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      • KCI등재

        러시아어 서술사의 통시적 발전과 통사적 특징

        권경준 ( Kyongjoon Kwon ) 한국외국어대학교 러시아연구소 2020 슬라브연구 Vol.36 No.3

        In the history of the Slavic language, the secondary predication was expressed by the double accusative construction, which then yielded over time to configurations either with predicate instrumental or with overt predicators. Based on diachronic data, this paper attempts to modify Bailyn and CItko’s (1999) Morphological Pred Rule, which is supposed to account for a complementary distribution between the predicate instrumental and overt predicator choices. It covers jako, v, and byti from the time of Old Church Slavonic to the present-day Russian, which are different in origin and show different behaviors for their common denominator as predicator. First and foremost, predicator proper (jako/kak and some of byti) transmits the case of NP1 to NP2. This case transmittance hypothesis is substantially different from Bailyn and Citko’s case absorption hypothesis. A crucial set of data demonstrates that an overt predicator does not block the checking of the instrumental case. Second, predicators retain some of their erstwhile properties, whether semantic or syntactic. For instance, a predicator v with an origin in directional preposition is limited to denoting a set of people with certain occupation or capacity, e.g., idti v soldaty ‘join the army.’ A conjunction-based predicator jako has a wide range of category selection. A predicator byti inherits from a copula the variant meanings depending on the position of subject with respect to predicate. That is, a predicational sentence is interpreted as specificational, when a predicate is raised to become a subject. Such diachronic evidence renders perfectly justified the proposed modification of Bailyn’s predicator hypothesis.

      • KCI등재

        러시아어 술어조격의 통시적 발전 재구

        권경준 ( Kyong Joon Kwon ) 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2012 러시아연구 Vol.22 No.1

        This paper reconstructs the diachronic development of the Russian predicate instrumental case. After reviewing the previous two influential hypotheses, namely, an analogy-based hypothesis and a language-contact hypothesis, the present work suggests a two-step developmental trajectory, integrating those two lines of the previous researches. At the first stage, it is proposed here that the Indo-European modal instrumental was introduced into the Slavic languages in the prehistoric times. This explains why some exceptional - with the highly innovative features against the received conservative norm of the period - instances are attested in the early attested date. A next stage is conditioned by the language contact with West Finnic languages. At this time, the usage of the predicate instrumental would be reorganized after the model of the forms, analogous to the succeeding Finnic translative case. This proposal is hinted by the crucial observation that the initial locus of the predicate instrumental case is the so-called designative verbs, which have the change-of-state semantics at their lexical bases. By factoring the language contact into the scenario, the areal distribution can be accounted for without further stipulation. According to the proposed two-step development hypothesis, the selection of the instrumental case (over other case forms) is determined in the first stage, whereas its semantics is reestablished at the second stage. The present paper also attempts to provide a typological implication of the predicate instrumental (translative) case, placing it into a wider perspective of temporal arguments.

      • KCI등재

        러시아어 동사 활용

        권경준(Kwon, Kyong Joon) 한국노어노문학회 2014 노어노문학 Vol.26 No.4

        러시아어 동사활용 기술에 있어서 가장 중요한 문제는 추상화 정도에 따른 기본형의 설정이다. 본고에서는 어근을 동사활용 기술의 가장 기본적인 요소로 삼고 어간을 무효화하는 분산형태론적 입장에서 러시아 동사활용을 기술하고자 한다. 야콥슨(1948)은 다른 활용형을 예측할 수 있을 정도로 많은 정보를 가지고 있는, 따라서 가장 긴 형태의 동사활용형을 기본형으로 설정하고 삭제규칙을 고안하여 어간의 이형태를 도출한다. 그의 기술은 이후 생성(문법)적 기획을 가진 많은 연구, 특히 단일어간론에서 적극적으로 비판 및 수용되어 왔다. 할레(1963)를 비롯한 여러 그의 저작들은 단어형성이 통사적이라는 테제라는 그 자신이 고안한 분산형태론에 집약되어 있지만 음운변화를 위하여 인위적으로 환경을 만드는 등 추상성이나 자연스러움 등에 있어서 문제를 보였다. 이들과 달리 Andersen (1960)과 최성호(2000)는 삭제규칙이 아니라 부정형을 기본형으로 삼고 첨가규칙을 통한 기술을 시도한다. 언어외적증거의 유효성에도 불구하고 어떤 분절음이 첨가될지 모른다는 것은 이들 주장의 가장 큰 약점이라고 할 수 있다. 본 논문은 단일어간론의 이론적 성과를 분산형태론적 관점에서 삭제규칙, 적응규칙, 연음화 규칙, 활음전환규칙 등의 재조정규칙으로 재해석한다. 이러한 재해석을 통하여 어근중심의 형태론은 이중어간, 즉 소위 어간의 이형태를 효과적으로 설명할 수 있는 이론적 기제임을 밝힌다. The most crucial issue in the description of the Russian conjugation is to determine a basic form in accordance with the abstraction level assumed. This paper addresses the Russian verbal inflection in the framework of Distributed Morphology that does not accord any theoretical significance to the traditional notion of stems. Jakobson(1948) first sets up a basic full stem that contains as much information as to predict other inflections, and consequently is the longest form in most cases. A truncation rule is devised to derive stem allomorphs from the basic stem. His generative idea has been succeeded in various incarnation for its derivational property. Halle (1963) and subsequent works assumes that even the word formation is syntactic, as crystalized in his Distributed Morphology. Despite its elegance and efficiency in account, this morphological model strives only to rig up ad-hoc environments for phonological changes to be triggered. Instead, Andersen(1980) and Choi(2000) turn to infinitives for basic forms, necessitating addition rules rather than truncation rules at the expense of economy. Notwithstanding all the language external evidences, infinitive based accounts have a significant weakness in being ignorant of what segment is added. This paper reinterprets the theoretical advances in the single-stem theory such as truncation, accommodation, softening, glide shift rules as Readjustment Rules in Distributed Morphology. With the suggested reinterpretation, the root-based morphology turns out to be an effective theoretical construct to address stem allomorphs.

