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      • KCI등재

        일송관계(日宋關係)를 통해서 본 송의 대외정책

        高銀美(Go, Eun-mi) 동양사학회 2017 東洋史學硏究 Vol.141 No.-

        This paper studies the functions of official document issued in the name of the Song’s local authority and the characteristics of foreign policies of the Southern Song (1127-1279) toward Japan, different from that of the Northern Song era (960-1127), with the aim of understanding the Song-Japan negotiations in the 12th century. First, it examines the official document issued by the local authority in 1117, which worked to inform Japan of the intention of the Song court in an indirect manner. This indicates that practical negotiations with a foreign country could be conducted at the level of local authority, without compromising the reputation of the central government. During the Northern Song era, the central government took the lead on negotiations with Japan, as confirmed in the Chinese emperor’s autograph letter or opinion expression, while local authorities tended to follow the central government’s policies. However, the change in the initiative of foreign policy took place in the Southern Song period. Local authorities implemented policies that took in consideration the characteristics of each region, the leadership which was also witnessed in foreign exchanges, as opposed to the previous way that local authorities followed the policy decision made by the central government.

      • KCI등재

        고려·일본과 송간의 무역사이클의 변화

        고은미 ( Go Eun-mi ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2018 大東文化硏究 Vol.103 No.-

        1160년경부터 송에는 ‘고려상인’·‘일본상인’이라고 불리는 해상들이 내항하게 되는데, 이는 민족적인 출신과는 관계없이 고려·일본에서 온 상인을 의미하는 말로 송상인을 배제하는 개념도 아니었다. 이들이 등장하기 이전에는 중국에서 출발하여 고려나 일본에 갔다가 돌아오는 방식의 무역사이클이 일반적이었다. 그러나 이들의 등장은 고려나 일본을 출발하여 중국에 갔다가 돌아오는 무역사이클이 등장한 상황을 반영한다. 이러한 무역을 담당한 세력은 고려나 일본에 주거공간을 확보하고 현지인 부인을 맞아들여 가족을 형성하고 그곳을 영업거점으로 삼아 본국인 송과 왕래하던 중국계 상인들이었다. 12세기 후반 이후 고려나 일본을 기점으로 중국을 방문하는 방식이 무역의 주류가 되는 현상은 고려·일본 모두에서 확인된다. 그러나 13세기에도 여전히 ‘일본상인’을 중심으로 무역이 이루어지는 일본과는 달리, 고려는 13세기 후반이 되면 중국을 거점으로 고려를 오가며 무역에 종사하는 방식이 다시 주류가 된다. 이는 몽골과의 전쟁이 시작된 1231년부터 무역항은 물론 중국계 상인들이 거주하던 개경이 위협받는 상황에서 상인들이 고려에 있던 거점을 중국으로 옮겼기 때문으로 추정된다. From around 1160, it was recorded that maritime merchants referred to as "Koryo merchants" or "Japanese merchants" sailed into Chinese ports of the Song dynasty. These terms refer to traders from Koryo or Japan, regardless of ethnic origin, and thus do not necessarily exclude Song merchants. Before the appearance of the new terms, the conventional maritime trade route began in China, traveled to Koryo or Japan, and then returned to China. However, "Koryo merchants" or "Japanese merchants" traveled in the opposite direction, leaving Koryo or Japan to China and returning to the point of departure, which became established as a new trade route and led to the emergence of the aforementioned terms. This new trade route was controlled by Chinese merchants who engaged in trade with their homeland of the Song dynasty from their operating base in Koryo or Japan, while residing there, marrying locally and raising a family. Since the late twelfth century, it became a mainstream trade route to travel to China from Koryo or Japan, which is a trend that occurred in both Koryo and Japan. Although trade led by "Japanese merchants" remained the norm in Japan by the thirteenth century, Koryo reverted to the previous trade route of traveling to Koryo from China. This is presumably attributable to the Mongol invasions of Koryo in 1231, which forced merchants to relocate back to China from their operating bases in Koryo, as their residences in the Koryo capital of Gaegyeong came under threat alongside various trading ports.

