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        교과교육 관점의 교과서 검.인정 기준 재구조화 연구

        김경한(Kyong-Hahn Kim) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.24

        목적 본 연구에서는 교과교육 관점에서 교과서의 질적 개선을 위한 지침으로 활용될 수 있는 교과 변환 평가 기준을 제시함으로써 현행 ‘교과목별 검⋅인정 기준’을 재구조화 하는 것을 목표로 한다. 방법 이를 위하여 기존의 교과서 개발 모형 이론 및 현행 국가 수준의 교과서 검⋅인정 기준의 내용을 분석하고 새로운 교과서 검⋅인정 기준을 확립하였다. 결과 본 연구에서는 교과 내용 변환의 일반적인 기준뿐만 아니라 교과 내용의 질적 변환을 검증하는데 유용한 범교과 변환 평가 기준을 교과교육 지식의 전문성을 나타내는 PCK의 개념을 토대로 PCK의 다섯 가지 구성요소, ‘교육과정지식,’ ‘교과내용지식,’ ‘교수법지식,’ ‘학습자지식,’ ‘교육환경지식’을 평가 척도로 확립하여 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 제시하는 교과교육 관점의 범교과 변환 평가 기준은 기존의 ‘교과목별 검⋅인정 기준’의 단점을 보완하기 위하여 ‘교과내용지식’ 심사영역에 ‘간략화 완성도,’ ‘교수법지식’ 심사영역에 ‘교수보조자료의 적합성,’ 학습자지식 심사영역에 ‘동기부여,’ ‘교육환경지식’ 심사영역에 ‘편집 기능의 우수성’이라는 새로운 심사항목을 각각 추가하여 제시하였다. 결론 본 연구의 범교과 변환 평가 기준은 교과 내용의 질적 우수성 및 현장 중심의 실천적 지식을 반영하는 보다 타당도 높은 교과 변환 준거를 확립함으로써 현행 교과서 검⋅인정 기준의 질적 개선에 기여할 것으로 기대된다. Objectives This study restructures the current evaluation criteria of textbook adoption from the perspective of subject-matter education. Methods The study reviewed the theories of textbook development and the current national-level textbook evaluation criteria, and established the five components of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), ‘curricular knowledge,’ ‘subject-matter knowledge,’ ‘pedagogical knowledge,’ ‘learner knowledge,’ and ‘knowledge of educational contexts,’ which represent the expertise of the knowledge in subject-matter education, as evaluation scales for the subject transformation evaluation criteria, which are useful for assessing not only the general standards but also the quality excellence in the course of subject transformation. Results The subject transformation evaluation criteria add to the current national textbook adoption criteria, such evaluation items as ‘completeness of simplification,’ ‘appropriateness of teaching aids,’ ‘motivation,’ and ‘excellence of editing.’ Conclusions This subject transformation evaluation criteria are expected to contribute to the quality improvement of the present textbook adoption standards by establishing more valid subject transformation criteria that assess the quality excellence of subject transformation and the practical knowledge in school education.

      • KCI등재

        언어 습득 과정에서 이야기 학습의 의미

        김경한(Kyong-Hahn Kim) 한국영미문학교육학회 2011 영미문학교육 Vol.15 No.2

        This study argues that the difficulty of literary texts for Korean students comes from their lack of being exposed to narrative texts and of learning story structure. By comparing and contrasting the characteristics of narrative texts with those of expository ones, the study attempts to prove how narrative texts are connected to language acquisition. An instruction model based on story structure is provided for teaching and learning narrative texts. Korean students tend to consider narrative writings to be more difficult than expository ones. They are familiar to the vocabulary and structural patterns of expository writings that are organized to convey information and facts, while they are not used to the style of narrative texts that describes events based on story structure. This is completely odd to native speakers who think the spoken style of narratives to be much easier than the written style of expositions. The national English education is responsible for this ironic situation since it makes too much of expository texts in textbooks and national tests. We need to understand that stories play an important role in the process of language acquisition. In fact, what preschoolers and elementary students read in daily life is fairy tales, fables, and myths. They acquire language in the process of listening and speaking these stories. Considering that language acquisition is linked with the cognitive development of human beings, exposure to narratives is critical for children in this period of time. Since Korean students lack this kind of exposure to stories and story structure, we need to provide them with opportunities where they are exposed to stories. The instruction model developed by this study basically follows the cognitive tradition of Rumelhart but with more enhancements. The model simplifies the model of Rumelhart and enhances familiarity by using literary terms, such as conflicts and climax. Also, by shortening the schema general questions, the model makes students feel easy to use them in the actual English classroom. Also, the model emphasizes the transfer of story schema to increase comprehension of expository prose by linking the 5Ws and 1H principle to story grammar. Finally, the model is more effective in that it is based on characters rather than plot.

