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      • KCI등재

        Interferon과 Ribavirin 병용요법 시행중인 만성 C형간염 환자에서 발생한 부작용에 대한 침구치료 증례

        김성환,홍상훈,박동일,Kim, Sung-hwan,Hong, Sang-hoon,Park, Dong-il 대한침구의학회 2003 대한침구의학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Objective : Interferon-alpha and Rivabirin are much used at the same time to treat Chronical C viral hepatitis. But interferon caused lots of unexpected side effects, Acupuncture Treatment for them will be an alternative plan. Methods : We first posed questions to a 4 year-old man who ha skin flare, fatigue, itching, insomnia, pronounced a diagnosis based on overall of symptoms and signs and then treated Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Electroacupuncture. We acupunctured a BL17, BL18, BL20 and removed it at once. We electroacupunctured at GV20, Yin tang(Ex-HN3) form 20 minutes, acupunctured at Bi yi(鼻翼, Extra-point), S36, P6. Pizhengge(脾定格) was acupunctured for 10 minutes. Results : The symptoms of fatigue, insomnia, itching are reduced after acupuncture treatments and they made a person keep interferon treatment on. Conclusions : We confirmed that acupuncture treatments make a patient of chronic C viral hepatitis reduce and improve side effects of interferon treatment. We should keep on studying the various and efficient method of acupuncture treatment to improve living quality and treatment efficiency of patients.

      • KCI등재

        급식 운영 형태에 따른 금산 지역 중.고등학생의 학교 급식 만족도

        김성환,김나영,이경화,Kim, Sung-Hwan,Kim, Na-Young,Lee, Kyung-Hwa 동아시아식생활학회 2007 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the satisfaction with school foodservice programs by foodservice operation type in middle school and high school students in the Geumsan-Gun area. A total of 530 subjects(250 middle school and 280 high school students) from the Geumsan-Gun area participated from March 15 to March 23, 2004. Questionnaires were used to study dietary habits, activity levels, and current health conditions. The results of the study are summarized as follows. Based on the body mass index(BMI) scores of the students, the high school male BMI scores were significantly different(5%), and they were underweight for their height. The students were primarily dissatisfied with times for meals for school foodservice under direct management and with the quantity of meal for school foodservice under contract. Compared to the middle school female students, the male high school students were dissatisfied with the time for meals and quantity of food. Generally, the students were satisfied with dessert items the most. The food most often wasted was soup. The middle and high school students preferred food services to those under contract.

      • KCI등재

        폐경 전.후 여성의 식습관과 영양 섭취 상태 및 일부 혈액지표와의 관계 연구

        김성환,김나영,여인섭,Kim, Sung-Hwan,Kim, Na-Young,Yeo, In-Seob 동아시아식생활학회 2007 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        This study was performed to investigate dietary habits, and to evaluate the relationship between nutritional status and certain blood parameters in premenopausal and postmenopausal women living in Daejeon. Adult Korean females(n=110) that had visited the Health Promotion Center of Eulji University Hospital were analyzed. We examined blood parameters, body composition, and life style factors such as food habits and physical activity in pre- and post-menopausal women. The collected data were then analyzed to evaluate the various items. Overall, there were no differences between the pre- and post-menopausal women for food habit score, or for intakes of energy, protein, Int, iron, vitamin A, vitamin $B_1$, vitamin $B_2$, niacin, vitamin C, and calcium. However, carbohydrate intake was significantly higher in the postmenopausal women than in the premenopausal women. The Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans(KDRIs), in terms of energy, fat, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin $B_1$, were less than 100% in both the premenopausal women and postmenopausal women. All intakes of protein, iron, vitamin $B_2$, niacin, and vitamin C satisfied the KDRIs in both groups. Finally, the postmenopausal women had higher serum fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase levels than the premenopausal women.