      • KCI등재

        일송교섭(日宋交涉)과 대외교섭담당 지방기관

        고은미(Go, Eun-mi) 동양사학회 2015 東洋史學硏究 Vol.131 No.-

        There is a common assumption that the central government has exclusive power over international relations with other countries. Although it is a local government office, rather than the central government, that is highly likely to understand the full reality of foreign affairs, there have been few studies on foreign relations with an emphasis on the level of local governments. Therefore, this study examines cases in late 11th century to identify the specific role of local offices-the Dazaifu and Mingzhou in charge of diplomatic and trading affairs-in Japan-Song negotiations. The study results confirm that the Dazaifu and Mingzhou offices, from Japan and Song, respectively, conducted international negotiations and exchanges behind closed doors, leaving their central governments uninformed. These local offices were autonomously handled some information obtained in the course of bilateral exchanges without reporting to the central governments. Their activities were sometimes caught by the central governments only when a conflict of interests occurred between the parties involved. In the case of no whistleblowers, the central governments had no abilities and measures to recognize and supervise such activities. Except for unusual situations in which whistleblowers were present, the local government offices appear to dominate normal trade and diplomatic negotiations without intervention of the central government.

      • KCI등재

        12세기의 여일교류(麗日交流)와 송상(宋商)

        고은미 ( Eun Mi Go ) 수선사학회 2014 史林 Vol.0 No.49

        Japanese merchants as well as envoys deployed by Japanese local governments visited Goryeo for maritime trade in the 11st century, the records of which are frequently found in the History of Goryeo. However, the book contains a little content regarding the trade activities during the 12th century, leading to the interpretation that the number of Japanese visits to Goryeo ports dramatically decreased. Meanwhile, in the History of Goryeo, the articles about sea trade between Song Dynasty and Goryeo by Chinese merchants are founded on a nearly annual basis until 1104 and since then such record was written in a sporadic manner. Aside from the History of Goryeo, however, other Goryeo anthologies and Chinese historical materials prove the existence of regular visits by Chinese merchants throughout the Goryeo period. Given the difference between contents of the History of Goryeo and actual traffic of Chinese merchants, the decline in the number of such records in the History of Goryeo could not be considered as the evidence of actual shrinkage of sea traffic between the two countries and it appears more accurate to perceive such decline as a result of selectively recording in the 12th century. The selective recording adopted in the History of Goryeo requires a careful approach to translate a decrease in articles about Japanese merchants`` visits in the 12th century as actual decline in trade between Goryeo and Japan. Therefore, this paper reviews exchanges between Goryeo and Japan in the 12th century with a focus on Chinese merchants who engaged in sea trade with a foothold in Japan. The port of Hakata in Kyushu was the Japanese official trade port governed by the Dazaifu, the Japanese regional government, especially in charge of external affairs. As the Chinese quarters were formed in Hakata in the middle of 11th century, the region severed as the center of overseas trade. Those Chinese merchants who settled down at the quarters were called hakata goshu 博多綱首 meaning Chinese ship owners residing the port of Hakata. They mainly concentrated on trade between Japan and Song Dynasty but were sometimes found to engage in intermediate trade between Goryeo and Japan. It is found that Japan obtained Buddhist scriptures of Goryeo three times during the period from 1097 to 1120; in the first case, a Dazaifu minster sent an envoy to Goryeo while in the two other cases, Chinese merchants brought the Buddhist texts to Japan at the requests of Japanese Buddhist monks who traveled from Nara to Hakata. Transit trade with Goryeo by Chinese merchants dwelling in Japan can be found in as early as the 1070s. In the 11th century, a lot of merchants who did trade with Goryeo lived in the Dazaifu region and some of them are deemed as Chinese merchants. One historical record shows that a figure, assumed as a Chinese merchant in Japan, traveled between Goryeo and Japan even in 1147. This suggests that merchants still continued to trade with Goryeo even in the 12th century although only little record exists in Goryeo historical materials. Those merchants could be seen as an extension of the merchant group who did maritime trade with Goryeo in the 11th century.

