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      • KCI등재

        설득 효과와 신뢰성을 높이는 劉向 說苑 서사 전략 연구

        권아린 한국중어중문학회 2024 中語中文學 Vol.0 No.95

        Liu Xiang is a royal relative and has risked his life multiple times for the country, demonstrating a sense of responsibility for the nation's prosperity. His compiled book, "Shuo Yuan," reflects his commitment to influencing political change, especially during the reign of Emperor Chengdi of the Han Dynasty. Despite Liu Xiang's persistent appeals, the political situation did not improve, leading him to compile stories with moral lessons to persuade the emperor. "Shuo Yuan" serves as a persuasive tool, particularly focusing on the first chapter, ‘Jun Dao’, where Liu Xiang articulates his message to Emperor Chengdi. This study analyzes the stories in the 46th chapter of ‘Jun Dao’ and explores the various persuasive strategies employed in "Shuo Yuan", aiming for a nuanced understanding of the author's thematic consciousness. By examining the narrative structure and the author's perspective, this research aims to derive meaningful insights, shedding light on how intellectuals in ancient China persuaded others during pivotal moments and offering lessons for contemporary understanding.

      • KCI등재

        漢代 經學(한대경학) 발전이 寓言(우언)의 論說(논설) 방식에 미친 영향

        권아린 한국중문학회 2012 中國文學硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        經學占據了漢代學術思想的主導地位, 儒生以獲取和傳播儒家的思想爲己任, 把타當作自己觀察思考問題的准則, ?以儒家的倫理道德作爲自己日常行爲的規範. 從漢代文風的流變可以看出其與經學(與漢代文風)的關系. 從西漢後期開始一直到東漢, 著述引經成爲一種風氣. 文人寫文章, 也常常引經據典, 視爲典雅正宗, 文章中出現‘經語’的頻率也相應增加. 兩漢寓言的創作自然也帶有了這些新風尙. ‘依經立論’的寓言說理方式成爲在兩漢時期突出的特點. 兩漢寓言直接引用經典的頻率非常之高, 被引用頻率最高的典籍是《詩經》. 其代表著作是《韓詩外傳》和劉向的《說苑》、《新序》. 《韓詩外傳》還有不少寓言用來表達政治倫理思想, 每張故事先引用一些材料, 或者講述一段寓言, 然後以《詩經》的詩句作結. 通過寓言故事闡發儒家經典中的道理. 這一點到了劉向可以說發展到極點, 劉向‘依經立論’的創作習慣, 首先表現在他的創作總體精神上不違背儒家的基本思想, 相應地, 在選擇材料以達意的時候, 也力求材料符合‘義理’?六經的基本精神. 雖然劉向的作品采用了?多前人史料, 但他賦予所用材料以新的生命, 這種改換引文結語的作法, 表明劉向選取材料最終還是爲體現自己的思想服務的. 總之, ‘依經立論’以加强文章論說的力度, ‘論點-故事(擧例)-經語(議論)’的論說方式, 提高故事的說服力, 議論、抒情、描寫、說明等各種表達方式合在一起, 形象生動, 故事更完整, 同時表現出複雜的邏輯思維, 形成了新的論說模式.

