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        상위인지가 시험불안에 미치는 영향 - 스트레스 대처 전략의 매개 효과 -

        김수련,채규만 한국인지행동치료학회 2013 인지행동치료 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 상위인지와 시험불안의 관계에서 스트레스 대처 전략의 매개효과를 검증해 보고자 하였다. 서울시에 소재한 대학의 학생 344명을 대상으로 시험불안, 상위인지 질문지, 스트레스 대처전략 설문지를 이용해 설문을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 상위인지는 소극적 스트레스 대처 전략과 시험 불안과의 정적 상관을 보인 반면, 적극적 스트레스 대처전략과 시험불안과는 부적 상관으로 나타났다. 둘째, 상위인지의 하위요인 중 걱정의 통제 불가능성과 그로 인한 위험에 대한 부정적 신념은 시험불안을 매개한다는 결과를 보여주었다. 셋째, 소극적 스트레스 대처 전략은 상위인지와 시험불안의 관계를 매개 하였으나 적극적 스트레스 대처전략은 상위인지와 시험불안과의 관계를 매개하지 못하였다. 마지막으로, 본 연구 결과에 기초하여 연구의 제한점과 앞으로 연구에서 나아가야 할 방향에 대해서 논의하였다. This study examined the mediating effects of stress coping strategy on the relationship between meta-cognition and test anxiety. The subjects were 344 students recruited from university in metropolitan areas of Seoul. Test Anxiety Questionnaire, MCQ(Meta-Cognitions Questionnaire)-30, Stress Coping Strategy Questionnaire were administered to the subjects. First, meta cognition had a positive correlation with passive stress coping strategy and test anxiety while meta cognition showed a negative correlation with active stress coping strategy at the statically significant level. Second, subcategories of meta-cognition such as negative beliefs about uncontrollability of thoughts and danger showed mediating effect on test anxiety. Third, the passive stress coping strategy showed mediating effect on the relationship between meta- cognition and test anxiety. Forth, the active stress coping strategy did not show mediating effect on the relationship between meta-cognition and test anxiety at the statistically significant level. Finally, based on the finding results, the implications and limitations of this study and suggestions for the future study in this area were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        우포늪 습지보호지역 보전계획 개선방안

        김수련,송원경 한국환경복원기술학회 2019 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        The Wetland Conservation Plan is used as a tool to set the management direction of wetland protected areas, and which is establishing a plan for the conservation, wise-use, and management based on wetland's condition. This study was conducted to establish a conservation plan considering the functions and management conditions of Upo wetland protected area. To this end, there are analyzed the current issues, plans and implementation status of Upo Wetland Conservation Plans in the past. The management elements to be considered in establishing the Wetland Conservation Plan were selected through prior research analysis and the priority of those elements was identified through the AHP. As a result, it was found that lack of considering the changes and performance evaluation of the existing plans in wetlands, conducting short-term projects related to maintenance original function of wetland, different management methods for wetland protected areas and other adjacent areas, lack of understanding and cooperation by stakeholders, inconsistencies in timing of the Conservation Plan and survey of wetland protected areas. In order to improve the problem, it needs to include the performance evaluation stage of establishing the conservation plan, strengthen cooperation of stakeholders and expertise, continuing of projects for wetlands’ maintenance, priority of the project considering the management side, and to adjust the timing of plans to improve data availability.

