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      • KCI등재

        첨가제 처리에 의한 과·채류 중 잔류농약 제거효과 연구

        구평태,진성현,강정미,권혁동,박선희,이지윤 한국응용생명화학회 2005 Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry (J. Appl. Vol.48 No.4

        This study was conducted to experiment the removal efficiency of 6 pesticides in fruits and vegetables using various washing solutions. As results, the average removal efficiencies of pesticides washed with tap-water were 68.3%, whereas those washed by ultrasonic cleaning for 2 and 5 minutes were 73.7% and 82.5%, respectively. Using different washing solutions with various additional materials such as 0.5% detergent, 5% vinegar, 5% salt and flour, the removal rates were 82.9%, 76.9%, 75.8% and 75.7%, respectively. With 0.5% detergent, pesticides were 20% more removed when washed by ultrasonic cleaning than tap-water washing; moreover, Chlorthalonil in cherry tomato showed the highest removal efficiency while EPN in grape washed with tap-water showed the lowest. The order of removal efficiencies of pesticides were Chlorthalonil (90.0%) > Procymidone (81.3%) > Chlorpyrifos (76.6 %) > Endosulfan (75.7%) > Fenitrothion (75.5%) > EPN (73.8%). 치커리, 청경채, 방울토마토, 포도 등 과·채류 4종에 Chlorpyrifos,Chlorothalonil, Endosulfan, EPN, Fenitrothion, Procymidone 등 농약 6종을 인위적으로 부착시켜 잔류농약 제거율을 조사한결과, 수돗물 세척에서 전체 평균 제거율은 68.3%, 수돗물을 이용한 초음파 2분 및 5분간 세척에서 73.7, 82.5%로 나타났고, 4종의 첨가제액를 이용한 세척에서는 0.5% 세제액(82.9%) > 5%식초액(76.9%) > 5% 소금물(75.8%) > 5% 밀가루액(75.7%) 순으로 나타나 0.5% 세제액이 가장 높은 제거율을 보였으며, 나머지 3종류의 첨가제는 비슷한 제거율을 나타내었다. 첨가제액를 이용한 초음파 세척에서는 첨가제액 세척보다 1~3% 정도 높게 나타났으며, 0.5% 세제액으로 5분간 초음파 세척시 89.3%로 수돗물 세척보다는 20%정도 높은 제거율을 보였다. 한편 전체 결과에서 최고 및 최저 제거율은 방울토마토중 Chlorthalonil이 99.0%(0.5%세제 초음파 5분간 세척), 포도 중 EPN이 47.8%(물세척)로 나타났고, 농약별로는 Chlorthalonil(90.0%) >Procymidone(81.3%) > Chlorpyrifos(76.6%) > Endosulfan(75.7%)> Fenitrothion(75.5%) > EPN(73.8%) 순으로 높은 제거율을 보였다.

      • SCIEKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        당근과 케일에서 저장온도와 양념첨가에 의한 잔류 Captan 의 제거효과

        김성준,구평태,이병규,박건영 한국식품위생안전성학회 1996 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        The removal of residual captan in carrot and kale by storage temperatures and the addition of condiments was investigated. The quantities of residual captan after sticking and drying of captan in carrot and kale were 0.958 and 26.12 ppm, respectively. During storage of 20 days at 15, 3 and -17℃, the levels of the residual captan in carrot decreased to 0.008 (removal rate: 99.2%), 0.228(76.2%) and 0.380 ppm (60.3%), and those in kale decreased to 1.21 (95.4%), 7.72 (70.5%) and 15.06 ppm (42.3%), respectively. The higher removal rate of residual captan was observed at the higher storage temperatures. When the condiments of soy sauce, green onion, garlic and vinegar added to the carrot which contaminated with the captan and then stored at 15℃ for 24hrs, the residual levels of captan decreased to 0.207 (removal rate: 78.4%), 0.196 (79.5%), 0.164 (82.8%) and 0.209 ppm (78.2%), respectively, showing the garlic was the most effective. However, the residual levels in kale were 2.27 (91.3%), 12.70 (51.4%), 16.42 (37.1%) and 13.70 ppm (47.5%), respectively under the same condition, indicating the soy sauce was the most effective. The removal rates of residual captan in carrot and kale were significantly higher with the addition of the condiments than those of the controls that without the condiments.

