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      • KCI등재후보

        고은미의 “Double Concerto”에 사용된 12음에 의한 캐논 기법

        고은미 이화여자대학교 음악연구소 2005 이화음악논집 Vol.9 No.-

        This essay is abstracted from my dissertation, the Double Concerto with Analysis consists of two parts, While my doctoral dissertation has put emphasis on sectional analysis of Double Concerto, this essay was intended to develop a new theory on the canon based on twelve notes. The essay consist four part. The first part, the preliminary theory for the composition of the Canon. focuses on PTO, the basis for the canonic theory in the in preparation for the second part. The second part, analysis of the composition is divided into five sections with a formal analysis of the composition and its structure based on pitch progression with variations. The third part, explains the form and The fourth part, analysis of structural orchestration. The primary object of composing the Double Concerto is an improvement of the concept in regard to linear, horizontal, and harmonic relationships of traditional canon. Traditional Canon has had three basic drawbacks: (1) Dux and Comes is limited by concept of consonace and disonance in mode. And it is limited by complement relationship in tonal harmony; (2) Inspite of that the concept of Dux and Comes in canon is based on polyphony texture basically, the concept is composed of monophony imitation in melodic line; and (3) Rhythmic organization of Dux and Comes in traditional canon has not been dealt distinctively from pitch function. In order to remedy those defects in the traditional canon, this Double Concerto has taken the following new alternatives: (1) New complementary relationships are developed between the Dux and Comes in twelve-tone procedure; (2) Melodic line of Dux and Comes is constructed polyphonically. And Comes is constructed according variations of melodic interval of Dux ; and (3) Pitch function is applied to rhythmic organization. The theory which is used in this composition should not be limited to the present composition only, but also can be served as a generalized theory applicable to any canonic composition with twelve-tone. This Double Concerto attempts to remedy drawbacks exsisting in the traditional canon with the payment of special attention to maintaining the basic principle and theory found in the canon and develop canon for twentieth century based upon twelve-tone theory.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국어 ‘倚靠(기대다)’류 동사의 어휘유형론

        고은미 한국중어중문학회 2022 中語中文學 Vol.- No.89

        본고는 어휘유형론적 관점에서 중국어 ‘倚靠(기대다)’류 자세동사의 범언어적 보편성과 특수성을 고찰한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 여타 다른 자세개념역과 동일하게 ‘lean(기대다)’류 자세동사의 개념화에도 지탱부위가 핵심변수로 작용한다. 기대는 자세는 ‘발’ (혹은 ‘둔부)’의 지탱 외에 또 다른 제2의 지탱부위(상체)가 개입하는 자세이기에 ‘lean(기대다)류’의 변수는 [지탱부위]+[제2지탱부위]로 귀납할 수 있다. 아울러 ‘lean(기대다)’류 동사는 등(후면), 어깨(측면), 복부와 팔(전면) 각기 다른 상체 지탱부위를 변수로 하는 세부 프레임을 형성하는데, 중국어에서 ‘倚’와 ‘凭’은 상체 전면 및 측면, ‘靠’, ‘倚靠’, ‘隑’, ‘倗’은 상체 후면 및 측면을 제2지탱부위로 하여 개념화한 것이다. 기대는 자세는 ‘행위자’와 ‘지탱물(수동자)’이 필요하기에, 파생의미는 행위자 관점과 지탱물(수동자)관점의 파생으로 구분할 수 있는데, 행위자 관점에서는 지탱물이 추상화되어 (정서적, 물질적)<의존/의지>,<기초/의거/근거>의 의미가 파생되며, 수동자 관점에서는 <지탱/지지/지원>의 의미가 파생된다. 중국어 ‘倚靠(기대다)’류 동사는 행위자 관점의 <의존/의지><의거/근거>의 파생의미가 두드러진다. 또한 [접촉]이라는 수반특징을 근거로 한 <근접/접근>의 파생의미가 두드러지는데, ‘倚’, ‘靠’는 표준중국어에서 공간상<근접/접근>의 파생의미가 있으며, 방언에서는 시간상, 수치상 <근접>의 파생의미와 형상적 근접함을 의미하는 <모방>의 파생의미가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        13세기 무역항 하카타의 역할 변화

