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      • KCI등재

        Fibroblasts 세포주의 HSP70에 대한 DBD-bio-plasma의 effects: Cell에 서 Heat Shock에 의한 Molecular Level 변화로의 새로운 접근법

        김경연(Kyoung-Yeon Kim),이준영(Junyeong Yi),남민경(Min-Kyung Nam),최은하(Eun Ha Choi),임향숙(Hyangshuk Rhim) 한국생물공학회 2015 KSBB Journal Vol.30 No.1

        Plasma is an ionized gas mixture, consisting of neutral particles, positive ions, negative electrons, electronically excited atoms and molecules, radicals, UV photons, and various reactive species. Also, plasma has unique physical properties distinct from gases, liquids, and solids. Until now, non-thermal plasmas have been widely utilized in bio-medical applications (called bio-plasma) and have been developed for the plasma-related devices that are used in the medical field. Although numerous bio-plasma studies have been performed in biomedicine, there is no confirmation of the nonthermal effect induced by bio-plasma. Standardization of the biological application of plasma has not been evaluated at the molecular level in living cells. In this context, we investigated the biological effect of bio-plasma on living cells. Hence, we treated the fibroblasts with Dielectric Bauvier Discharge bio-plasma (DBD), and assessed the characteristic change at the molecular level, one of the typical cellular responses. Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) regulates its own protein level in response to stimuli. HSP70 responds to heat shock by increasing its own expression at the molecular level in cells. Hence, we confirmed the level of HSP70 after treatment of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) with DBD. Interestingly, DBD-plasma induced cell death, but there was no difference in the level of HSP70, which is induced by heat shock stimuli, in DBD-treated MEFs. Our data provide the basic information on the interaction between MEFs and DBD, and can help to design a molecular approach in this field.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        새로운 endo - inulinase 생산 균주의 선발 및 효소의 생산

        김경연(Kyoung Yeon Kim),강수일(Su Il Kang),김수일(Su Il Kim) 한국응용생명화학회 1996 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.39 No.2

        A bacterial strain producing a novel endo-inulinase, hydrolysing inulin into oligosaccharides was isolated from soil and identified as Arthrobacter sp. S37. The enzyme production was induced by inulin and Jerusalem artichoke extract. The maximum enzyme production was obtained with medium containing 1.57 jerusalem artichoke extract. 1.0% yeast extract, 0.5% NaNO₃, 0.05% MgSO₄·7H₂O, 0.05% KCl, 0.0016% FeCl₃·6H₂O and 0.05% KH₂PO₄. The optimum temperature and pH for the enzyme production were 30℃ and 8.0, respectively. Under the optimum condition, the enzyme activity in the culture broth reached at maximum. 10.8 units/㎖ after cultivation for 24 hours.

      • KCI등재

        초기 우울증 대학생의 정신건강 앱 지속 사용 동기부여를 위한 디자인 제안-정보-동기-행동기술 모델을 기반으로-

        김경연(Kim, Kyoung Yeon),정재희(Chung, Jae Hee) 한국디자인문화학회 2023 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        Recently, the incidence of depression among college students in their 20s and 30s has been increasing. When depression occurs during college years, recurrence is common and recovery is difficult, so early detection and appropriate treatment are very important. The purpose of this study was to identify motivational factors that enable college students with early depression to continue using mental health applications, and to propose effective design for key motivational factors. First, the status of college students’ depression and digital treatments were identified through literature research, and then 14 motivational factors were derived through case analysis of mental health applications based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model. To identify the key motivational factors, a survey was conducted on 130 college students with early-stage depression. As a result, personal motivation was found to have the greatest impact among information, personal motivation, and social motivation. In terms of detailed factors, ‘notification’ of personal motivations, ‘real-time user information’ of social motivations, and ‘psychological stability content’ of information were found to have the greatest impact. To this end, design for a notification function that collects and analyzes the user’s biometric data to provide optimized activity recommendations, a function that provides information on the number of users in real time so that they can feel a sense of homogeneity and social solidarity, and a personalized content recommendation function that matches the user’s biometric data were proposed. The significance of this study is that it identified motivational factors that can lead college students with early depression to continue using mental health applications and designed them. The results of this study can be used as reference for motivating treatment of patients suffering from mood disorders similar to depression.

