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      • 지속발전 가능한 양돈산업이 되기 위한 수출활성화

        김강식,Kim, Gang-Sik 축산물품질평가원 2009 KAPE누리 Vol.155 No.-

        지속발전 가능한 양돈사업을 만들기 위해 돈육 수출에 대한 중요성이 높아지면서 (주)한국육류수출입협회에서는 지난 6월 25일 '돼지고기 수출활성화를 위한 워크숍'을 열고 대일 돼지고기 수출가능성에 대한 방안을 토론했다. 본고는 육류수출입협회 김강식 고문이 발표한 '대일 돼지고기 열처리가공품 수출가능성'을 발췌해 게재한다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        E-Learning in Korea : Derzeitiger Zustand und zukünftige Herausforderungen

        김강식 한독경상학회 2015 經商論叢 Vol.33 No.1

        Since 1996 the development of ICTs within the education system of the Republic of Korea has been implemented under three national master plans. The first Master Plan (1996-2000) was focused on the establishment of a world-class ICT infrastructure in elementary and secondary schools. The objective of the second Master Plan (2001-2005) was to enhance the quality of education by allowing open access to educational content and providing teacher training for the integration of ICT into classroom teaching practices. In addition, the National Education Information System (NEIS) was developed as a computer network maintained by the Ministry of Education to facilitate the electronic management of all education-related administrative tasks. The third and most recent Master Plan (2006-2010) has been focused on the creation of sustainable learning environments with u-Learning and future education through more flexible and secure educational services such as the development of digital textbooks. Korea’s ICT policy in education has been recognized as best practice. The success of Korea’s e-Learning and ICT in education policy was recognized as a result of a solid legal framework, systemic implementation mechanisms, secured budget and support, timely capacity building, successful cooperation between public and private sectors, an effective monitoring and evaluation system, etc. The important factors that affected the success of implementation policies and initiatives of ICT and e-Learning can be summarized as follows: Systematic policy implementation, Capacity of implementing organizations, Implementing policy through liaison and cooperation between organizations, Sustainable financing of ICT in education, Well-established policy monitoring and evaluation systems, Consumer-centred policy implementation, Shift in policy to respond to technological and societal change. On the other hand, many lessons have been learned. The Republic of Korea needs to continuously pay attention to investment in ICT in education for sustainable development of e-Learning and innovation of education in some areas. Seit 1996 wurde die Entwicklung der IKT im Bildungssystem Koreas in drei nationalen Masterplänen durchgeführt. Der erste Masterplan (1996-2000) legte den Schwerpunkt auf der Schaffung der Weltklasse-IT-Infrastruktur in Grund- und Sekundarschulen. Das Ziel des zweiten Masterplans (2001-2005) war es, die Bildungsqualität dadurch zu erhöhen, dass der freie Zugang zu den Lerninhalten und die Bereitstellung der Lehrerausbildung für die IKT-Integration in der Klassenzimmer-Lehrpraxis erlaubt werden. Darüber hinaus wurde die National Education Information System (NEIS) als ein Computernetzwerk des Ministeriums für Bildung zur Förderung des elektronischen Management aller bildungsbezogenen Verwaltungsaufgaben entwickelt. Der dritte und jüngste Masterplan (2006-2010) legte den Schwerpunkt auf die Schaffung nachhaltiger Lernumgebungen mit dem U-Learning und die zukünftige Bildung durch flexiblere und sichere Bildungsdienstleistungen wie die Entwicklung der digitalen Lehrbücher. Der Erfolg des E-Learnings und der IKT in der Bildungspolitik Koreas wurde als Ergebnis der u.a. folgenden Faktoren erkannt: der solide rechtliche Rahmen, die systemischen Führungsmechanismen, die stabile Unterstützung mit dem gesicherten Haushalt, der aktuellen Kompetenzenaufbau, die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit zwischen öffentlichen und privaten Sektoren und das effektive Monitorings- und Evaluierungssystem. Zu den wichtigen Faktoren, die auf den Erfolg der Umsetzung der Maßnahmen und Initiativen von IKT und E-Learning wirkten, lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: die systematische Umsetzung der Politik, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Durchführungseinrichtungen, die Durchführungspolitik durch Verbindung und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Organisationen, die nachhaltige Finanzierung der IKT in der Bildung, die gut etablierten Politik-Überwachungssysteme und Politik-Bewertungssysteme, die verbraucherzentrierte Umsetzung der Politik, die auf den technologischen und gesellschaftlichen Wandel reagierte Verlagerung der Politik. Auf der anderen Seite sind viele Lektionen gelernt worden. Korea muss ständig darauf achten, für die nachhaltige Entwicklung des E-Learning und die Bildungsinnovation in die IKT zu investieren.