      • KCI등재

        일반노년층의 단어정의하기 과제의 실시방법

        김수련,향희 한국자료분석학회 2017 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to settle the problems that word definition tasks have been conducted utilizing inconsistent administration methods. Number of times presenting instructions, time limit for defining a word, and scoring method were investigated to find the proper way to reveal word defining ability of the elderly. First, when the task instructions were presented two times, most of the normal elderly could produce sufficient semantic features of target word. Second, the elderly could complete a word definition with in 30 seconds. Third, two scoring methods (0-3 point scoring vs. total score) were compared among four age groups (55-64, 65-74, 75-84, and over 85 years old). The 0-3 point scoring did not show the difference between 55-64 and 65-74 years old groups, but the total scoring demonstrated a significant difference among all age groups. As cognitive abilities such attention and memory deteriorate with aging, the language task for the elderly should show the age-related changes. In particular, the task should be sensitive to the performance of young-old elderly (55-74 years old) for early diagnosis and prevention of age-related diseases. It is worthwhile to note that this study identify the guidelines for administration methods of word definition task for elderly people. 본 연구는 일반노년층을 대상으로 실시되고 있는 기존의 단어정의하기 과제의 실시방법이 비일관적이라는 제한점을 보완하고자 진행되었다. 일반노년층을 대상으로 지시문의 제시 횟수, 한 단어를 정의하는 데 소요되는 제한시간 및 채점방법을 분석하여 노년층에게 적합한 실시방법을 제시하고자 하였다. 지시문의 제시 횟수를 살펴보면, 지시문이 두 번 제시될 때 노인들은 단어에 대한 충분한 정의내용을 산출할 수 있었다. 다음으로 일반노인들은 한 단어를 정의하는 데 평균 19.31(±9.23)초를 소요하여 30초 이내에 단어를 정의할 수 있었다. 마지막으로 과제의 채점방법은 단어의 정의내용을 주요 의미자질과 부수 의미자질로 분류한 후, 0-3점으로 채점하는 방법과 총점으로 계산하는 방법을 비교하였다. 55-64세, 65-74세, 75-84세, 85세 이상의 네 집단의 과제 수행률을 비교한 결과, 0-3점 채점방법은 55-64세와 65-74세의 차이를 보여주지 못했지만 총점의 채점방법이 모든 연령집단 간에 유의한 차이를 보여주었다. 노인 대상의 언어 과제는 노인성 질환의 조기 진단 및 예방을 위해 연소노인(55-74세)의 반응에 민감해야 한다. 본 연구의 결과는 노년층을 대상으로 실시되는 단어정의하기 과제의 실시방법에 대한 지침을 마련하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Daily Communication Behaviors on Cognitive and Language Abilities of the Elderly

        김수련,향희 한국청각언어재활학회 2017 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.13 No.3

        Purpose: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health can be utilized to measure individual health. Although ‘activity’ is one of the components of health, no studies have investigated the frequency of participation of the elderly in daily communication activities, such as talking, reading, and writing. We examined the daily communication behaviors of normal elderly subjects and their effects on cognitive and language test performance. Methods: Normal elderly subjects (n = 456) over 60 years old completed a questionnaire on how often they thought that they talked/read/wrote in their daily lives. Also, they were administered the Korean Mini-Mental State Examination, Controlled Oral Word Association Test, Short Form of the Korean version-the Boston Naming Test, and Sentence Comprehension Test. Results: About 50% of the participants reported that they seldom talked, read, and/or wrote daily. The more frequently that the participants reported daily talking, reading and writing, the better they performed on cognitive and/or language tests. Daily writing influenced the test results the most, which suggested that writing behavior was closely related to all four cognitive/language tests. Conclusion: These results suggested that daily active communication behaviors play major roles in the cognitive and language abilities of the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        의미 구어유창성 과제의 실시시간에 따른 경도인지장애 하위유형의 변별력

        김수련 한국청각언어재활학회 2018 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.14 No.1

        Purpose: Semantic (e.g., animal category) verbal fluency (SVF) tasks are widely utilized to measure subtle cognitive and language impairment caused by aging and neurological diseases. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) regarded as transitional stage in aging with increased risk of incident dementia might show differential performances on SVF tasks according to MCI subtypes and different administration time. Methods: Three MCI subtypes of amnestic single-domain MCI (asMCI), amnestic multi-domain MCI (amMCI), non-amnestic MCI (non-aMCI), and age- and education-matched normal elderly (NE) participated in this study. Both the SVF tasks with 60- and 30-second administration time were conducted to four groups. Results: In 60-second SVF tasks, patients with amMCI and non-aMCI exhibited significantly lower performances than NE, but asMCI did not. In contrast, no significant differences were observed in 30-second SVF tasks between the groups. In receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis, 60-second SVF task showed fair discriminant power between amMCI and NE [area under ROC curve (AUC) = 0.779] as well as between non-aMCI and NE (AUC = 0.733). Conclusion: The results indicated that subtle cognitive decline of MCI might not be revealed during short administration time because automatic access for lexico-semantic process during the initial phase of SVF task is relatively preserved. The present study suggests that 60-second SVF tasks are useful to differentiate amMCI and non-aMCI groups from NE, but not asMCI.

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