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      • KCI등재

        지역사회 재가노인의 우울과 건강행위와의 관계에서 분노표현 방식의 매개효과에 대한 성별차이

        장미희 ( Mi Heui Jang ),이지아 ( Jia Lee ),김애실 ( Ae Sil Kim ) 한국간호과학회 정신간호학회(구 대한간호학회정신간호학회) 2014 정신간호학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the total, direct, and indirect influence of depression on health behavior (HB); to determine relative magnitudes of specific mediating effects of anger expression in gender specific subgroup among elders. Methods: A cross-sectional correlational survey was conducted in S and G cities with 333 community-dwe1ling elders (male=170, female=163). Data were collected from September 7 to November 7, 2013. Kee`s GDSSF-K for depression, Spielberger`s STAXI for anger expression and Choi & Kim’s health behavior assessment tool were used. Multiple-mediation analyses using Indirect SPSS macros were performed. Results: Depression had a significant total, direct and indirect effect on HB in both male and female. In women, direct and indirect effect of depression on HB were higher than in men. Specific indirect effects of depression on HB were evidenced via anger-control and anger-out for men and via anger-control and anger-in for women. Among anger expression, anger-control was a more salient mediator for both male and female. Conclusion: Findings suggest that depression and anger-control should be addressed in tandem for promotion of HB for elders. Tailored interventions for the promotion of HB should be developed considering gender of target population.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중년여성의 스트레스 정도에 따른 체질량 지수, 우울 및 신체활동이 건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 -제7기 국민건강영양조사를 중심으로-

        김애실(Ae-Sil Kim),배한주(Han-Ju Bea) 한국산학기술학회 2021 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.22 No.8

        본 연구는 2018년 제7기 국민건강영양조사 결과를 이용한 2차 자료 분석이었다. 본 연구의 목적은 40세 이상부터 65세 미만 중년여성의 체질량지수, 우울 및 신체활동이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향을 파악하고 비교하기 위함이다. 구체적으로 연구대상자는 고스트레스군 중년여성 1,420명, 저스트레스군 중년여성 245명으로 구성되었다. SPSS/WIN 26.0프로그램을 이용하여 기술통계, chi-square test, t-test, multiple linear regression으로 분석하였다. 다중 선형 회귀분석결과, 고스트레스군에서 교육, 음주, 직업, 연령, 체질량지수, 우울이 건강관련 삶의 질에 유의한 예측인자로 확인되었고 설명력은 22.1%였다(F=11.04, p <.001). 즉 교육수준이 높을수록(t=7.10, p =.008), 음주가 많을수록(t=14.54, p <.001), 직업이 있을수록(t=16.64, p <.001), 연령이 적을수록(t=-5.72, p <.001), 체질량 지수가 낮을수록(t=-3.02, p =.003), 우울이 낮을수록(t=-5.20, p <.001) 건강관련 삶의 질이 높았다. 반면, 저스트레스군에서 연령과 우울이 건강관련 삶의 질에 유의한 영향인자로 확인되었고 설명력은 16.0%였다(F=4.69, p <.001). 즉, 연령이 낮을수록(t=-4.22, p <.001), 우울이 낮을수록(t=-2.32, p =.022) 건강관련 삶의 질이 높았다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 향후 고스트레스군 중년여성을 대상으로 중년여성의 우울 및 비만을 감소하기 위해 신체활동 중재 프로그램을 개발하는 것이 필요하다. This study was an analysis of secondary data using the results of the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Survey of 2018. The purpose of this study was to understand and compare the effects of body mass index, depression, and physical activity on the quality of life of middle-aged women between 40 to 65 years old. The study sample consisted of 1,420 middle-aged women in the high-stress group and 245 middle-aged women in the low-stress group. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, t-test, and multiple linear regression with the IBM SPSS/WIN 26.0 program. The result of the multiple linear regression analysis revealed that education, alcohol drinking, occupation, age, body mass index, and depression accounted for 22.1% of the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in the high-stress group (F=11.04, p <.001), comprising of education (t=7.10, p =.008), alcohol drinking (t=14.54, p <.001), jobs (t=16.64, p <.001), age (t=-5.72, p <.001), body mass index (t=-3.02, p =.003), and depression (t=-5.20, p <.001). On the other hand, age and depression accounted for 16.0% of the HRQoL in the low-stress group (F=4.69, p <.001), comprising of age (t=-4.22, p <.001), and depression (t=-2.32, p =.022). Based on these results, it is necessary to develop a physical activity intervention program to reduce depression and obesity in middle-aged women belonging to the high-stress group.

