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[논문철회]온라인 게임 커뮤니티가 합리적 문제해결 능력이 팀워크에 미치는 영향
김수동,정형원,Kim, Soo Dong,Jeong, Hyung Won 조선대학교 기초과학연구원 2021 조선자연과학논문집 Vol.14 No.3
Previous research on online games has suggested that virtual world activities improve problem solving and interpersonal skills, but FPS and MMORPG are not well distinguished in various monomeric and difficult activities. The reason for this is that qualitative considerations of activities in the virtual world have not yet been made. Therefore, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six-Siege, one of the most popular FPS in Japan, focused on the difficulty of supporting groups, and participated in observation and interviews to investigate the quality observation and interviews. The results showed that the first high-difficulty quest requires problem-solving skills and interpersonal skills in an environment where most of the nonverbal information is blocked. Second, it is important to extract players' thoughts and actions from high-difficulty quests, and to identify problems, confirm evidence and facts, propose causes and solutions, and to work together with coordinated actions and harmonious actions. Furthermore, it has been found that these capabilities are provided as two important leadership functions in actual collective work.
낙동강변 실트질 모래의 수리전도도와 전기적 물성과의 관계
김수동,박삼규,함세영,오윤영,Kim, Soo-Dong,Park, Samgyu,Hamm, Se-Yeong,Oh, Yun-Yeong 한국지하수토양환경학회 2014 지하수토양환경 Vol.19 No.3
Hydraulic conductivity is an important parameter, representing permeable property of the groundwater in aquifers, in the issues of groundwater development, groundwater contamination, and groundwater flow, etc. We estimated a relationship between hydraulic conductivity and electrical properties (formation factor, chargeability, and time constant) of silty sand in the laboratory. For this study, we conducted grain size analysis, constant head permeameter test, and measured electrical resistivity and spectral induced polarization of silty sand samples collected from the riverside alluvium of the Nakdong River in Nogok-ri area, Dasan-myeon, Goryeong-gun in Gyeongbook Province, Korea. In the laboratory test, we used soil samples of approximately uniform porosity with 0.5% error range, and kept the electrical resistivity of pore water with 100 ohm-m. As a result, the relationship between effective particle size and hydraulic conductivity agrees fairly well with the existing empirical formulas. Hydraulic conductivity was correlated with formation factor, chargeability, and time constant: hydraulic conductivity increased with increasing formation factor and time constant as well as with decreasing chargeability.
표준사와 유리구슬을 이용한 수리전도도와 전기비저항의 관계
김수동,박삼규,함세영,Kim, Soodong,Park, Samgyu,Hamm, Se-Yeong 대한자원환경지질학회 2013 자원환경지질 Vol.46 No.3
We estimated the hydraulic conductivity of the sediments using constant-head permeability tests and electrical resistivity measurements with Jumoonjin standard sand of a uniform size and glass beads of different grain sizes. In this study, we determined the variations of the porosity, the hydraulic conductivity, and the resistivity in case 1 (changing the packing of the Jumoonjin standard sand) and in case 2 (varying the size of the glass beads). The results of case 1 showed that the hydraulic conductivity decreased with an increase in the electrical resistivity. This occurred because the sand grain while packing became rhombohedral with the a decrease of both the pore size and porosity. The results of the case 2 showed that the hydraulic conductivity increased due to the increase in the pore size as caused by the increased glass bead size. In addition, the porosity decreased and the electrical resistivity increased. Therefore, the relationship between the hydraulic conductivity and the electrical resistivity is negatively proportional as regards the grain packing with a change from cubic to rhombohedral whereas this relationship is positively proportional to the increase in the grain size.
인슐린 - 비의존성 당뇨병환자에서 최대운동부하검사에 의한 심폐적성 및 에너지대사능의 평가
김신우(Shin Woo Kim),강문수(Moon Soo Kang),김수동(Su Dong Kim),김정국(Jung Guk Kim),하승우(Sung Woo Ha),김보완(Bo Wan Kim),석준(Jun Suk),박희명(Hi Myung Park),김유문(Yu Moon Kim),김종석(Jong Suk Kim) 대한내과학회 1995 대한내과학회지 Vol.49 No.1
Objectives : The cardiorespiratory fitness including maximal oxygen uptake(VO, max) in diabetics is generally known to be low, but it is also reported to vary depending upon the type of diabetes mellitus and presence or absence of complicating coronary heart disease and/or cardiovascular autonomic dysfunctions. The purpose of our study is to assess cardiorespiratory fitness and energy metabolism at maximal exercise in non-insulin dependent diabetics without these complications. Methods : Symptom-limited maximal exercise tests by Bruce protocol were carried out in 28 non-insulin dependent diabetic men with neither clinical cardiopulmonary diseases nor cardiovascular autonomic dysfunctions and in 103 matched controls. Comparisons of HR max, VO2 max and their derivatives, and respiratory exchange ratio(RER) and energy expenditure(EE) were made between the diabetics and the controls. In addition, the correlations of RER and EE with the various body characteristics including age were computed. Results: The mean of various parameters reflecting cardiorespiratory responses to maximal exercise and indices of energy metabolism such as RER and EE showed no significant differences between the diabetics and the controls. However, the EE at maximal exercise in the diabetics was significantly inversely correlated with the age alone(r=-0.61, p<0.001), whereas in the controls, it showed a slight negative correlation with age(r= -0.37, p<0.01). Conclusion: These findings suggest that cardiorespiratory fitness level and energy metabolism at maximal exercise in non-insulin dependent diabetic men unaccompanying cardiovascular diseases and autonomic dysfunctions are essentially similar to the normal controls. Nonetheless, the fact that the EE at maximal exercise is highly correlated with the age in the diabetics may be of value to be considered in exercise prescription for these patients.