      • 연령별 타투에 대한 선호도가 대중화에 미치는 영향

        고은미(Eun-Mi Go),양현진(Hyeon-Jin Yang),김은수(Eun-Soo Kim) 사단법인 대한 문신사 중앙회 2021 한국반영구화장학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        In this study, we investigated the public’s perception of tattoos and the possibility of its cultural integration by researching the overall level of interest in tattoos in different age groups as well as the relationship between aesthetic utility of tattoos and people’s motives behind receiving tattoos. As a result of studying the age difference in relation to popularization of tattoos, we were able to identify a trend that may allow tattooing to develop into a positive culture. As tattoos have become more common in general, it is believed that teenagers and those over 50 in age have grown a more positive perception towards tattoos despite the institutional limits in our society. It is necessary for positive effects and perceptions of tattoos to be better known by the public in order for tattoos to be properly popularized and to be established as a legitimate culture. For further study, targets from a greater variety of regions will be needed to conduct a more comprehensive and empirical research.

      • KCI등재

        중세 일본의 외교권

        高銀美 ( Go Eun-mi ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2021 大東文化硏究 Vol.113 No.-

        가마쿠라시대에는 막부 측이 외교 안건에 대한 실질적인 결정권을 장악하고 있었지만, 형식적인 외교권은 여전히 천황에게 있었다고 평가된다. 그에 반해 무로마치시대에는 막부의 수장인 쇼군이 ‘일본 국왕’에 책봉되는 점을 들어, 가마쿠라시대와는 질적으로 다른 외교관계가 형성된 시대로 평가한다. 그리고 그 배경에는 천황에게 있었던 권한조차 쇼군이 흡수해가는 권력집중과정이 있다고 본다. 그러나 본 논문에서는 무로마치시대의 외교방식이 가마쿠라시대의 방식을 기본적으로 계승하는 것이었으나, 중국의 교류 방식 변화에 대응하는 과정에서 차이점이 발생했다는 점을 지적하였다. 즉 양자 간의 차이는 천황과 쇼군 간의 권력 구조 변화가 아니라 일본을 둘러싼 주변 지역의 상황이 만들어 낸 것이라는 점에 중점을 두었다. 다만 쇼군이 외교사절과 접촉하고 답서를 전달하는 등 외교의 전면에 나서게 되면서 이전처럼 외교 안건을 조정에 보고하는 절차는 더 이상 확인되지 않게 된다. 외교 안건이 막부 관할 내에서 완결되게 되면서 조정은 형식적으로 외교 안건에 대해 심의하는 기능마저 상실하게 되는 것이다. In the Kamakura period, it is assumed the shogunate held the de facto decision-making authority over diplomacy, while formal diplomatic authority ostensibly remained in the hands of the Japanese emperor. On the other hand, in the Muromachi period, there was a qualitative difference in the way in which foreign relations were established in comparison to the Kamakura period, given that the shogun, as the head of the military government, was referred to as the "king of Japan". This change occurred against the backdrop of the centralization of power in which even some powers held by the emperor were absorbed by the shogun. However, this paper contends that, although Japan's diplomatic direction in the Muromachi period fundamentally succeeded that of the Kamakura era, there were differences that arose in the process of responding to changes in China's style of foreign relations. Thus, this paper places emphasis on the fact that the difference between two periods was caused due to circumstances in the region surrounding Japan, rather than changes in the internal power structure of Japan. In the latter era, however, the previous practice of reporting diplomatic issues to the Japanese imperial court was no longer identified, as the shogun came to the front of diplomacy and took on roles such as meeting diplomatic envoys from other countries and conveying official diplomatic responses. This implies that Japan’s diplomatic agenda was completely handled within the jurisdiction of the shogunate, thus leading to the loss of the Japanese imperial court’s nominal function of deliberating on diplomatic issues.