      • KCI등재

        《설원(說苑)》 《서록(敍錄)》을 통해 본 《설원(說苑)》의 성격 고찰

        권아린 한국중문학회 2014 中國文學硏究 Vol.0 No.55

        《說苑》是一部收集先秦以來至漢初的曆史故事集. 其中以記述諸子言行爲主, 不少篇章中有關於治國安民, 家國興亡的哲理格言, 用曆史故事來表達自己的政治思想和觀點. 敍錄是劉向《別錄》的遺文, 劉向受命參與校理宮廷藏書, 校完書後寫一篇簡明的內容提要. 主要介紹書籍槪貌, 書目篇名, 校勘經過, 著者生平思想, 書名含義, 著書原委, 書的性質, 評論思想, 史實, 是非, 剖析學術源流和書的價値. 而其文句殘缺, 存在기義, 因此, 正確解釋敍錄的內容, 就是硏究《說苑》的重要門徑. 據敍錄理解, 可知《說苑》的材料由《說苑雜事》, 劉向藏書, 民間書. 《說苑雜事》是先秦古書. 這種材料經過了編輯整理, 條別篇目, 以類相從的辦法. 與《新序》重復者, 淺薄不中義理者被去除, 重新編輯爲《百家》. 旣中義理是取舍材料的標准. 其目的爲給漢成帝閱讀. 劉向在選擇材料時盡量保存了原始面貌, 吸取了傳抄過程中産生的異文, 不計故事本身的是否事實. 所以可看出不同版本的故事, 此影響了小說的敍事. 選擇材料之後, 根據表達的需要, 添加評論等的辦法, 進行了一定的加工潤色, 《說苑》全篇貫通了劉向的思想.

      • KCI등재

        우언의 기탁성(寄託性)에 대한 재론(再論)

        권아린 한국중문학회 2013 中國文學硏究 Vol.0 No.53

        寓言作家通過講述有意思的故事來表達自己的觀點, 爲了强調自己的觀點, 在故事之後安排訓示, 將故事所欲闡發的道理加以說明。 通過寓意的揭示, 作者將之作爲自己的說敎與宣傳。 一般寓言作品大體可分爲寓體故事與寓意顯示的兩個部分。 這種結構特徵確實强烈地表露了作者的創作目的, 而且作者通過直接干預故事的講述, 可以更有效地傳達自己的聲音。 陳蒲淸作爲寓言文學條件所提出的``故事性``和``寄托性``, 又會使我們難以辨別寓言與小說或者帶著寓言性的小說。 總所周知, 寓言作品的最重要的成分是``寓意``, 寓言按其表面之意, 就是``寄托的語言``。 但是許多學者只重視寓言的故事部分, 忽視故事前後的脈絡。 寓言有效地表達自己的思想觀點的結果方式, 乃與文以載道的傳統創作觀有關。 所以在界定寓言範圍之前需要想一想根本問題, 旣寓言的創作目的是什마。 盡管寓言作者爲了某種主張的傳達, 運用寓言, 而同時考慮到說服讀者的問題, 所以寓言創作時作者和讀者間的溝通是重要的。 而這個寓意有時不一定直接點明, 但通過寓體所敍述的故事可以顯示出來, 往往有表層、中層、深層之分, 有直接寓意和引申寓意之分, 而且可能由于接受寓言的人當時具體情況不同, 對同一個寓言故事, 所理解的具體寓意也可能不同。

      • KCI등재

        위기 극복을 위한 패러다임의 전환 — 劉向 『說苑』에 나타난 군신 관계 리더십 고찰

        권아린 중국문화연구학회 2024 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.65

        Shuoyuan, authored by Liu Xiang, was crafted to advise Emperor Chengdi of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Chengdi was engrossed in hedonism and neglected his political duties, allowing his maternal relatives and eunuchs to seize and misuse power. This period marked a chaotic decline of the central government’s authority, culminating in Wang Mang’s establishment of the Xin Dynasty and the imminent fall of the Western Han Dynasty. As a close relative of the imperial family and the Guanglu Dafu(光祿大夫), an official who advised the emperor on political matters, Liu Xiang felt a profound responsibility to address the political and social issues of the time. He continuously submitted petitions to correct these problems, but Emperor Chengdi often ignored them. Faced with significant challenges, Liu Xiang sought subtle yet persuasive means to address them, culminating in the creation of Shuoyuan. He integrated his Confucian-based political philosophy into stories of exemplary historical figures, particularly advancing Confucius’s concept of ‘Wu-wei (無爲)’ to suit the circumstances of his time. Liu Xiang envisioned an ideal monarch who, akin to rulers from the Yao and Shun eras, minimized direct political intervention and delegated responsibilities to capable individuals, thereby achieving social equilibrium. He believed that harmony between monarch and subject could be achieved through elements such as authority, mutual trust, active compensation, communication, and listening, all derived from effective governance. His perspective is compellingly illustrated through the narratives in Shuoyuan. This analysis aims to deepen our understanding of Liu Xiang’s thoughts, which sought to overcome the difficulties of his time, and to offer insights into contemporary theories of monarchy and ruler-subject relations.