      • KCI등재

        해방/패전 이후 한일(韓日) 귀환자의 서사와 기억의 정치학

        김경연(Kim, Kyoung-yeon) 우리문학회 2013 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.38

        이 논문은 1945년 8월15일 해방/패전 이후 (피)식민의 경험을 기록-재현한 고바야시 마사루와 한운사의 기억서사를 교차적으로 읽으며 민족주의(국가주의)를 횡단하는 트랜스내셔널(리즘)의 가능성을 사유하고자 한 시도이다. 주지하다시피 일제의 조선 강점 이후 조선인들은 현해탄을 건너 식민제국(내지) 일본으로, 일본인들은 식민지 조선(외지)으로 이동해갔다. 그러므로 현해탄 건너기란 어떤 의미에서 (피)식민의 사태를 가장 여실히 구현하는 사건인지도 모른다. 조선에서 태어난 식민지 2세로 패전 이후 일본으로 귀환한 ‘고 바야시 마사루’나, 일본에 유학하던 중 학병으로 징집돼 반도(조선) 출신 일본군으로 복무하다 해방 후 조선으로 돌아온 ‘한운사’ 역시 이러한 현해탄 도항자들이라 할 수 있다. 그런데 제국주의(식민주의)의 실행에 다름 아닌 현해탄 넘나듦이란 대규모의 부인과 망각을 조장하거나 획책하며, 또한 부인/망각의 구조 속에서만 안정적으로 유지될 수 있는 것이기도 하다. 실제적이든 상상적 차원이든 식민지 조선인들에게 도일(渡日)이란 조선인이라는 정체성을 부인하고 일본(인)을 타자가 아닌 새로운 자기로 설정해야 하는 사건이었고, 제국 일본인들에게 도한(渡韓)이란 조선을 식민지가 아닌 척식해야 할 외지(미개지)로 고쳐 믿으며, 식민자인 자신의 위치를 부인하고 스스로를 시혜를 베푸는 개척자로 세뇌하는 일이었기 때문이다. 1945년 해방/패전은 식민주의를 지탱한 이 대규모의 부인/망각의 구조가 와해되면서, 조선(인)/일본(인), 자기/타자, 적/동지의 분할선이 다시 명료히 구축되는 사건이었다. 그런데 이 복원이 성공적으로 실현되기 위해서는 해방/패전 이전과는 또 다른 부인이나 망각이 발동되어야 했다. 해방 이후 조선인들에게 그것이 ‘반도-일본인’으로 살았던 자신의 서사를 지워내고 착종의 혼적 없는 오롯한 조선인으로 자신의 역사를 새로 쓰는 일이라면, 패전 이후 일본인들의 경우는 가해자였던 자신을 은폐하고 단지 패전의 피해자로 스스로를 위무하는 기만의 서사를 구성하는 일이었다. 해방/패전 이후 고바야시 마사루와 한운사는 내셔널리즘으로 온전히 귀납될 수 없는 자신 속의 이물감(혼종성)을 응시했고, 그것이 발원하는 (피)식민의 기억을 서사화했다. 그러나 그 지향이나 귀결은 달랐는데, 고바야시 마사루가 끊임없이 자신 안의 조선을 쓰면서 일본인이라는 정체성을 심문하고 성찰함으로써 트랜스내셔널리즘의 가능성으로 혼종성을 사유했다면, 한운사의 경우는 ‘치유’라는 명분 아래 자신 안의 이물감(혼종성)을 끝내 삭제하는 방식을 취한다. 때문에 조선인이나 일본인에 갇히지 않는 ‘인간’에 방점을 두었던 한운사의 소설은 결국 새로운 국가 만들기를 담당할 민족적 주체의 정립을 승인하고 지지하는 서사로 마무리된 것이다. This paper tries to examine what their narratives aim at, comparing and reading the stories that narrate the post-emancipation/defeat memories of the colonizing/colonized by Kobayashi Masaru, a Japanese in Korea, and Han Un Sa, a Korean in Japan as a foreign student and student soldier. Kobayashi’s recollecting narratives target the identity of ‘history’ as appropriating humans violently, on the one hand, and the heuristic writings of Han are in pursuit of ‘humans’ as a solemn fact after history(violence), on the other. Thus, the recollecting narratives, and the object(desire) colligated to the heuristic writings may be wholly distinguished, In other words, while. for Kobayashi. that he writes down memories about the colonial was a ‘testimony’ to the history of the inflicting/inflicted, that Han remembers and writes the ruling empire of Japan was to soothe wounds, a healing of the history. The recollecting narratives of Kobayashi are a transnational one which divides the memories stolen and embezzled by the nation, and forgotten by the peop]e, but Han’s recollecting narratives appealing to overcome nationalism/racialism, setting forth humanism at the frontline, rather are an monumental representation approving nationalism. In a series of Korea Straight, healing may be synonymous to an refracted oblivion, thereby Han’s exceptional recollecting narratives, in fact, are not so far from the one of oblivion.