      • KCI등재후보

        고려 말 李中仁의 활동과 교유 관계

        김성환(Kim, Sung-hwan) 포은학회 2011 포은학연구 Vol.8 No.-

        이중인(1315~?)과 관련한 자료는 1705년 13대손 이세회가 지은 〈고려구 성부원군이공묘표음기〉가 전부이다. 그는 판도판서인 이광시와 덕양부부인 행주기씨의 아들이자 대제학 全信의 사위로 아들 사영과 사위ㆍ사이를 두었다. 그의 이름은 李冲仁 또는 李沖仁으로 기록되기도 했다. 그는 부음을 통해 관직에 나갔을 것으로 추측되는데, 관력으로는 1339년(충숙왕 복위8)~1340년(충혜왕 복위 1)을 전후하여 중서성지인, 1350년대 후반부터 1362년 이후까지의 통직랑, 홍복도감판관 등이 확인된다. 최종 관직이 문하시중이었다는 《기년동사약》의 기록을 염두에 둘 때, 훨씬 다양한 관직과 활동을 역임했을 것으로 추측되지만, 확인할 수 없다. 그가 판관을 역임한 홍복도감이 어떤 성격의 관부였는지 명확하지 않다. 홍복도감이 소속된 전의시가 왕실의 제사를 주관하고 왕의 묘호와 시호의 제정을 주관하는 관청으로 전의시판사는 불교와 유교의 제례가 어우러져 진행되는 예제에 밝아야만 임용될 수 있는 자리였고, 홍법도감판관 역시 마찬가지였을 것이다. 이것은 그가 국휼의 예제는 물론 성리학적인 의식에도 관통하고 있었음을 의미한다. 원나라에 사신을 다녀오기도 하면서 성리학을 수용했던 부친 이광시의 가르침을 염두에 둘 수 있는 부분이다. 이중인은 부친과 장인이 교유했던 백이정ㆍ김제안ㆍ김륜ㆍ이제현 등 유학자 그룹들을 선배로, 김득배ㆍ한방신 등을 자신과 함께 관직 활동을 했던 동료로, 이색을 자신의 후배이자 아들의 선생으로, 아들과 동년이었던 정몽주ㆍ임박ㆍ문익점ㆍ김군정ㆍ이존오ㆍ유원ㆍ곽추 등 신흥사대부들과 다양하게 교류하였다. 특히 그는 이색보다 14년, 정몽주보다 23년 연배였다. 이색은 그의 장자이자 자신의 성균관 생도였던 이사영의 학문을 칭송하였고, 이숭인 역시 이사영과의 관계가 특별했다. 이사영ㆍ이사위 형제를 포함하여 이색ㆍ한수ㆍ이집ㆍ이숭인ㆍ정몽주ㆍ정추ㆍ박진록ㆍ이무방ㆍ이종학ㆍ김구용 등은 나이ㆍ관직에 관계없이 교류하며 시국에 대한 토론과 대책을 논의하기도 하였다. 이런 관계에서 이들은 자연스럽게 이중인의 집을 드나들었고, 개인적으로는 벗의 부친이나[정몽주], 제자의 부친으로[이색], 공적으로는 조정의 선배이자 尊丈으로서 이중인을 접했을 것이다. 그리고 자연스레 신왕조의 개창을 준비하는 이성계ㆍ정도전ㆍ조준 등에 맞서 개혁을 통한 고려의 보지와 부흥을 위해 고민하고 노력하였다. 이런 측면에서 이중인이 “어려서부터 학업과 뛰어난 업적으로 일대종장이 되어 포은과 목은이 어려서부터 학문을 종유하였고, 조선에서 80의 나이를 넘긴 그에게 구성부원군에 추봉하자 받지 않고 “본래 전조의 사람으로 스스로를 다스리는 것이 지켜야 할 뜻이거늘 어찌 달라질 수 있을 것인가”라고 하며 정충대절을 지켰다는 《기년동사약》의 서술은 후손의 평가라 하더라도 일정한 의미가 있다고 할 것이다. The whole of written material dealing with Yi Jung-in(1315~?) is encompassed in his epitaph written by his descent Yi Se-hwe in 1705. He was the son of Yi Gwang-si, former Pando-Panseo(Minister of formalities) and Haengju Gi as well as the son-in-law of Jeon Sin of former Daejaehak(Minister of Education). is name has also been recorded as Yi Chung-in(李冲仁) and Yi Chung-in(李沖仁). His government service can be guessed at by reading his obituary. He has been confirmed as serving in 1339 to 1340 as the Jungseoseong-jiin and Tongjik-rang from the latter half of 1350 to after 1362, in addition to other posts such as Hongbokdogam-Pangwan. When considering the record of Gineondongsaryak written during his last post of Munha-sijung, one can surmise that he had quite a few postings and activities in succession, but this cannot be confirmed. Just what type of character was reflected in Hongbokdogam inspiring him to serve in these successive his positions remains unclear. Falling under the heading of Hongbokdogam , Jeonuisi was part of a government department concerned with observing the royal family’s ancestra rites as well as the ceremony of assigning names posthumously to deceased kings. Along these lines, the Jeonuisi-pansa was an appointed position conferred only after the applicant underwent an exercise combining Buddhist and Confucian ceremonies. The Hongbokdogam-Pangwan appears to be the same thing. This signifies that he had a deeper than normal understanding of Neo-Confucianism through the national mourning ceremonly. One can keep in mind the teachings of his father, Yi Gwang-shi, who had absorbed Neo-Confucianism from visiting Yuan dynasty envoys. Yi Jung-in came into contact with many people from his elders in Confucian groups such as Baek Yi-jeong, Gim Je-an, Yi Je-hyeon, and others to contemporaries in government posts, such as Gim Duek-bae and Han Bang-sin. He was also involved with Yi Saek as the tutor of the son as well as the son’s contemporaries, Jeong Mong-ju, Mun Ik-jeom, Gim Gun-jeong, Yi Jon-o and others from his son’s friends. He was 14 years older than Yi-saek and 23 years older than Jeong Mong-ju. Yi Saek praised the scholarship of his eldest son, Yi Sa-yeong, a pupil at the same Confucian institute as Yi Saek. Yi Sung-in likewise shared a special relationship with Yi Sa-yeong. Yi Sa-yeong, together with his older brother Yi Sa-wi, associated with people such as Yi Saek, Han Su, Yi Jip, Jeong Mong-ju, Gim Gu-yong, and others without concern for age or rank. Together, they debated the state of political affairs and discussed policies. This type of relationship permitted them to visit Yi Jung-in’s house as they pleased and individually approact him either as a friend’s father or the father of a pupil through seniors of the society. Thus they showed a natural unity of purpose in striving toward the preservation and reconstruction of the Goryeo kingdom through reform while confronting Yi Seong-gye, Jeong Do-jeon, Jo Jun and others who were preparing the way for the rise of a new dynasty. From this perspective, Yi jung-in “became a leader in scholarship through study and great acts, Poeun and Mogeun followed him in scholarship and succeeded him in his position in Guseong-Buwongun after his death at over 80 years of age. With his statement ”How can the original system of the protecting the ruling king’s identity as an original Koryo leader? he made clear that the document Gineondongsaryak which protected the loyalty and constancy still held deep meaning.

