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      • KCI등재

        정념 대상에 대한 순수 욕망, 치정담 - ‘치정(癡情)’의 의미 재고 -

        세라 ( Kim Sera ) 전북대학교 인문학연구소 2017 건지인문학 Vol.0 No.20

        The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning of the ‘chi-qing’ which are interpreted only in negative terms in modern times, and to analyze what is the essential meaning of chi-qing by analyzing < Simsaengjeon > and < Oksoson >. The people who are in the chi-qing are not the perfect figure of the wit and beauty as the contemporary society demands, but they are the sleazy, high-profile ‘stifling’ characters who are not good at the timing. These qualities were devalued as ‘chi(癡)’ because they were not welcomed elements in male-centered society. In fact, ‘Chi (癡)’, which is regarded as ‘idiot’ in the works, appears as an excess state that is deeply absorbed in the individual’s emotions, to the point of forgetting even the social role model beyond the state of being exhausted. Most of the works dealing with lawsuit or murder case based on adultery are called chi-qing story(癡情談). However, if we take a look at the meaning of this article, the gap is too large. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider the frame of reference of classical literary works which are classified as chi-qing story(癡情談) which is evaluated as a modern standard. This study shows that the love of the characters in the < Masangranjeon > and < Poeuigyojip > has been extended to the age of taste by expanding the indulgence to the ejaculation identified in < Simsangjeon > and < Oksoson >. It is the essence of chi-qing, even when the love begins in the illusion of the individual, not the universal one, and the illusion turns into disillusionment and wakes up again. After examining the fact that expressing extremely personal and micro individual tastes and expressing unique subjectivity spread to the genre area of liter ature and spread to Sopum(小品) literature, this study confirms that not only Yi-Ok‘s works but also Sim, No-Sung and Kim-Ryo’s works share them.

      • KCI등재

        유아 대상 난민교육 프로그램 개발 및 실행

        세라(Sera Kim),양성은(Sungeun Yang) 한국보육지원학회 2024 한국보육지원학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        Objective: The objective of this study was to develop a refugee education program for early childhood and apply it in daycare center settings to examine the reactions of children aged 5. Methods: Referring to Kemmis and McTaggart(1988) action research model, the refugee education program recommended by UNHCR, and linking it with the national Nuri-curriculum in Korea, a total of five sessions of a refugee education program for early childhood were developed and applied to 20 children aged 5. Results: The application of the preschool refugee education program resulted in positive changes in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects. These changes provided opportunities for early childhood to practice respect towards others, fostering a broader understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures. Conclusion/Implications: This study holds significance in contributing to the discourse on the necessity and direction of refugee education through the development and application of a refugee education program for early childhood. It is anticipated that this research will stimulate in-depth discussions on educational approaches that foster early childhood interest in global issues and cultivate a sense of global citizenship and attitude in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        「향랑전」에 나타난 죽음의 의미