      • KCI등재

        ChatGPT 중국어문학 국내 연구 동향과 중국어 말하기 수업 활용 배경

        권아린 한국중문학회 2024 中國文學硏究 Vol.- No.96

        하루가 다르게 인공지능 Al 기술이 발전하고 있다. 2022년 11월 30일 GPT-3.5 모델이 출시된 지 반년 만에 음성으로 대화가 가능한 애플리케이션을 선보였고, 다시 반년 만에 이를 무료로 개방했으며, 다시 반년이 지난 2024년 5월에는 GPT-4 버전의 앱에서 음성으로 더욱 자연스러운 대화를 나눌 수 있게 되었다. 몇 주 내로 인간의 감정을 읽고 감탄사를 뱉는 새로운 버전의 음성 인식 앱을 출시할 예정이라니 이와 같은 신기술을 중국어 교육에 어떻게 활용할 수 있을지 모색해 볼 필요성이 있다. 그런데 ChatGPT를 활용한 교육 및 중국어문학 분야의 연구 성과들을 살펴본 결과, 말하기 영역의 연구는 많지 않았다. 또한, 교양 중국어 수업은 수강생 수가 많고, 수강생의 수준에 맞춘 개별 학습을 지원하기 어려운 환경에 놓여있다. 최근 ChatGPT 앱을 통해 음성 대화가 가능해짐에 따라, 교양 중국어 수업의 복습 과정에서 학생들이 ChatGPT 앱을 통해 음성으로 대화를 나누도록 유도한다면, 수강생의 말하기 능력을 향상시키기 위한 개별적인 접근이 가능할 것으로 기대된다. 따라서 ChatGPT 연구 동향을 살펴보고, 음성 인식 ChatGPT 앱을 활용한 학습이 말하기 능력 향상에 미치는 강점을 도출하여 교양 중국어 수업의 한계를 극복하는 방법론으로 접근해 보았다. 이러한 과정을 통해 학습자 개별 학습에 맞춘 유연하고 실용적인 회화 연습 방법을 제안하여 실제 수업에 적용할 수 있는 이론적 토대를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is rapidly advancing. Following the release of the GPT-3.5 model on November 30, 2022, a voice chat application was launched in May 2023. This application became freely available in November 2023, and the GPT-4o version was released in May 2024, enabling more natural voice interactions. A new voice recognition app capable of detecting human emotions and responding with expressions of admiration is scheduled for release soon. It is necessary to explore how these technologies can be utilized in Chinese language education. By referencing prior research on AI-based speaking applications and studies in Chinese language and literature, we identified key elements that can enhance Chinese speaking education. Research in the field of AI in education has consistently reported improved academic achievement and support for self-directed learning. This approach can address the limitations previously discussed in the operation of liberal arts Chinese language programs, potentially improving the educational environment and diversifying teaching methods. Public opinion on AI in education is divided between optimism and pessimism. However, given that a significant portion of users in their 20s and 30s view the use of ChatGPT in education positively, it is crucial to explore its application in classroom settings. This exploration must be conducted cautiously, emphasizing the safe and ethical use of ChatGPT. By thoroughly reviewing ChatGPT’s responses and guiding students in creating effective prompts that meet their needs, educators can increase teaching effectiveness and promote self-directed learning. Continuous reflection on this process is essential.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 수업의 우언 활용에 관한 이론적 배경과 연구 ―대학 회화 수업을 중심으로

        권아린 한국중문학회 2013 中國文學硏究 Vol.0 No.51

        It is needed to study efficient teaching method for Chinese conversation which makes students are interested in and actively participated in the class. Students are familiar with Allegorical Tales from ancient China and have interests. Current textbooks of Chinese conversation consist of fractional sentences for subjects. Therefore, I think that using Allegorical Tales from ancient China in Chinese conversation class will induce participants` interests and confidence. In this study, I select proper Allegorical Tales for ancient China to use in Chinese conversation class, and look into what are grounds for using Allegorical Tales in the class. These can be summarized as below;First, dialogues in Allegorical Tales from ancient China can improve communication abilities of students. Second, differently interpreted texts can enhance comprehensive thinking abilities of students. Third, Allegorical Tales from ancient China based on historical events make students understand historical and cultural backgrounds of China. It is the most important thing to induce interests and motives. Therefore, we can make more natural atmosphere, and induce students` interests sufficiently with explanation of backgrounds using dialogues in Allegorical Tales from ancient China which have funny stories.