        고은미 수선사학회 2023 史林 Vol.- No.83

        It is generally considered that the main driver of trade shifted from Chinese merchants residing in Hakata to powerful Japanese clans in the 13th century. As a result, some argue that this shift led to the tendency of trade ships sailing straight to Kyoto or Kamakura instead of anchoring in Hakata port, Kyushu. However, this argument was refuted by the case of Japanese Buddhist monks bound for China left Kyoto or Kamakura and traveled to Hakata in order to arrange transportation to China as well as the transportation of trade goods through different travel routes from trade ships to be unloaded and then carried by domestic cargo ships within Japan. In other words, the general consensus is that, amid a shift in the trading power, Hakata retained its key position as a port for trade ships. However, the fact that Hakata continued to play a critical role as a port for trade ships in the 13th century does not mean that the port performed an important role in distributing trade goods. This paper highlights the decline in Hakata’s status in terms of the distribution of trade goods despite its key role in the entry and departure of trade ships. The Hakata region originally served as a place where imported goods were selected and processed. In the 13th century, however, the region’s role appears to have been reduced to that of a middle stopover where trade goods were simply transshipped from overseas trade ships to domestic cargo ships. .

      • KCI등재

        1994-2003년 한 대학병원 혈액배양에서 분리된 미생물의 분포 및세균의 항균제 감수성 양상

        고은미,이상국,김창기,김명숙,용동은,이경원,김준명,김동수,정윤섭 대한진단검사의학회 2007 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.27 No.4

        배경 : 혈액에서 분리되는 미생물의 균종과 항균제 감수성 양상은 시기, 지역 및 대상환자 등에 따라 다르므로 혈액배양 결과를 분석한 자료는 감염증 환자의 경험적 치료를 위한 중요한 근거가 된다.방법 : 세브란스병원 입원 및 외래환자의 1994-2003년 혈액배양 결과와 항균제 감수성 결과를 분석하였다. 혈액배양은 trypticsoy broth와 thioglycollate medium에 접종하여 7일간 배양하였고 세균동정은 통상적인 재래식 방법 및 상품화된 kit를 사용하였다. 항균제 감수성은 NCCLS 디스크 확산법으로 시험하였다.결과 : 536,916 혈액 검체가 배양되어 24,877검체(4.6%)가 배양 성이었으며, 양성 환자 수는 13,102명이었다. 분리된 균종중 호기성 세균이 93.1%, 혐기성 세균이 3.3%, 진균이 3.6%이었다. 흔히 분리된 균종은Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus,-hemolytic Streptococcusspp., Enterococcusspp., Klebsiellapneumoniae의 순이었다. 연도별 비율은 E. faecium과 K. pneu-moniae가 증가한 반면 혐기성 세균은 감소하였다. 연령군별로는50세 이상 군에서 E. coli, Enterococcus spp., K. pneumoniae ,S. aureus가 , 2 세 미 만 군 에 서 는 Enterococcus spp., S. aureus및 -hemolytic Streptococcusspp.의 분리가 많았다. Oxacillin내성 S. aureus의 비율은 감소하였고, vancomycin에 내성인 E.faecium, Imipenem에 내성인 P. aeruginosa와 A. baumannii 는현저히 증가하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        정신건강의학과 자문 의뢰된 암 환자의 항우울제 내약성 비교 연구

        고은미,박진성,하주원,임세원,김태석,하지현,백종우,이병철,최병무,이강준,김성완,양종철,고영훈,오강섭,Ko, Eunmi,Park, Jin-Seong,Ha, Juwon,Lim, Sewon,Kim, Tae-Suk,Ha, Jee Hyun,Paik, Jong-Woo,Lee, Boung Chul,Choe, Byeong Moo,Lee, Kang-Joon,Kim, Sun 한국정신신체의학회 2013 정신신체의학 Vol.21 No.1

