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        Crossover of emotions among dual-earner couples and the quality of their marital relationship

        김여진 연세대학교 사회복지연구소 2009 한국사회복지조사연구 Vol.20 No.-

        The link between work life and family life is an essential subject matter in understanding the lives of dual-earner couples. Concepts of crossover explains the link between work and family. The present study examines both the positive and negative sides in these processes. Moreover, this study looks at the extent to which the quality of marital relationships play moderating roles in the processes of crossover. The data come from the Sloan Working Families Study conducted by the Alfred P. Sloan Center on Parents, Children, and Work and NORC at the University of Chicago. The Experience Sampling Method employed explores directly the daily life experiences of the participants. The data were analyzed using t-test. Crossover were found in the lives of dual-earner couples in this study. Men appear responsive to the positive and negative emotional experiences their spouse brings home, especially if highly satisfied with their marriage. But, women were found to be responsive to their spouses’ negative emotional experiences at work, but not to their spouses’ positive emotional experiences. By looking closely into the emotions experienced by working parents in their daily lives, this study adds contextual understanding concerning the link between work and family life. The findings on husbands who are highly satisfied with their marriage invite social work practitioners and researchers to further investigate the phenomena of crossover processes in greater detail, taking into account of contextual aspect of family life such as gender role attitudes of the couples, and the children at home. The link between work life and family life is an essential subject matter in understanding the lives of dual-earner couples. Concepts of crossover explains the link between work and family. The present study examines both the positive and negative sides in these processes. Moreover, this study looks at the extent to which the quality of marital relationships play moderating roles in the processes of crossover. The data come from the Sloan Working Families Study conducted by the Alfred P. Sloan Center on Parents, Children, and Work and NORC at the University of Chicago. The Experience Sampling Method employed explores directly the daily life experiences of the participants. The data were analyzed using t-test. Crossover were found in the lives of dual-earner couples in this study. Men appear responsive to the positive and negative emotional experiences their spouse brings home, especially if highly satisfied with their marriage. But, women were found to be responsive to their spouses’ negative emotional experiences at work, but not to their spouses’ positive emotional experiences. By looking closely into the emotions experienced by working parents in their daily lives, this study adds contextual understanding concerning the link between work and family life. The findings on husbands who are highly satisfied with their marriage invite social work practitioners and researchers to further investigate the phenomena of crossover processes in greater detail, taking into account of contextual aspect of family life such as gender role attitudes of the couples, and the children at home.

      • The mesopore volume of AC and VOCs for the adsorption

        김여진,김기영,정용광 한국공업화학회 2020 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2020 No.-

        One of the ways to remove Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) is to use an adsorbent such as activated carbon, alumina and zeolite. Among them, activated carbon has an excellent ability to remove VOCs because it has high surface area and porous structure. In this study, we used PGMEA (propylene glycol methyl ether acetate ; DAEJUNG, 99% ) as VOCs source and investigated the adsorption capacity of the AC as an adsorbent. We used a pellet type prepared from coconut shell and coal. And the experimental apparatus was manufactured internally to measure the concentration variation of PGMEA gas. As a result, the adsorption of PGMEA increased linearly as the mesopore volume in the range of 0.1~0.5㎤/g increased when the micropore volume was constant. The study of removing PGMEA gas will help to keep semiconductor environment clean and preserve human health.

