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        신장이식 환자의 피부증상에 대한 관찰

        김영표,김종순,이승철,전인기 ( Young Pio Kim,Jong Soon Kim,Seung Churl Lee,Inn Ki Chun ) 대한피부과학회 1990 대한피부과학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        N/A Clinical observation of Cutaneous Manifestations in the Renal Transplanted Patients Young Pio Kim, M.D., Jong Soon Kim, M.D., Seung Churl Lee, M.D., Inn Ki Chun, M.D. Department of Dermatology, Chonnam University Medical School, Kwangju, Korea The Author performed a clinical study in order to investigate cutaneous manifestations in the renal transplanted patients. The 47 patients, who were treated with renal transplantation and dialysis, between June 1988 and January 1990, in the department of general surgery and internal medicine, at Chonnam University Hospital. The results were as follows 1. The incidence of cutaneous manifestations were 83%(39/47). 2. The incidence of each cutaneous manifestations wrer pruritus(66%) xerosis(46.8%), decrease in sweating(34%), hyperpigmentation and easy bruising(29.8%), nail change(25.5%), delayed wound healing(23.4&%) 3. .Among 31 patients with pruritus, 24(77.4%) were marked relief, 5*16.1%) were no particular change, and 2(6.5%) were aggravation of pruritus after renal transplantation. 4. There was no correlation between the severity of pruritus and duration of chronic renal failure, the level of calcium(Ca), Ca ×phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase. But there was a positive correlation between the severity of pruritus and the level of blood urea nitrogen(p<0.01). 5. The incidences of cutaneous disorders of the 47 renal transplanted patients treated with immunosuppressive agents were as follows ; cushingoid features(80.9%), dermatophytosis(29.8%), viral infection(25.5%), and alopecia(12.8%) were found. 6. There was no statistically significant difference in HLA-typing of the 47 renal transplanted patients with normal Korean. (Kor J Dermatol 28(5) : 587-596, 1990)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        농미충증 (농미충증) 의 임상 및 역학적 고찰

        김영표,전인기,하범석 ( Young Pio Kim,Inn Ki Chun,Bom Seock Ha ) 대한피부과학회 1989 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.27 No.5

        Taenia aolium is responsible for producing human intestinal infection with the tapeworm (taeniasis) and the lodging of the larval stage (Cysticercua cellulosae) in numerous organs. especially subcutaneous tissue with the prodution

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        나환자 말초혈중 임파구내 Adenosine Deaminase 효소 활성에 관한 연구

        김영표(Young Pio Kim),최유섭(Yoo Seop Choi) 대한피부과학회 1983 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.21 No.4

        Leprosy is an infectious diseases caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It is considered to be manifested in person with an impaired. immune system and is divided into two polar forms; the first being tuberculoid leprosy(TL) with nearly norrnal cell-mediated immunity(CMI) and the second heing lepromatous leprosy(LL) with deficient CMI. Adenosine deaminase(ADA) is an enzyme concerned with intermediary purine metabolism, which is known to be deficient in case of immunological dysfunction. To find out if there is any ADA deficiency in leprosy, the ADA activities in the lymphocytes of leprosy patients were compared with those of normal ones. The ADA activities in lymphocytes of normal subjects, TL patients and. LL patients were as follows; ID. 36-I-l. 90 units/10cells, 6. 35+0. 86units/10'cells and 4. 58+0. 52units/IO'cells respectively. The ADA activities in lymphocytes were revealed to be significantly different between normal subjects and LL patients(p <0. 01) and also between normal subjects and TL patients(p<0. 05). The lowered ADA activities in lymphocytes of leprosy patients, particularly in lepromatous leprosy, suggests a similar role in ADA for immunological response as demonstrated in severe combined immunodeficiency diseases.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        페드러스 피부염 ( Paederus Dermatitis ) 의 임상 및 곤충학적 연구

        김영표(Young Pio Kim),전인기(Inn Ki Chun),허수경(Soo Gyoung Hur),하범석(Bom Seock Ha) 대한피부과학회 1989 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.27 No.4

        Paederus dermstitis (or dermatitis linearis), caused by the insect genus Paederus, is characterized by linear erythernatous, vesicopustular lesions. In 1968, we proved that causative agent is Paederus fuscipes. During the 20-year period since then (from June 1968 to September 1988), we have experienced 156 cases of the diseaes in our clinic, and the clinical features were studied with the following results. (1) They were found only during summer months from June to September. Most prevalent in June(47%), followed by August, July and September, in decreasing order. (2) People in their twenties were affected most often(10%), with females outnumbering males, by approximately 2.8 to 1. (3) The lesions were found exclusively over exposed areas, such as face, neck, and extremities (4) Experiments on a volunteer revealed that the same skin lesions as in the patients can be produced by rubbing the anal portion of the insect. (5) Spongiosis and subcorneal pustule of epidermis were the main histopathological findings. (6) The insects appear ant-like and measures 6.5 to 7mm in length. It has a black, round head with pslpuli black, rectangular, short elytra, yellowish brown pronotum and abdomen composed of 6 segments, of which two caudal ones(hypopygium) were dark brown. The meso and metathorax, and the lower ends of the femurs in meso and metapedes appear dark brown. (7) Wide use of potent pesticides, herbicides, or insecticides as well as the urbanization may have reduced the out breaks of the disease in recent years.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Trichophyton verrucosum에 의한 두부 독창 (禿瘡) 과 역학적 관찰