      • KCI등재

        압출 성형 인삼의 항산화 활성 증강 효과

        김성환,Kim, Sung-Hwan 동아시아식생활학회 2007 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        최근 식품 및 천연 물질로부터 항산화 작용이 있는 생리 활성 물질을 찾고자 하는 연구가 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라를 비롯하여 동양권에서 전통적으로 자양강장을 목적으로 많이 사용해온 인삼을 압출 성형 기술에 의해 가공한 후 80% 에탄올로 추출하고 감압 농축한 에탄올엑기스와 이를 에테르를 이용하여 지방 성분을 제거한 후 수포화 부탄올 처리한 부탄올 분획과 물 분획을 얻었다. 인삼과 압출 성형 인삼의 부탄올 층을 각각 고속 액체 크로마토그라피에 의해 인삼 사포닌 함량을 측정하였다. 실험 결과 압출성형 인삼이 대조 인삼에 비해 ginsenoside Rg1의 경우 약 2.2배, Re의 경우 약 2.3배, Rc의 경우 약 1.2배, Rb2의 경우 약 1.3배, Rd의 경우 약 2.2배의 사포닌 함량이 증가하는 결과를 보였다. 또한, ORAC 방법에 의한 항산화 활성 실험 결과, 압출 성형 인삼의 경우 인삼 중의 여러 유효 성분이 많이 함유되어 있는 80% 에탄올 추출분 획과 일반적으로 사포닌 성분을 많이 함유한 부탄올 분획은 물론이고, 사포닌 함량이 거의 없는 수층 분획 모두에서 대조 인삼의 분획들에 비해 유의성 있는 증가 (0.05<p)를 보였다. 이상의 결과로 미루어 보아 인삼 중 황산화 활성은 인삼 사포닌 성분과 그동안 밝혀진 일부 페놀 화합물에 의한 것뿐만 아니라 압출 성형으로 인해 세포벽이 수용성화되면서 용출된 인삼 중의 유효성분인 저 분자의 proteoglucan 및 산성 다당체를 포함하여 저분자화한 수용성 다당류 가운데 어떤 미지의 활성 성분에 의한 결과로 추정된다. This study was conducted in order to evaluate the antioxidant activity of extruded ginseng in different extracted fractions. Each of the fractions obtained from extruded ginseng and ginseng (control) were extracted with 80% ethanol, and then the lipophilic components were removed with ether while the hydrophilic components were separated with water-saturated butanol. Each of the 80% ethanol/butanol/water layers were collected and evaporated to acquire samples for tests of saponin content and antioxidant activity. The antioxidant activity of extruded ginseng fractions and ginseng fractions were determined via the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. Overall, the extruded ginseng samples harbored saponin contents of 2.2 (Rg1), 2.3 (Re), 1.2 (Rc), 1.3 (Rb2), and 2.2 (Rd) times that measured in the ginseng prior to extrusion. Antioxidant capacity was also higher, not only in the 80% ethanol/butanol which harbor a significant quantity of saponin, but also in the water fractions, which harbor relatively low quantities of saponin as compared to the control samples. All three of the fractions extracted from extruded ginseng evidence significantly higher antioxidant capacity than the controls (0.05<p). As the butanol fraction harbors more saponin and phenolic compounds than the water fraction, the butanol fraction was expected to evidence higher antioxidant capacity from those compounds. Interestingly, however, the water fraction evidences higher antioxidant capacity than butanol in both the extruded ginseng and control ginseng samples. Therefore, it could be theorized that the antioxidant capacity of ginseng derived from low molecular weight proteo-glucans and polysaccharides or soluble glycoproteins originates from the solubilization of the plant cell wall via extrusion, as well as saponin and phenolic compounds. This should be verified by additional studies to determine clearly the mechanism underlying this phenomenon.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        SrCl<sub>2</sub>:Eu<sup>2+</sup>,Na<sup>+</sup> X-선 영상저장 형광체의 발광특성

        김성환,김완,강희동,도시홍,서효진,김영국,김도성,Kim, Sung-Hwan,Kim, Wan,Kang, Hee-Dong,Doh, Sih-Hong,Seo, Hyo-Jin,Kim, Young-Kook,Kim, Do-Sung 한국재료학회 2003 한국재료학회지 Vol.13 No.6

        Photoluminescence(PL), photostimulated luminescence(PSL) and thermoluminescence(TL) in $SrC1_2$:$Eu^{2+}$ , $Na^{+}$ phosphor powder were measured, and the activation energies(trap depth) of traps associated with TL and PSL were investigated. The PL and PSL in the studied sample is due to the $4f^{6}$ 5d\longrightarrow$4f^{7}$transition of $Eu^{ 2+}$. TL glow curve is single peak, and its peak temperature is about 377.2 K. The PL, PSL and TL emission spectra of the phosphors are located in the range of 380∼440 nm, peaking at 408 nm. The activation energy of the PSL trapping center is 0.78 eV and that of the TL trapping center is 0.79 eV. We, thus, suggest that the trapping centers giving rise to the PSL are identical to those giving rise to the TL.

