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      • KCI등재

        A Density Problem in Semantics

        곽은주 한국언어학회 2008 언어 Vol.33 No.2

        The expansion of research topics in semantics brought attention to problems with density associated with materials, time, space, and degree. Two different positions are reviewed in this study. One position is a sorted multi-layered structure, in which an interpretation domain is sorted into discrete and dense structures. The other is a single-layered structure with dense entities only. I argue for a sorted multi-layered structure and propose a restriction on the selection of substructures.

      • KCI등재후보

        Interpretations of Plural Noun Phrases in Korean

        곽은주 사단법인 한국언어학회 2003 언어학 Vol.0 No.35

        Since plurality becomes a hot issue in semantics, the general consensus is that the domain of individuals includes both atomic and plural individuals as Link (1983) discusses. In his 1984 paper, however, Link argues that this domain is not rich enough to deal with a full range of interpretations of plural NPs and thus postulates group, a higher-ordered entity consisting of a sum of individuals. This new entity has raised an intense debate among semanticists; Link (1984) and Landman (1989) argue for the group readings of ordinary plural terms, and Schwarzschild (1992) and Barker (1992) are against the idea. Part of difficulties behind this discussion is that English does not provide conclusive evidence for or against groups, which becomes a stumbling block to further research. Interestingly, Korean has two forms of plurals: one with the plural marker tul and the other without the marker. For example, people is translated into either salam-tul person-tul or salam person in Korean. Both forms of NPs are widely used to deliver a plural reading. A general belief on these dual forms has been that they do not show any difference in their interpretations, which has served as evidence for non-sensitivity to number in Korean. (cf. Kang 1994 etc.) However, I will argue that Korean does distinguish singular and plural NPs in a way different from English-typed languages. A plural NP with tul is interpreted as a sum while a plural without tul is used as a group. I will argue for this distinction, considering distributivity, group properties, and contextual preferences. I will further discuss the fact that group readings are affected by the properties of predicates and thus propose in the framework of event semantics that groups are event-dependent entities.

      • 순차 검증과 자료융합을 이용한 수중 표적 판별

        곽은주,홍순목 경북대학교 전자기술연구소 1997 電子技術硏究誌 Vol.18 No.2

        In this paper we discuss an algorithm to discriminate a target under track against multiple acoustic counter-measure (ACM) sources, based on sequential testings of multiple hypotheses. The ACM sources are separated from the target under track and generate, while drifting, measurements with false range and Doppler information. The purpose of the ACM is to mislead the target tracking and to help the true target evade a pursuer. The proposed algorithm uses as a test statistic a function of both the sequences of processed waveform signature and the innovation sequences from extended Kalman filters to estimate the target dynamics and the drifting positions of the ACM sources. Numerical experiments on various scenarios show that the proposed algorithm discriminates the target faster with a higher probability of success than the algorithm using only the innovation sequences from extended Kalman filters.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능의 문화번역에 대한 소고(小考): 속담번역을 중심으로

        곽은주,탁진영,김동미 인문사회 21 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.1

        오늘날 번역 분야에 있어서 인공지능의 출현은 번역작업의 새로운 패러다임의 출현을 야기한다. 그동안의 번역은 인간이 주축이 되어서 처음부터 끝까지 작업을 수행하는 형태였으나 인공지능의 출현으로 인간이라는 매개체는 번역작업에서 선택사항이 되었다. 본 논고는 인공지능 번역이 문화가 바탕이 되는 문화번역, 특히 속담을 어떻게 번역하는지 고찰하고 인공지능과 인간의 번역상의 차이점을 비교함으로써 앞으로 진행될 각 주체별 번역 패러다임을 예측해 보고자 한다. 이러한 연구를 위해 4가지 측면으로 인공지능 번역과 인간 번역을 비교해 보았다. 인공지능 번역인 파파고와 구글번역의 결과물을 살펴보면, 파파고가 3가지 비교 측면에서 구글번역보다 우수함을 보였으며, 고유문화 언어는 두 인공지능 모두 해독이 불가능한 것으로 나타났다. 이것은 문화적 배경을 바탕으로 하는 속담번역에서 인간이 인공지능보다 문화적 요소를 잘 살려서 번역하는 반면 인공지능 번역 엔진은 아직 문화번역이 가능할 만큼의 데이터를 축적하지 못하고 있다는 것을 보여준다. The emergence of artificial intelligence (henceforth AI) has induced a new paradigm in the field of translation. While translation has been done solely by human beings from beginning to end so for, the introduction of AI makes the medium of human beings optional in the process of translation. In the present study, it is analyzed how AI translation deals with cultural translation, especially in translating proverbs, where cultural background is indispensible. Furthermore, the direction of translation paradigm development is also speculated by comparing AI and human translation. For this purpose, four different cases are compared. The results show that Papago translates proverbs better than Google Translator in three cases and that both of them do not translate the language based on culture properly. Additionally, it is found that human translators accommodate cultural elements more appropriately than AI translators in the processes of proverb translation and that AI translation engines are not equipped with sufficient data for cultural translation yet.