      • 二重構造的 技術模型과 韓國 製造業에 관한 分析

        金愛實 全南大學校企業經營硏究所 1978 産業經濟硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Korean manufacturing industry from the view point of dual technology model. The model is summarized in the first part of the paper and the empirical analysis follows in the second part. The model admits a presence of dual wage structure and dual technology in the manufacturing industry. According to the model, manufacturing industry is divided into two groups-the modern sector is assumed to pay higher wages than the old sector and uses better technology than the old one. Wage differentials exist because of differences in labor productivity in these sectors. The model suggests very important implication about the distribution of output. That is, during the process of diffusion modern technology, the share of capital increases as the rate of growth of output increases. For the purpose of empirical analysis, we assume that the large scale establishments belong to the modern new sector while the small and medium scale establishments belong to the old craft sector. Following results are found from the analysis of Korean manufacturing industry for the period of 1967 to 1976. 1. As the dual technology model suggests, the large scale establishments grew up during this period. In 1967, only 0.6 per cent of total manufacturing establishments were large scale, but it grew up to 2.2 per cent in 1976. The proportion of labor in the large scale to total industry changed from 27.5 per cent to 45.1 per cent. And the proportion of value added by the large scale establishments to total manufacturing industy changed from 40.7 per cent to 58.1 per cent. (see Table. 1) 2. The wage share of value added declined from 25.8 per cent in 1967 to 22.5 per cent in 1973, then increased a little after 1973. By a simple observation of the data, it is reasonable to state that the wage share of income has declined despite of economic growth in Korea. However, under a certain assumption about wage rate and value added per worker, we found that the rate increase in wage rate was equal to the rate of increase in value added per worker. This result suggests that the wage share of income did not change during this period. 3. The wage rate differentials and value added differentials are analyzed by the size of establishments. Almost perfect correlation between value added per worker and the size of establishment, and wage rate and the size of establishment are found for the whole manufacturing industry, but not-for all 3-digit industries. 4. When we consider the wage differentials between different size of establishments as a result of differences in production technology (and thus differences in labor productivity), we can say that there is no difference in the rate of increase in wages between large scale establishments and small and medium scale industries. 5. Following results are found from the regtression analysis. ⓐ Whole manufacturing industry: log W = -0.802+0.955 log (V/L) R²= 0.99 (0.035) ⓑ small and medium scale establishments log W₁= -0804+0.966 log (V/L)₁R²=0.99 (0.035) ⓒ large scale establishments log W₂= -1.19+0.972 log (V/L)₂R²=0.99 (0.036)

      • KCI등재

        기술진보가 고용에 미치는 영향

        김애실 淑明女子大學校 亞細亞女性問題硏究所 1986 아시아여성연구 Vol.25 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of technological progress on employment.A special interest is given to women's employment. The economic: theory guides us how output and employment react to technological progress, and also can tell us under what conditions there will be no technological unemployment. However, the extent to which technological change has an impact on employment is very difficult to measure. The historical experience suggests that technological progress has led, to raising the living standard and employment opportunities. This is because technological. progress has increased productivity and reduced costs and prices. This, in turn, has stimulated demand for consumer goods and services and for investments leading to creation of new jobs in the economy. Technological progress has brought changes in the structure of employment within a country and change in the international division of labor. Recent process and product innovations have facilitated a shift of labor-intensive industries to developing countries where wage costs are low. The manufacturing employment has been rising in developing countries. while it has been shrinking in most industrialized countries. Service sector has been the main source of new jobs in industrialized countries. When the computers were introduced in the 1960s, there were widespread fears of massive unemployment as the result of automation. However, the predicted result of increased unemployment did not occur. The displacement effect was far outweighted by the new jobs. created in data processing arid more general rise in demand for goods arid services brought about by a growing economy- arid rising living standard. The impact of microelectronic technology on, employment is growing concern in recent years. Many empirical studies are carried out by OECD countries. According to these studies, development in microelectronic technology created new generation of office equipment and lead to job loss among clerical and administrative functions. It has been predicted that many clerical jobs will be destroyed as a result of automation. However, net change in employment will depend on the speed of automation and the general state of the economy. Technological progress has brought increased productivity and new job opportunities for women. However, women are concentrated in a limited range of occupations. Women are heavily concentrated in agricultural sector and labor-intensive manufacturing industries in developing countries, while they are concentrated in clerical and other low-skilled office jobs in industrialized countries. Developments in information technology is providing new jobs for women, but some women may be displaced from their jobs and have a difficult time finding new jobs. The jobs associated with the use of new technology require higher skill levels. But the lack of the edification and vocational training backgrounds may give difficult time for women to acquire new skills. Therefore, formal education and vocational training should be established for women in order to prepare them for various abilities required in more promising ,Jobs in the future.

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