      • KCI등재

        러시아어 술어 화제 구문의 통사적 파생

        권경준(Kyongjoon Kwon) 한국노어노문학회 2020 노어노문학 Vol.32 No.3

        러시아어의 술어 화제 구문(Predicate Topic Construction)은 전치된 부정형 동사와 기저 생성 위치의 인칭 동사 사이의 형태적 비대칭성, 그리고 대조적 화제 및 양보적 긍정 등의 의미적 특수성으로 인해 통사론 및 의미론에서 많은 논의가 이루어진 바 있지만 구조와 의미의 상관관계에 대한 연구는 없었다. 본고에서는 해당 구문이 대조적 화제에 대한 긍정 극성을 강조하여 양보적 긍정과 역접의 의미가 함축될 수 있다고 가정하며 통사적 파생 구조에 Pol(arity)P를 설정한다. 병렬적 파생으로 인하여 화제구가 만들어지는 한편, 기저 생성 위치의 인칭 동사는 어휘 의미를 상실하여 마치 영어의 do so 나 우리말의 ‘하-’와 같은 대용어와 유사하다고 할 수 있으며 PolP로 인상하여 시제 핵으로부터 인칭과 시제의 일치자질을 점검한다. 이와 같은 가정을 통하여 왜 내부논항이 목표구가 아닌 복사구에서 발견되며 동사 반복은 왜 일어나는지에 대하여 논리적인 설명이 가능해진다. 또한 정보구조적 화제와 형태적 디폴트에 관련하여, 전치된 동사의 부정형은 명사적 형태의 지시적 속성으로 가능해진다는 기존 이론을 수용하는 동시에 화제 위치에 문법적 의미는 축소되고 어휘적 의미만 나타나게 된다는 형태적 벗겨냄(stripping)의 가능성도 제시한다. This paper deals with the Russian predicate topic construction, whereby an inflected verb (phrase) is copied and realized in a sentence initial posion as infinitive. Two competing analyses, remnant movement analysis and parallel chain analysis, are compared for evaluation, with the latter winning over the former. It is argued here that the Russian predicate topic construction is concerned with contrastive topic, but also with affirmative polarity. The polarity is marked by a lexical verb, which is deprived of content in the course of parallel chain formation. This anomaly arises from the lack of a dummy or pro-form verb, such as do (so, that) in English or ha- in Korean. It is also suggested that an infinitival form of the sentential topic may be ascribed neither to its default nature nor to the nominal property but rather to the formal stripping, which deprives lexical item of any grammatical property.

      • KCI등재

        러시아어 상관관계구문의 통시적 발전과 변이형

        권경준 ( Kwon Kyongjoon ) 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2017 러시아연구 Vol.27 No.1

        This paper reconstructs the diachronic development of the Russian correlative construction, which is crucially assumed to have formed an intermediate stage in the development of the postposed restrictive relative clause. It is argued here as an initial stage that the indefinite, not interrogative, usage of the Indo-European pronoun *k<sup>w</sup>i-/k<sup>w</sup>o- should have constituted a small-clause like phrase with a lexical noun. As a k-word (an equivalent to a wh-word) cto is obtaining a [wh] feature and losing a quantificational force inherent in the indefinite sense, it may well be fronted to a sentence initial position, where a clause is to be typed either as interrogative or as topic-initial construction. The proposed diachronic scenario has several significant theoretical implications. First, the structure in Stage I supports the claim that case interpretation and case valuation can be separated. Second, a quantification force in k-words motivate the budding stage of the correlative construction. Third, two prominent features in k-words, namely [wh] and quantificational, are distinct, one being primary and the other peripheral.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 자작나무편지 연구의 동향

