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        뇌동맥자루 3차원 혈관조영술에서 비감산 및 감산 기법에 관한 연구

        김경완 ( Kyung-wan Kim ),임인철 ( In-chul Im ),이효영 ( Hyo-yeong Lee ) 한국방사선학회 2018 한국방사선학회 논문지 Vol.12 No.4

        이 연구는 뇌동맥자루의 임상적 진단에 사용되는 3차원 디지털 혈관조영술과 3차원 디지털 감산 혈관조영술을 동일 부위에 시행한 환자 53명의 영상에서 뇌동맥자루 경부 직경, 최대 직경, 최대 면적 및 체적을 측정하고, 각 검사법의 영상 노이즈와 피폭선량을 분석하여 뇌동맥자루 진단검사에서의 임상적 진단 차이를 비교하였다. 3차원 디지털 혈관조영술과 3차원 디지털 감산 혈관조영술에서 뇌동맥자루의 경부직경, 최대 직경, 최대면적, 체적, 노이즈를 비교한 결과가 일치하거나 아주 미세한 차이로 나타났다. 하지만, 방사선 피폭선량은 3차원 디지털 감산 혈관조영술에 비하여 3차원 디지털 혈관조영술이 현저히 낮게 발생하였다. 따라서 뇌동맥자루의 임상적 진단을 목적으로 시행하는 경우에는 환자의 피폭선량을 감소를 위해 3차원 디지털 혈관조영술이 우선적으로 사용되어야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to measured the diameter, maximum diameter, maximum area and volume of the cerebral aneurysm in 53 patients who underwent three-dimensional digital angiography and three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography, which were used for the clinical diagnosis of cerebral aneurysm, image noise and radiation exposure dose of each test method were analyzed to compare clinical diagnosis differences in the cerebral aneurysm diagnosis. Three-dimensional digital angiography and three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography showed that the neck diameter, maximum diameter, maximum area, volume, and noise of the cerebral aneurysm were identical or very small. However, the three-dimensional digital angiography significantly decreased the radiation exposure dose compared to three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography. Therefore, in case of clinical diagnosis of cerebral aneurysm, three-dimensional digital angiography should be preferentially used to reduce radiation exposure dose of patient.

      • KCI등재
      • 개화기소설(開化期小說) 「다정다한(多情多恨)」에 나타난 기독교정신(基督敎精神)

        김경완 ( Kim Kyung-wan ) 숭실대학교 인문과학연구소 1998 인문학연구 Vol.28 No.-

        『Dajeongdahan』 is a Christian novel in the period of enlightenment of Korea published in Vol. 6 (1907. 1. 24) & Vol. 7 (1907. 2. 24) of 'Taegeukhakbo’. This study examined the background of wrighting, Christian Spirit in plot of work and literarily figured Christian Life in 『Dajeongdahan』,the Novel in the period of enlightenment of Korea written by Baekakchunsa. First, a field of activity of Chang, Eung-Jin, editor of 'Taegeukhakbo' like Baekakchunsa, was school and society etc. And his aim of activity was independent of the nation, enlightenment and civilization. His mind was based on Christianity. So It is known that activity field of Chang, Eung-Jin was the background of wrighting of 『Dajeongdahan』. Second, it analyzed that the teacher Samsung, work’ leading character has a prominent nature, broad-minded spirit, love of his country and people, defeat spirit of superstition, will of talent training, and mind of self-sacrifice in plot of work. And it presented that author’s figured will was mind of self-consolation & self-pleasure, spirit of truth pursuit, mind of holy Cross, the faith with God based on Bible. Third, it was found that the teacher Samsung before he meet with Jesus lived for love of his country and people based on his will. But it was found that the teacher Samsung after he meet with Jesus lived for Social Work and salvation of soul based on the faith with Jesus in a new dimension’s quality. 『Dajeongdahan』 by Baekakchunsa is placed high value on a high level’s literary figuration about that the teacher Samsung meet with Jesus Christ in personality, then he translated Christian Spirit into action through Christian life, Social Work and gospel preaching work for salvation of soul in the period of enlightenment of Korea.

