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      • KCI등재

        김명곤의한국적 연극지향과 극작술의 상관관계 연구

        김숙경 한국극예술학회 2008 한국극예술연구 Vol.0 No.27

        Many directors and play writers have pursued ‘Korean style theater’ since 1970's. The purpose of this paper is to examine Myung Kon Kim who has pursued ‘Korean style theater’. Myung Kon Kim is a playwriter and director and one of the representative writers who have created ‘Korean style theater’ since 1980's. I make, his early works, “Kabose Kabose”, “Jum-a Jum-a Konjum-a”, “Kyek-jung-man-ri” an objects of this study. His initial interests of ‘Korean style’ originated in the Ma-Dang-Kuek Movement. Ma-Dang-Kuek was handed down by the success of Tal-Chum(Mask play). He transformed Ma-Dang-Kuek into the style on the stage theater. The materials of his plays are basically focused to social subjects and historical matters of Korea like Dong-Hak revolution, Gyang-Ju demonstration, The Korean War, the division of Korean and unification of North and South, and Korean theater history. He often applies the plot of epic theater and Ma-Dang-Kuek. In the aspects of plots, the quality is not so excellent, because the principles of theater on the stage and Ma-Dang-Kuek clashsed in his works. Moreover he intends to put too many materials, stories, and characters into a play. Therefore it is not easy to communicate the message of the play. He cares much for ‘theatrical ways’ in writing and directing, which are movement, song and dance, the participation of the audience, play within the play, masks and dress, and spectacle. He takes good ideas on theatrical ways from traditional drama and culture like the technique of traditional theater and play, Pan-So-ri and Korean folk songs, traditional dance, original korean objects and dress. The theatrical ways cover the problems of the writing in the performance and make the audience feel easy. However the misapplication and frequent insertion of theatrical ways make a paly worse and complicated. In this case, Myung Kon Kim may cause misunderstanding that he intends to depend on the formal and easygoing way in creating ‘Korean style theater’. 본 논문은 ‘한국적 연극’을 지향했던 극작가이자 연출가인 김명곤의 초기 작품을 대상으로 ‘한국적 연극’을 지향하는 그의 연극관이 극작술에 어떻게 반영되고 실현되는가를 살펴보는데 목적을 두고 있다. 연구대상 작품은 <갑오세 가보세>, <점아 점아 콩점아>, <격정만리>이다.김명곤은 마당극의 무대화를 통해 ‘한국적 연극’을 추구한다. 주로 동학농민혁명, 광주항쟁, 6.25전쟁, 분단과 통일, 한국연극사와 같은 당면한 사회문제나 민족수난사에서 극의 소재를 취해 리얼리즘적 현실 깨닫기를 지향한다. 김명곤은 민중 지향적이고 진보적인 시각에서 주제의식을 부각시키고 있다. 작품의 구성에 있어 연구 대상 작품들은 상호 공통된 특성들을 보여주고 있다. 해설자를 등장시키는 서사극적 구조나 앞풀이-각 장-뒤풀이 식의 마당극적인 구조, 그리고 연대기적 구성은 두 작품 이상이 갖고 있는 공통된 구성 방식이다. 마당극과 무대극 모두를 개방적으로 수용하겠다는 창작의 방향을 표방하지만, 초기 극작품에서는 마당극의 영향이 더 강하게 나타나며, 이는 이후까지도 김명곤의 극작술의 한 특성으로 지속된다. 초기 작품에서는 마당극의 구성원리와 무대극의 구성원리가 적절하지 않은 지점에서 충돌하기도 한다. 해설자 진행 방식이 극을 상투적이고 평범하게 만드는가 하면, 총체적 접근이라는 목적 하에 다수의 짧은 장면들을 연대기적으로 나열시켜 극의 효과를 떨어뜨리기도 한다. 또한 내용과 구성방식이 유기적으로 관련 맺지 못하는 측면도 발견된다.이러한 구성의 문제는 일정 부분 ‘연극적 방식’의 활용으로 공연에서 보완될 가능성을 마련하고 있다. 그가 즐겨 사용하는 ‘연극적 방식’은 대부분 한국의 전통연희나 전통극, 판소리와 민요, 한국의 전통춤(몸짓), 한국 고유의 오브제나 의상 등 ‘한국적 연극’ 지향과 깊은 연관성을 맺고 있다. ‘한국적’이고 ‘연극적’인 방식의 활용은 구성의 밋밋함이나 느슨함을 보완해주고, 대중적인 친근함을 주기도 한다. 그러나 때로는 지나치게 잦은 삽입으로 표면상 ‘한국적’ 분위기를 내는 데에 그치기도 한다. 이런 경우 ‘한국적 연극’을 만드는 정형화되고 안이한 연출 방식에 기대고 있다는 오해를 받을 소지가 크다.‘마당극의 무대화’, 또는 ‘마당극과 무대극의 절충적 계승’은 김명곤의 ‘한국적 연극’을 이해하는 핵심 개념이자, 김명곤의 연극미학을 결정짓는 주요 개념이다.

