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      • 體級競技 男子 運動選手들의 食事特性과 性格特性의 相關關係에 對한 硏究

        고대관,이영호 인제대학교 1999 仁濟醫學 Vol.20 No.1

        빈번한 체증조절의 요구로 인하여 식사장애의 고위험군으로 예상되는 체급경기 남자 운동선수를 대상으로 하여, 이들에 있어 구별되는 식사특성과 성격특성, 이들 간의 상관관계 및 운동경기 종목에 따른 차이를 밝힘으로써 식사장애와 연관된 성격특성을 중심으로 이들 정신병리의 역할에 대해 밝히고, 또한 체중조절로 인한 식이문제가 식사장애에 어떤 역할을 하는가를 밝히기 위해 본 연구를 시도하였다. 대상군으로는 남자 체급경기 운동선수 94명을 선정하였고, 대조군으로는 남자체육대학생 132명과 남자 일반대학생 173명으로 하였다. 인구학적 자료, 식습관척도, 식사태도조사척도, 체중조절 통제소재척도, Eysenck 성격검사, Brink의 건강염려증 평가척도(Hypochondriasis scale) 및 Beck Depression Inventory(이하 BDI)를 포함하는 자기보고식 설문지를 통해 얻은 자료를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻어낼 수 있었다. 1.체급경기 운동선수군은 체육대학생군과 함께 식사특성에 있어서 식습관척도점수가 일반대학생 군에 비해 유의하고 높아(p=0.000), 비교적 좋은 식습관을 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 식사장애와 밀접한 상관관계를 가지는 것으로 알려진 식사태도조사척도 총점수는 체육대학생군과 일반대학생 군보다 유의하게 높으며(p=0.000), 그 하위척도 중 식이조절(p=0.000)과 체중의 구강조절(p=0.016)에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 2.체급경기 운동선수군은 성격특성에 있어서 정신병적 경향성 척도점수와 우울성향 척도점수(BDI 총점수)가 일반대학생군에 비해 유의하게 높았으나(p=0.000), 체육선수군보다는 낮았으며 (p=0.000), 반면에 신경증적 경향성 척도점수(p=0,000), 외향성-내향성 척도(p=0.047), 그리고 사회적 바람직성 척도(p = 0.000)는 세 군 중 가장 낮은 점수를 나타냈다. 3.식사특성과 성격특성간의 상관관계를 살펴보면, 체급경기 운동선수군에서 식습관척도점수는 성격특성 중 정신병적 경향성(r=-0.2887, p<0.01)과 허위성 척도(r=-0.2274, p<0.05)에서 유의미한 음의 상관을 보인 반면에, 체육대학생군에서는 정신병적 경향성척도(r=-0.3387, p<0.01)와 우울증척도(r=-0.2358, p<0.01)에서, 그리고 일반대학생군에서는 정신병적 경향성척도(r=-0.1604, p<0.05)와 건강염려증 척도(r=-0.1680, p<0.05)에서 음의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 체급경기 운동선수에서 식사태도조사척도 총점수는 성격특성 중 정신병적 경향성(r=0.6006, p<0.01), 내외향성(r=0.2285, p<0.01), 허위성 척도(r=0.3613, p<0.01), 우울증 척도(r=0.2996, p<0.01)에서 상관관계를 보인 반면, 체육선수군에세는 정신병적 경향성(r=0.4473, p<0.01), 허위성 척도(r=0.2049, p<0.05), 우울증 척도 (r=0.3689, p<0.01)의 상관관계를 보였으며, 일반대학생군에서는 정신병적 경향성(r=0.4263, p<0,01), 우울증 척도(r=0.1565, p<0.05), 그리고 건강염려증 척도(r=0.02142, p<0.05)와 상관을 보였다. 체중조절통제소재 척도는 체급경기 운동선수에서는 정신병적 경향성(r=0.2245, p<0.05), 우울증 척도(r=0.2134, p<0.05)와 상관을 보인 반면, 체육선수군에서는 내외향성 척도(r=-0.19912, p<0.05)와 음의 상관관계를 보였고, 일반대학생군에서는 상관관계를 보이지 않았다. 4.체급경기 운동선수군을 운동종목에 따라 각각 유도(N=21), 권투(N=19), 태권도(N=24), 레슬링(N=11) 나누어서 식사특성과 성격특성에 대해 비교하였다. 그 결과 권투선수군에서 유의하게 식습관척도 점수가 높게 나온 것(p=0.041) 이외에는 각 군간에 차이가 없었다. 각 군안에서 Garner 등이나 Gross 등이 제시한 신경성 식욕부진증이 의심되는 20점 이상에 속하는 사람의 수는 유도선순군이 5명으로 가장 많았고, DSM-IV 진단기준에 의한 식사장애로 진단될 수 있는 환자의 수는 유도선수군이 신경성 식욕부진증 2명, 권투선수군이 신경성 폭식증 1명, 태권도선수군이 신경성 폭식증 2명으로 전체적으로 94명중 5명(5.3%)이었다. 이상의 결과를 통해 체급경기 운동선수군은 실사장애의 고위험군이며, 체중조절을 위해 식사조절에 지나치게 의존하며, 체중조절 통제소재가 내적인 경향을 보임을 알 수 있다. 또한 이들의 성격특성으로는 정신병적 경향성이 높고, 내향적이며, 사회적 바람직성이 낮음을 알 수 있단. 특히 이군에서 우울성향도 높았는데, 이러한 이들의 식사특성은 성격특성보다 밀접한 연관성을 가지며, 우울성향은 2차적인 요소로 작용할 가능성을 시사한다. 따라서 본 연구결과는 체급경기운동선수군에서의 식사장애를 구성하는 핵심병리는 성격적 요소와 우울성향과 같은 다양한 요인들과 상관관계를 가지고 있다는 사실을 지지하는 것으로 생각된다. This study was designed to investigate the distinctive eating traits, the relationship between eating traits and personality characteristics, and athletic item differences in weight graded competition athletes, who were considered as a high risk group for eating disorder because of the demands of frequent weight-control. The objects were 94 weight graded competition athletes(male) who have the weight control and excessive physical activity. Control groups were 132 collegeans (male) of athletic department with low demand of target weight, and 173 university student(male) with low demand of excessive physical activity. The authers used self report questionnaire which was composed of demographic dada, eating habit scale, Eating Attitude Test (EAT), scale for locus of control for weight, Eysenck Persodality Questionaire of Korean standardized edition, Brink' Hypochodriasis scale and Beck Depression Inventory(BDI). Following results can be suggested from the data. 1.In terms of the eating traits, weight graded competition athletes group and the athletes collegean group show higher score of eating habits scale than the university student group(p = 0.000). Generally speaking, higher score of eating habits scale suggests relatively better eating habits. The total scare of the Eating Attitude Test, which was closely related with eating disorder severity, was highest among three groups. And it's subcale score such as diet(p=0.000) and oral control (p=0.016) show statistically significant differences. 