      • KCI등재

        시적 자료를 활용한 영어 리듬 교수학습 모형 개발

        김경한(Kyong Hahn Kim) 한국영미문학교육학회 2010 영미문학교육 Vol.14 No.2

        This paper examines the role of poetic language in language acquisition, discussing that poetic language is a useful material for enhancing listening and speaking skills since it has rhythmic qualities, and provides an instruction model for teaching and learning English rhythm using poetry. There are a variety of features of poetry as a genre, such as rhythm, imagery, narrative, etc. Among these features this study focuses on the rhythmic qualities of poetry. The rhythm instruction model this study provides targets college sophomores who major in English education. Following the model, students learn prosodic and metrical rules of poetry and practice analyzing the rhythmic patterns of diverse poems for one semester. Students have an opportunity of reciting these poems in front of their classmates in the end. The current goal of English education is mainly concerned with the enhancement of communicative competence, that is, the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The current curriculum, including materials and teaching methods, is organized around this goal. It is scarcely possible for literary works, such as poetry, to find a place in this rigid curriculum. There is a stereotyped view that poetry is too difficult and impractical to be used as a material. As for a teaching method, very little research has been done on the relevance of poetry teaching to the acquisition of the four skills. This study, however, suggests that a more effective way of improving communicative competence can be realized in the teaching of the rhythmic devices of poetry, like the pattern of stress and beat, and foot and meter. English is a stress-timed language in which a rhythmic pattern is formed by the alternation of a stressed syllable and an unstressed syllable. If we adjust the irregular stress patterns of everyday talk into regular ones, it can be a poem or a song. The students can improve their listening and speaking ability through getting used to the regular patterns of English rhythm through poetry. Considering the process of language acquisition, rhythm is acquired earlier than language itself. In this view, the learning of English rhythm should be preceded for the effective acquisition of listening and speaking. Poetic materials are such ideal materials that has the rhythmic qualities. Therefore, this rhythm instruction model using poetic materials will be of great help with the enhancement of communicative competence.

      • KCI등재

        스크립트(script) 기반 언어ㆍ문화 통합 수업 방안

        김경한(Kyong-Hahn Kim) 한국영미문학교육학회 2014 영미문학교육 Vol.18 No.1

        This study provides an instructional model based on daily script, rather than drama canon, as one of the ways of revitalizing drama education. So as to build up the theoretical background of the model, the study reviews the concept and theory of script as compared to those of schema and drives the use of script-based English learning by examining the relevance of script to language acquisition. And the study creates both the Korean and the English script of “going to a restaurant” for an example and extracts script actions and sub-actions revealing intercultural differences by comparing and analyzing both scripts. Then, the study makes dialogues for each scene by dramatizing the restaurant script according to the script actions that show the cultural differences, thereby providing an instructional model for the integration of language and culture education based on script acquisition. The study suggests the need for extending drama text to the concept of script, or dramatic text, including all kinds of text having a dramatic form, to overcome the problems of the current drama education. According to the definition of script, script includes not only drama or movie script but also listening and speaking script in school textbooks and English conversation materials. More importantly, it involves everyday script, such as going to the movies and going to see a doctor, which is very useful for improving English competence from the perspective of language acquisition. Daily script is considered procedural knowledge in terms of cognitive psychology, which is to function as social schema. It is internalized in human beings and works as a frame of memory, thereby making daily communication possible. For example, the restaurant script consists of the procedures of entering a restaurant, ordering the food, eating the food, and paying the bill, and these procedures are socially standardized ritual, without which communication in the restaurant is not possible. Daily script is also closely connected to cultural value. It is different cultural value that makes the script of “going to see a doctor,” for instance, differ from country to country. Naturally, learning the difference between the source culture and the target culture using script contributes to the improvement of students’ intercultural communicative competence. The script-based instruction can enhance students’ understanding of drama as a genre and at the same time students’ English communicative and intercultural competence. In this model drama canon directly from English literature is not treated, but everyday script, like drama, has dramatic dialogues and actions and events that are developed in time sequence, so that it is possible to use dramatic techniques, such as role play, in class. The concept of script as dramatic text in daily life will be the alternative to drama education in EFL contexts like Korea.