      • KCI등재

        신라 사천왕사 건축 연구

        김숙경 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2023 新羅文化 Vol.62 No.-

        This paper is a fundamental architectural research study on the layout of Sacheonwangsa Temple and basic stage of architectural evidence of various structures such as Geumdang (main building of temple), Moktop (wooden pagoda), and Danseok (assumed altar). Summerizing the research contents, they are as follows. Firstly, the spatial dimensions of the front and back courtyards, which are centered on the Geumdang and the Iklang (wing corridor), were compared and reviewed based on the architectural plan of the Hwaerang (corridor). The size of the space is determined by the proportion of buildings inside the space, and the size of the Hwaerang is also adjusted accordingly. Therefore, the standard of Sacheonwangsa Temple's layout should be based on the Geumdang. Based on the Ikrang plan, the width of the internal space of the temple is closely related to ensuring the entrance space and the placement of the two pagodas facing each other. The size of the foundation stone (초석) of Sacheonwangsa Temple is based on the size of the Iklang, which is smaller than the Hwaerang. Secondly, the Chayang-kan (sloping eave bracket system) of the Geumdang was installed at the latest stage of the construction sequence. However, the Joomang (grid of columns) makes the Dori-kan evenly spaced, requiring a structural system that reinforces the Cha-yangkan, and this can be seen as an early structural form among the Geumdangs of the Silla period. Since the Geumdang has a Chayang-kan structure and a round seat size of the main hall-foundation stone is same, it is believed that the main building is a single-story architecture, including the roof of the Chayang-kan, which makes up the two-story of the Geumdang‘s exterior. Thirdly, Moktop preserves the standard plane of the Silla-style three-kans pagoda, making it a very important cultural property. The Ma-ae Pagoda in Namsan exhibits a evenly decreased shape, and is understood as a stacked pagoda structure with individual floors, rather than a continuous structure. Taking into account the size differences between the foundation stones of the 4 central-columns (사천주) and outer-columns (외주), as well as the dimensions of the supporting seat of Noban and the methods used to support the lower part of the bracket, it is thought that central-columns were connected by a short column, closing the distance between columns, from 2.15 meters at the first floor, to about 1.5 meters at the top floor. Lastly, Danseokji is believed to be a building site where a religious ritual called the Munduru Bibeop was performed. Specifically, it is judged to be a first-floor plan of a high-floor (고상) building. The small stones (소초석) inside were installed to support stairs or ladders leading up to the high-floor building. Buildings in square floor plans without columns on the inside and located in symbolic positions include the Danseokji Stone Platform, the Hwangboksa Temple Pagoda Site (assumed), and the Building Site No.12 in Hwangnam-dong. The elaborate stone carving of the foundation stone and the circular hole are closely related to the majestic level seen in the foundation stones of the Sacheonwangsa Temple, and are believed to have been measures taken to erect a tall pillar. Architecture such as high wooden floor can be referenced in ancient Chinese architectural paintings. Further research is needed to understand what function these high-floor buildings served, in addition to the possibility of the Danseok.