      • KCI등재

        조선 후기의 선원 조직과 선박 운영

        김강식 부산경남사학회 2022 역사와 경계 Vol.122 No.-

        It can be said that the meaning of sailors in the late Joseon Dynasty, which occupies the history of Korean sailors, was in the process of moving from a pre-modern sailor to a modern sailor. Along with the history of the ship, the existence of sailors appeared, but originally, the crew also played the roles of fishermen and sailors, but gradually the two roles were differentiated into sailors of different functions. Since then, sailors who play the role of modern sailors have been unified into sailors active in fishing boats and merchant ships. In this respect, it can be seen that sailors of the late Joseon Dynasty show a transitional aspect of moving forward as sailors of merchant ships that appear with the growth of the modern shipping industry. During the late Joseon Dynasty, sailors moving toward modern sailors appeared as differentiation of functions and specialization of work in the organization of sailors. In addition, in the operation of the ship, it can be confirmed by improving the status of sailors and paying wages for labor. At the same time, government ships were replaced by private ships except for military ships, and in the operation of ships, the state-run system was operated centering on the operation of military ships, and the rest were operated under private systems. First of all, in the organization of sailors in the late Joseon Dynasty, when viewed from ships represented by communication lines, the division of functions appeared as upper and lower crew members and affiliated crew members. This is a differentiated function, like the organization of sailors seen in modern merchant ships. In addition, in the military ship, it is meaningful that it was recruited as a naval force that received a toll in the process of inclusive military service. In particular, in the operation of sailors in the late Joseon Dynasty, it was found that they moved toward personal operating system rather than the state management system. In other words, it can be understood that the existence of sailors escaping from new areas, replacing military services with lead guns, the emergence of sailors as forest workers, and the accumulation of capital by the transportation industry are a modern process. 한국 선원의 역사에서 조선 후기의 船員이 차지하는 의미는 전근대적 선원에서 근대적 선원으로 나아가는 과정에 있는 선원이었다고 할 수 있다. 배의 역사와 함께 선원의 존재가 출현했지만, 초기 선원은 대부분 漁撈人과 水軍의 역할을 겸하였지만, 군사제도가 정비되면서 점차 역할이 다른 직능의 선원으로 분화되어 나갔다. 근대에 이르러 선원은 수군이 海軍으로 군사 업무로 역할이 완전히 분리되어 나가자, 본래의 선원은 漁船과 商船에서 활동하는 선원으로 일원화되었다. 이런 측면에서 조선 후기의 선원은 근대 해운업의 성장과 함께 나타나는 상선의 선원으로 나아가는 과도기적 단계에 있었다고 볼 수 있다. 본고에서는 조선 후기 선원이 근대 선원으로의 변화 과정을 나름대로 살펴보았다. 조선 후기에 선원이 근대 선원으로 나아가는 모습은 선원의 조직에서 나타나는 직능의 분화와 업무의 전문화에서 찾을 수 있다. 아울러 선박의 운영에서는 선원의 지위 향상과 선원 노동자에 대한 임금의 지급 등을 통해서 확인할 수 있다. 이와 함께 사회경제적 변화 속에서 해운업이 발달하면서 관선인 軍船을 제외하면 대부분 私船이 업무를 대체해 나갔다. 이에 따라 선박의 운영도 관영제는 군선을 중심으로 운영되고, 나머지는 대부분 사영제로 운영되었다. 우선 조선 후기의 선원 조직에서는 비록 특수한 경우이지만, 통신사선에서는 상층 선원과 하층 선원 및 부속 선원으로 직능이 분화되어 역할을 수행하고 있음이 주목된다. 이런 모습은 선박이 대형화한다면 근대 상선에서 보이는 선원 조직과 직능의 분화가 적용되어 진행될 수 있음을 말해준다. 아울러 군선에서도 군역의 布納化 과정에서 役價를 지급 받는 수군으로 충원되어 나갔다는 점은 선원의 지위가 향상되는 모습으로 파악할 수 있어서 의미를 지닌다. 특히 조선 후기의 선박 운영에서는 官營制보다는 私營制로 나아가고 모습을 다양하게 확인할 수 있다. 즉 物主나 船商이 선박을 이용하여 해운 활동에 종사하게 되자 身役에서 벗어나는 선원의 존재, 軍役을 納布로 대신하는 행위, 임금을 지급 받는 선원의 출현, 물주와 선주가 운송업으로 자본을 축적하는 모습 등은 근대적인 선원과 해운업으로 나아가는 전 과정으로 이해할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한우 육질등급이 난포란의 배반포 체외생산에 미치는 영향