      • KCI등재

        총체적 언어 교수법 기반 EFL 문학 수업 모형과 문해 습득

        김경한(Kyong-Hahn Kim) 한국영미문학교육학회 2013 영미문학교육 Vol.17 No.1

        This study reviews the significance of the whole language approach (WLA) in literacy acquisition using the narrative text (story) and develops an instruction model for WLA-based literature teaching which can be applied to the actual English classroom. In so doing, the study suggests that the narrative text of the colloquial style, such as fairy tales and nursery rhymes, are critical to literacy acquisition and that students should be exposed to such stories as much as possible from the early period of literacy education. There have been many studies on the use of the literary text in terms of the WLA so far, but those studies wanted for systematic teaching methods in relation to literacy acquisition. For example, there is little research on the mechanism of how literacy acquisition is related to the literary text per se and on the actual instruction model based on the WLA theory. Furthermore, very few is the experimental research on how the WLA-based literature teaching model should differ in EFL contexts. The WLA has the tendency to be more a philosophical theory rather than a teaching method so that it is weak in providing technical teaching methods applicable to the actual classroom, and its lack of systematic methodology results in preventing the WLA from being actively implemented into EFL English language teaching. This study develops a WLA-based instruction model for EFL literature teaching and design an experimental course in order to examine its effectiveness. The model is applied to the course of “English Readings” in college of education for which first year of 30 English majors are enrolled for one semester. The course proceeds for 3 hours per week. For the texts covered in each week are nursery rhymes and fairy tales that have some patterns repeated in vocabulary, sentence structure, or ideas (pattern book or predictable book). At the end of the semester, a post-survey is conducted to see students’ response to the course. The result is very positive and encouraging in that students show strong interest in reading Western fairy tales in English. In case of nursery rhymes they feel culturally fulfilled when they experience the rhymes directly. As for literacy, they say that their vocabulary and reading power are certainly enhanced. Specifically, after learning story grammar, it is much easier for them to analyze the story structure and to read stories. Story grammar also helps them write better since the framework of story grammar offers them a kind of guideline for writing. The WLA reaffirms the use of the conventional literacy education by means of literary works. Reading literary texts and writing response papers are recommended to enhance literacy. If the model this study provides is proven to be more successful in the near future, it could bring a new paradigm for English education in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        서사 텍스트가 고등학생 영어 말하기 능력에 미치는 영향

        김경한 ( Kyong Hahn Kim ),문기영 ( Ki Yeong Moon ),최영은 ( Youn Geun Choi ) 글로벌영어교육학회(구 호남영어교육학회) 2013 Studies in English education Vol.18 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to see if using narrative text can improve the student` speaking abilities. The study was conducted with first year high school students for 16 class periods on their English speaking ability. For this study, 60 high school students were divided into two groups. The experimental group was provided with narrative texts and the control group is with expository texts. In order to control variables other than the text type, the same communicative tasks were administered in each period. For the analysis of the study, pre- and post-tests on students` English speaking ability were conducted and pre- and post-questionnaires were also distributed and collected to survey students` affective factors. The findings are as follows: First, the development of the experimental group is more meaningful statistically than is the control group, indicating that narrative text has more positive effects on speaking proficiency than expository one does. Second, according to the answers in the questionnaires, there are meaningful improvements in learning attitude and motivation in the experimental group. The results of the study suggest that students using narrative texts generally show more positive changes in their speaking ability as well as their attitude and motivation toward English speaking than expository ones do.

      • KCI등재

        교과교육 관점의 수업설계모형 연구

        김경한(Kyong-Hahn Kim) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2020 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.20 No.17

        본 연구에서는 수업설계의 시각에서 교과교육 관점의 수업모형의 이론과 실제를 검토하고, 이를 바탕으로 하나의 사례 연구로서 영어과 수업모형을 제시하는 것을 목표로 한다. 수업설계 원리에 근거하여 교과 내용 수업에 적용 가능한 교과 대표 수업모형의 개발이 모든 교과교육의 궁극적인 목표임에도 불구하고 지금까지 그에 대한 연구와 개발이 미진하였다. 기존의 교과 일반 수업모형의 형태는 교육 방법 중심의 수업모형으로 모든 교과에 적용될 것을 목표로 수업의 일반적인 절차적 단계만 제시하고 현장 교실에서 교과별로 응용하여 사용하도록 설계되어 있다. 그러나 교과 일반 수업모형이 제시하는 일반적인 절차적 단계는 교과 특수적인 내용 학습 방법을 담보하지 못하므로 궁극적으로는 교과 내용과 관련된 고유한 수업 방법 체계, 즉 내용과 방법이 통합된 교과교육 관점의 수업모형을 정립하는 것이 필수적이다. 본 연구에서 사례로 제시한 영어과 수업모형은 일반적인 수업 방법 절차를 교과 특수적인 학습 내용에 결합한 수업모형의 예이다. 본 수업모형은 수업의 일반적인 절차적 단계뿐만 아니라, 교과 특수적인 학습 내용, 그리고 이 둘의 통합적 구현 기법을 제시하는 대표 활동으로 구성된다. This study reviews instructional design models in theory and practice and presents an English instructional model as a case study, from the perspective of subject-matter education. Although the development of representative instructional models applicable to subject classes based on the principle of instructional design is the ultimate goal of all subject-matter education, its research and development has so far been insufficient. The existing form of subject-general instructional models centered on the teaching method is designed to present only the general procedural steps of instruction with the purpose of being applied to all subjects. However, since the subject-general instructional model does not guarantee the learning of subject-specific contents, it is essential to establish a unique method of instruction related to subject matters, that is, a subject-specific instructional model. The study provides an English instructional model in the form of combining the method frame of general education and the content frame of subject matters, and the model consists of procedural steps, learning contents, and representative activities that embody the technique of integrating educational methods and subject contents.