      • 기독교와 대중문화

        김경완 ( Kim Kyung-wan ) 숭실대학교 인문과학연구소 2004 인문학연구 Vol.34 No.-

        This paper discusses the relationship between Christianity and popular culture from the view point of human studies. First, it reviews the role of churches and their Christian ideas which have been shaped in human studies and outlines modem popular culture based on it. Then, it discusses the relationship between Christianity and popular culture by examining bare necessities such as food, clothing and shelter, and cultural activities such as reading, arts and music, movies, media, the Internet, transportation, communities, and leisure activities. The paper also investigates both positive and negative aspects of popular culture, but tries to find the way not only to further develop positive aspects but also to improve negative aspects. Based on these investigations, the paper searches for the possibility of establishing Christian popular culture and evaluating its humanistic values. Christians believe in God, the creator, and admit the corruption of human beings. They also believe in the salvation through Jesus Christ, the second advent of Jesus Christ, the apocalyptic judgment of God, and the heaven and the hell. Popular culture performs within the creation and providence of God, but it incidentally involves the incompleteness caused by the corruption of human beings. These days, Christian churches are responsible for studying popular culture after closely reviewing its positive and negative aspects and for guiding it to the right way. Christian popular culture should not be passively imitating the existing popular culture but be equipped with cooperation and insights for its further developments from the overall point of view. Christianity assumes that it targets “the man who resembles the shape of God” as its essential value so does human studies. In this respect, Christianity speaks for human studies in pursuing the common value. Christianity tells us about what values we should have in living our lives in this world through popular culture. Therefore, we should obey the culture command of God by faithfully following his way until we enter his kingdom where popular culture comes to its perfection.

      • 고소설의 사상과 아름다움

        김경완 ( Kim Kyung-wan ) 숭실대학교 인문과학연구소 2000 인문학연구 Vol.30 No.-

        This study examined the thought and literary beauty of Korean classical novels. In Hong Gil Dong Jun, I have affirmed the beauty of this work revealed in the effective representation of a suffering, acting and achieving figure. This work is based on the thought of liberating people from inhuman regulations, cleansing the society of corruption, and pursuing a community where sincere people live happily. I have declared Chun HyangJun has its fabulous literary value in that it draws pure love, patience of overcoming adversity and a happy ending, with the literary grounds of love beyond classes, woman’s fidelity, and abortion of social corruption. I have confirmed Shim Chung Jun is the acme among literary works on filial piety in which Shim Chung`s devoted and sacrificing attitudes to please her father, surrealistic will to revive Shim Chung, and the spirit of people then to achieve their dream make a beautiful harmony in the work. Hung bu Jun was assured to be a novel emphasizing forgiveness and love among siblings along with the reward-the-good-and-punish-the-bad thought in which good deeds bear good fruits and evil deeds end up with bad fruits. This is reflected in the sharp contrast between Hung Bu`s kind heart which values lives and Nol Bu`s greedy and selfish mind. From those literary thoughts and beauties found in the above works, I could reaffirm our nation’s thought to honor human beings, pure love, brotherly affection and filial piety as the first family motto. Literary philosophy of a novel is the foundation for the beauty of a work. I think it is an important task for us to inquire the thought and an aesthetic sense embedded in our literature. A great deal of our classical writings has not been introduced to the world. We should continue in the 21st century to explore and introduce them and study the literary thought and merits of each work. These efforts will be essential resources for enriching our Uberal artistic knowledge because literary philosophy and the beauty of classical masterpieces are consistent with the common value that human beings pursue.

      • 다중매체 시대의 문학과 언어, 어떻게 할 것인가?