      • KCI등재

        Comarison of Major Constituents in Acanthopanax Taxa and Variety Cheongsong in Korea by GC-MS

        조경순,구평태,허만규,Cho, Kyung-Soon,Ku, Pyung-Tae,Huh, Man-Kyu Korean Society of Life Science 2007 생명과학회지 Vol.17 No.5

        Species of genus Acanthopanax(Araliaceae) are long-lived trees primarily distributed throughout East Asia. These species are regarded as medically and ecologically important in Korea. A variety of Cheongsong in Korea is one of these cultivated varieties, however this variety is much longer(>100 years) than those of other cultivated groups. The components of variety of Acanthopanax in Cheongsong were analyzed for the first time and were compared to those of all Acanthopanax taxa in Korea. Nineteen components were specific to variety in Cheongsong. The main components of this variety were $\beta$-caryophyllene, hexadecanoic acid and ethyl stearate. Although some components are differ from each other, variety Cheongsong was similar to A. senticosus at phonetic topology with content of the chemicals, In addition, six species of genus Acanthopanax were investigated to compare the major chemical components by GC-MS. 오갈피나무속 식물종은 주로 동아시아에 분포하는 다년생 목본류이다. 이 속의 식물 종은 한국에서 약 6종으로 알려져 있으며 일부 종은 약용으로 사용되어 경제적으로 매우 중요하다. 청송변종은 청송에서 100년 이상 재배되고 있는데 그 기원이 불분명하여 주요 생화학적 성분을 GC-MS로 분석하여 다른 종과 비교하였다. 분석한 화학성분 중 19개가 청송변종에 특이하였는데 $\beta$-caryophyllene, hexadecanoic acid, 그리고 ethyl stearate 등이다. 청송변종은 오갈피나무와 비록 일부 성분에 있어 차이가 나지만 전체적인 분류학적 위상에서 다른 종에 비해 가장 유사하여 오갈피나무에서 분지한 것으로 판단된다. 또 오갈피나무속 6종에 대한 성분 차이가 GC-MS로 잘 구분되어 화학성분에 의해 종간 차이가 있음이 밝혀졌다.

      • KCI등재

        Distribution and Characterization of Airborne Respiratory Pathogens in Public Facilities

        황수정,윤호철,구평태,심주희,차영욱,이미옥 대한미생물학회 2018 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.48 No.4

        Respiratory infections, which are caused by airborne pathogens, are the most common disease of all ages worldwide. This study was conducted to characterize the airborne respiratory pathogens in the public facilities in Busan, South Korea. A total of 260 public facilities were investigated in 2017, 52 seasonal indoor air from 2 hospitals and 208 indoor air samples from 208 randomly selected daycare centers. Among respiratory pathogen, 8 viral pathogens including human adenovirus (HAdV), human bocavirus (HBoV), human rhinovirus (HRV), human parainfluenza virus (HPIV), human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV), human metapneumovirus (HMPV), human coronavirus (HCoV) and influenza virus (IFV), and 3 bacterial pathogens including Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Bordetella pertussis, and Chlamydophila pneumoniae, were investigated by multiplex real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Pathogens were detected in 9 cases (3.4%). Among 9 positive samples, 6 (2.3%) cases were positive for HBoV and 3 (1.2%) cases were positive for IFV. All the positive cases were detected in daycare centers. Additionally, the concentration of HBoV was determined. In HBoV-positive samples, the cycle threshold (Ct) values of HBoV were 29.73~36.84, which are corresponding to the viral concentration of 4.91 × 100 ~ 9.57 × 102 copies/ml. Serotype distribution of isolated HBoV was analyzed by sequencing of VP1/VP2 gene. All of the HBoV isolates were identified as HBoV type 1 with a high similarity among the isolates (>97%). No bacterial pathogen was identified in indoor air samples. Although virus concentration was not high in public facilities (daycare center), the presence of respiratory viral pathogens has been identified. Effective ventilation and air purification strategies are needed to reduce the indoor concentration of respiratory pathogens. A long-term and ongoing surveillance plan for respiratory pathogen management should be established.

