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        강우특성과 지질특성을 고려한 급경사지 주민대피 관리기준 연구

        김열,류지협,서상훈 한국방재학회 2015 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.15 No.3

        For mitigating the damages of the steep slopesí collapse, their collapse time should be expected in advance and then used to effectively evacuate the residents. For evacuation, evacuation management criteria has to be made yet by considering both the regional rainfall characteristics and the regional characteristics. As of now, evacuation management criteria have nationally included the same rainfall. With above in mind, this article comes to propose evacuation management criteria for the residents, which are protected under the authorities of local governments, by analyzing the five year rainfall and the soil characteristics. In particular, we are to set up the regional rainfall criteria by using not only about 700 cases of slope disaster but also related rainfall data. We continues to establish up the evacuation management criteria for the residents by utilizing the geological space in each administrative unit as well as the geological rainfall. 급경사지 피해를 경감시키기 위해서는 급경사지 붕괴시기를 미리 예측하고 위험한 급경사지 주변에 거주하고 있는 주민을 효과적으로대피시키는 것이 매우 중요하다. 이러한 주민대피를 위해서는 지역별 강우특성 및 지역특성이 반영된 주민대피 관리기준이 필요하다. 그러나 현재 적용되고 있는 급경사지 주민대피 관리기준은 전국적으로 동일한 강우기준을 적용하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 따라 최근 5 년간 급경사지 피해지역의 강우량 및 지질특성을 분석하여 각 지방자치단체에서 관리중인 급경사지 관리대상지에 적합한 주민대피 기준을 제안하고자 한다. 본 연구를 위해 약 700여개의 급경사지 재해사례와 강우데이터를 활용하여 권역별, 지질별 강우기준을 설정하였고, 지질별 강우기준과 행정구역별 지질분포 면적을 활용하여 각 지자체별 주민대피 관리기준을 설정하였다.

      • KCI등재

        인플루엔자 표본감시 향상을 위한 인터넷 보고시스템 도입 평가

        김열,강춘,박옥,김창엽,이주연,정은경,이종구,문옥륜 대한가정의학회 2007 Korean Journal of Family Medicine Vol.28 No.6

        An Assessment of Introducing Internet Reporting System for Enhancing Influenza SurveillanceYeol Kim, M.D., Eun Kyung Chung, M.D.*, Chun Kang, Ph.D.**, Ok Park, M.D.**, Joo-Yeon Lee, Ph.D.**, Jong Gu Lee, M.D., Ph.D.**, Chang-yup Kim, M.D., Ph.D.***, Ok Ryun Moon, M.D., Ph.D.***, 연구배경: 인플루엔자는 전세계적으로 항원변이 여부와 유행양상을 감시해야 하는 보건학적으로 중요한 질병이다. 우리나라는 2000년부터 전국의 649명의 표본감시 의사가 참여하는 인플루엔자 임상표본감시를 구축해 운영하고 있다. 그러나 인플루엔자 임상 표본감시의 가장 큰 문제점은 표본감시 의사의 적극적 참여의 부족으로 인플루엔자 의심환자 신고가 매우 낮다는 데에 있었다. 이러한 문제를 보완하고자 2003년 10월부터 인플루엔자 표본감시에 인터넷 보고시스템을 도입하였다. 이 연구에서는 새로이 도입된 인터넷 보고시스템의 효과를 평가하고자 하였다. 방법: 인터넷 보고시스템 도입 전후의 보고율과 집계시간을 분석하였고, 표본감시 의사들을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 결과: 인터넷 보고시스템의 도입 이후 지난 절기에 비해 주간 보고율이 12.2% 상승하였고, 인플루엔자 의심환자 신고율은 1.7배 상승하였다. 표본감시 의사 대상 설문 결과 인터넷 보고 이용률은 62.4%였고, 47.7%가 인플루엔자 홈페이지를 통하여 정보를 얻고 있었다. 인터넷 보고시스템 도입을 계기로 표본감시에 더 적극적으로 참여하게 되었다고 응답한 경우가 응답자의 57.8%였으며, 그 이유로는 홍보 효과가 46.0%로 가장 높았고, 그 다음이 인터넷 보고의 편리성 때문(30.2%)으로 답하였다. 결론: 인플루엔자 표본감시에 인터넷 보고시스템 도입이 보고의 편리성을 높이고 감시 결과를 쉽게 환류시킴으로써 표본감시 의료기관의 협조와 참여를 향상시킬 수 있었다. 앞으로 보다 신속한 인플루엔자 발생현황 파악과 인플루엔자 의사환자 신고율 증가를 위해서는 일일감시의 적극적 운영과 표본감시 의사에 대한 적절한 인센티브 제공을 모색할 필요가 있겠다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국가암검진 권고안 제·개정을 위한 전문가위원회구성과 개발과정