      • KCI등재

        LTE-Advanced SAW-Less 송신기용 7개 채널 차단 주파수 및 40-dB 이득범위를 제공하는 65-nm CMOS 저전력 기저대역회로 설계에 관한 연구

        김성환,김창완,Kim, Sung-Hwan,Kim, Chang-Wan 한국정보통신학회 2013 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.17 No.3

        본 논문에서는 SAW 필터가 없는 LTE-Advanced RF 송신기에 적용 가능한 기저대역 송신단 회로를 제안한다. 제안하는 기저대역 송신단 회로는 Tow-Thomas구조의 2차 능동 저역통과 필터 1개와 1차 수동 RC 필터 1개로 구현되었으며, 0.7 MHz, 1.5 MHz, 2.5 MHz, 5 MHz, 7.5 MHz, 10 MHz, 그리고 20 MHz의 총 7개의 채널 차단 주파수를 제공하며, 각 채널 별로 -41 dB에서 0 dB까지 1-dB 단계로 이득 조절이 가능하다. 제안하는 2차 능동 저역 통과 필터 회로는 DC 소모 전류 효율을 높이기 위해 채널 차단 주파수를 세 그룹으로 나누어서 선택된 차단 주파수 그룹에 따라 연산증폭기의 전류 소모를 3단계로 가변 할 수 있도록 연산증폭기 내부에 3개의 단위-연산증폭기(OTA)를 병렬로 연결하여 선택적으로 사용할 수 있도록 설계하였다. 또한, 제안하는 연산 증폭기는 저전력으로 1-GHz UGBW(Unit Gain Bandwidth)를 얻기 위해 Miller 위상 보상 방식과 feed-forward 위상 보상 방식을 동시에 사용하였다. 제안하는 기저대역 송신기는 65-nm CMOS 공정을 사용하여 설계되었고 1.2 V의 전압으로부터 선택된 채널 대역폭에 따라 최소 6.3 mW, 최대 24.1 mW의 전력을 소모한다. This paper describes a low-power baseband circuit for SAW-less LTE-Advanced transmitters. The proposed transmitter baseband circuit consists of a 2nd-order Tow-Thomas type active RC-LPF and a 1st-order passive RC LPF. It can provide a 7 multi-channel cut-off frequencies and wide gain control range of -41 dB ~ 0 dB with a 1-dB step. The proposed 2nd-order active RC-LPF adopts an op-amp in which three other sub-op amps are in parallel connected to reduce DC current for different cutoff frequency. In addition, each sub-op amp adopts both Miller and feed-forward phase compensation method to achieve an UGBW of more than 1-GHz with a small DC power consumption. The proposed baseband circuit is implemented in 65-nm CMOS technology, consuming DC power from 6.3 mW to 24.1 mW from a 1.2V supply voltage for each different cut-off frequency.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Rhombic Transposition Flap을 이용한 재발성 기저 세포암 치험

        김성환,박기범,이일수 ( Sung Hwan Kim,Ki Beom Park,Eil Soo Lee ) 대한피부과학회 1997 대한피부과학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        We report two cases of recurrent BCC in a 51- year-old woman and a 39-year-old woman which had been misdiagnosed aind treated as pigrnented nevi. Complete surgical resections were done followed by reconstruction using local rhombic transposition flaps. Final cosmetic results were excellent and no local recurrence was noticed during one year follow-up. (Kor J Dermatol 1997;35(1): 121-125)

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