      • KCI등재

        추출조건에 따른 삼백초 추출물의 항산화 활성 및 성분의 변화

        김숙경,정신교,반소연,김준성 한국응용생명화학회 2005 Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry (J. Appl. Vol.48 No.1

        This study was conducted in order to establish the optimum extraction conditions in obtaining Saururus chinensis extracts. At the optimum extraction solvent (40% ethanol solvent), yield, DPPH, total phenolic compounds and total flavonoid in the extract of Saururus chinensis were 13.50%, 83.50%, 2.60 mg/ml and 2.09 mg/ml, respectively. At the optimum extraction time (4 hours), yield, DPPH, total phenolic compounds and total flavonoid in the extract of Saururus chinensis were 12.79%, 71.13%, 2.83 mg/ml and 2.16 mg/ml, respectively. At the optimum conditions (40% ethanol solvent and 4 hours), quercetrin and quercetin contents were 360.13 mg/100 g and 1379.54 mg/100 g, respectively. From the above results, we suggest that the optimum Saururus chinensis extract conditions are 40% ethanol solvent and 4 hours.

      • KCI등재

        <자전거> 내러티브 연구 -추리서사적 구조를 중심으로-

        김숙경 한국극예술학회 2010 한국극예술연구 Vol.0 No.32

        지금까지 오태석의 <자전거>에 관한 연구는 주로 주제 해석이나 인물의 정신세계에 많이 치우쳐 왔다. 그러나 본고에서는 <자전거>의 묘미가 무엇보다 흥미로운 내러티브에 있으며, 그 흥미의 핵심에 추리서사적 기법이 있음을 밝히려 하였다. 그리고 왜 난해하다는 평가와 수작이라는 평가를 동시에 받고 있는지에 대해서도 내러티브 분석을 통해 해명해 보려 하였다. 추리서사적 기법은 <자전거>의 내러티브 전체를 지배하고 있고, 추리기법의 원리는 관극의 핵심을 관통하고 있다. 그러나 <자전거>는 전통추리서사물의 유형화된 범주 속에서 논의될 수는 없다. 추리서사적 기법을 원리적으로 활용하고는 있지만 그것의 실제 적용 방법에서는 전통추리서사물의 범주를 많이 벗어나기 때문이다. 엄밀하게 말하면, 작가는 추리서사적 기법을 ‘변용’하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 먼저, <자전거>는 추리서사의 본질적 조건인 ‘무지에서 지로 향하려는 욕구’를 충족시키고 있으며, 추리서사의 기본 구조를 따르고 있다. 또한 추리서사를 구성하는 세 인적 요소가 삼각구도를 이룸으로써 추리서사적 기법의 기본을 준수하고 있다. 그러나 한편으로 이 작품은 ‘범죄’가 아닌 ‘일상적 사건’을 문제로 다루고 있으며, 수동적이고 비전문적인 탐색자에 의해 탐색 과정이 주도된다. 부재하는 이야기로서의 사건이 아닌 동시적 재현으로 탐색 과정이 진행되며, 사건보다 인물이 우위에 있는 구조를 보인다. 또한, 이야기의 초점은 다원화되며 해결은 지연되어, 결국 열린 결말로 끝을 맺고 있다. 그렇다면 <자전거>에서 추리서사적 기법이 수행하는 극적 전략은 무엇인가? 첫째, 결코 가볍지 않은 주제의식을 다루고 있음에도 불구하고 <자전거>가 대중적 흡인력을 갖게 된 것은 작품의 추리서사적 구조에 힘입은 바가 크다. 추리서사는 기본적으로 대중성을 갖고 있다. 이는 해답을 찾으려는 보편적 호기심이 갖는 흡인력 때문이다. <자전거> 역시 추리서사적 구조물이 갖는 대중적 흡인력을 갖고 있다. 문제의 제시, 그리고 이에 대한 해답을 찾아나가는 극중 인물들, 나아가 관객들에게 해답 찾기를 독려함으로써 보다 친근하게 작품에 다가가도록 하는 것이다. 둘째, 추리서사적 특성을 가지고 있으면서도 전통추리서사와의 차별화된 양상으로 인해 <자전거>는 전통추리서사물과는 다른 극적 전략을 갖고 있다. 먼저, ‘사건’을 부재하는 이야기가 아닌 동시적인 재현으로 풀어냄으로써 관객들로 하여금 고도의 연극성을 경험하게 하며, 이는 극적 흥미를 유지시키는 데 결정적인 역할을 한다. 또한 관객과 동일한 수준의 탐색자의 탐색과 열린 결말은 관객들을 보다 적극적으로 관극하게 하는 힘을 가지며, 이는 관객의 참여가 무엇보다 절실한 연극매체에서는 크게 유리하게 작용하는 극적 전략이 된다. 한편, 인물이 사건을 위해 존재하는 것이 아니라 사건이 인물을 위해 존재하게 하고 초점을 다원화시킴으로써, 관객들로 하여금 추리서사를 일회적으로 소비시키는 수용미학에서 벗어나게 한다. 즉, 추리사건의 해결 여부만이 아니라 극의 다층적 의미망에 대해 사유하게 함으로써 작품의 예술적 함의를 풍부하게 만드는 것이다. 이러한 전략들은 전통추리서사물과 차이를 보이는 지점이면서 동시에 <자전거>를 독창적인 서사물로 자리매김할 수 있게 하는 특성이 되고 있다. Until today, studies on Oh TaeSeok’s Jazeonge have mostly been focused on analyzing the thesis or the mental conditions of its characters. On the other hand, the current study was aimed at clarifying that the true value of Jazeonge lies on its interesting narratives and that they are founded on the deductive narrative method. It also focused on analyzing the narratives to clarify why some criticize it for being to abstruse while others call it a masterpiece. The deductive narrative method dominates the entire narratives of Jazeonge and the principle of deductive method penetrates the core of its plot. However, Jazeonge cannot be discussed in the category of typical traditional deductive narrative writings. In principle, it is utilizing the deductive narrative method, but its application of that method does not correspond to how other traditional deductive narrative writings apply it. Strictly speaking, the author is “altering” the deductive narrative method. Above all, Jazeonge satisfies deductive narrative’s essential condition of “the desire of pursuit of intelligence from ignorance” and follows the basic plot of deductive narrative. It also complies with the foundation of deductive narrative by placing the three character elements of deductive narrative in a triangular arrangement. On the other hand, this piece is discussing a “common event” rather than “crime” and is explored by a passive and unprofessional investigator. The exploration is carried out by concurrent representation rather than the ‘event’ being an absent story and characters are prevailing over events in the exploration. Also, stories are approached from multiple perspectives and the solution is delayed to end the story without a definite conclusion. This is how Jazeonge is differentiated from other traditional deductive narrative writings. However, the purpose of the current study was not clarifying such difference, but clarifying the characteristics of Jazeonge that were given to its narratives by the altered deductive method. If so, what is the dramatic strategy of the deductive narrative method in Jazeonge? First, Jazeonge, despite that it is discussing a rather serious issue, has become popular among the general public due to its deductive narrative plot. Deductive narrative is basically popular. It attracts the public by stimulating their curiosity to search for the solution. Jazeonge also attract the public with its deductive narrative plot. It suggests an issue, the characters in search of a solution, and encourages the readers to participate in the search to immerse them in the story. Second, Jazeonge, although it has the characteristics of deductive narrative, it has a dramatic strategy that is different from that of traditional deductive narrative. First, the ‘event’ is discussed in concurrent representation rather than as an absent story for the audience to experience the theatricality. This plays a critical role in keeping up the interests of the audience. The investigator who is in the position equal to that of general audience and the open conclusion contribute to deeper engagement of the audience, being the dramatic strategy that is much more advantageous to theater where audience participation is critical. In addition, it makes the event exist for the characters and diversifies the focus for the audience to stop consuming deductive narrative as a disposable item. In other words, it enriches its artistic implications by contemplating not only the solution of deductive event, but also the multilateral network of theatrical meanings. This strategy is where it is distinguished from traditional deductive narrative writings and what makes Jazeonge a unique narrative writing.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮後期 東萊鄕校의 造營에 관한 硏究

        김숙경,김순일 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.8

        This study is on the architectural history of process and system of 4 times Dongnae Hyanggyo construction in the late of Chosun Dynasty through researching into the architectural records and historical documents in those days. Dongnae Hyangyo had been built in special matters of Dongnaebu by local sarim under supervision of government officials. These construction had turned out difference and general characters which were about means of finance security, periods of building and using craftsmen according as officials's aid and power of sarim in Dongnaebu. This study would be the one of foundation on the local history of architecture in the late of Chosun Dynasty.

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