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      • KCI등재

        진결절로 인한 자궁내 태아 사망 1례

        길송학(SH Kil),김윤호(YH Kim),권오석(OS Kwon) 대한산부인과학회 1970 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.13 No.7

        I will give a report on the pregnancy which delivered a macerated male fetus whose weight was only 2kg because of true knot. The woman who was in 40 weeks gestation was admitted to our hospital 2 weeks after cessation of fetal movement.

      • KCI등재

        골반위 445예에 대한 임상통계학적 고찰

        김기진(KJ Kim),길송학(SH Kil),전정일(CI Chun),류명열(MY Yoo) 대한산부인과학회 1970 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.13 No.4

        The Breech presentation is the most common mal-presentation. From Jan. 1963 to Dec. 1968, 455 cases of Breech presentation were delivered at Dept. of OB&Gyne. St. mary`s Hosp. Catholic Medical College. 1. The incidence of Breech presentation was 3.98% of all deliveries. 2. The most frequent age group was 25~29 years of age. 3. The most frequent incidence of gestation week was between 37 and 40. 4. Among them (breech presentation) only 39.6% of breech presentation was recieved antenatal care. 5. The most common type of breech presentation was incomplete breech. 6. In case of infant body weight, weighing more than 2,500gr fetal death was 5.7% and most frequently occured weighing 3,500~3,999gr in body weight. 7. Cord prolapse was 6.4% of all cases and most frequently occured in multigravida, premature, and complete breech. 8. Partial breech extraction was most common type of delivery and 50.6% of all cases. 9. C/S` was performed in 29 cases and 6.4% of all cases. 10. Post-partum hemorrhage was one of the most common maternal complicution, but among them no one lost blood more tham 1000cc in amount. 11. Three cases of clavicle fracture, one case of humerus fracture and one case of Erb`s palsy were occured as a fetal complication. 12. The causes of fetal death was immature and premature, 74% of all cases, and in cases of full term baby, asphyxia was 6.4%, brain damage was 3.3% and 16.3% of unknown causes. 13. According to the breech score index which was studied in Temple University Medical Center in 1967 for our 276 cases weighing more than 2,500grams of infant, breech score index was below 4 in almost all cases of poor progression of labor and prognosis. 14.There was a trend to the high score in lower body weight, lower score in high body weight as a consequence of index scoring by infant body weight. 15. Duration of labor was shorter in high score group than low score group.

      • KCI등재

        부갑상선기능저하증을 합병한 임산부의 분만 1례

        황순경(SK Whang),길송학(SH Kil),강재화(JH Kang),민병석(BS Min) 대한산부인과학회 1969 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.12 No.2

        A 27-year-old house wife, gravida ii, para 0, developed hypoparathyroidism following subtotal thyroidectomy for follicular adenocarcinoma which had been performed about 4 years previously. Hypoparathyroidism was not adequately controlled apparently owing to lack of cooperation on the part of the patient. Nevertheless, she became pregnant about 3 years postoperatively and was spontaneously delivered of a 2,700 grams living female infant at the 38th week of pregnancy without any maternal complications.After delivery, the infant was found to have craniotabes. All of her skeletons was found to be decalcified and porotic on roentgenogram. Chemical changes in the blood and urine of the mother and the newborn were presented and pertinent lituratures were reviewed.

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