2.In terms of personaltiy characteristics, the weight graded competition athletes group show higher psychoticism score (p = 0.000) than university student group, but lower of it than athletes collegean group (p = 0.000). And weight graded competition athletes group show the lowest extroversion-introversion scale score(p =0.047) and lie scale score(p=0.000) among three groups. BDI score that was related to depressive traits in the weight graded competition athletes group, was ranked between the athletes collegean group and the university student group (p = 0.000). 3.In terms of the relationships between eating traits and personality characteristics, eating habits scale score in weight graded competition athletes group show negative correlations to the psychoticism scale score(r=-0.2887) and to the lie scale score(r=-0.2274). And that in collegean athletes group show negative correlations to the psychoticism scale score(r = -0.3387) and to the depressive scale score(r=-0.2358). And that in university student group show negative correlations to the psychoticism (r = -0.1604) and to the hypochondriasis scale score(r= -0.1680). The total score of the Eating Attitude Test in weight graded competition athletes group show the positive correlations to the psychoticism scale score(r=0.6006), extroversion-introversion scale score(r=0.2285), the lie scale score(r=0.3613), and to the depressive scale score(r = 0.2996), and that in athletes collegean group show positive correlations to the psychoticism scale score(r=0.4473), the lie scale score(r=0.2049), and to the depressive scale score(r=0.4263), and that in university student group show the positive correlations to the psychoticism (r = 0.42673), the depressive scale score (r = 0.1565), and to the hypochondriasis scale score(r = 0214). The locus of weight control scale score was correlated with the psychoticism(r=0.2245) and depressive scale score(r=0.2134) in weight graded competition athletes group, and negatively to the extroversion-introversion scale score(r =-0.1999) in athletes collegean group, but none in the university student group. 4.We grouped the weight graded competition atheletes group into the judo(n=21), the boxing(n = 19), the taekwondo(n = 24), and the wrestling subgroups by their atheletics items, and statistically examined for each eating traits and personality characteristics. Statistically significant difference was found only the eating habit scores in boxing subgroup with other subgroups. Although the statistically significant difference was not evident, 5 from 94 members(5.3%) have the higher score than the cutoff point for easing disorders. One from 19 members of judo group have anorexia nervosa, 1 from 19 members of taekwondo group and 2 from 22 members of boxing group have bulimia nervosa. So more attention shourld be paid to these group for the study of eating traits. Summarized above results, weight graded competition athletes group is confirmed as high risk group, and depends oral control of weight too excessively. And their locus of weight control is related to introverted traits. Their personality characteristics are related to high psychoticism traits, introverted tendency, and low socially adaptive pattern. Eating traits are more closely related to the personality characteristics and also related to the depressive traits which may be an subsidiary in nature. After all the results of this study suggest that core psychopathology of eating problems in weight graded competition athletes group might be related to multiple factors such as personality characteristics and depressive traits etc.