      • KCI등재

        내선일체의 멜로드라마와 식민주의의 균열

        김경연(Kim, Kyoung-yeon) 한국어문학회 2011 語文學 Vol.0 No.114

        This paper sets off to re-read the stories, dealing with nae-sun-il-che(All in one Korea-Japan, 內鮮一體), the assimilation of Korea and Japan, of love and marriage, in the late Japanese imperialism, not as merely stories, but as texts of Korean-Japanese(內鮮人), a Korean who realigns himself with a Japanese policy of becoming Japanese. The previous studies see the stories merely as the either-or of resistance/collaboration, but I argue that the oblique line could be effaced and the uncertain space between them could be explored. This means that they are not the narratives of Korean-Japanese love and parting, but melodramas of the relationships between Korean-Japanese and Japanese. First of all, in this paper, I investigate some facts of the theory of nae-sun-il-che, and trace along the conscious depths of Korean-Japanese connected with the theory, which is a critical reference point for re-reading the relation between the melodrama of assimilation and Japanese colonialism. Based on this standpoint, I attempt to find out the rupture of colonialism in Lee Kwang-soo’s works. For the being of the colonized cannot but be that of flowing between colony and empire, Korean-Japanese, in a sense, may be the name which should be given to all the koreans in that era, but as Choi Jae-suh remarks it, the doctrines of nae-sun-il-che caused chaos and disruption, more intensively. Korean-Japanese eliminate the conflict between the koreans and the Japanese with faith/fantasy, imitate the empire’s desire, and set up for becoming Japanese. But It is when their narratives are returned to the nation/ the korean that they reveal a number of rupture that were ignored in the transparent frame of resistance/collaboration, which means that in an effort to re-read the works of Korean-Japanese love and marriage under the influence of nae-sun-il che, they can be regarded as the narratives, not between Cheo-sun people(Koreans) and Japanese, but Korean-Japanese, placed in the rift between them, and Japanese. The ruptures of which a few intellectuals who could translate the language of the colonizing empire conceive in the frame of the double language(Japanese or Korean-Japanese) leaves traces of surplus uncaptured by the notion of resistance/collaboration. The surplus inscribed as traces fundamentally interrogates the colonialism of nae-sun-il-che and are the utterance of the texts beyond that of the writers. It is the reason that Lee Kwang-soo’s works of nae-sun love and marriage do not purport nae-sun-il-che, but confess the impossibility of the theory.

