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        다니자키 준이치로문학과 이상문학 비교연구1

        김상원(Kim, Sang-Won) 동북아시아문화학회 2015 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.45

        This paper compared and reviewed Tanizaki Junichiro literature and Lee Sang literature with a focus on three topics of ‘complex’, ‘succubism’, and ‘longing for modernization’. As esthetic writer and surreal psychological writer, writer from the ruling country and writer from the ruled country, writer who lived long while earning favorable reviews by the literary world and writer who died young while being despised by the public, two writers are seen as writers from the remote worlds not to be compared with each other at first glance. However, the above three patterns shown in the works of two writers can be said to be the commonalities of their literature. First, ‘complex’ resulted from the appearance inferiority in the case of Tanizaki and was caused by gynophobia in childhood in the case of Lee Sang. Second, ‘succubism’ was associated with two writers’ common experience of maternity love of in childhood, that is, an Oedipus complex. And finally, in the case of ‘longing for modernization’, it was found that an Edo native Tanizaki and Lee Sang reflected the desire for modernization in their works in westernized Tokyo at that time and Gyeongseong in 1930s being capitalized during the Japanese colonial period, respectively.

      • KCI등재
      • 帶狀疱疹의 皮膚病變에서 Virocyte의 調査

        金相元 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1996 연구논문집 Vol.53 No.2

        Cytologic study of epidermal cells from the cutaneous lesions such as intact vesicles or pustules, was carried out in a total of 200 outpatients with herpes zoster, who had visited from January 1990 to November 1994. Tzanck smear with Papanicolaou stain was utilized herein in the measurement and evaluation of cytomorphologic manifestations of virus-infected epidermal cells("virocytes"), ballooning or multinucleated giant cells, in the specimens. A study was comparatively done on the nuleocytoplasmic size of virocytes by duration of the lesions, age and sex in a clinical setting and that of normal prickle cells. Positive Tzanck smear was 153 patients(76.5%), who yielded the results of 93.5% in intact vesicles of 1-2 days old, 89.0% in 3-4 days, 82.7% in 5-6 days and 36.4% in old lesions more than 7 days of duration. Hence, the early active lesions less than 6 days old showed a higher positive rate, consonant with a high diagnostic accuracy. The mean sizes of cytoplasm and nucleus of ballooning giant cells were 33.39±8.45 μm and 26.95±7.33 μm respectively. There seemed to be no differences in size of them by duration of the lesions, age and sex. The cytoplasm and nucleus of them were 2-3 times (P<0.01, t-test) and 4-5 times (P<0.01) each as large as those of normal prickle cells. Multinucleated giant cells were 6-7 times (P<0.01) as large as normal prickle cells, and about 3 times larger than ballooning cells in size. The nucleocytoplasmic ratios of ballooning cells and normal prickle cells were 1:1.24±1.10 and 1:2.27±0.27 respectively. The cytologic feature of virocytes showed great variety and variability.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Microsporum Canisd 의 감염증과 그 균학적 (菌學的) 성상

        김상원,서순봉 대한피부과학회 1977 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.15 No.1

        Microsporum canis was fjrst reported in Korea in 1957, but no animal contacts were reported and since then, only sporadic occurrences of M. canis have reported. However, cat and human infections from M. canis have gradually become more prevalent lately. Recently author reported 3 cases of T. capitis, 2 cases of Kerion Celsi, 13 cascs of T. e,orporis in human and 4 cases of infected kittens, with M. canis isolated as the causative organisrn. Clinical and mycological observations of both patients and kittens were reported as follows: The infections with M. canis were exclusively reported in kittens, not in adult cats. Two of the infected kittens showed obvious signs of undernourishment, physical retardation and prostration. Infectivity among cats or kittens was very low while cat to human infectivity was very high. The human T. capitis exhibited. round, erythematous lesions with complete 1oss of hair, very similar to lesions of alopecia areata, These lesions were uniformly smaller than a walnut in size. The T. corporis exhibited typical, moderately inflamed ringshaped, singular or multiple lesions. The incubation period was estirnated at approximately 3-7 days. In humans, ectothrix growth was reported while the opposite endothrix growth was observed in the kitten and rabbit. Experimental animal inoculations were performed: Rabbit inocuIated with M. can- is resulted in typical ringshaped Iesions appearing 10 days after inoculation. T4ese lesians were cornpletely gone in 4 weeks but infected hairs still remained. Guinea pig inoculation resultel in non-typical lesions covered with serosanguinous crusts, but rat inoculztion showed no signs of infectivity.