        김경완 ( Kim Kyung-wan ) 숙명여자대학교 한국어문화연구소 2020 한국어와 문화 Vol.27 No.-

        다중매체 시대의 문화 속에서 문학과 언어를 어떻게 유지해 나갈 것인가라는 질문은 이 시대의 중요한 담론이다. 올바른 진단과 바람직한 대안을 모색해야 한다. 문학의 창의적 상상력은 어느 시대나 중요하다. 언어의 올바른 사용에 대한 필요성도 시대를 초월한다. 다중매체시대일수록 문학과 언어가 수준높은 사용 품질을 유지해야 인간의 삶이 풍요로워진다. 문학과 언어는 영화와 연극 텔레비전 드라마의 원형이다. 계속하여 작품성 높은 문학이 생산되고 한글맞춤법에 충실한 언어생활이 유지되어야 다중매체 시대의 콘텐츠가 풍성해진다. 문학 연구자들은 신문, 정기간행물, 텔레비전, 컴퓨터, 스마트폰, 밴드, 카카오톡 등에 올라오는 제반 문학들의 문학성, 가치, 형식, 주제, 등장인물, 작가 연구, 문학사적 위치 등에 대해 깊이 있는 연구를 수행하므로 문단의 작가들에게 창작 활동의 촉매제 역할을 강화해야 할 것이다. 문학 비평가들은 다중매체들에 올라오는 시, 소설, 희곡, 수필 등 장르별 문학 작품들에 대해 실시간으로 예리한 비평을 통해 작품의 특징을 드러내며 과거의 다른 작품들과 비교하여 세상에 내놓는 일을 전략적으로 수행해야 한다. 이론비평과 실천비평, 역사비평, 원형비평, 독자반응비평, 사회학적 비평, 정신분석 비평, 형식주의 비평, 구조주의 비평 등을 적절히 적용할 필요가 있을 것이다. 이 과정에서 다중매체 시대에 가장 적합한 문학 비평의 방법을 찾아내는 것도 매우 중요한 과제가 될 것이다. 언어학자들은 다중매체 시대 현황에서 문학의 언어, 언중의 언어가 어떻게 사용되고 변화를 초래하는지 살펴보며 보다 촘촘히 주기적으로 발표하여 참고할 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. 한글맞춤법과 표준어 사용에서 언중의 사용이 보편화된 것은 신속히 표준어로 규정해주는 것도 중요하다 할 것이다. 동시에 한글맞춤법을 벗어난 언어 사용에 대해서는 지속적으로 경고하여 올바른 언어의 사용이 건강하게 유지되도록 노력해야 할 것이다. 다중매체 시대에 각 매체들의 특성을 이해하고 올바른 사용법을 익혀야 한다. 하루가 다르게 발전하는 매체들의 새로운 기능을 꾸준히 배워야 한다. 창의적이고 가치있는 문학이 다중매체들을 타고 널리 전파되어야 한다. 다중매체들에서 사용되는 언어들이 한글맞춤법의 규정을 준수할 수 있도록 여건을 지속적으로 조성해야 할 것이다. 다중매체시대의 문학과 언어가 대중들과 함께 살아 움직이며 그 기능을 충실히 수행할 수 있도록 연구와 실천이 항상 뒷받침되어야 한다. The question regarding how literature and language in the culture de-fined by the age of multimedia should be maintained in the age of multi-media is a crucial discourse in this day and age. A correct diagnosis and workable solution should be actively sought after. The ability to creative imagination in literature is important in any age as well as the necessity for the correct use of language. Human life can only be enriched when the use of quality literature and language is maintained. Literature and language are the archetype of film and theater. When making efforts to produce quality literary works on an on-going basis and practice of using proper Korean language persist, quality con-tents can be created in this age of multi-media. Literary scholars should actively play their roles as a catalyst in encour-aging creativity writers by delving into literary works published in new papers, periodicals, T.V, Internet, and social networking sites in terms of their literary value, formats, characters, authors, and places in the world of literature. Vis-a-vie in-depth criticism of a variety of literary works such as po- ems, novels, plays, essays published in mass media, critics should shed light on characteristics of literary works and how those characteristics can set apart current literary works from those of the past as they are be-ing introduced to the public. Literary critics should employ various types of criticism such as theo-retic, pragmatic, historical, archetypical, reader- response, sociological, psychoanalytic, formalist, and structural criticism. It will also be an important task to seek out the type of criticism which is most fitting for the age of multi-media. Linguists should regularly con-duct close observation of how literary language and wordings are used and evolve in the age where multimedia is prevalent. At the same time, in order to maintain the correct use of the Korean language, there should be consistent efforts made to warn for the im-proper use of the Korean language. It is also crucial to quickly recognize universalized wordings as a part of the Korean language. Users of the Korean language should understand the characters of each medium and learn how to use them properly in the age of multimedia. In addition, newly added functions of ever changing media should be learned as they come. Literary works of creativity and worth should be widespread. An en-vironment where multimedia uses language following the proper spelling rules of Korean should be consistently maintained. To support literature and language to breathe and live through lives of people, so they can fulfil their role in the age of multimedia, research and practice should al-ways be the supporting force behind.

