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      • KCI등재

        「절중의례(折中義例)」에 보이는 신후담 역학요소의 개념 분석과 성호문인의 『주역절중(周易折中)』 논변

        김병애 ( Kim Byung-ae ) 동양철학연구회 2019 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.99 No.-

        This study tries to understand of Habin Sin Hu-Dam(河濱 愼後聃, 1702 ~ 1761) interpretation of Jooyeok (『周易』, Zhouyi). Study explores the categories of time (時), location (or position, 位), characteristic (德), response and proximity (應比) and master of Gyoe (卦主) that he defined through the analysis of Yeokhak (易學) Element conceptd he studied, centering on ‘Jeoljoonguirye’ which was his book review contained in ‘Habinjeonjip (Complete collection of Habin’s writings, 河濱全集)’. These 5 concepts were originally guides created by Lee Gwang-ji(李光地) by summarizing the basics concepts of Jooyeok (周易, Zhouyi) in the preface of the main text of ‘Jooyeokjeoljoong (『周易折中』)’. Estimating the time when Sin Hu-Dam first encountered the ‘Jooyeokjeoljoong (『周易折中』)’, it is also possible that he wrote Jeoljoonguirye’ with a need to organize the Yeokhak(易學) concepts scattered after the completion of Jooyeoksangsashinpyeon (Zhouyisangsashinpyeon, 『周易象辭新編』). Therefore, this approach is considered to be of great significance in exploring Sin Hu-Dam’s view on Yeokhak(易學). Judging from the fact that Sin Hu-Dam actively used the ‘Jooyeokjeoljoong (周易折中)’ which came from abroad, it is clear that Lee Gwang-Ji’s Yeokhak (易學) was already known to scholars around Sin Hu-Dam. Lee Ik(李瀷) and Choi Do-myung (崔道明) were scholars who had great influence on Sin Hu-Dam in this period and, investigation into the letters exchanged among them makes it clear that ‘alignment of the theories in ‘Jooyeokjeoljoong’ and Zhuxi’s (朱熹) Gyoebyeonnon (卦變論) which was excluded from ‘Jooyeokjeoljoong(「折中義例」)’ were at the center of their controversy. By writing ‘Jeganonpyeoncha(「諸家論編次」)’, Sin Hu-Dam expressed his deep dissatisfaction with the arrangement of the ‘Bonui(『本義』)’ in front of ‘Jooyeokjeoljoong’ and ‘Jeongjeon(『程傳』)’ in the back and argued about Gyoebyeonnon that it is more proper to study more deeply on Gyoebyeonnon itself rather than become interested in the exclusion of Zhuxi’s (朱熹) Gyoebyeonnon by ‘Jooyeokjeoljoong’, and all the Gyoe (卦) of the Yeok (易) came solely from Geon (乾☰) and Gon (坤☷). Judging from the background that Sin Hu-Dam interpreted Jooyeok (周易, Zhouyi) by actively using the methodology and Moolsangnon (Theory of material imagery, 物象論) of the Sangsoohak (Theory of Imagery-numerology, 象數學), it may seem that he was more inclined to Zhuxi’s (朱熹) Yeokhak (易學) but major arguments and logics in ‘Jooyeokjeoljoong’ within Sungho(星湖) disciple demonstrate that they established their own world of Yeokhak(易學) without being restricted by existing methodologies of the time.

      • KCI등재

        『율려신서(律呂新書)』의 번역,교감,주석 고찰

        김병애 ( Byung Ae Kim ) 동양철학연구회 2012 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.72 No.-

        Yool Ryoe is originally a musical theory. However, it shows the way to search the order of life within the musical order through the book called 『Yool Ryoe Shin Seo』. 『Yool Ryoe Shin Seo』has two different versions of translation. This paper contains the results of comparison and contrast between the two versions and suggests the better ones. Furthermore, it analyses all the problems in translation appeared in the specialty publication. First, the problems in specialty publication often includes terminology. Technical terms such as institutional terms, and terms in measurement and weight should be unified when translating in order to get the qualified translations. Second, unification in Chinese character notation is needed. Due to the fact that there can be more than one Korean notation for a single Chinese character, each translator may use different notations according to their style when translating old Korean literature written in Chinese characters into modern Korean. This can be quite problematic for readers because it can lead them to misunderstand the original meaning. It can also become a trigger to decrease readers` interest towards the old Korean literates in general. Thus, this paper contains a suggestion of the new Korean notation rules for Chinese character under the Korean verbal rules. Third, grammatical mistakes are sometimes occurred by some old conventional mistakes in grammar or a lack of grammatical knowledge of the translator. Lastly, this report contains the study of the comparison and an analysis between two versions of translation and annotation in the translated version. A qualified translation in specialty publication is made under a full cooperation between a specialist and a translator. This well-translated publication will boost up the academic progress and will provide us with an opportunity to achieve the advance in studies.

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