        격심한 비출혈이 동반된 폐쇄성 두부외상 2례 : Report of 2 Cases

        김상원,신원한,최순관,변박장,이인수 대한신경외과학회 1988 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.17 No.2

        Two cases of massive epistaxis following nonpenetrating head injury are reported. A 23-year-old man was referred to us because of massive epistaxis and binocular blindness which developed about two months after a head injury. Carotid angiography demonstrated a intracavernous carotid aneurysm protruding into the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, and occlusion of the supraclinoid part of contralateral carotid artery. CT scan demonstrated a large hyperdense mass extending into the parasellar area, the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, and both orbits with destruction of bony structures. Treatment was delayed because the patient developed typhoid fever and sepsis, he died about six months after a head injury from a severe cerebral infaction due to internal carotid artery occlusion. A 34-year-old man, involved in a car accident, was addmitted in semicomatose state. Over the next 72 hr he become more alert but he had massive epistaxis 11 day later which required blood transfusions. Carotid angiography revealed a false aneurysm of the distal part of the internal maxillary artery. About 30 days later, the false aneurysm occluded by embolization with Gelfoam. The patient recovered uneventfully from these procedures.

      • 이데올로기敎育을 위한 敎授方法模型의 開發에 關한 硏究

        金祥源 全北大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        The study is mainly concerned with the development of Ideology teaching model. In order to investigate the concept of ideology, Plato's theory of idea, Aristotle's Form-matter theory, John Locke's empirical view of epistemology, E. Condillac's view of idea, Destutt de Tracy's concept of ideology, Karl Marx, Lenin, and Tschesnokow's materialistic concept of ideology, Karl Manheim's view of ideology, F. Bacon, Helbetius and Holbach's critical view of ideology are inquired into. Also, Geiger's positivist concept of ideology, K. Popper, H. Albert, and E. Topitsch's analylic view of ideology, and Lemberg's concept of ideology of ideology are searched for. Through above considerations the writer defines ideology as a system of ideas or a common system of a group member's beliefs. And from the psychological point of view, ideology could be defined as a kind of social value orientation or a frame of reference. And the function of ideology is to integrate, unite and identify the group members. Ideology education could be defined as the education of system of ideas or value orientation and the democratic ideology education should intend to overcome stereotypes of human behavior and to nurture reasonable humanity to surmount intolerance of a certain ideology. To say in other words, democratic ideology education should intend to cultivate the ability to criticize and choose a certain ideology while totalitarian ideology education intend to indoctrinate a certain ideology. It is not to say that ideology education in our country should be involved in the category of democratic ideology education, and the most important task of our ideology education is to set up the disciplinary structure of ideology. The writer surveyed the opinions of 1,300 high school and college students about ideology education for the present. They answered that ideology education at present was of no wes, the contents were very poor and the students' motive for the study were extremely low. Refering to those data and other teaching models, the study designed a ideology teaching model suitable for high school and college students, which consist of a general model and a classroom teaching model. It is noted for the practical application of this model that educators should give the students the opportunity to study voluntarily and the strong incentive and curiosity. And it is also necessary to apply it flexively according to individual differences of students and educational facilities. In conclusion, it is emphasized that educators should have the strong beliefs to attain the objectives of ideology education through their classroom teaching with the application of the model.

      • 實存的 만남의 敎育的 意義

        金祥源 全北大學校 師範大學 1978 사대논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        Martin Buber, a German philosopher, understands human existence as a meeting(die Begegnung). He defines the meeting as the interaction of you and me, who have the equal power and right. In a sense, according to Buber, the meeting is above dialogue because it emphasizes the confrontation of the untransferable existence, transcending spiritual exchange. At the same time, Buber differentiates the world of living you(Du) from the simple world of materialistic it(Es). When I meet you, you are monopolized by me, while materialistic it (Es) stands there This meeting can t be planned or anticipated, but only be a surprising event. Only in this meeting, I can discover myself and my existence. In this meaning, the meeting is a gift which is given to man from God, and according to Buber s expression, is a Gnade . The function of education is traditionally acknowledged as the development of individual s potentiality. But, in the existential meeting, individual s potentiality does not matter. What matters is rather ethical leap. And, in pedagogy, one of the important objectives of education is recognized as the harmonious, wholesome or multilateral development of human behavior. However, the meeting is a fatalistic event and it catches one directly and exclusively. Therefore, in the meeting, harmonious or multilateral growth can t be admitted. In accordance with behaviorism, education is defined as the intentional modification of human behavior. By existential philosophers, the meeting occurs surprisingly and unexpectedly, so that it basically rejects the intentional planning in education. Consequently, if education be a really humanistic, educators should meet students in their heart, not in the intentional physical situation.