        연구목적 암환자들은 다양한 정신건강의학과적 증상을 겪으며 약물 부작용에 취약하다. 본 연구는 정신건강의학과 자문 의뢰된 암환자에서 항우울제의 내약성을 비교하고자 한다. 방 법 9개 대학병원 및 종합병원 정신건강의학과에 자문 의뢰된 암 환자들을 후향적으로 검토하여 자료를 분석하였다. 가장 빈번하게 처방된 세가지 항우울제(Escitalopram, Mirtazapine, Paroxetine)의 6개월 동안 치료 중단율을 비교하였다. 결 과 처방 빈도는 Escitalopram 150(47.2%), Mirtazapine 92(28.9%), Paroxetine 76(23.9%) 순서로 항우울제 투여 중단 비율은 세군 간 유의한 차이가 없었다. 입원 환자에 비해 외래 환자에서 유의하게 약물 중단 위험도가 높았다(p<0.0001). 결 론 임상 현장에서 암환자의 항우울제 치료 중단율은 약물 종류에 따라 차이가 없었다. 치료 순응도 향상을 위하여 암환자의 특성을 고려한 개별 접근이 필요할 것이다. Objectives : Many patients diagnosed with cancer suffer from various psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety and insomnia as well as cancer itself. Patients with cancer are more vulnerable to possible adverse events of psychotropic medications. Although antidepressants are widely used among cancer patients, there is little information about tolerability of antidepressants. This study was conducted to compare tolerability of antidepressants in cancer patients referred for psychiatric consultation. Methods : The participants were cancer patients who had been referred to psychiatrist for their psychiatric symptoms. We retrospectively analyzed the data of patients diagnosed with cancer from 9 general hospitals in Korea. The discontinuation rate for a 6 months period after treatment initiation for three antidepressants(Escitalopram, Mirtazapine, Paroxetine) were compared. Results : Antidepressants were prescribed for 96.3% of subjects and Escitalopram 150(47.2%), Mirtazapine 92(28.9%) and Paroxetine 76(23.9%) were prescribed frequently in order There were no significant differences in discontinuation rates among the three antidepressants during the 6 month period after initiation of pharmacotherapy. But there was a difference in discontinuation rates between inpatients versus outpatients(p<0.0001). Conclusions : In a naturalistic setting for the antidepressant treatment for cancer patients, it seems that there are no differences in discontinuation rates among these three antidepressants. It is therefore essential that such interactions are carefully considered when treating patients of antidepressants who already have cancer.

      • KCI등재

        쇤베르크의 《피아노곡 op. 33b》: 12음기법의 새로운 발전

        고은미 한국서양음악학회 2008 서양음악학 Vol.11 No.2

        The natural musical flow of Arnold Schoenberg 's Piano Piece,Op. 33b is a result of embodying a quiet song-like piece through a more delicate and traditional motivic process method than of Op. 33a. The rich polyphony and unique linking of serials play important roles here: that is, the original series is organized within the mutual complementary connection with an inversion under five intervals. The linking among serials becomes even more liberal, because the independent use in the unit of six tones takes place while being limited to the two serials. In addition, two themes with contrastive features are formed on the unit of six tones of a serial, in which contrapunctus are repeated as contracted forms of each thematic rhythm while the connection of the two themes becomes much firmer in comparison to Op. 33a. Like in Op. 33a, symmetry is also important in its motive and formal structures. In particular, when a part of note materials is omitted or diverted in a specific sound format with correlations, the possibility of a new process of intervals becomes firmer with frequent and systematic uses. The natural musical flow of Arnold Schoenberg 's Piano Piece,Op. 33b is a result of embodying a quiet song-like piece through a more delicate and traditional motivic process method than of Op. 33a. The rich polyphony and unique linking of serials play important roles here: that is, the original series is organized within the mutual complementary connection with an inversion under five intervals. The linking among serials becomes even more liberal, because the independent use in the unit of six tones takes place while being limited to the two serials. In addition, two themes with contrastive features are formed on the unit of six tones of a serial, in which contrapunctus are repeated as contracted forms of each thematic rhythm while the connection of the two themes becomes much firmer in comparison to Op. 33a. Like in Op. 33a, symmetry is also important in its motive and formal structures. In particular, when a part of note materials is omitted or diverted in a specific sound format with correlations, the possibility of a new process of intervals becomes firmer with frequent and systematic uses.

      • KCI우수등재

        해상 무역과 상인의 성격 ― 10~13세기 동아시아・동남아시아의 사례를 중심으로 ―

        고은미 동양사학회 2023 東洋史學硏究 Vol.162 No.-

        Maritime merchants, by nature, travelled abroad frequently and often stayed overseas for a while. Especially since their voyage was carried out by sailboats, which relied critically on the conditions of seasonal wind, their stay at overseas posts might be extended waiting for favorable wind. In addition, such businesses as selling goods, receiving payment, and buying local products for return trade took a considerable time. Maritime merchants thus built a trading base at every stop across their voyage. Also, they, to be successful, needed to understand local culture and behave accordingly. Therefore, rather than moving around everywhere randomly, merchants tended to focus on certain regions by visiting there regularly and shaping a deeper relationship with the locals. In so doing, they established and maintained a solid network of people and goods with the regions. Furthermore, it was not unusual for merchants who interacted with various people to represent interests of people of other nationalities and ethnicities. Consequently, Maritime merchants had a dual identity, which was not neatly affiliated in a certain nation. Such complicated characteristics of merchants was a result of their efforts to understand and mediate different cultures.

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