      • KCI등재

        한위진남북조 우언(寓言)의 문학적 위상에 관한 재평가

        권아린 한국중국산문학회 2011 중국산문연구집간 Vol.1 No.-

        本文按照曆史發展的基本脈絡,조出魏晉南北朝寓言的文學價値,同時反駁寓言學者對漢魏晉南北朝寓言的評價,再樹立漢魏晉南北朝寓言的文學史上地位。綜觀寓言文學的相關硏究,可以發現對先秦寓言的評價最高,斷代的寓言側重於先秦,特別缺乏對漢魏晉南北朝寓言的專門性硏究。其原因歸納爲兩個方面:第一,漢魏晉南北朝寓言數量未及先秦一半。第二,漢魏晉南北朝寓言沿襲先秦,沒有特出的文學特征。有的學者甚至說:"漢代寓言只是先秦寓言的沿襲"。當然不能否認先秦寓言已經具有較高的藝術水准,在百家爭鳴的曆史文化背景下,"士"階層的興起,병作爲一個新的知識群體活躍在曆史舞台,他們從不同角度出發,提出了哲學思想和政治主張,常常引進各種曆史故事和民間傳說,병根據自己的觀點對之進行加工改造,以增强論辯效果,最終實現推行主張的目的。不過,在考察漢魏晉時期寓言時,同時可以發現該時期的寓言與先秦寓言相比有著不同的表現特征。漢代寓言與先秦寓言明顯不同的是與政治的關系更加密切,同時,逐漸在漢代學術思想中占據主導地位的經學,"引經立論"成爲寓言說理論證的慣用手法,加深文章的說服力,表現出참新的主題。 至於魏晉南北朝時期寓言,其最突出的變化是新的題材大量出現。隨著佛經的大量飜譯,中國古代寓言的思想內容更趨於豊富,逐漸擺脫了先秦兩漢功利性較强的特點。作爲一種相對獨立的敍事文體,寓言在先秦時期奠定了基礎,漢魏晉南北朝是寓言的文學試驗期。新的價値觀和各種宗敎、思想交彙在一起,個人自我的發現與文學行爲的自覺推動了寓言的發展。這一時期的寓言刻書了多樣的典型形象,運用個性的結構方式,擴大其表現領域。正是在此意義上,我們可以說漢魏晉南北朝寓言병非是對先秦寓言的簡單沿襲或者接受,其具有符合邏輯的內在發展規律、鮮明的時代特征和獨特的文學價値。