      • 다중 초음파 조사를 이용한 저강도 초음파 치료에서 중첩각 변화에 따른 캐비테이션 발생량 변화 관찰

        김경연(Kyoung-Yeon Kim),최일홍(Il-hong Choi),박지군(Ji-koon Park),강상식(Sang-sik Kang),박형후(Hyong-hu Park),정봉재(Bong-jae Jeong),노시철( Si-cheol Noh) 한국방사선학회 2015 한국방사선학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2015 No.춘계

        본 연구에서는 집속 초음파에서 발생하는 캐비테이션 현상을 활용하여 저강도 치료 초음파에 적용시키기 위한 기초 연 구로써 초음파 중첩 조사조건에 따른 캐비테이션 발생량을 관찰하였다. 500 KHz 곡면형 변환기를 이용하여 연속파를 조 사하고 30 W 연속파를 중첩시켜 발생되는 기포의 형태와 특징을 비교하였다. 중첩각은 45°, 90°, 135°로 설정하였으 며, 기포의 발생량은 간섭파의 감쇠, 기포군의 크기를 이용하여 비교하였다. 측정결과 단일 조사보다 중첩조사 시 발생되는 기포량이 많아졌으며 이에 따른 감쇠량도 증가함을 확인하였다. 80 W 미만의 저강도 중첩 조사에서 효율적인 교차각은 기포의 발생량 및 감쇠의 선형성을 고려하였을 때 45°로 설정하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 판단되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 저강도 초음파 시술 시 효율적인 치료를 위한 중첩각 설정 기준이 될 것이며, 치료 초음파 시술에서 최적의 중첩 조사조건 연구의 기초 연구로 활용될 것으로 판단된다. In this study, as a basic study for using the cavitation effect to low intensity ultrasound therapy, the cavitation yields according to the superposed angle were observed. First, the continuous ultrasound was sonicated by 500 kHz transducer and we superposed the 1.5 MHz continuous ultrasoudn with 30 W intensity. Then the characteristics of bubble cloud of each condition were compared. The superposed angle were set to 45°, 90° and 135°. The cavitation yields were estimated by using attenuation of interference wave and the area of bubble cloud. The more bubbles were generated in superposed sonication than single sonication, and the attenuation was increased. With a result, in low-intensity(less than 80W) superposition sonication, the effective cross angle was determined to be desirable to set to 45 ° when considering the linearity of bubble generation and attenuation. The results of this study is expected to be the basis for determine the superposition angle to effective ultrasonic therapy.

      • 심포지엄 : 최근 경쟁법의 주요쟁점과 과제 ; 공정거래법상 공시제도가 기업지배구조에 미치는 영향

        김경연 ( Kyoung Yeon Kim ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 글로벌비즈니스와 법센터 2011 연세 글로벌 비즈니스 법학연구 Vol.3 No.2

        Traditionally, disclosure systems have developed with the purpose of protecting pa rticipants in the securities markets, such as investors, particularly. In Korea, there are several disclosure systems, respectively under the Commercial Code, Financial Invest ment Services and Capital Markets Act (formerly, before 2009, the Securities Exchang e Act) and the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act (the MRFTA) each of whic h has a bit different scope and purpose from those of others. The disclosure system under the MRFTA (the Disclosure System) is classified into 3 items: Disclosure of Large-scale Affiliated Transaction; Disclosure of Material Events by Non-listed Compa nies; and Disclosure of Business Group Status. The objective of the Disclosure Syste m is to control inter-company transaction within the business group, increase corpor ate transparency of non-listed companies and improve self-monitoring function of the market over the whole business groups following the abolition of the regulations on total equity investment. Focus on figuring out the internal transaction and current stat us of the business group, and heavier disclosure obligation assigned to the business group falling under the case where the same person is an individual distinguishes the Disclosure System from other systems under different laws. However, even thoug h the MRFTA is an act which is most closely related to the regulations on the corpor ate governance or corporate governance of business group, since no suggestions of the desirable corporate governance model are set forth under the MRFTA and withou t directly regulating wrongdoings, there is still some doubt about the effect of the Disclosure System on the corporate governance, because of the intrinsic limitation of disclosure system based on its nature. In this regard, making good use of other syste ms under the relevant laws such as extended regulations on the directors` self-dealin g under the revised Commercial Code, and more active efforts to develop the Disclos ure System through the Fair Trade Commission are required.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 이후 한국 연안의 적조 발생 변화