      • KCI등재

        사사조영료당선(寺社造營料唐船)과 해상경호

        고은미 ( Eun Mi Go ) 수선사학회 2015 史林 Vol.0 No.52

        In the early 14th century, private Japanese merchants came to engage in foreign trade with authorization from the Shogunate that aimed at raising funds for construction or renovation of temples and shrines. It is judged that those merchants, already allowed to conduct free trade at that time, sought and received authorization issued by the Shogunate as a means of ensuring security of their vessels at sea. The Shogunate mobilized samurais to protect trade ships and their cargo in departures from andarrivals to Japanese ports, while in return for such maritime security service the merchants offered a certain portion of trading earnings to support the construction of religious facilities. The emergence of such guard system in the 1320s is associated with frequent pirate attacks against merchant ships, which resulted in the increased need for armed security in pirate-infested waters. Although the cases had been identified that private vessels were armed to safeguard precious lives and properties by themselves, the situation grew worse around in the 1320s. Growing piracy made it difficult for individual armed trade vessels to cope with security threat and also costs for a safe voyage outweighed the price to pay to temples or shrines in exchange for the Shogunate’s guard service.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 송대(宋代) 명주시박사(明州市舶司)의 변천과 무역조건

        고은미 ( Eun Mi Go ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2015 大東文化硏究 Vol.89 No.-

        송대에 고려ㆍ일본과의 교류가 주로 明州를 통해 이루어졌다는 것은 주지의 사실이다. 또한 그러한 상황이 전개된 원인으로는 항로상 明州가 고려ㆍ일본과 왕래하기에 편리한 지역으로, 그곳에 무역관리기구인 市舶司를 설치한 송의 정책이 결정적으로 작용했다는 견해도 일반적이다. 그러나 본 논문에서는 明州의 유리한 입지조건에도 불구하고 明州이외의 市舶司를 내항하는 고려ㆍ일본선박이 존재했다는 사실을 지적했다. 그것은 송이 통일된 무역규정을 모든 지역에서 일관되게 적용하려는 노력을 하지 않아서, 상인들이 자신에게 보다 유리한 市舶司를 찾아 항로상 멀리 떨어진 장소에까지 가는 경우도 존재했기 때문이었다. 이러한 상황에서 송은 고려ㆍ일본선박을 明州로 집중시키기 위해 明州주변의 市舶務(市舶司의 하급기관)를 폐지하거나, 明州의 무역조건을 고려ㆍ일본선에 유리한 방식으로 개선했다. 이러한 노력의 결과 양국의 선박이 明州로 집중되는 경향이 발생했다. It is widely known that Mingzhou was the principal port for China`s foreign trading with Goryeo and Japan during the Song period. The general rationale behind the growth of the Mingzhou port is that the port had a geological advantage-a short course to Goryeo and Japan, together with the Song Dynasty`s political determination to establish Shih-po-ssu (Office of Overseas Trade) whose major duties were management of overseas trading and taxation on imports. This paper, however, indicates that despite the favorable location of the Mingzhou port, some vessels from Goryeo and Japan disembarked at other ports instead of Mingzhou. This is because the Song Dynasty did not place its efforts to apply the uniform, consistent trade regulations across the country, resulting in some foreign merchants traveling further to look for an Office of Overseas Trade applying more favorable trade terms. Under these circumstance, the Song Dynasty came to shut down the trade offices adjacent the Mingzhou port and improve trade terms more favorable for merchants of Goryeo and Japan with an aim to attract merchant vessels from Goryeo and Japan to the Mingzhou port. Such efforts brought about more trade ships to the specific port, leading to the prosperity of Mingzhou.

      • KCI등재

        전근대 동아시아의 국제질서 ― 일본의 연구성과를 중심으로 ―

        고은미 ( Go Eun-mi ) 수선사학회 2017 史林 Vol.0 No.59

        The establishment of unique and particular relationships is the precondition for identifying a specific space among areas. Such relation network, different from that of other regions, exercises greater influence on all members involved, in either direct or indirect fashion. From this perspective, it is not a group of individual nations and people geographically located in the same place that builds a region. The presence of its own social system and relations is required for emergence of regional identity. East Asia also had its own relation structure in the light of this fact. The region has experienced changes in internal structure or relationships over time, which could serve as the criterion for dividing periods of East Asian history. This paper studies such changes, focusing on diverse factors such as the investiture system, treaty relation, development of offshore Asia, formation of the Mongol Empire, the tribute trade system, and mutual trade (hushi) system. As countries were incorporated in a certain regional order, they adopted a specific pattern of behavior according to the order and thus enabled to carry out exchange without a fear of armed conflict. With the Western-dominated international order established in the end of 19th century, however East Asia was no longer able to maintain its independent network of relations.

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