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        119무선페이징의 이용실태에 관한 연구 - 일 지역을 중심으로 -

        권혜란,정지연,최길순,Kwon, Hay-Rran,Jung, Ji-Yun,Choi, Gil-Soon 한국응급구조학회 2007 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        Health and disease related characteristics of 226 selected by systematic sampling from 452 personal emergency response system(PERS) beneficiaries and actual conditions of using PERS by them are as follows. Over 86% of PERS beneficiaries have not good health conditions and 70.7% of them have chronic diseases. On social supports family was highest as 52.2% and cases having social workers' assistance were 15.2%, but 53 as 23.7% had not visit or call from anyone and showed very low social supports. 86.2% was given PERS within 3years and 79.1% had it by the recommendation from related agencies and 4.0% was by their demand. On wearing it, 78.3% didn't bring it with them and 92% of them answered they were not sick and then it was found that they didn't use it because they had not special emergency. On satisfaction with paging system's operation, 81.3% answered they were satisfied with it, 48.8% used it for 'acute and emergency diseases' and 29.3% called ambulance for 'appointed medical treatment'. Time required for ambulance to arrive at the field was within 10 min. in 87.8% and after 10 min. in 12.2% and emergency service for beneficiaries by fire service was very good. On satisfaction with use of PERS, 85.4% were satisfied with it, 81.9% who requested repair or replacement of radio paging got it back after one or two days of their request and they answered they were satisfied with A/S. 45.5% answered they powered off it because 'they didn't use it' and 12.1% had 'economical reason of phone charge'.

      • KCI등재

        일부지역 119 노인전용구급차(Silver Ambulance)의 활동분석 및 발전방안

        권혜란,Kwon, Hay-Rran 한국응급구조학회 2007 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        This study analyzes use and operation of silver ambulance with 110 patients who had used silver ambulance in Gwangju and Jeonnam regions from June of 2006 to June of 2007 and 53 paramedics who are involved directly in ambulance operation and the results of this analysis are as follows. 1. Users' health conditions, 69.1% of users answered as bad and 67.3% suffered from chronic diseases over 3 months and it was found that they used silver ambulance due to their bad health conditions. 2. Cronbach's alpha was 0.630 and family function index was generally reliable and solution was high as 1.60, but total points were low as 7.11 and it was considered that they had family troubles. 3. On the question of ambulance use, 44.5% answered they used it because it is free, 53.6% used it for appointed medical examination and treatment and 18.1% used it for emergency. 4. Degrees of satisfaction with ambulance and paramedics were 95.4% and 76.4% respectively and 80.0% of ambulance users answered ambulance arrived quickly within 15 min. 5. Correlation($x^2 $) between family or relative's residence and frequency of visits was 86.367 and its significance probability was 0.00 and it was found that it was significant in the level of 0.1%, but correlation($x^2 $) between visitors other than family or relatives and frequency of visits was 14.768 and its significance probability was 0.25 and it was found that it was not significant in the level of 5%. 6. Correlation($x^2 $) between transfer operation speed and mobilization time was found that it was not significant in the level of 5%. Correlation($x^2 $) between their own health condition purpose of ambulance use was 13.802 an 5.696 and its significance probability was 0.93 and it was found that it was not significant in the level of 1%, and it was considered because paramedics carried patients with safe operation.

      • KCI등재

        응급구조(학)과 교육과정의 표준화에 대한 연구

        최은숙,홍성기,권혜란,고봉연,이경열,정한호,이명렬,윤성우,박시은,조근자,Choi, Eun-Sook,Hong, Sung-Gi,Kwon, Hay-Rran,Koh, Bong-Yeun,Lee, Kyoung-Youl,Jung, Han-Ho,Lee, Myung-Lyeol,Yun, Seong-Woo,Park, Si-Eun,Cho, Keun-Ja 한국응급구조학회 2017 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        Purpose: This study describes current curricula for paramedic students in South Korea and proposes a standardization of the curriculum. Methods: Data were collected from 38 colleges and universities from March 1 to 31, 2016. Descriptive statistics were calculated using SPSS 23.0. Results: The proposed standard curriculum was below. Requisite liberal arts consisted of 2 subjects and 6 credits including biomedical ethics, communications and human relationships. Common major subjects were composed of 6 areas, 22 subjects, and 78 credits. The areas of basic medicine consisted of 6 subjects and 16 credits including medical terminology. Introduction to paramedicine consisted of 3 subjects and 7 credits. Emergency patient management consisted of 2 subjects and 9 credits. Particulars to paramedic care consisted of 8 subjects and 31 credits. The law area consisted of 1 subject and 3 credits. Other major areas consisted of 2 subjects and 12 credits including integrated simulation and physician assistance. Common field practice area consisted of 3 to 4 subjects and 9 to 12 credits. Conclusion: It is important to establish and adapt a standardized curriculum for paramedic students in order to ensure competence and to provide high quality emergency medical services.