      • 급성 정신분열병양 증상을 보인 본드 흡입 중독 1례

        고대관,이정호,오석환 인제대학교 1988 仁濟醫學 Vol.9 No.2

        We experienced and treated a case of Inhalant intoxication due to glue smiffing. The patient had been used glue for 2 months as an anxiety-relieving substance in solo-user pattern. The patient has been placing on diazepam, chlorpromazine, nicergoline, and physical restraint against acute psychotic symptoms with good Improvement. Then, supportive psychotherapy, family therapy was done. But multidisciplinary team approach and rehabilation was beyond our scope.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        정신분열병환자의 회화에 나타난 예후적 특징에 관한 일 연구

        고대관,김재환 大韓神經精神醫學會 1990 신경정신의학 Vol.29 No.4

        This study was attempted to examine the validity of the characteristics which had been suggested as the prognostic signs in the human figure drawings of the schizophrenics. Subjects were 63 schizophrenics and 44 non-psychotic patients. As a result, there were significant differences between two groups in reference to following parameters ; media(p<.05), global expressiveness(p<.01), drawn body area(p<.05), number of color used(p<.01), Arieti effects-spatial alteration(p<.05), infantilization(p<.058), detail(p<.01), and emphasized body area(p<.05). It has been thought that seven of these pronostic signs could provided the basic data for the future study of prognostic signs in drawings of the schizophrenics.

      • Topiramate로 유발된 호중구 감소증 : A case report

        박헌구,고대관,우종민 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.4

        A-29-year-old woman suffering from borderline personality disorder and bulimia nervosa developed neutropenia and leukopenia after treatment with topiramate. The patient received 50㎎/day of topiramate. Three weeks later, she developed a neutropenia and leukopenia. WBC and neutrophil count was normalized after discontinuation of topiramate. Although such adverse drug reactions can be considered rare events, due to the potentially serious nature of these reactions, we emphasize the regular blood examination after initiation of treatment with topiramate.

      • 심인성 소양증환자와 만성 담마진환자의 스트레스지각과 통제소재 및 우울증상과의 관계

        이영호,고대관,한기석,정영조,김용상,임성춘,남기흠,김중호,Lee, Young-Ho,Ko, Dae-Kwan,Han, Ki-Seok,Chung, Young-Cho,Kim, Yong-Sang,Lim, Sung-Chun,Nam, Ki-Heum,Kim, Chung-Ho 한국정신신체의학회 1995 정신신체의학 Vol.3 No.2

        For investigating a disease specific psychological mechanism in various dermatological disorders, we tried to explore the difference in correlation among stress perception, locus of control as a coping strategy, depressive symptoms and pruritic symptoms in the patients with psychological pruritis and chronic urticaria. The subjects were composed of 32 patients with psychol-ogical pruritis and 67 patients with chronic urticaria(subject group), and 25 patients with organic pruritis and 59 patient with major depression(control group). Global assesment of recent stress scale(GARS), I-E locus of control scale, Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) and medical college of wisconsin center pain follow up questionnaire were used for assesement. The results were as follows: 1) There were a significant positive correlation between stress perception and depressive symptom in patients with psychological pruritis, chronic urticaria, and major depression but not hi organic pruritis. 2) In relationship between locus of control and depressive symptom, patients with psychological pruritis, organic pruritis, and major depression except chronic ruticaria showed a significant negative correlation. 3) For intensity and pattern of pruritis, there were positive relations with depressive symptom and stress perception only in patients with chronic urticaria. Above results indicate that stress perception and locus of contorl may play a significant role in the formation of psychological and dermatological symptoms in psychological pruitis and chronic urticaria. But the mechanisms of these processes are different in either disorder.