      • KCI등재

        당(唐) 이전 우언(寓言)에 나타난 마(馬) 형상 변천 양상 고찰

        권아린 한국중문학회 2015 中國文學硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        寓言的形象具有類型性, 寓言作者對社會與自然形象進行觀察分析,著重其特征,分解爲不同類型,塑造出有高度思想和藝術槪括力的寓言形象。任何形象都經過類型化與個性化的過程。寓言形象都是通過作者的精細刻畵的過程,加工‘言在此而意在彼’的境界,包括形象本有特性,也包括當時的社會賦予타的特性。‘馬’是中國古代藝術中常見題,作爲壹種動物,馬以其在古代戰爭和生活中的重要作用成爲人類的重要顆伴。隨著古代社會的進步和曆史的發展,馬逐漸融合了深厚的文化意義。特別是在寓言文學作品中,馬的形象代表著人中精英,千裏馬等待著眞正識馬的伯樂,所以‘馬’常常被借以表達懷才不遇的士人心態。那마寓言的作者,爲什마選擇馬的形象來表現自己的心態?타帶著什마洋的文化內涵?這確實與中國的特殊情況有關。馬與人們生活發生的密切聯系,타速度快,可以代步,載力大,可以拉車,是實際生活中不可缺少的。馬在先秦時期,壹直受到人們的重視。西周時期就建立了‘馬政’, 他們主要負責對官用馬匹的牧養、訓練、使用、采購等。人們對馬的重視和喜愛,以及馬與人們生活發生的密切聯系,타具有了獨特的價値和意義。馬在寓言作品中的出現,主要有兩種形式,壹是物象的馬,這些作品主要描寫了馬在社會生活中的作用,如戰爭、狩獵、日常生活等,타的價値蘊涵主要是功用性的。二是具有藝術形象的馬,卽以具體的形象來表達作者的思想感情。與當時文人的懷才不遇情相結合,形成了獨特的藝術境界。這種士人的懷才不遇的情懷,常常與伯樂和千裏馬的故事形成呼應,形成了寓言作品常將“馬”作爲人才化身來進行描寫的創作傳統。

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 劉向 《說苑》의 인식과 활용

        권아린 한국중문학회 2022 中國文學硏究 Vol.- No.86

        While studying 《說苑》 compiled by Han Dynasty 劉向, I discovered an interesting fact. It was highly likely that it had been introduced into the Silla period earlier. Later, the contents of 《說苑》 cited in the Joseon Dynasty literature were examined. It was also politically referenced during the Goryeo Dynasty. In the Joseon Dynasty, it was further officially published. Also, during the Joseon Dynasty, it was quoted and used in various fields. Therefore, the intellectuals of the Joseon Dynasty became curious about how they perceived and utilized 《說苑》. If we summarize these cases, we can look at the influence and acceptance process of 《說苑》. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, first, 37 cases cited in the 《Annals of the Joseon Dynasty》 were extracted and organized. and then 118 were calculated from the classical translation. Through the research subjects calculated in this way, the research was conducted in the following three areas. First, the types of use of 《說苑》 cited in the Joseon Dynasty literature were divided. Second, the use of 《說苑》 was analyzed. Third, the characteristics of 《說苑》 that could be actively utilized were derived. When we summarized the types of use of 《說苑》, it was most often used as a reference for cultivation of customs, followed by a means of drawing out the boundaries of the magistrates and as a standard of testimony. What could be known through the type of application is as follows. First of all, the Joseon Dynasty was actively accepted in the process of establishing Zhuzixue(朱子學). Second, it seems to have paid attention not only to the political content but also to the practical nature of 《說苑》. Third, as the status of 《說苑》 increased after the middle of Joseon Dynasty, it was used in various ways. Through this study, the foundation for a closer examination of the political and ideological acceptance of 《說苑》 was laid. 漢 劉向이 편찬한 《說苑》에 대해 연구하던 중 흥미로운 사실을 알게 되었다. 일찍이 신라시대에 유입되었을 가능성이 높다는 것이었다. 이후 조선시대의 문헌에 인용된 《說苑》의 내용을 살펴보니 정식으로 출판되었을 뿐 아니라 서울과 지방 관청의 벽에 게시하여 참고토록 하였고, 외전과 승정원에 붙여놓고 수시로 참고한 기록을 찾게 되었다. 이러한 기록들은 《說苑》이 조선시대에 다양한 방면에서 활용되고 있었음을 보여주었기에 당시의 지식인들은 《說苑》을 어떻게 인식하고 어떠한 양상으로 받아들이게 된 것인지 궁금해졌다. 그런데 그동안의 《說苑》 연구는 출판 현황과 판본 등 문헌학적 논의에 집중되어 있어 조선시대 《說苑》의 구체적인 수용 의미와 영향관계를 파악하기 어려웠다. 따라서 조선시대 문헌에 인용된 《說苑》의 내용을 분석하여 조선시대의 지식인들은 《說苑》을 어떻게 인식하고 있는지, 《說苑》이 적극 활용될 수 있었던 배경은 무엇인지 고찰하였다.

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