      • KCI등재

        Policy suggestions to educate and produce outstanding paramedics in Korea

        최은숙,고봉연,박희진,김효식,권혜란,최혜경,이경열,윤종근,홍성기,조근자,Choi, Eun-Sook,Koh, Bong-Yeun,Park, Hee-Jin,Kim, Hyo-Sik,Kwon, Hay-Rran,Choi, Hea-Kyung,Lee, Kyoung-Youl,Yun, Jong-Geun,Hong, Sung-Gi,Cho, Keun-Ja The Korea Society of Emergency Medical Services 2018 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        연구 목적: 본 연구는 우수한 1급 응급구조사 인력 양성 및 배출을 위해 응급구조사의 역량을 도출하여 교육제도를 재정립하고 국가시험 및 자격제도를 개선하기 위한 정책 제안을 하고자 하였다. 연구 방법: 본 연구는 전문가 회의 및 설문지를 이용하였다. 설문 자료는 교육 전문가(응급구조학과 대학교수)와 현장 전문가(소방 119구급대원 및 병원에 근무하는 1급 응급구조사) 총 277명으로부터 수집되었으며, 자료수집 기간은 2016년 9월 7일부터 9월 20일까지였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 22.0을 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구 결과: 1급 응급구조사 교육과정 강화를 위해 표준교육과정안으로 총 27과목 94학점을 제안하였고 1급 응급구조사의 핵심역량 9가지를 도출하였다. 국가 자격시험은 필기시험 과목을 통합하는 방안과, 실기시험에 시나리오형의 문제를 추가하고, 실기를 절차대로 수행하는 단순실기시험에 낙제기준(critical criteria)를 적용하며, 실기시험은 통과/실패만 결정하는 것을 제안하였다. 또한 1급 응급구조사의 보건의료적 업무특성을 반영하여 자격은 면허로 바꾸는 것을 제안하였다. 결 론: 본 연구 결과를 토대로 표준교육과정 운영으로 핵심역량을 갖추고 배출된 인력들이 신뢰성 있는 국가시험제도를 통해 자격을 취득하고 1급 응급구조사로서 전문성을 강화할 수 있는 자격관리제도가 선순환을 이룰 때 우리나라 응급의료서비스의 질적 수준이 향상될 것이다. Purpose: With the purpose of educating and producing outstanding paramedics by enhancing their competencies, this study aimed to make policy suggestions to re-establish the education system and improve the national examination and the certification scheme. Methods: This study used focus group interviews and questionnaires to collect data. Totally, there were 277 subjects, including experts from the education and field. Data were collected from September 9 to 20, 2016, and analyzed using SPSS 22.0. Results: To strengthen the curriculum of paramedics, this study suggested 27 courses with 94 credits as the standardized curriculum and derived 9 core competencies of paramedics. For the national examination, this study suggested consolidating written test subjects, adding scenario questions to practical tests, and applying critical criteria to simple practical tests that performs a procedure, grading these tests on a pass/fail basis. In addition, this study suggested converting certification into license, reflecting paramedics' healthcare job characteristics. Conclusion: The quality of emergency medical services in Korea will improve when those with core competencies that originated from the standardized curriculum based on the results of this study acquire their certification through the national test scheme, and the certification management system creates a virtuous cycle to further enhance paramedics' professionalism.

      • KCI등재

        죽음의 불안과 노화과정

        윤가현 ( Ga Hyun Youn ),오미성 ( Mi Seong Oh ),권혜란 ( Hay Rran Kwon ) 한국노년학연구회 2007 한국 노년학연구 Vol.16 No.-

        사고가 아닌 이상 누구나 노환으로 죽음을 맞이한다. 본고는 사고나 질병, 노화로 인해 발생하는 죽음과 관련된 불안현상이 무엇이며, 그와 같은 불안을 측정하는 것, 죽음의 불안을 설명해주는 요인, 그리고 죽음의 불안에 따라서 변하는 행동 및 대처방안을 간략하게 정리한 글이다. 죽음과 관련된 불안의 내용에서는 죽음 자체와 죽어가는 과정 그리고 자신의 죽음과 타인의 죽음으로 구별해서 이해해야함을 전달했으며, 죽음의 불안과 관련해서 가장 흔하게 언급되는 요인들은 연령, 성별, 종교성, 건강, 및 성격 등이었다. 본고의 후반부에서는 죽음을 바라보는 관점은 종족보존, 종교성, 창조적인 활동 등에 따라서 달라질 수 있음을 언급하였다.사고가 아닌 이상 누구나 노환으로 죽음을 맞이한다. 본고는 사고나 질병, 노화로 인해 발생하는 죽음과 관련된 불안현상이 무엇이며, 그와 같은 불안을 측정하는 것, 죽음의 불안을 설명해주는 요인, 그리고 죽음의 불안에 따라서 변하는 행동 및 대처방안을 간략하게 정리한 글이다. 죽음과 관련된 불안의 내용에서는 죽음 자체와 죽어가는 과정 그리고 자신의 죽음과 타인의 죽음으로 구별해서 이해해야함을 전달했으며, 죽음의 불안과 관련해서 가장 흔하게 언급되는 요인들은 연령, 성별, 종교성, 건강, 및 성격 등이었다. 본고의 후반부에서는 죽음을 바라보는 관점은 종족보존, 종교성, 창조적인 활동 등에 따라서 달라질 수 있음을 언급하였다. While most people have heard and seen other people`s death, they might be anxious about death itself and/or dying process. This paper was to examine what death anxiety is (i.e., what symptoms are associated with its anxiety), how to assess its anxiety, what factors affect the anxiety, and what coping strategies are. The major factors affecting death anxiety were age and a variety of personality characteristics. Several coping strategies, such as biological or spiritual, were discussed in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        치매환자 간호에서의 탈진경험 : 현상학적 접근

        권혜란,오미성 한국노년학연구회 1999 한국 노년학연구 Vol.8 No.-

        When patients with irreversible dementia show severe deterioration in cognitive abilities, caretakers begin to perceive it as stressful situation. Caregiving burden or stress, which can result in burnout, was understood through in-depth interview with two primary caregivers who were family members of the dementia patients. It seemed that both of them have experienced psychological distress so seriously. Nevertheless, they expressed their filial duty of taking care of the patients as far as the patients are alive. The findings were discussed in the context of suggesting that burnout prevention education program should be given to the caregivers as well as the general population.

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