slag계면에서의 전기 화학적 반응속도의 지배를 받는 것으로 생각된다. 탈황반응은 세단계를 거쳐 진행된다. 즉 Fe의 Anodic reaction과 CO발생속도에 좌우되는 초기의 가장 신속한 반응단계와 CO발생속도에만 지배를 받는 중간속도의 반응단계 및 SiO₂의 환원반응에 지배를 받는 최후의 가장 완만한 단계를 거쳐 진행된다. The kinetics of desul phurization of carbon saturated iron by CaO-MgO-SiO₂ slag was studied at 1460℃ under CO gas atmosphere varying the slag composition, melt geometry, Si and MnO additions, and ambient pressure. It was shown that the desulphurization reaction is not controlled by either diffusion of sulphur in the metal or the slag but by an electrochemical reaction. Desulphurization takes place in three different reaction stages; the intial fastest stage is dependent anodic reaction of iron transfer and CO evolution, the second medium rate stage is controlled by CO evolution, and the final slowest stage controlled by silica reduction from the silicate slag.

      • 용융아연에 의한 철의 침식 현상에 관하여

        김영홍 울산대학교 1970 연구논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        극연강재(極軟鋼材)를 440∼570℃ 범위의 여러가지 온도에서 용융아연 중에 침적(浸 漬)하여 그 침식량과 반응시간 및 온도와의 관계를 실험 조사 하였다. 495℃에서 침식량은 이상적(異常的)으로 증가하고 그 반응시간에 직선적인 비례 관계를 갖는다는 점을 확인 하였다. 또한 440∼475℃온도 범위에서는 거의 변화가 없고 520℃ 이상에서는 침식된 철분이 이보다는 많으나 급격한 증가는 없었으며 이러한 침식량들은 반응시간의 제곱근에 비례하였다. δ₁과 ξ상(相) 간의 peritectic reaction은 Schramm의 상태도에서는 530℃에서 일어남에 비하여 495℃에서 일어났었다. 이러한 결과로 부터 얻을 수 있는 결론은 도금가마(Galvanizing Kettle)의 수명을 연장하기 위해서는 Kettle Wall 외측온도가 530℃가 되지 않도록 Local over-heating을 피하여야 하며 488℃를 표준으로 도금로(鍍金爐)를 설계하지 않으면 안된다는 점이다. The relation between the reaction time, temperature and the dissolved amount was experimentally investigated by dipping the extra mild steel in the molten zinc at different temperature within the range of 440-570℃. It was found that the abnormal increase of dissolved amount took place at 495 ℃, and the relation of dissolved amount with respect to reaction time was lineary proportional. In the temperature region between 440-475℃, there were only the slight. changes and above 520℃, even though the amount of dissolved iron was larger, great increase could not be found and the dissolved amounts increased in proportion to the square root of the time. The peritectic reaction between δ₁and ξ phase took place at 495℃ in comparison to 530℃ in the Schramm's phase diagram. From these results, it was concluded that in order to lengthen the life of galvanizing kettle, it must be avoided for the outside temperature of kettle wall to reach 503℃ by local over-heating and the furnace for a kettle should be designed according to the standard temperature, 488℃.

      • 융모성성선자극호르몬 투여가 임신랫드의 황체 및 태아에 미치는 영향

        김영홍 慶北大學校農業科學技術硏究所 1990 慶北大農學誌 Vol.8 No.-

        임신랫드에 융모성성선자극호르몬을 투여한 후 모체의 황체와 태아에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 임신랫드에 융모성성선자극호르몬제제인 Profasai 1000(Serona, Switzland) 50 또는 100IU를 임신 4, 8, 12 또는 16일에 각각 투여한 후 임신20일에 부검하여 태아와 모체에 대한 조사를 한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 황체는 모든 대조군과 HCG투여군에서 그 수가 거의 비슷한 수준이었고 임신8일의 경우에 그 수가 비교적 감소되었다. 2. 태아의 흡수는 임신 4, 8및 12일의 HCG투여군과 임신 12일의 대조군에서 나타났지만 임신4일의 경우가 발생빈도가 현저하게 높았고 임신 12일의 경우는 매우 낮았다. 3. 태아의 체중은 임신4일에 50IU의 HCG투여군에서만 감소되었다. 4. 태아의 골격검사에서 기형발생과 골화의 이상은 인정되지 않았지만 변이는 인정되었다. 변이는 14번늑골만 인정되었으며, 임신 4, 8 그리고 12일의 HCG투여군과 임신8일과 16일의 대조군에서 다양하게(5.26~8.33%) 나타났다. 5. 임신랫드에 HCG를 투여하면 태아의 흡수가 나타날 수 있지만 골격형성 과정에서 반드시 변이가 발생된다고 생각하지 않는다. The present study was designed to determine the effect of HCG administration to pregnant rats on the dam and its fetus including the corpora lutea, the body weight of the fetus, the resorption of the fetus and the malformations of the fetus in skeletal development when a single dose of HCG 50 IU or 100IU on day 4.8.12 or 16 of pregnancy. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Administration of HCG had no effect on the corpora lutea. 2. Fetal resorption was observed in animals treated with HCG on days 4.8 or 12, high incidence being treated with HCG on day 4 of pregnancy. 3. Administration of HCG had no effect on the weight of the fetus except decreasing in it treated with HCG on day 4 of pregnancy. 4. Administration of HCG might be able to induce the skeletal variations but was not the skeletal malformations and abnormal ossification of the fetus. The extra 14 ribs was observed in animals treated with HCG on days 8 and 16 of pregnancy, respectively. 5. It is suggested that HCG administration to pregnant rats was able to induce the fetal resorption and might be able to induce skeletal variations in the fetus.