      • KCI등재

        유통 어린이 화장품 세트의 중금속 함량에 관한 분석

        이인숙,김연지,김꽃봉우리,구평태 사단법인 대한화장품학회 2024 대한화장품학회지 Vol.50 No.1

        사용 연령이 만 4 세 이상부터 표시된 어린이 화장품세트 4 건을 온라인으로 구매하였으며 각 구성품81 건을 대상으로 납, 카드뮴, 비소, 안티몬, 니켈, 코발트, 구리, 크롬 및 수은의 함량을 inductive coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP - MS)로 분석하였다. 어린이 화장품의 중금속 평균값은 납 0.82 μg/g, 카드뮴0.03 μg/g, 비소 0.97 μg/g, 안티몬 0.52 μg/g, 니켈 2.32 μg/g, 수은 0.01 μg/g으로 모든 제품에서 허용 기준보다 낮았다. 국산과 수입산의 비교 결과, 국산보다는 수입산에서 납, 안티몬, 코발트, 구리의 평균값이 높게 검출되었다(p < 0.05). 화장품 유형에 따른 중금속 평균값은 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였는데(p < 0.05) 아이새도에서 비소 2.47 μg/g, 니켈 6.36 μg/g, 크롬 11.06 μg/g으로 평균값이 가장 높게 나왔으며, 볼연지에서 납 1.20 μg/g, 안티몬 1.17 μg/g, 구리 23.60 μg/g으로 가장 높게 나왔다. 분석된 81 건의 어린이 화장품에 대한 코발트의검출 수준은 불검출 ∼ 5.23 μg/g, 구리는 불검출 ∼ 379.61 μg/g, 크롬은 불검출 ∼ 36.95 μg/g이었다. 브라운색상의 화장품은 니켈과 코발트에서 평균값이 높게 검출되었으며, 퍼플 색상은 납과 크롬에서 높게 검출되었다. Four children's cosmetic sets were purchased online, labeled for use from 4 years of age, and 81 components of each were analyzed for lead, cadmium, arsenic, antimony, nickel, cobalt, copper, chromium, and mercury by inductive coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP - MS). The average metal concentrations were as follows: 0.82 µg/g for lead, 0.03 µg/g for cadmium, 0.97 µg/g for arsenic, 0.52 µg/g for antimony, 2.32 µg/g for nickel and 0.01 µg/g for mercury which was lower than the acceptable standards for all products. Higher mean values of lead, antimony, cobalt, and copper were detected in imported than domestic products (p < 0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in the average values of heavy metals according to the type of cosmetics (p < 0.05), with eyeshadow showing the highest mean values of arsenic 2.47 µg/g, nickel 6.36 µg/g, and chromium 11.06 µg/g. and the highest mean concentrations were 1.20 ㎍/g for lead, 1.17 ㎍/g for antimony, and 23.60 ㎍/g for copper in blusher. The levels of cobalt in the 81 children’s cosmetics were ND ∼ 5.23 µg/g, copper were ND ∼ 379.61 µg/g, and chromium were detected ND ∼ 36.95 µg/g, respectively. Brown colored cosmetics had the highest mean concentrations of nickel and cobalt. Purple-colored cosmetics had the highest mean concentration of lead and chromium.

      • KCI등재

        부산지역 무균성 뇌막염 원인 바이러스의 분리 및 동정 : 1998 년을 중심으로

        조경순,김만수,정구영,민상기,구평태,김병준,윤재득,지영미,김기순,김영희,정영기 한국환경과학회 1999 한국환경과학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        The incidence of aseptic meningitis infection is ensuing and threatening the health of children. Enteroviruses are the major agents of aseptic meningitis and identification of virus has been a clue to diagnosis and epidemiology. The outbreak of aseptic meningitis occurred in Pusan, 1998. Patients were concentrated from April through November. Children were more susceptible than adults. Among 306 cases of specimens from stool, throat swab tested, only 7.2% were positive on virus isolation, 12 cases from stool and 10 from throat, respectively. All isolated 7 serotypes of viruses represented cytopathic effect on cultured cells. Three types of echovirus 6, 25, 30 and coxsackievirus B2, B3, B4, B6 were identified by neutralizing antibody test. Isolated coxsackievirus and echovirus were observed by an electron microscope with negative staining.

      • KCI등재

        부산지역 집단 식중독 발생에서 검출된 노로바이러스의 유행양상

        구희수(Hee Soo Koo),구평태(Pyeong Tae Ku),이미옥(Mi Ok Lee),백형석(Hyung Suk Baik) 한국생명과학회 2016 생명과학회지 Vol.26 No.8