      • KCI등재

        Optimal Forms of Noun Phrases in Korean

        곽은주 대한언어학회 2012 언어학 Vol.20 No.1

        Languages show a different strategy to mark the crosslinguistically prevalent grammatical features of plurality and definiteness. English makes use of a plural morpheme and articles to mark these features while Mandarin Chinese adopts unmarked forms for them. No matter which strategy a language takes, nominal forms make consistent patterns. Basically, Korean adopts a marking strategy for the features. However, marking itself is not mandatory for most categories of nouns, and thus alternate forms occur in Korean. To account for proper nominal forms in Korean, I resort to the Optimality Theory of de Swart & Zwarts (2009, 2010). I argue that a markedness constraint and faithfulness constraints are co-ranked in Korean unlike other languages and that some of the faithfulness constraints are subcategorized and situated in different positions in the hierarchical ordering of optimality. Hence, more than one nominal form turns out to be equally optimal and are used alternately.

      • KCI등재

        One-sided Readings of Numbers in Modal Sentences

        곽은주 한국영어영문학회 2011 영어 영문학 Vol.57 No.3

        Numbers have been regarded as one-sided, and their exactly readings have been understood as the results of scalar implicature. This Neo-Gricean view on numbers becomes less persuasive due to theoretical and experimental counterarguments. In spite of growing evidence for theirtwo-sided readings, numbers are still one-sided in modal sentences. Moreover, the occurrence of a negative operator may worsen the acceptability of modal sentences with numbers. In the framework of Vector Space Semantics, I have derived two-sided readings of numbers with the simple notions of monotonicity of modals and scopal relations between modals and numbers. I have also argued that the awkwardness incurred by negation is the result of a split set of vectors for a number. The incoherent set of vectors is understood as the lack of an ideal behavior, which is against the deontic modality of the sentence.

      • KCI등재

        대학 교직원의 조직비전 인식, 집단효능감, 직무열의 간 관계

        곽은주,정지언 한국문화융합학회 2022 문화와 융합 Vol.44 No.11

        The purpose of this paper is to understand the organizational vision recognition, job engagement, group efficacy of university faculty and staff. For this purpose, a structural model was established that assumed the mediating effect of group efficacy in the relationship between the organizational vision recognition and job engagement. And the model's goodness of fit and the variables was analyzed. Samples include 8,882 faculty and staff working at 73 universities. The data was collected using the University Innovation Capacity Assessment(UICA). The results showed that the estimation model explained the data well. In addition, it was found that the organizational vision recognition of faculty and staff had an effect on group efficacy and job engagement, respectively, and it was confirmed that group efficacy had a significant effect on job engagement. Organizational vision recognition was also statistically significant in the mediating model that influences job engagement through group efficacy. As a result, it was revealed that an organization clearly presenting its vision to its members and continuously sharing it can affect positive beliefs about the organization and individual job-related motivation. Based on the findings, future plans for university operation were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        Contrasted Meanings of Motun and On in Korean

        곽은주 한국언어학회 2011 언어 Vol.36 No.1

        Kwak, Eun-Joo. 2011. Contrasted Meanings of Motun and On in Korean. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 36-1, 25-47. Two universal quantifiers motun and on in Korean show similar distributivity in the quantification of non-collection terms, but they are distinct in the quantification of collection terms and proper terms. To capture the partial similarity, diverse patterns of distributivity are discussed for sentences with the quantifiers. Based on Kwak (2010), it is concluded that different distributivity between motun and on hinges on the additional restriction of integration on on and that apparent diverse distributivity with on is attributed to intricate mapping relations between groups and members in an interpretation domain. (Sejong University)

      • KCI등재

        A Pseudo Characterizing Generic Sentence in Korean

        곽은주 한국언어학회 2007 언어 Vol.32 No.1

        Kwak, Eun-Joo. 2007. A Pseudo Characterizing Generic Sentence in Korean. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 32-1, 1-25. Unlike English, Korean shows diverse patterns of generic sentences with respect to the plurality of generic terms. I argue that this apparent anomaly can be attributed to two factors. One is the intervention of perception in semantics, which requires the use of singular forms for objects of low animacy. The other is the existence of a third category of generic sentences, called 'pseudo characterizing generic sentences'. I further argue that the existence of pseudo characterizing generic sentences results from a compromise between the requirement of a singular formed generic term and the necessity of a characterizing generic reading. (Sejong University)

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