      • KCI등재

        섬유근통증후군(Fibromyalgia Syndrome)의 정신의학적 특징에 대한 연구-우울장애 대 신체형장애

        이영호,이윤우,고대관,한기석,정영조,박영수,정성광,김재윤 대한신경정신의학회 1996 신경정신의학 Vol.35 No.4

        Objective : We attempted to investigate the psychiatric characteristics of fibromyagia syndrome and to determine whether these characteristics are similar with those of major depression or somatoform disorder. Objects and Methods : Twenty-three fibromyalgia syndrome patients, 25 osteoarthritis, 39 rheumatoid arthritis, 25 somatoform disorder and 20 major depression patients were studied. Medical College of Wisconsin Center Pain Follow up Questionnaire, Global Assesment of Recent Stress Scale (GARS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), State and Trait Anxiety Inventory and Korean standardized edition of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire were used for assesement. Results : 1) In fibromyalgia group, the intensity of pain at its worst severity was significnatly higher than that of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis group and the pain more persistent than the other groups. 2) Mean scores of several items including overall global stress perception of fibomyalgia and major depression group were higher than those of the other groups. 3) Among the personality characteristics, scores for psychoticism and neuroticism of fibomyalgia and major depression group were higher than those of the other groups and profile of personality charaterisctics was also different among fibomyalgia, major depression group and the other groups 4) In spite of statistical non-significance, total score of BDI was higher in fibomyalgia and major depression group than the other groups and that score was regarded as having a severe depression. In factor 3 of BDI (pessimism-suicide) which was the main fectors of depression psychology, fibomyalgia and major depression group were scored significantly higher than the other groups. 5) In fibromyalgia and major depression group, score of trait anxiety was also significantly higher than that of the other groups but score of state anxiety was higher in fibromyalgia, major depression, and somatoform disorder group in order. Conclusion : These results suggest that patients with fibromygia syndrome show a distinguishable psychological characteristics to compare with patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The fibromyalgia patients seem to be more painful, more stressful, more anxious, and more depressed than other arthritis patients and they have characteristic personality traits and profiles. And that they show similar psychological profiles with those of major depession rather than those of somatoform disorder

      • 일 지역사회 코호트에서 정상 노인군과 경도인지장애군의 알츠하이머 치매로 진행하는 위험율 비교

        김태영(Tae Young Kim),고대관(Dae Kwan Ko),손지훈(Jee Hoon Sohn),김진영(Jin Yeong Kim),이동현(Dong Hyun Lee),전홍진(Hong Jin Jeon),장성만(Sung Man Chang),이유라(You Ra Lee),최지환(Ji Hwan Choi),윤형근(Hyung Kun Yoon),조맹제(Maeng Je C 대한사회정신의학회 2008 사회정신의학 Vol.13 No.1

        국내 지역사회 거주 노인을 대상으로 한 이번 연구에서 경도인지장애가 있는 경우는 그렇지 않은 경우에 비해 18개월 후 알츠하이머 치매로 진행할 확률이 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다. 따라서 지역사회에서 경도인지장애가 있는 노인을 선별하고, 그들을 대상으로 알츠하이머 치매로의 진행을 늦출 수 있는 적절한 개입을 하는 것이 중요하다. Objectives:The aim of this study is to compare the conversion rates to Alzheimer dementia between the normal elderly group and the mild cognitive impairment group at the community cohort. Methods:Among the 229 nondemented elderly who had undergone the first wave in 2006, 70 subjects completed the second wave 18 months later. We used the Korean version of Mini Mental Status Exam(MMSE-K), the Korean version of the CERAD(Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease) neuropsychological batteries, the Korean version of Geriatric Depression Scale, and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scale. Psychiatrists diagnosed mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer dementia by Petersen criteria and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fourth edition(DSM-IV) criteria. We used the multivariate logistic regression to calculate the odds ratio for the conversion to Alzheimer dementia between two groups. Results:While only one subject converted to Alzheimer dementia among 43 normal elderly(2.3%), there were 5 Alzheimer dementia conversions out of 21 mild cognitive impairment cases(23.8%). The odds ratio between two groups is about 30. No other clinical variables predicted progression toward Alzheimer dementia. Conclusion:The elderly with mild cognitive impairment has higher risk of conversion to Alzheimer dementia than the normal elderly in the community cohort.

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