      • KCI등재

        PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) 개념의 교과교육적 확장 모델 연구

        김경한(Kyong-Hahn Kim) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.14

        본 연구에서는 교육 이론과 교육 실천의 괴리를 해결하기 위한 방안으로 교사의 실천적 지식을 이론적 지식과 이분법적으로 분리하지 않고 교과교육과 연계하여 예비교사 단계에서부터 체계적으로 정립하여 가르칠 필요가 있음을 제안하고, 이를 위한 PCK 개념의 교과교육적 확장 모델을 제시한다. 기존의 교사교육적 관점의 PCK 개념을 교과교육적인 관점으로 확장하기 위해서는, 우선 교과별 배경학문의 내용 지식을 실천적 지식의 관점에서 변환하고, 이를 바탕으로 교과 전공 영역별 교육과정을 재구조화하는 작업이 필요하다. 또한 실천적 지식을 체계화하고 교사 전문성을 강화하기 위해서 실행연구지식을 PCK의 구인으로 확립하고 실행연구 능력을 배양 하는 교과목을 교원양성대학 교육과정에 반영할 필요가 있다. PCK의 개념을 교과교 육적 의미로 확장하게 되면, PCK의 개념은 교수 행위 측면뿐만 아니라 교육과정 행위 측면을 모두 포괄하게 되어 교과 내용과 교육 방법의 통합을 지향하는 교원양성 대학 고유의 학문적 정체성을 대표하는 개념으로 자리매김될 수 있다. 나아가, 교사 교육은 교과교육과 하나로 연계되어 교사 전문성 배양에 시너지 효과를 냄으로써 고질적인 교육의 병폐인 이론적 지식과 실천적 지식 사이의 괴리 문제도 해소될 수 있다. This study examines the need to establish and teach the teacher’s practical knowledge systematically from the pre-service teacher stage by linking it with subject-matter education to cope with the problem of the gap between educational theories and educational practices, and for this matter discusses a PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) model from the perspective of subject-matter education. In order to expand the existing PCK concept in teacher education from the perspective of subject-matter education, it is necessary to transform the content knowledge of background disciplines by each subject in terms of practical knowledge. In addition, it is necessary to establish action research knowledge as one of the constructs of PCK to systematize practical knowledge and to enhance teacher professionalism. Expanding the concept of PCK from the perspective of subject-matter education, the concept of PCK can encompass not only the aspect of the teacher’s teaching task but also that of the curricular task, making it a concept representing the unique academic identity of the college of education that combines the subject knowledge and the pedagogical method. Furthermore, it can solve the problem of the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge by linking teacher education with subject-matter education, creating a synergistic effect on the reinforcement of teacher professionalism.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트 유형이 언어 습득에 미치는 영향

        김경한(Kim, Kyong-Hahn),이정인(Lee, Jeong-in),최영은(Choi, Youngeun) 팬코리아영어교육학회(구 영남영어교육학회) 2013 영어교육연구 Vol.25 No.3

        Narrative style writing, such as a story, is much easier than expository style writing, such as an encyclopedia article, and it is natural that the child is exposed to narrative text earlier than expository text. However, most of reading materials in Korea, including textbooks and national tests, such as CSAT(College Scholastic Ability Test), mainly consist of expository text, which is against the natural process of language acquisition. In order to examine which style of text is more critical in language acquisition, this study investigates the effects of text type on language acquisition by comparing narrative text with expository text, thereby establishing the need for EFL learners to be exposed to narrative text early in the stage of language learning in school classroom situations. The study proceeds as follows. First, the participants are divided into four groups, which are given different readings. In order to verify which style of text students remember better, Group A is exposed to narrative text, while Group C is exposed to expository text that has the same content with the narrative text. Second, in order to prove which structure of text students acquire earlier, Group C is first given narrative text and then expository text, while Group D is vice versa. The two sets of text are different in content but again the type of text in each set has the same content. Findings of the study are as follows: First, narrative text is much easier for comprehension and recall than is expository text. The students who are presented with narrative text comprehend and recall better than those who are provided with expository text. Second, students' knowledge of narrative structure can help them comprehend expository text, but not vice versa. When students are exposed to narrative text before expository text is followed, they comprehend and recall the expository text better. However, when expository text is followed by narrative text, students show no significant difference in comprehension and recall. In short, it is the narrative structure that is transferred to expository structure later in the process of language acquisition, not vice versa.

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