        세라(Kim, sera) 국어문학회 2014 국어문학 Vol.56 No.-

        향랑의 이야기는 18세기 문인들의 많은 관심 속에 각종 장르의 문학작품의 소재로 채택되었다. ?향랑전?을 이해하는 데 있어서도 향랑의 죽음이 가지는 의미를 파악하는 것은 핵심적인 요소라고 할 수 있다. 이 글에서는 그토록 사대부에 의해 찬미되었던 강한 의지의 ‘열녀로서의 향랑’이 아니라 그 동안 간과되었던, 그저 행복하게 살고 싶었으나 그것이 이루어지지 않자 어쩔 수 없이 선택하게 된 죽음 앞에서도 두렵고 외로웠을 뿐인 한갓 젊은 여인이었던‘향랑’의 모습이 중심이 된다. 그녀는 이처럼 죽음 앞에서 머뭇거릴 수밖에 없는 인간이었고 그녀가 주변 사람들의 개가 요구를 거절했던 것도 절의의 실천과는 거리가 먼 것이었다. 본고는 그녀가 죽음을 택하게 되는 까닭을 해명하고 죽음 앞에서의 향랑의 태도와 그것을 보는 작자의 시각을 통해 ?향랑전?에 나타난 죽음이 가지는 다양한 의미를 확인한다. 이 글에서 향랑의 죽음의 원인을 내면화된 열 이데올로기와 그로 인한 평민세계에서의 소외라는 측면에서 살펴보았다. 따라서 향랑의 죽음은 관습적인 의미에서의 열녀의 죽음과는 다른 성격을 지닌다고 할 수 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 향랑의 입전자들은 그녀의 죽음을 정절을 지키기 위한 죽음으로만 보고 이를 미화시켜 찬양했는데, 이는 남성이며 사대부였던 작자들이 여성이며 평민이었던 향랑의 현실을 왜곡된 시선으로 보았기 때문이다. ?향랑전?은 매우 다양한 의미를 함축한 텍스트이다. 그것은 일차적으로 조선후기에 하층여성의 의식까지 지배하게 된 열 이데올로기의 한 형상을 보여 주는 동시에 평민여성의 현실과 열 이데올로기가 결합하는 양상이 그리 단순하지 않다는 사실을 입증한다. 또한, 죽음에까지 이른 여성의 비극적 삶을 보는 남성사대부 작자들의 시각이 실상과 얼마나 큰 괴리를 지니고 있는가를 보여주는 주요한 예가 되기도 한다. ‘열’이 이데올로기라는 단어와 결합하면서 부정적 함의를 가질 수밖에 없는 것은 그것이 사랑하는 사람에 대해 자발적으로 신의를 지키는 일에서는 일찌 감치 벗어나 여성에게 원하지 않는 삶의 방식을 강요하거나 심지어 목숨을 끊을 것을 강요하게 되었기 때문이다. 어느 시대, 어느 누구도 자신이 발 딛고 있는 사회의 지배 이데올로기로부터 자유로울 수 없을 것이지만 그녀는 죽음의 의미조차도 그 이데올로기에 의해 왜곡되었다. 본고에서는 향랑의 절망스런 삶과 회한에 찬 죽음에 대한 의미를 핍진하게 해석하고자 했다. The purpose of this study was to examine the implementation aspect in Hyang-rang jeon. In understanding Hyang-rang jeon, to find out the meaning of Hyangrang"s death is the key factor. This paper focuses on Hyang-rang"s figure that we have missed, not a virtuous woman noblemen respected her strong will but a scared and lonely woman who couldn"t help choosing the death after failing to live happily as a ordinary woman. Hyang-rang hesitated in front of death and it was far away from keeping her chastity for her to refuse the remarrige people asked for. This paper find out the various meaning of death represented in Hyang-rang jeon through the writer"s viewpoint on Hyang-rang"s attitude toward death and explain the reason of death she chose. This paper researches the reason of her death by looking on the side of "isolation from a world of common people" and "inernalized Yeol(烈) ideology ". Therefor Hyang-rang"s death can be different from virtuous woman"s one on the viewpoint of social custums. The writers of Hyang-rang jeon glorified and admired Hyang-rang"s death because of Keeping her chastity, this is why they"re all men and noblemen. They distorted the stories of Hyang-rang who was a woman and common person.

      • KCI등재후보

        선박항적이 가지는 특수 군에 대한 연구

        세라(Sera Kim) 한국해군과학기술학회 2023 Journal of the KNST Vol.6 No.4

        This paper aims to introduce a specific group that describes the ship wake as a braid word in knot theory in order to utilize the characteristics when expressing the form of a ship wake. I define three different types of generators and those relationships for the braid group which is different from braid group presentations. And I explain how they are applied to the actual representation of ship wakes.

      • KCI등재

        여성신분상승담에 나타난 아비투스

        세라(Kim, Sera) 한국문화융합학회 2021 문화와 융합 Vol.43 No.5

        This study analyzed two stories titled <A maid who took a propitious site> and <Yangseungsun who met a weird mate> published in the Cheonggu Yadam , a representative historical storybook of the late Joseon Dynasty. Following this, it examined the strategies through which the two heroines of each story could improve their status and make inroads into upper society, subsequently elucidating the cultural capital underlying it. There was no choice but to entail a disparity between the noble families that have had a long history of maintaining the upper class for generations and the group of people who newly joined the aristocratic class due to economic and social capital. Both <A maid who took a propitious site> and <Yangseungsun who met a weird mate> are stories about female characters who used such a gap cleverly to enter the aristocracy. A husband from the aristocratic class was essential for the two women of low social standing to break away from their current class. The women at that time employed the maneuvers and plans based on the economic and social capitals to make their children an aristocrat even if they themselves failed. It was all possible because of cultural capitals. The two women, who have insight into the delicate dynamics of such an aristocratic society better than anyone else, quietly stepped down without further greed after accomplishing their initial goals. Although these two clever women could reach a certain social position by “imitating” the behaviors of the aristocrats, they also noticed that the original noble families tended to “distinguish” themselves from those that newer entrants to society. In other words, these women were wise enough to attempt to enter society only to the extent that they were permitted to, and then step down to the appropriate level, even if they ran furiously to the door to belong to an aristocratic class. In this context, it seems clear that the most essential factor in achieving the complicated plans and goals the two women employed for the rise of status was the “habitus” of aristocratic society.

      • KCI등재후보

        파이썬과 MOY Graph를 이용한 항적 분석방법

        세라(Sera Kim) 한국해군과학기술학회 2023 Journal of the KNST Vol.6 No.3

        This study proposes a new method for analyzing images of ship wakes as knots. At first, I established the Python-based coding to get information from an image of a ship wake. The given coding in this manuscript is used to process the image of the ship wake and make it more distinct from other parts. Secondly, I explained the process of extracting mathematical information from the image. The information referred to the braid form was successfully obtained from the image of the ship wake. Consequently, I demonstrated to represent the image as the braid word in the braid group and how to analyzing the braid word by using invariants in knot theory.

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