        권경준(Kwon, Kyong-joon) 한국목간학회 2014 목간과 문자 Vol.13 No.-

        노브고로드를 중심으로 한 러시아 북서부 지역에서 발굴되는 자작나무편지는 고대러시아인들이 일상적인 내용을 일상어로 기록하였던 편지로서 장르가 제한적이던 고대교회러시아어나 중세 이후 기록되기 시작한 기록문헌이나 방언적 자료에만 한정될 수 밖에 없었던 고대러시아어 연구의 지평을 넓혔다는 점에서 학문적 연구의 의의가 있다. 자작나무편지는 모스크바나 남부 러시아와는 확연히 구별되는 북서부 방언으로 쓰여져 해당방언의 계통에 관한 유형론적 연구에도 큰 도움을 준다. 이와 같은 언어학적 의의 외에도 자작나무편지에는 남녀의 사랑, 가족 간의 불화, 계층 간의 갈등 등 일상생활의 여러 측면을 엿볼 수도 있게 되었다. 본고에서는 러시아의 자작나무편지의 작성과 전달, 그리고 발굴에 이르기까지 편지 발신인으로부터 현재 러시아 국내외의 연구자들에게 도달하게 되는 과정을 살펴본 뒤 자작나무편지의 의의와 내용을 소개한다. Birchbark documents are excavated in the northwestern area of Russia, centering Novgorod. The excavation of the documents widened the scope of historical linguistics of the Russian language, which was restricted either to South-Slavic based written language, Old Church Slavonic, or to documented Middle Russian or contemporary dialects. The birchbark documents have also shed light to the typological research that aims to search for an origin of the idiosyncratic Northwestern Russian dialect. In addition, the documents have revealed various aspects of everyday life in Old Russia, such as love, hatred, conflicts among the people. The present paper aims to demonstrate the process of how the birchbark documents are written, delivered to designated addressees, and finally transmitted to the current readership, and to inform non-specialists in Russian linguistics of their significances-whether linguistic or not-and contents.

      • KCI등재

        고대 러시아어 이동동사 이중대격구문의 통사론적 분석

        권경준(Kyongjoon Kwon) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2014 슬라브학보 Vol.29 No.4

        This paper addresses a subtype of Old Russian double accusative construction (henceforth, DAC), namely that with motion verbs. Capitalizing on the crucial fact that this type of DAC is restricted to verbs with prefixes, such as pere-, pro- or ob-, it maintains that these prefixes presuppose in common spatial configurations, i.e., domain following Flier (1975), that are bounded by inceptive, terminal and lateral limits. In other words, predicated actions described by verbs with these prefixes are not restricted in scope to a single point, but spanned over the domain. A change in place from a starting to a terminal point may imply or metaphorically refer to a change in state. A change in state for this particular case amounts to achieving a goal and arriving at a certain terminal point. Borrowing a traditional notion that prefixes and prepositions are of the same origin and resorting to a cartographic view of syntactic structures, this paper argues that the three prefixes (pere-, pro-, ob-) are base-generated as a feature (bundle) in a prepositional phrase but then raised up to the head of V to be incorporated (prefixed) with a verbal root. A stranded object of the preposition then comes to function as a full-fledged accusative object, that is, an internal argument of a prefixed verb. The proposed analysis can neatly account for an oddity (DAC) in the grammar of Old Russian, which was resolved long ago as witnessed in the current grammar. Such construal reminds us of the well-known fact that unergative verbs of motion in English and other Indo-European languages can be causativized when combined with a goal PP. That is, a directed motion can suddenly acquire a transitivizing property of taking an accusative object. Such parallels across languages can only be identified when the prefixes are assumed to be base-generated as prepositions, as pursued in the present work.

      • KCI등재

        사건 피동구문으로서의 러시아어 역경 비인칭 구문

        권경준(Kwon Kyongjoon) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2011 슬라브학보 Vol.26 No.4

        The Russian Adversity Impersonal Construction is examined for its specific construction-level semantics. The adversative semantics is argued here as derived mostly from the sentence-initial NP in accusative even in the lack of a causer NP in instrumental case. The current proposal is supported from a corresponding construction in Icelandic, dubbed as a “Fate Accusative Construction (Sigurđsson 2006), which can not overtly include a causer. The present paper also argues that the Adversity Impersonal Construction arose to emphasize the ‘eventiveness’ of the situation decribed by predicates, in contrast to passive-voice sentences which may be interpreted either as eventive or as resultative/stative. As a crucial implication of the current analysis, the adversity impersonal construction is suggested as an event passive.

      • Brushless DC Motor에서 토크리플 저감을 위한 새로운 전류제어 기법

        권경준(K.J. Kwon),김상훈(S.H. Kim) 전력전자학회 2003 전력전자학술대회 논문집 Vol.2003 No.7(2)

        This paper presents a new current control method to reduce torque ripple of Brushless DC Motor during commutation. In the proposed control strategy, the current slopes of rising and decaying phase during commutation is equalized by the compensation voltage. By adding the compensation voltage for it to the current controller output, the reduced torque ripple can be obtained The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the torque and the current ripples significantly<br/>

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