        김강식,이홍철,박용수,김소섭,박흠대 사단법인 한국동물생명공학회 2015 한국동물생명공학회지 Vol.30 No.3

        These studies were conducted to establish the practical Hanwoo (Korean native cattle) improvement system through the combining of embryo transfer technology and confirming individual Hanwoo oocyte culture system and to investigate that correlation of Hanwoo carcass classification (intramuscular marbling) and oocyte donor for blastocyst production in vitro. In case of Hanwoo, the carcass meat quality grades were divided to grade 1⁺⁺, 1⁺, 1, 2, and 3 depends on fat distribution of longest muscle cross-sectional surface. As results, the numbers of follicular oocytes collected from individual fundamentally-registered Hanwoo yielded 1⁺⁺, 1⁺, 1, 2 and 3 meat quality were 9.5, 9.4, 8.5, 8.8 and 8.8 per ovary, respectively. The numbers of retrieval oocyte from follicles were significantly higher in the cattle yield 1⁺⁺, 1⁺ meat quality than in the cattle yield 1, 2 and 3 meat quality (p<0.05). The rates of blastocyst formation were 18.2, 21.3, 29.4, 30.9, and 31.5% in the cattle yield 1⁺⁺, 1⁺, 1, 2 and 3 meat quality of after in vitro maturation, respectively. It was significantly lower in the cattle yield 1⁺⁺ and 1⁺ meat quality than in the cattle yield 1, 2 and 3 meat quality (p<0.05). In order to evaluate embryos quality, TUNNEL assay was conducted for each meat quality grade using blastocyst stage embryo on day 8. The results showed that apoptosis cell number was higher tendency in the cattle yield 1⁺⁺and 1⁺ meat quality (81 and 79, respectively) than in the cattle yield 1, 2 and 3 meat quality (51, 48 and 50, respectively) but there was no statistical significance in each group. After embryo transfer, the conception rate of recipient was 53.5 (23 out of 43), 52.1 (38 out of 73) and 58.0% (58 out of 100) in the meat quality of 1, 1+ and 1++, respectively. These results showed that the conception rate was significantly higher in the cattle yield 1 meat quality than in the cattle yield 1⁺⁺, 1⁺ , 2, and 3 meat quality (p<0.05). In summary, these results indicate that the application of confirming Hanwoo individual oocyte culture system and embryo transfer technology can make good use of the genetic resources conservation and improvement of Hanwoo. Relevance of the meat quality grade and reproductive ability of carcasses of Hanwoo will be considered to be one of the effective means for the associated research with obesity and reproduction.

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