      • 부화계태아의 수분대사에 관한 연구 - I. 부화일령에 따른 계태야의 수분분할

        김영홍,Kim Young-Hong 대한수의사회 1980 대한수의사회지 Vol.16 No.4

        The studies were undertaken with the objective to observe water distribution and its content in egg during the incubation periods by dry method. The resalts obtained were sammarized as follows: 1. Chick embryo was not recogenizable on second and third day

      • 제주도에 있어서의 개의 내부 기생충에 관한 연구

        김영홍 제주대학교 1970 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        This study was undertaken to evaluate the present status of intestinal helmiuthic infections of dig in Cheju-Do, from July 1st through September 30th 1970. The methods employed were Kato's cellophane thick smear technique and zinc sulfate floatation technique in 102 for the prevalence rate of various intestinal helminths. The results are as follow: 1) The poaitive rate of intestinal helminths of any kind was 45.0% among 102. 2) The infection rate of Toxcara canis in 102 was 32.4%, Ancylostoma caninum 9.8%, Trichuris vulpis 4.9%, Spirocerca 1upi 0.9%, Clonorchis sinensis 0.9%

      • 임신과 분만에 따른 흰쥐의 혈액내 유리불포화지방산, 인지질, Creatinine 및 Prostaglandin 함량의 변화


        This study is designed to evaluate serum free unsaturated fatty acid, phospholipid, creatinine and prostaglandin concentrations to provide normal values for physiological barometers and preliminary information related to these chemical components on the stages of pregnancy and parturition in female rats. Forty female rats are devided into 8 groups. One control group contains 5 intact, nonpregnant female rats and the other 5 pregnancy groups contains each of 5 pregnant rats which are 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21days after pregnancy. The remaining 2 parturition groups contain each of 5 postparturient rats which are 12 and 36 hours after parturition. The results obtained are as follows ; 1. The mean concentrations of free unsaturated fatty acid in serum of the female rats ranges from 6. 47 to 8. 22 ㎎/dl. The level of pregnancy group that is 21days being lower. 2. The mean concentrations of phospholipid in serum of the female rats ranges from 86 to 105㎎/dl. There is no marked difference between all of these groups, especially the levels of 12 days after pregnancy group and 36 hours after parturition group are lower than those of other groups. 3. The mean concentrations of crecatinine in serum of the female rats ranges from 0.64 to 0.84 ㎎/dl. There is no marked difference between all of 8 groups and the levels of 21 days after pregnancy group are higher than those of other groups. 4. The mean concentrations of prostaglandin in blood of the female rats ranges from 324 to 1208 ph/㎖ and increase from 736 pg/㎖(18 days after pregnancy) to maximal levels of 1208 pg/㎖ immediately after parturition, and then decreased progressively. Especially, each mean concentration of prostaglandin on 9, 12, or 15 days after pregnancy and mean concentrations of 5 pregnant groups are lower than those of nonpregnant female rats. 5. It is suggested that serum concentrations of free unsaturated fatty acid, phospholipid and creatinine in female rats are not related to the stages of pregnancy and parturition but prostaglandin concentrations influence the initiation of parturition in this species.

      • 닭 정자의 생사감별을 위한 생체염색법에 관한 연구

        김영홍,Kim Young-Hong 대한수의사회 1980 대한수의사회지 Vol.16 No.1

        The studies were undertaken with the objective to compare six staining techniques, nigrosineosin, eosin-nigrosin, trypan blue, Congo red-nigrosin, fast green-erythrocin and fast green-eosin and select one of these staining techniques to measure live-dead

      • 사료내 불포화지방산 및 아연부족이 흰쥐의 혈청과 주요 조직내 몇가지 화학성분에 미치는 영향

        金永洪 慶北大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.38 No.-

        A study was conducted as a preliminary experiment for seeking out the way of prevention and treatment of porcine parakeratosis. The relationship between low fat diet, low fat-low zinc diet and porcine parakeratosis was studied by analysing the contents of free unsaturated fatty acid, total free fatty acid, phospholipid, unsaturated fatty acid in phospholipid and zinc in serum, liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas of rats fed with the diet adjusted content of unsaturated fatty acid and zinc (low fat diet and low fat-low zinc diet). Fifteen growing rats were divided into 3 groups. First group were fed low fat-low zinc diet containing 42 ppm of zinc and 3,260 ㎎/100g of unsaturated fatty acids, second group low fat diet containing 100 ppm of zinc and 3,260 ㎎/100g of unsaturated fatty acids, and third group control diet containing 100 ppm of zinc and 4,860 ㎎/l00g of unsaturated fatty acids for 100 days. The results were summarized as follows: 1) Free unsaturated fatty acid, total free fatty acid, unsaturated fatty acid in phospholipid and phospholipid concentrations of the blood serum, liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas of low fat-low zinc group were lower than those of control group. Free unsaturated fatty acid and phospholipid concentrations in blood serum (each of 5.62 ㎎/dl, 0.75 ㎎/mI) were significantly decreased as compared with those of control group (each of 6.47 ㎎/dl, 1. 15 ㎎/ml). Especially free unsaturated fatty acid, total free fatty acid and phospholipid concentrations in pancreas were significantly decreased. 2) Zinc concentrations of the blood serum, liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas of low fat-low zinc group were significantly lower than those of control and low fat groups. 3) Free unsaturated fatty acid, total free fatty acid, unsaturated fatty acid in phospholipid and phospholipid concentrations of low fat group were. lower than those of control ;group, but the free unsaturated fatty acid and phospholipid concentrations of blood serum-and pancreas were significantly decreased as compared with those of control group. 4) Zinc concentrations of low fat group were significantly higher than those of low fat-low zinc group, but there was no significant difference in low. zinc and control groups.

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