        김영표(Young Pio Kim),전인기(Inn Ki Chun),김승훈(Seoung Hun Kim) 대한피부과학회 1986 대한피부과학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        Trichophyton(T.) verrucosum had not been reported until now in Korea. We report herein a case of kerion celsi caused by T. verrucosum considered the first case in Korea and its epidemiologic enviroment. She was a 10 years old girl living in cattle country. Three weeks ago, three small erythematous nodules were developed and rapidly progressed to be large boggy mass like tumefactions. Histopathologically, fungal hyphae and spores were found in hair follicles in H & E and PAS stain. In fungal study, characteristic features of T. verrucosum were found as chains of chlamidospores et als. With above results, we could diagnose these lesions as kerion celsi caused by T. verrucosum which were transmitted from a cattle. After 4 weeks-administration of ketoconazole, lesions were healed completely.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        양성 선천성 구진성 (丘疹性) 조직구종

        김영표(Young Pio Kim),황선욱(Sun Wook Hwang) 대한피부과학회 1984 대한피부과학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        We herein described a female newborn baby who, on the day of birth, exhibited widespread discrete reddish purple colored, round and slightly hyperkeratotic papules measuring about 4 mm in size, the biopsy specimen of which showed the histologic findings of histiocytosis X. The skin lesions resolved spontaneously within a week. The following diseases were discussed as possible diagnoses; histiocytosis X, generalized eruptive histiocytoma, juvenile xanthogranuloma, congenital self-healing reticulohistiocytosis and xanthoma disseminaturn. Since the current case didn't fit well any of them, we proposed a new descriptive term for this : Histiocytoma Papulosa Benigna Congenita.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        나환자의 정신상태에 관한 연구 - 제3보 : 재가 나환자 -

        김영표(Young Pio Kim),장기열(Kee Yul Jang),전인기(Inn Ki Chun),양창승(Chang Sung Yang),김기선(Ki Sun Kim) 대한피부과학회 1983 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.21 No.4

        Many factors including social rejection, family problems, loss of educational opportunity, fear, prejudice and ignorance, compound the inherent paychologicaI stress of leprosy. In ligh.t of these problems this present study was undertaken to evaluate the psychologica.l status of 1cprosy patients. The subjects of the present study were 220 patients staying at home and 304 control people living in similar isolated areas to resettlemert villages. A self reprort symptom inventory,, SCL--90 symptom check list 90) was used and the group, were analysed and compand by many factors. The results of this study are follows. -countinue-

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        나환자의 정신상태에 관한 연구 - 제 2보 입원 나환자 -

        김영표(Young Pio Kim),장기열(Kee Yul Jang),전인기(Inn Ki Chun) 대한피부과학회 1983 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.21 No.2

        Many factors including social rejection, family problems, loss of educational opportunity, fear, prejudice and ignorance of leprosy compound the inherent psychological stress of leprosy. In light of these problems this present study was undertaken to evaluate the psychological status of leprosy patients. The subjects of the present study were 205 patients admitted to a hospital and 304 control people living in similar isolated areas to resettlement villages. A self report symptom inventory, SCL-90 (symptom check list-90) was used and the groups were analysed and compared by many factors. (countinued..)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        최근 3년간 건선환자 258명에 관한 임상적 관찰

        김영표(Young Pio Kim),나해철(Hae Cherl Nah),전인기(Inn Ki Chun) 대한피부과학회 1985 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.23 No.2

        This study was done to evaluate a general tendency of 258 psoriatic patients seen between January, 1980 and December, 1983. and annual incidence of lg5g patients during last 16 calendal years (1668 1983) at the Department of Derrnatology, Chonnam University Hospital. The results were as follows: 1. Among 1, 358 cases of psoriasis, the number of male and female patients was 749 and 609, making the sex (male to female) ratio 1: 0 8 In the series of 258 patients, the peak ages at the time of onset of disease were between 0 and 29 in male (17 4%) amd between 10 and lg in female (13, 2g). 3. The most common sites of the initial involvement were elbow, knee, scalp, trunk, and during the courses of the disease, the upper extrernities, lower extremities, scalp, trunk were the most common sites of the body to be involved. 4 Clinically 84. 5p; of all patient was psoriasis vulgaris and guttate psoriasis appeared in 8. 9g of the patients. Pustulosis palmaris appeared in 5, 8g, patient and two patients (0, 8p,) was generalized erythrodeama. 5 The incidences of psoriatic patients among all new dermatologic patients visitirg skin department of Chonnam University Hospital were 2. 20% during 16 calenaial years (1968-1983) and 3 04$; from 1981 through 1983.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        정상 한국인의 모발성장에 관한 연구

        김영표(Young Pio Kim),나해철(Hae Cherl Nah),황선욱(Sun Wook Hwang),전인기(Inn Ki Chun),손형선(Hyung Son Sohn) 대한피부과학회 1984 대한피부과학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        The hair growth of the scalp is influenced by many systemic and local factors. So the study of standard hair growth rate is very important for the diagnosis and treatment of some pathological conditions. That study has not been done well in Korea. The present study was to establish the standard hair growth rate of the scalp of healthy Koreans at different ages. The investigations were carried out on 509 individuals of both sexes whose ages ranged between 2 and 69 years. The subjects were grouped according to 5 age periods. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The mean value of the daily scalp hair growth rate was 0. 401+ 0. 037mm. 2. The daily hair growth rate of each groups were as follows: under 10 years of age; 0. 367+0.032mm, in the teenagers; 0.419,+0. 032mm, in the twenties0.398+0.037mm, in the thirties and fourties; 0. 394+0. 034mm, above 50 years of age 0. 386+029mm. 3. Sex differences of each age groups in the scalp hair growth were not statistically significant.

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