      • 實存主義的 敎授方法에 관한 一考 : M. Buber와 O.F.Bollnow의 槪念을 中心으로

        金祥源 全北大學校 敎育大學院 1981 敎育論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        We have analyzed the meanings of existential inclusion and existential advice, the former being Martin Buber's concept of instruction, and the latter, Otto F. Bollnow's concept of teaching method. It is very impressive that Buber contends that the antonym of compulsion is not freedom but communication. And also it is worth noticing that Buber introduces the“includsion”into the instructional method for the humanizing education. Otto F. Bollnow points out that human experiences are rather discontinuous and unexpected than continuous and forseable, thus existential advice has a great significance as a teaching method. There is, however, a certain limit in the educational possibility of existential advice, because it needs ethical authority. It seems that the concept of existential inclusion is different from that of existential advice because the one emphasizes“Between Relation”of you and me as a relation of dialogue between you and me, while the other emphasizes“ethical meeting”between the authorized one and the other. Even if Buber emphasized, however, human interactions on an equal footing in the existential inclusion, it would be impossible to accept the concept without recognizing the ethical relation between you and me. In this respect, we can understand the two concepts are equal ones in substance.

      • 한국 여성의 성 의식에 관한 계층별 비교 연구

        김상원 경기대학교 교육대학원 1998 경기교육논총 Vol.7 No.-

        The study is a fundamental research to settle desirable sexuality culture in our society. The main objective of the study is to understand Korean women's sexuality value and consciousness by way of analyzing them by stratum of ages, schooling, and income, respectively. 2,500 women were selected for research subjects throughout the country by means of random sampling method, and sent them questionaires (including 27 question items) by mail, and 1,886 women sent back answer sheets. Among the women who sent back answering sheets, teen agers are 385(20.4%). twenty agers 403(21.4%), thirty agers 392(20.8%). forty agers 380(20.1%) and over the fifty agers are 326(17.3%). A1so, high school graduates are 568(30.1%). college graduates 1,188(63.0%) and graduate school graduates are 130(7.0%), and classifying them by income per month, low income earners (lower than 2 million won per month) are 754(40.4%), middle income earners (2 million won to lower than 3 million won per month) 965(51.3%), and higher income earners(over 3 million won per month) are 163(8.6%). All of the data are analyzed by means of SPSS/PC program and the study is performed from the 1st of September, 1997 to the end of November, 1998. The results of the analyses of the data are summarized as follows. 1) 57.4% of the subjects are satisfied with "born female", only 14.0% unsatisfied. And teen agers, graduate school graduates, and higher income earners are more proud of their gender of female. 2) The women subjects of the study still prefer son(39.2%) to daughter(22.6%), and older agers. low educated and low income earners favor son more than others. 3) More than half of the subjects(56.3%) want one son and one daughter, and 14.5% want two son and one daughter. Older generations, higher schoolers and higher income earners more want one son and one daughter than others. 4) As for the reason of favoring son, 42.9% of the woman subjects chose "succeeding family name", and 34.6% agreed that social structures are made conveniently for male rather than female" Older generations, college graduates and lower income earners prefer the former reason. 5) 93.9% of the subjects have positive attitudes for sex. For example, they think sexual drive is basic desire of man and woman, and sexual relation is a very important part of marriage life. and so on. Particularly, age of forties, college graduates and higher incomers have more positive attitudes for sexual relation. 6) Most of the subjects(76.5%) agree that our society is full of open sex atmosphere. And older generation, high school graduates and middle income earners agree that there are many distorted sex informations in Korean society. 7) Most of subjects(77.0%) have objection to the permission of sexshop and adult movie theatre, etc. in our society. Over fifty agers, high school graduates and low income earners have more objection to sexshop and something like that than others. 8) As for sexuality knowledge, the subjects have low degree of sexuality knowledge and information. Their mean score is 56.2(σ=20.16) out of 100. Forty agers, college graduates and middle income earners get comparatively higher score 9) Many women acknowledge the need of sexuality education in and out of school and campaigning through mass communication in order to promote healthy sexuality culture in our society Consequently, the study confirmed that in order to dissolve the still existing son preference view, formal schooling level and income level should be upgraded, and sexuality education in and out of school is necessary to strengthen healthy sexuality culture in our country.

      • 地域實情에 副應하는 幼兒敎育課程 模型 開發을 위한 實驗的 硏究

        金祥源 全北大學校 敎育大學院 1982 敎育論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        The study was originated with the purpose of developing an early childhood education curriculum model suitable for local community circumstances, with particular emphasis on its sequential design including home education curriculum, nursery curriculum and kindergarten curriculum. One of the serious problems in our county is that there is not any curriculum model for home education, and another is that home education as it is, nursery education and kindergarten education are completely separated particularly in the management of each curriculum. In order to help to solve those problems, we designed a curriculum model covering home education, nursery education and kindergarten education, which is composed of objectives, experiences and teaching methods suitable for each education level considering local community characteristics, and then applied it to home, nursery and kindergarten, respectively, for the purpose of experimentation. Hence, we found that the model was relatively suitable for each education level. Unfortunately, however, because of the short term of the study, we could not gather a large variety of proofs and informations to back up and supplement the model. Nevertheless we have recognized through the study that we should develop more reasonable and sequential curriculum and teaching materials for home, nursery and kindergarten education up to primary, secondary, tertiary and post graduate school education. Consequently, the writer hope the result of the study to contribute particularly to the development of home education in our country.

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