        임월애,고우진,김경연,박종우,Lim, Weol-Ae,Go, Woo-Jin,Kim, Kyoung-Yeon,Park, Jong-Woo 해양환경안전학회 2020 해양환경안전학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        국립수산과학원과 지역자치단체의 적조모니터링 결과를 바탕으로 해양환경 변동이 적조발생에 미치는 영향을 규명하였다. 1972년 적조 모니터링이 시작된 이후, 1980년대에서 1990년대까지 적조 발생은 지속적으로 증가를 하였으며, 1998년 109건의 최다 적조발생 이후 2010년대까지 감소 추세를 보이고 있다. 1970년대는 대부분 규조 적조가 발생하였으며, 1980년대에는 연안성 와편모조류가 주로 적조를 일으켰으며, 1993년 이후 Cochlodinium polykrikoides 적조가 지속적으로 발생하고 있다. 우리나라에서 수산피해를 일으킨 유해 적조생물은 3종이다. 1981년 진해만에서 Karenia mikimotoi에 의한 고밀도 적조가 발생하여 패류가 대량 폐사하였다. 1992년 통영해역에서 Karenina sp.에 의한 적조가 발생하여 양식어류를 폐사시켰으며, 1995년 C. polykrikoides 적조로 765억 원의 최대 규모의 수산피해가 발생한 이후 지속적으로 발생하고 있다. 연안해역의 영양염 농도는 1980년대에 가장 높았으며, 1990년 중반 이후 매우 감소하고 있다. 이러한 영양염 감소는 적조발생 감소를 잘 설명해 준다. 2016년 이후 30℃이상의 여름 고수온이 나타나며 C. polykrikoides의 적조 발생 범위와 규모는 매우 감소하였다. 2016년 K. mikimotoi 적조가 전남 장흥~고흥 해역에 발생하였으며, C. polykrikoides 적조는 여수해역에만 발생하였다. 2017년은 C. polykrikoides 적조 발생이 없었으며, Alexandrium affine 적조가 전남 여수~경남 통영해역까지 발생하였다. 2018년은 평년에 비해 소규모 C. polykrikoides 적조가 발생하였다. 본 연구결과 우리나라 연안의 영양염 감소와 기후변화로 인한 고수온은 적조 발생에 영향을 주는 것으로 판단된다. Based on the results of harmful algal blooms (HABs) monitoring by the National Institute of Fisheries Science and local governments, the effects of changes in the marine environment on HABs are described. Since the beginning of HABs monitoring in 1972, they continued to increase from the 1980s to the 1990s. After the largest number of HAB incidents (109) in 1998; the trend declined until the 2010s. Most HABs in the 1970s were caused by diatoms. In the 1980s, coastal dinoflagellates caused HABs; Cochlodinium polykrikoides blooms have been occurring continuously since 1993. There are three HAB species that cause damage to fisheries in Korea. The high-density bloom of Karenia mikimotoi caused mass mortality in shellfish in Jinhae Bay in 1981. Karenia sp. blooms occurring around Tongyeong in 1992 killed aquaculture fish. Since the occurrence of the largest fisheries damage of KRW 76.6 billion in 1995 caused by C. polykrikoides blooms, they have been occurring continuously. The concentration of nutrients in coastal waters was the highest in the 1980s and has declined since the mid-1990s. This reduction in nutrient concentration is a good explanation for the decreasing number of HABs. Since 2016, a summer high water temperature of 30℃ or more has appeared, and the range and scale of C. polykrikoides blooms have been greatly reduced. In 2016, K. mikimotoi blooms occurred around Wando, Jangheung and Goheung and small scale blooms of C. polykrikoides occurred around Yeosu. There were no C. polykrikoides blooms in 2017; however, Alexandrium affine blooms occurred from Yeosu to Tongyeong. There was a small-scale blooms of C. polykrikoides in 2018 compared to those in the previous years. Our results show that reduction in nutrients and the high water temperature owing to climate change are a good explanation for variation in HABs in Korean coastal waters.

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