      • 발표논문 : 한국 개화기 기독교 수용과 문명의 발전 -한국의 근현대 문화예술과 기독교-

        김경완 ( Kyung Wan Kim ) 한국문명학회 2013 문명연지 Vol.14 No.1

        I looked for the relationship between Christianity and Korean Modern Culture-Art by broadly dividing it into music, literature, arts, sports and etc. In music, it shows that not only did it promote the development of Korean songs, but also it influenced on the development of poetry and popular music. In literature, it was shown that the base for our literature to develop was formed due to the vitalizations of the translation of the Bible and literatures in translation. In arts, starting with the point of contact with missionaries`` propagation of Christianity, it was found that the unique Korean Christian arts started by the combination of Korean traditional arts and Western arts. I was able to identify that modern sports started from a special relationship with Christian missionaries. People will have to perceive it in a new way that the Hymns, the Bible, the missionaries who came to Korea and the Early Christians affected the process of formation and development a lot. Also, young people should be taught about the role of how Christianity affected Modern Culture-Art. It is a crucial task to develop a proper textbook to teach them properly.

      • KCI등재

        인터벤션실의 오염실태 분석 및 평가

        김경완(Kyung-Wan Kim),임인철(In-Chul Im) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2022 방사선기술과학 Vol.45 No.3

        In the radiology department, where radiation is used in medical institutions to perform examinations with various equipment, the field of surgical treatment is the intervention angiography room. Accordingly, strict infection control is required. The purpose of this study was to determine the contamination status by detecting pathogens before and after disinfection in the intervention angiography room, and to determine the degree of death by using a disinfectant, sodium dichloride isocyanurate, which is mainly used in the intervention angiography room. The subjects were 10 medical institutions of general hospital level or higher with an intervention angiography room in the P city, and 12 places with high contact frequency during examinations and procedures were sampled and requested to an analysis institution. As for the sample collection method, up/down, left/right directions were used to increase precision. Before disinfection, all procedures were completed, and after disinfection, exposure was performed using a disinfectant for at least 10 minutes, and detection was performed using a transport medium. As a result, in the pathogen analysis, most pathogens were detected in a humid environment or in a place with high contact frequency for microorganisms to thrive. The detected pathogens were found in the general environment or were human flora. It is a pathogen that does not cause disease under normal healthy host conditions. However, it was found to be an opportunistic infection that causes opportunistic infection depending on the case or situation in which the body's resistance is weakened. In addition, as a result of using the disinfectant mainly used in the intervention angiography room, it was found that more than 93.3% of them died. Therefore, the data of this study will be used as good basic data for the evaluation of pathogens in the intervention angiography room and will be of great help in infection control.

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