      • KCI등재

        순자가 이질적인 것을 다루는 방식 - 「成相」과 「賦」를 사례로 들어 -

        김여진 한국유교학회 2022 유교사상문화연구 Vol.- No.87

        When heterogeneous (different) cultures or spirits meet with each other, various movements or actions such as opposition, antagonism, adaptation, and transformation are bound to occur between them. This is because the heterogeneous cultures or spirits movements or actions play the role of active drivers or agents in the birth and creation of a new order of culture or spirit. The human ability to think, which is expressed through interactions between different minds, is no different. For example, the new methods and different viewpoints that were debated by all classes of philosophers of the Warring States period are as such. As a result, micro-territories of new spirits and cultures, such as Pre-Qin Confucianism, were created. This article aims to review and evaluate Xunzi’s views and methods of addressing heterogeneous things. Xunzi was a thinker at the end of the Warring States period in between the heterogeneous orders of rituals and law. This article will be developed in the following manner. First, in order to examine Xunzi's theoretical system of the basic principles for approaching such things, his main method and logical background will be reviewed using the practical task of political stability. This review will be based on a conceptual understanding of heterogeneity to determine the interrelationships among heterogeneous things. I believe that the underlying mechanism that gave rise to Xunzi’s heterogeneous logic lies in the logic of correct naming. Second, cases in which Xunzi acknowledged heterogeneous logic will be examined. In order to understand how the two different orders come into contact with each other and are connected with each other, the logic of Xunzi’s thinking system should be explored. Xunzi's thinking system is not different from a “complex of relations,” which is related to the construction of the spiritual world, such as culture, society, politics, language, and including historical awareness. However, in this article, the logic of Xunzi's thinking system will be discussed by using 「Working songs(成相)」 and 「Fu(賦)」as examples, his only poetry works, which can be said to be the most heterogeneous spaces in Xunzi. Finally, by revealing Xunzi’s logic and unreasonableness, the way in which his heterogeneous conditions and ideological forms coexist is comprehensively evaluated. 이질적인(다른) 문화나 정신들이 만날 때 그 사이에서는 대립과 길항, 적응과 변용 등의 다양한 운동이나 작용들이 일어나게 마련이다. 문화나 정신의 새로운 질서가 태동하고 창조하는 데 있어 그것들이 적극적인 동력인이나 작용인의 역할을 하기 때문이다. 상이한 정신들의 사이에서 상호작용하며 발현되는 인간의 사유능력 또한 다르지 않다. 예컨대 전국시대의 제자백가들이 쟁명하게 되었던 새로운 방법이나 상이한 관점들이 그러하다. 나아가 그로 인해 선진유가와 같은 새로운 정신과 문화의 소영토(micro-territory)가 창출되었던 것이다. 이 글은 예적 질서와 법적 질서의 사이에 있었던 전국시대 말기의 사상가 순자가 이질적인 것들을 대하는 관점과 다루는 방식에 대해 검토하고 평가하는 것을 목적으로 하며, 다음과 같은 맥락에서 전개해간다. 먼저, 이질성에 대한 개념적 이해를 바탕으로 그러한 것들을 다루는 순자의 기본 원칙에 대한 이론적 체계를 살펴보기 위해 이질적인 것들의 상호관계를 결정하는 순자의 주요 방식 및 논리적 배경을 정치적 안정이라는 실천적 과제를 통해 검토한다. 이 글은 순자의 이질적 논리를 낳은 저변의 기제를 정명(正名)의 논리에 있다고 본다. 다음은, 순자가 이질적 논리에 대해 인정한 사례들을 살펴본다. 두 개의 서로 다른 질서가 어떻게 접촉하고 연결되는지를 파악하기 위해서는 순자의 역사인식을 비롯하여 문화, 사회, 정치, 언어 등 정신세계의 구축에 결부되는 ‘관계들의 복합체’(complex of relations)나 다름없는 사유체계의 논리를 탐색해야 할 것이다. 이 글에서는 순자 에서 가장 이질적인 공간이라 할 수 있는 그의 유일한 시가문학 작품 「성상」과 「부」편을 사례로 들어 논의를 한다. 끝으로, 순자의 논리(論理)와 배리(背理)를 드러냄으로써 그의 이질적인 조건과 사상형태가 공존하는 방식 등을 종합적으로 평가한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공심병(空心病)과 철학상담

