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        고문헌 기반 한국 전통죽의 영양학적 가치 재평가 -임원경제지(林園經濟志)를 중심으로-

        김순연(Soon-Yeon Kim),송희(Song-Hee Kim),애정(Ae-Jung Kim) 한국산학기술학회 2021 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.22 No.9

        우리나라는 2000년대 이후 웰빙 생활양식이 우리의 삶에 깊숙이 파고들면서 죽에 대한 관심 또한 높아져 2002년 처음으로 죽 전문점 생겼으며 그 이후 지속적인 성장을 해오고 있다. 그러나 최근 죽 시장은 기호도 중심의 죽이 지속적으로 개발되고 있어 전통죽 본연의 정체성을 살린 건강죽 개발이 필요한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 조선후기 과학적 조리서인 임원경제지(林園經濟志)에 등장하는 죽 가운데 부재료가 약이성 재료인 죽을 제외한 21종 죽의 영양학적 가치를 재조명하고자 하였다. 21종 죽의 영양소 함량을 분석·비교한 결과, 죽 1회 분량의 열량의 범위는 164.41-555 ㎉/1 serving, 탄수화물은 24.91-83.82 ㎎/1 serving, 지질은 0.21-20.87 ㎎/1 serving, 단백질은 0.66-24.24 ㎎/1 serving으로 부재료의 종류에 따라 영양소 함량이 좌우되는 것으로 나타났다. 21종 죽 가운데 산우죽은 비타민 B6, 칼슘, 칼륨을, 호도죽은 필수지방산과 식이섬유소를, 계죽은 단백질, 비타민 A, 엽산, 아연과 같은 면역기능에 필수적인 영양소들을 포함하고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 이에 산우죽(부재료: 참마, 우유, 꿀), 호도죽(부재료: 호도), 계죽(부재료: 계육)의 부재료를 혼합하여 새로운 건강죽을 제조하여 보급한다면 COVID-19로 어려움을 겪고 있는 시기에 국민의 보건 향상에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다. A wellness lifestyle has been deeply embedded in the lives of Koreans since the 2000s. Over the years, the interest in porridge has also increased, leading to the establishment of porridge restaurants in 2002, which have been growing continuously since. However, in recent years, the porridge market has been developing porridges according to taste preferences. Thus, there is a need to develop healthy porridges that have the characteristics of traditional porridge. This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional values of 21 types of porridges that appear in the Imwongyeongjeji from the late Joseon Dynasty. The nutritional ingredients were analyzed and compared and the results indicated 164.41-555 ㎉ of calories, 24.91-83.82 ㎎ of carbohydrates, 0.21-20.87 ㎎ of fat, 0.66-24.24 ㎎ of protein per serving. The analysis showed that yam porridge was a source of vitamin B6, calcium, and potassium; walnut porridge, a source of essential fatty acids and dietary fiber; and chicken porridge, a source of nutrients essential for immune function such as protein, vitamin A, folic acid, and zinc. Therefore, developing a new health porridge recipe combining yam porridge, walnut porridge, and chicken porridge may be beneficial for improving the health of citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic.

      • KCI등재
      • 학업우수학생과 학업부진학생의 양육태도 지각과 자아개념 비교 연구

        박순길(Soon Gil Park),김순연(Soon Yeon Kim) The Research and Information Service 2007 남부대학교 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine the relations between parental's adolescent-rearing attitudes and self-concept in academic achievement levels. For tl1is study, n-iass-inspection was conducted on. 60 students who are in the second grade of middle school in Changwon, and then statistical analysis was done. To examine the relationship among subjects and causal sequence with variables, mean, sd, t-test, ANOVA, correlations analysis and regression analysis was used. The results of this study were as follows; First, the students with high level group in academic achievement has positive higher self-concept than the students with low level group in academic achievement. Second, the hon-ie self-concept of fen1ale students was positive than that of male students. Third, it was found that there were significant correlations between the parental's adolescent-rearing attitudes and self- concept in both groups. Finally, it can be concluded that self-control/control can greatly predict high level group in academic achievement, whereas the social self-concept can predict low level group in academic achievement.

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