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        고은희(UH Koh),윤석애(SA Yun),우복희(BH Woo),유한기(HK Yoo) 대한산부인과학회 1974 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.17 No.1

        1) 난관피임술을 실시한 총 269예 중 복식난관피임술이 267예였는데 기중 산후난관피임술이 50예(18.6%), 제왕절개술시 피임술이 143예(52.4%), 질식난관피임술은 2예(1.5%)였다. 2) 산후 피임술을 실시한 시기는 24시간 내 실시한예가 27례로 제일 많았다. 3) 산후난관피임술을 위한 마취 방법은 척수마취가 68%로 대부분이었고 국소마취로도 14% 가 수술이 가능하였다. 4) 피임술을 받은 환자의 년령 분포는 30∼34세가 26예(52%)로 가장 많았다. 5) 평균 임신회수는 4.9, 평균 분만회수는 3.4, 평균 생존아수는 3.7이었다. 6) 임신중절에 대한 과거력은 269예 중 임신중절을 경험하지 않은 경우가 40∼50%였다. 7) 산후피임술 수 실패한 예는 아직 없었다. 8) 성별로 본 수술 동기로 보면 아들이 있어야 수술한 산모가 가장 많았다. 즉 아들의 유무 가 피임수락여부에 중요한 요소가 되었다. 9) 난관의 조직학적 소견은 산후 12시간 이내에서 난관염 소견이 약 1/3 정도 있었지만 12 시간 이내 3일 이내에 볼 때도 염증이 평행하여 상승한다는 것은 볼 수 없었다. 10) 피임술 후 잠정적인 발열은 산후 12시간 이내에 수술한 것이나 24시간∼3일 이내에 수 술한 것이나 38℃ 이상의 발열은 많지 않았으며 별 큰 차이가 없었고 대부분 예발적인 항생 제도 사용하지 않았다. Much concerm has been turned our attention to the increasing need for population control. Permanent sterilization by a tubal porcedure has gained acceptance among there are the most commonly used methods for birth control in Korea. Between August 1,1971 and the end of July, 1973,269 women were admitted to the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Ewha Womans University hospital for sterilization as well as delivery. 1) Of these, 267 cases had abdominal tubal ligation and 2 cases (1.5%) had vaginal tubal ligation. Among abdominal procedures (267 cases), 50 cases (18.6%) had postpartum tubal ligation. 2) Spinal anesthesia was performed in 34 cases (68%). 7(14%) cases was done under local anesthesia fairly well. 3) The average age of the women with sterilization was 32.4 years old and the majority of the wamen (52%) were at age of 30 to 34. 4) The ideal time of postpartum tubal sterilization seems to be in 24 hours after delivery. 5) In viewing the acceptor`s motivarion, more than one half of the women (56%) tind to have 3 living children or 2 boys plus one girl or 3 girls. At least to have one boy seemed to be minimal requerement or custom for the acceptance. 6) There was significantly showed some less incidence of histologic salpingitis in cases operated in 36 hours after delevery. However there was no significant correlationship noticed between the incidence of histologic salpingitis and the time of surgery performed in the postpartum pereod. 7) Most morbidity attributable to the sterilization was accounted for wound infection (3.3%). 8) Failure rate for sterilization was nil yet in this series follows up.

      • KCI등재

        주산기사망에 관하여

        이규현(KH Lee),김춘기(CK Kim),안정자(JJ Ahn),고은희(UH Koh),이경자(KZ Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1973 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.16 No.8

        주산기사망에 관한 연구를 통하여 산전관리의 경험이 있는 예는 29.1%에 불과하였다. A review was made of all perinatal deaths at Ewha Women`s University Hospital during the 8 year period from Jan. 1, 1963 to Dec. 31, 1970. There were 160 stillbirth and 112 neonatal deaths among 14074 cases of the total deliveries in which excluded fetus weighing under 999 gm or born before 20 weeks gestation. There results of the study were as follows: 1. The incidence of stillbirth rate was 11.4, and early neonatal death rate was 7.8. The perinatal mortality rate was 19.3. 2. In etiological factors of perinatal mortality about 40% of the cases was unknown causes, and the relatively common known causes were antepartum anxia (20.9%), intrapartum anoxia (18.6%), infections (13.9) and congenital anomalies (4.7%). 3. The most common cause of anoxia during antepartum and intrapartum was preeclampsia. 4. The congenital syphilis as a cause of perinatal mortality was 8.45%. Ther incidence of premature rupture of membrance was 5.51% in the perinatal death. 5. The most cases of perinatal death occured within 24 hours after birth (80.3%) and 92.8% of the neonatal death occured within third postpartum day in average. 6. The most common cause of neonatal death was prematurity (76.8%). 7. the mothers who had received antenatal care among perinatal deaths were only 29.1% of the cases even without adequacy in it`s quality.

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