        김여진 대한철학회 2019 哲學硏究 Vol.149 No.-

        Empty heart disease(空心病) is a neologism coined by Xu Kai Wen(徐凱文) who is a professor of the department psychology at Beijing University in China and psychiatrist in one education forum held in November 2016. Although the symptoms are similar to the depression, the empty heart disease is different in that general psychotherapy or medication treatment is of no use in the latter case, which reveals the limitation of the existing psychological counseling or chemical treatment. In China, debates on the role and possibility of philosophical counseling have not been actively discussed so far. This paper criticized that the interpretation and prescription of the empty heart disease in China excessively depend on psychology as of now. By incorporating the concept of “empty heart” into the field of philosophical counseling and therapy, this paper put emphasis on the role and possibility of the philosophical counseling. The main body of this paper unfolds in the following context. First, the paper analyzed what the empty heart disease and its background is that Chinese college students are experiencing these days and introduced the discourse on its response and therapy method. Next, the paper argued that the empty heart disease should be a subject of the philosophical counseling. Arguing that the empty heart disease can be healed by the philosophical counseling, the paper criticized the existing interpretation of the empty heart, which is excessively psychological and passive regarding the term, symptoms, and alternatives. Finally, this paper considered a fundamental theory based on the Eastern philosophy, particularly the theory by Feng You Lan(馮友蘭) and Xun Zi(荀子) for the purpose of establishing a methodology of philosophical counseling that can respond to the symptoms of empty heart disease. This paper has timeliness as it dealt with the college students’ depression which recently emerged as a social issue. The paper satisfied the originality requirement of the research topic as it introduced the new terminology of empty heart for the first time in Korea from an aspect of philosophical counseling. Also, this study has significance from an aspect of research history as application of Xun Zi’s theory can be rarely seen in philosophical counseling research in Korea and China and that the paper established a model based on Eastern philosophy using specific cases among the philosophical counseling studies. However, this study has limitations that it could not elaborate on the logic of the methodology because the model was composed under the absence of clinical study, without provision of rich clinical cases. Further studies will address these limitations in the future. 공심병(空心病, Empty heart disease)이란, 중국 베이징(北京)대학의 심리학과 교수이자 정신과 주치의인 쉬카이원(徐凱文) 교수가 2016년 11월에 열린 한 교육포럼에서 처음 제기한 신조어이다. 증상만을 놓고 보면 우울증에 해당하지만 일반적인 심리치료의 기법이나 약물치료로는 아무런 효과가 없다는 것이 공심병의 특징이다. 기존의 심리 상담이나 화학적 치료의 한계가 드러나는 지점이긴 하지만 중국의 경우 철학상담(Philosophical Counseling)이라는 영역의 역할이나 가능성에 대해 아직 활발히 논의된 바가 없다. 이 글은 중국의 공심병이 지나치게 심리학적인 해석 및 처방에 의존하고 있음을 비판하며 ‘공심’을 철학상담치료의 영역으로 끌어들여 철학상담의 역할과 가능성을 주장하고자 한다. 본문의 내용은 다음과 같은 맥락에서 전개된다. 먼저, 최근 중국의 대학생이 겪고 있는 공심병이 무엇이며 어떠한 배경에서 출현하였고 그 대응책 및 치료방법에 대한 담론들은 어떠한지 소개한다. 다음은, 공심병이 왜 철학상담의 대상인지를 설득하고 철학상담을 통한 치료의 가능성을 주장하기 위해 중국의 공심에 대한 용어, 증상, 대안에 있어 지나치게 심리학적‧소극적인 해석을 비판한다. 마지막으로, 공심병 증세에 대응할만한 철학상담의 방법론을 세우기 위해 동양철학 특히 풍우란(馮友蘭)과 순자(荀子)의 이론에 기반한 토대 이론을 구상할 것이다. 이 글은 최근 이슈가 되고 있는 대학생의 우울을 다뤘다는 점에서 시의성을 지니며 공심병이란 신조어를 철학상담 영역에서 국내 처음 소개하고 있다는 점으로부터 연구 주제의 참신함을 갖는다. 또한 한국 및 중국의 철학상담 연구에 있어 순자의 이론을 적용한 시도는 찾아보기 힘들다는 점과 동양철학에 기반한 철학상담 연구 가운데 구체적인 사례를 들어 모형을 구상화했다는 점에서 연구사적 의의가 있다고 볼 수 있다. 하지만 풍부한 임상사례를 근거로 삼지 못했고 임상연구의 부재 하에 모형을 구상했기 때문에 방법론에 있어 보다 치밀한 논리로써 전개하지 못했다는 한계를 지닌다. 이에 대한 보완은 후속 연구에서 이어나가려고 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring Low-Cost Grid-based Tactile Instruments for Understanding and Reproducing Shapes for People with Visual Impairments

        김여진,한지연,오유란 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2023 International journal of advanced smart convergenc Vol.12 No.3

        While tools exist for blind people to understand shapes, these are not commercially available nor affordable and often require the assistance of sighted people. Thus, we designed two low-cost grid-based tactile tools using toggle buttons (TogGrid) and cotton balls (CottonGrid). To assess the potential of these as an educational tool, we conducted a user study with 12 people with visual impairments where they were asked to understand and reproduce shapes under different conditions. Although CottonGrid is relatively cheap and easy to make, findings show that TogGrid was perceived to be better in terms of perceived easiness, task completion time, accuracy, and preference in general. Particularly, participants valued TogGrid for enabling them to identify and correct errors. Based on the findings, we provide implications for utilizing toggle buttons for designing educational instruments for learning and expressing shapes for blind people.

      • 유기농 화장품에 대한 표준 제정 박차 - 서유럽 국가 5대 유기농 자연화장품협회가 협력 추진

        김여진,Kim, Yeo-Jin 기술표준원 2010 기술표준 Vol.101 No.-

        유기농 화장품이 지속적인 성장을 기록하고 있는 가운데, 프랑스, 이태리, 독일 등 유럽 국가들을 중심으로 한 유기농 화장품 표준(Cosmetic Organic Standard: Cosmos)이 제정 중이다. 현재 표준(안)은 올해 안 제정 완료를 목표로 인중과정의 세부사항에 대해 협의 중에 있다.

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