김수동 ( Kim Su-dong ),김승희 ( Kim Seung-hee ),김영기 ( Kim Young-ki ) 한국유통경영학회 2018 유통경영학회지 Vol.21 No.4
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the succession of small-sized enterprises based on the data of 2015 Market, Shopping Street and Store Management Survey conducted by the Small Enterprise And Market Service(SEMAS). This study was intended to find out whether sales, maintenance period, inherited business, three costs (labor cost, raw material cost, rent fee) have an effect on succession intention of small-sized enterprises by using logistic regression. The result showed that sales, maintenance period, and inherited business positively influence the possibility of succession intention while rent fee negatively affect outcome variables. Further analysis was conducted about whether sales, maintenance period, and the three cost factors have influenced on the consensus about re-succession intention by using logistic regression. The result showed that sales and duration period positively influence increasing the re-succession intention, but only the rent fee negatively influence decreasing the possibility. Based on the results of this study, implications and future research were discussed.
김상무 ( Kim Sang-mu ),김수동 ( Kim Soo-dong ),김세곤 ( Kim Se-gon ),김영규 ( Kim Young-kyu ),주재훈 ( Ju Jae-hoon ) 동국대학교 교육연구소 2018 교육연구 Vol.3 No.1
It is necessary and important for professors to activate students' participation in a massive class at a university, because it can't insure the success of a university class without participation of students. In this critical mind, this study is to survey of teaching methods which activate students' participation. Every researcher of this study suggest one or two teaching methods to activate students' participation and discuss concrete application in a massive class and strength and weakness of each suggested method. They are question and answer, cooperative learning, discussion, class using cell phone, symposium, talk show, discussion using ICT. The suggested teaching methods have respectively their own strength and weakness. Therefore it is important to select appropriate methods according to the goal and characteristics of the class. It can be helpful to use some methods together to activate students' participation in a massive class.
김경희(Kyunghee Kim),김신영(Shinyoung Kim),김성숙(Sungsook KIM),지은림(Eunlim Chi),반재천(Jae-Chun Ban),김수동(SooDong Kim) 한국교육평가학회 2006 교육평가연구 Vol.19 No.2
학교교육의 내실화와 교실에서의 효율적인 문제해결을 위하여 평가에 대한 욕구가 점차 증가함에 따라, 평가와 관련된 교사의 업무는 훨씬 복잡해지고 있으며 더불어 신뢰롭고 타당한 학생평가를 위한 교사의 전문성에 대한 요청도 증가하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 요청에 따라 교사의 학생평가 전문성을 계발하고 신장시키기 위하여 “교사의 학생평가 전문성 기준” 을 개발하였다. 학생평가 전문성 기준은 교사의 학생평가 전문성의 5가지 능력요소 즉, “평가방법의 선정”, “평가도구의 개발”, “평가실시ㆍ채점ㆍ성적 부여”, “평가결과의 분석ㆍ해석ㆍ활용ㆍ의사소통”, “평가의 윤리성”에 따라 11개의 기준과 각 기준을 설명하는 구체화된 세부적인 55개의 평가지식과 기술을 개발하였다. Standards of teacher"s competence in student assessment was developed in this study In this study, the plan for practical use of these standards took a concrete form.<BR> First, the characteristics and the definition of teacher"s competence in student assessment were explained in this study. Teacher"s competence in student assessment can be defined as "the competence or capability of collecting, interpreting as well as applying the students" assessment information about students" learning and achievement". This competence is the assessment literacy that should be required before actually assessing the students.<BR> Second, standards of teacher"s competence in student assessment was developed by examining and revising year 2004 TPCSE in depth. The development process are 1) analysis of the concepts in teacher"s competence in student assessment" 2) extraction of the competence components 3) description of each standard of teacher"s competence per each competence component 4) Continuous consultation with the experts 5) Completion of standards of teachers" competence that are required to do the student assessment.