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        高敞(고창) 龍溪里窯(용계리요) 성격에 대한 새로운 시각

        권혁주 ( Hyeok Joo Kwon ) 호남고고학회 2013 湖南考古學報 Vol.43 No.-

        龍溪里窯 발굴 이후 진행된 주된 논의는 “太平壬戌(1022)”銘 瓦片과 관련한 용계리요의 운영시기, 가마와 건물지의 관련성, 塼築窯의 존재, 초기청자의 범주에 포함되는 전축요와 토축요 관계상에서의 위치 등 제한적인 해석에 머물고 있다. 본 글에서는 초기청자를 생산하였던 용계리요를 고창현의 관할지역으로 비정한 것을 지명유래와 주변 요지 분포현황, 고지도와의 비교, 치소성의 이동 등을 토대로 용계리요는 운영당시 古阜郡의 속현인 尙質縣 관할지역 내에 있었던 것으로 해석하였다. 용계리요 발굴보고서 본문 내용과 도면을 바탕으로 “太平壬戌”銘 瓦片이 출토된 건물지 조사현황을 살펴봄으로써 퇴적구릉의 서편 평탄지에서 조사된 건물지와 용계리요의 연관성을 도출하였다. 또한 용계리요에서 출토된 “太平壬戌”銘 瓦片에서 판독되지 않는 ‘戌’字에 대해 北宋代 太平興國(976~983)의 연호가 “興國”을 생략한 “太平”만이 사용된 용례가 있음을 문제점으로 지적하고, 유적에서 출토된 연호명평기와의 문양구성을 토대로 “太平壬戌”銘 瓦片의 연대를 재검토하였다. “太平壬戌”銘 瓦片이 지니는 사료적 의미를 살펴본 결과 담장시설 내부에 건립된 건물지는 용계리요 운영시기에 존속하였고, 가마의 운영과 관리, 생산품에 대한 감독 등을 목적으로 신축된 것으로 해석하였다. 특히 太平 壬戌年 4月 이후 신축된 담장내부의 동편Ⅰ건물지와 남편건물지는 용계리요 운영과 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 추정된다. 이들 건물지에 사용되었던 “太平壬戌”銘 瓦片은 北宋의 연호를 사용하다가 1022년 4월 거란 太平연호를 재사용하기로 한 고려조정의 결정이 신속하게 반영된 결과이며, 연호명기와의 출토사례가 사찰을 비롯하여 산성·치소성 등 국가 혹은 왕실과 밀접한 연관을 지닌 유적에 집중되어 있기 때문이다. Main discussion proceeded after excavation of Yonggea-ri kilns stays in limited interpretation such as operation period of Yonggea-ri kilns related to scrap of tile inscribed in “Taepyung Yimsul太平壬戌(1022)”, relationship between kiln and building site, existence of brick built kilns, position in the relationship of brick built kilns and mud built kilns included to category of Early celadon etc. About that Yonggea-ri kilns where Early celadon was produced, was included to Gochanghyun, this study inferred that Yonggea-ri kilns was located inside administrative area of Sangjilhyun(尙質縣) under Gobu-gun(古阜郡) then times based on origin of place name, distribution status of surrounding kilns, comparison with old map, movement of Chisoseong(治所城 castle for administrative office in province) etc. By investigating survey status of building site where scrap of tile inscribed in “Taepyung Yimsul太平壬戌” was excavated based on content of main body and drawing on excavation report for Yonggea-ri kilns, the study drew relationship between building site examined in western plain of heap hill and Yonggea-ri kilns. This study pointed out a problem that about letter ‘Sul(戌)’ which was not interpreted in the scrap of tile inscribed in “Taepyung Yimsul太平壬戌”, there is example where only “Taepyung (太平)” was used - “Heungguk (興國)” was abbreviated from era name of Taepyung heungguk太平興國(976~983) in North Song dynasty. And this study reviewed period of scrap of tile inscribed in “Taepyung Yimsul太平壬戌” based on pattern composition of flat tile with inscription of era name excavated in relic again. And as a result of investigating value as historical material and its meaning of scrap of tile inscribed in “Taepyung Yimsul太平壬戌”, this study interpreted that building sites constructed inside wall facility were newly built for the purposes of operation and management of kiln, supervising of products then times when ceramic was produced. Especially, eastern and southern building sites were identified to have large implication relating to operation of Yonggea-ri kilns. Scrap of tile inscribed in “Taepyung Yimsul太平壬戌” which was used in these building sites used era name of North Song and Taepyung(太平) era name of Chi-dan was reused in April, 1022-decision of Goryeo Royal court was rapidly reflected for use of Taepyung(太平) era name of Chi-dan. And excavation examples of tile with inscription of era name are concentrated on relic closely related to government or royal family such as mountain castle, Chisoseong(治所城) etc. including temple.

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