        김열,이원철,김수영,서홍관,이덕형 대한의사협회 2015 대한의사협회지 Vol.58 No.4

        Cancer screening is one of the most effective methods for cancer control. The national cancer screening program has provided regular cancer screenings for all people at a certain age, regardless of symptoms. This program covers five major cancers: stomach, colorectal, liver, breast, and cervical cancer. Recently, a research project was performed to develop and revise the guidelines for cancer screening, based on the assessment of effectiveness compared to harm and on the evidence from a systematic review of related studies. Target cancers for screening guideline are not only for five major cancers which are included in national cancer screening program, but also for thyroid cancer and lung cancer, because thyroid cancer is rapidly increased recently and lung cancer has the highest mortality rate among cancers. Multidisciplinary expert committees were composed for developing and revising the guidelines for cancer screening. This process of national cancer screening guideline development and revision comprised three steps. First, an expert committee developed key questions for consideration in revision and development of the guidelines. A systematic literature review related to these key questions was performed. In the second step, the effectiveness of the national cancer screening program for five major cancers was analyzed, including analysis of screening rates, early cancer detection rates, and mortality reduction effects. Through this process, a draft of the revised guidelines was created. The draft was open to the public to gather external expert opinions. After review of the expert opinions, the final guidelines for cancer screening were published. In the third step, based on the revised cancer screening guideline, the national cancer screening program will be modified. In this step, cost-effectiveness and feasibility of the revised guideline will be considered.

      • KCI등재

        Strategies to Improve Smoking Cessation for Participants in Lung Cancer Screening Program: Analysis of Factors Associated with Smoking Cessation in Korean Lung Cancer Screening Project (K-LUCAS)

        김열,이재호,이은주,임준태,김용현,이춘택,장승훈,백유진,이원철,이찬화,김혜영,구진모,최귀선,박보영,이덕형,서홍관 대한암학회 2024 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.56 No.1

        Purpose Smoking cessation intervention is one of the key components of successful lung cancer screening program. We investigated the effectiveness and related factors of smoking cessation services provided to the participants in a population-based lung cancer screening trial. Materials and Methods The Korean Lung Cancer Screening Project (K-LUCAS) is a nationwide, multi-center lung cancer screening trial that evaluates the feasibility of implementing population-based lung cancer screening. All 5,144 current smokers who participated in the K-LUCAS received a mandatory smoking cessation counseling. Changes in smoking status were followed up using a telephone survey in 6 months after lung cancer screening participation. The lung cancer screening’s impact on smoking cessation is analyzed by variations in the smoking cessation interventions provided in screening units. Results Among 4,136 survey responders, participant’s motivation to quit smoking increased by 9.4% on average after lung cancer screening. After 6 months from the initial screening, 24.3% of participants stopped smoking, and 10.6% of participants had not smoked continuously for at least 6 months after screening. Over 80% of quitters stated that participation in lung cancer screening motivated them to quit smoking. Low-cost public smoking cessation program combined with lung cancer screening increased the abstinence rates. The smokers were three times more likely to quit smoking when the smoking cessation counseling was provided simultaneously with low-dose computed tomography screening results than when provided separately. Conclusion A mandatory smoking cessation intervention integrated with screening result counselling by a physician after participation in lung cancer screening could be effective for increasing smoking cessation attempts.

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