        최근 4년 동안 부산지역에서 2인 이상 발생된 식중독 사례를 대상으로 급성 위장관염 증상을 보인 환자 472건와 조리종사자 109건을 대상으로 유전자 분석을 한 결과 총 581건 중 71건(12.2%)에서 노로바이러스를 확인하였다. 연도별 검출현황은 2012년 18.3%(30/164건), 2013년 5.6%(6/107건), 2014년 8.0%(6/75건), 2015년 12.3%(29/235)으로 2012년과 2015년이 Norovirus 식중독에 의한 유병률이 가장 높았다. 월별 발생양상은 2월에 20건(28.2%)으로 가장 많이 발생했으며, 11월 18건(25.4%), 12월 12건(16.9%) 순이었고, 5월~8월에는 노로바이러스 환자 발생이 없어, 비교적 추운 계절에 높은 검출율을 보이는 계절적인 특징을 나타내었다. 연령별 분포는 11세~20세의 검체가 269건으로 10대의 초, 중, 고등학생의 검체가 전체의 46.3%를 차지하였다. ANOVA Scheffe 검정 결과를 통해, Norovirus의 예방 및 확산 방지를 위해 10대를 위한 위생 교육 및 식중독 예방교육을 더욱 철저히 실시해야 할 시사점을 얻었다. Norovirus genotype 분석 결과, GI genogroup은 GI-1형, GI-2형, GI-3형, GI-5형, GII genogroup은 GII-1형, GII-4형, GII-5형, GII-6형, GII-17형으로 다양한 genotype이 분포되었다. 연도별 유행하는 유전형은 2012년 GII-6형(17건), 2013년 GII-6형(3건), 2014년 GII-4형(5건), 2015년 GII-6형(18건)이 가장 우세했다. 그러나 최근 국내 뿐 아니라 전 세계적으로 GII-4형이 매우 유행하고 있으나, 부산지역은 2014년을 제외하고는 GII-6형이 우세한 genotype이라는 매우 특징적 결과를 얻었다. Norovirus is the most common causative agent of acute gastroenteritis. This study was carried out to investigate molecular epidemiology of norovirus infections from outbreaks in Busan from 2012 to 2015. Total of 581 stool specimens were collected from diarrhea patients in outbreaks in Busan, 71 samples were resulted in positive to norovirus. The data were analyzed according to seasonality, patient, age and gender. Noroviruses were detected most frequently during the winter season from November (25.4%) to February (28.2%). The age group from teens was the most susceptible to norovirus infections. To obtain the molecular genetic information of norovirus, we performed sequencing analyses of the strains detected. Norovirus genotypes have been reported to show high genetic diversity. Four kinds of GI genotypes (GI-1, GI-2, GI-3, GI-5) and five kinds of GII genotypes (GII-1, GII-4, GII-5, GII-6, GII-17) were indentified in outbreaks in Busan. Other previous studies have shown that GII-4 is the most predominant circulating in Korea and worldwide. The most prevalent norovirus genotypes of each year were GII-6 in 2012, GII-6 in 2013, GII-4 in 2014 and GII-6 in 2015. Except for 2014, GII-6 genotype was the most prevalent and predominant in Busan. We described the epidemiological analysis of the noroviruses in outbreaks in Busan. The result of this study will contribute to update the epidemiological data and improve hygiene and public health via sustainable surveillance.

      • KCI등재

        유통 수제비누의 품질특성 및 유해물질 모니터링

        김연지,이인숙,김수애,김꽃봉우리,윤호철,구평태 사단법인 대한화장품학회 2023 대한화장품학회지 Vol.49 No.3

        2022 년 1 월에서 11 월까지 유통 중인 수제비누 총 81 건을 수집하였다. 품질특성을 비교하기 위해전성분 기재사항을 참조하였으며 pH, 건조감량, 중금속(납, 비소, 카드뮴, 안티몬 및 수은) 및 유리알칼리의함량을 측정 하였다. 그 결과 pH 7.9 ∼ 11.2, 평균 건조감량 17.6% 이었으며 유리알칼리는 거의 검출되지 않았다. 전체 시료의 중금속 평균값은 납 0.104 μg/g, 비소 0.035 μg/g, 카드뮴 0.002 μg/g, 안티몬 0.048 μg/g, 수은0.0003 μg/g로 「화장품 안전기준 등에 관한 규정」에서 제시한 허용기준 납 20 μg/g, 비소 10 μg/g, 카드뮴5 μg/g, 안티몬 10 μg/g 및 수은 1 μg/g 보다 매우 낮은 수준으로 검출되었다. A total of 81 handmade soaps on sale on the market were collected from January to November 2022. To compare quality characteristics, all ingredients were referred to, and the pH, dry reduction, heavy metals (lead, arsenic, cadmium, antimony, and mercury), and contents of free alkali were measured. All soaps had a slightly alkaline pH of 7.9 to 11.2, average drying loss was 17.6%, and free alkali was hardly detected. The average values of all heavy metals were 0.104 ㎍/g for lead, 0.035 ㎍/g for arsenic, 0.002 ㎍/g for cadmium, 0.048 ㎍/g for antimony, and 0.0003 ㎍/g for mercury. The results of handmade soap were below the recommended in regulations on safety standards for cosmetics of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

      • 부산지역 무균성 뇌막염 원인 바이러스의 분리 및 동정 : 1998년을 중심으로

        김영희,정영기,김기순,지영미,윤재득,김병준,구평태,민상기,정구영,김만수,조경순 동의대학교 기초과학연구소 2000 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        The incidence of aseptic meningitis infection is ensuing and threatening the health of children. Enteroviruses are the major agents of aseptic meningitis and identification of virus has been a clue to diagnosis and epidemiology. The outbreak of aseptic meningitis occurred in Pusan, 1998. Patients were concentrated from April through November. Children were more susceptible than adults. Among 306 cases of specimens from stool, throat swab tested, only 7.2% were positive on virus isolation, 12 cases from stool and 10 from throat, respectively. All isolated 7 serotypes of viruses represented cytopathic effect on cultured cells. Three types of echovirus 6, 25, 30 and coxsackievirus B2, B3, B4, B6 were identified by neutralizing anti body test. Isolated coxsackievirus and echovirus were observed by an electron microscope with negative staining.

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