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        하타다 다카시가 본 제주도

        고길희 ( Kil Hee Ko ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구소 2011 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.38

        하타다 다카시는 전후 조선사 연구의 선구자로서 일본인의 조선관을 개선함으로써 조선에 대한 빚을 갚고자 노력했으며, 전후 일본의 조선사 연구와 조선사교육에 커다란 영향을 미친 인물이다. 이 연구는 하타다가 제주도를 어떻게 보았는가를 그의 저서 『원구(元寇)』(1965)에 초점을 맞춰 고찰한 것으로, 연구의 목적은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 『원구』의 내용을 중심으로 삼별초의 항쟁과 제주도에 관한 기술 내용을 개관하면서 『원구』의 의의와 한계를 밝히고자 한다. 둘째, 하타다가 왜 항몽순의비 앞에서 합장을 했는지를 생각하면서 제주 사람들에게 삼별초의 항쟁이 가지는 의미를 고찰하고, 하타다의 제주도 인식의 한계를 짚어보고자 한다. 셋째, 하타다가 전후 일본에서 조선사 연구와 조선사교육을 접목시키려는 노력을 한 사실에 주목하면서 제주도 역사가 한·일 두 나라는 물론 세계 역사·평화교육에 기여할 수 있는 가능성과 과제를 모색할 것이다. 이상의 작업을 통해 제주도라는 지역사로부터 한·일 두 나라의 역사를 새롭게 조명하고, 제주도가 한·일 두 나라는 물론 세계 역사·평화교육에 기여할 수 있는 미래지향적 교육 과제를 찾아가는 실마리를 던져줄 것으로 기대된다. Takashi Hatada(1908~1994) tried to pay back the debt he owed to Korea by improving Japanese`s perspective on Korean history as a Japanese historian in postwar Japan. As a result of this, he gave had a big influence on korean history and korean history education in Japan. This study focuses on his book "Genko(Mongol Invasions of Japan)"(1965) to consider Hatada`s perspective of Jeju, the Korean island. The aim of this study is to clarify the following: first, to clarify the significance and the limitations of "Genko"after examining the contents of "Genko" that relates to the resistance of ``Sambyeolcho``(the army of Goryeo to resist Mongol invasion) and Jeju island; second, to reconsider the meaning of "The Monument of self-immolation to protect Mongol invasion to Goryeo" and ``Sambyeolcho`` to Jeju people by focusing on the photograph of Hatada showing respect in front of the monument; third, to seek the possibility of how Jeju history can contribute to world history and peace education, in addition to contributing to Korea and Japan relationship, by paying particular attention to the contemporary history of Jeju island in order to go beyond Hatada`s studies. Through this process this study will help develop new perspective on Korean history and Korean-Japanese relationship from the regional history of Jeju Island, and will provide Jeju island the opportunity to contribute to the history and peace education of Korea and Japan, and the world as well.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 한,일대학생의 사고 및 의식 성향에 대한 비교연구

        김흥규 ( Heung Kyu Kim ),이상란 ( Sang Lan Lee ),고길희 ( Kil Hee Ko ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2016 교육문화연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 한·일대학생의 사고 및 의식 성향에 관한 차이를 비교, 시사점을 찾는데 목적이있다. 한국 대학생 297명, 일본 대학생 219명으로 총 516명을 대상으로 가족 및 결혼관, 사회관, 직장관, 외모 및 생활 소비습관을 묻는 총 14문항으로 구성된 질문지 조사(2013. 9 ~ 2014. 10)에대해 국가별·성별 교차분석과 카이제곱 분석을 하였다. 본 연구 결과는 다음과 같았다. 결혼과이혼에 관해 양국 대학생 모두 전통적 경향에 반하여 소극적이면서 책임감이 결여된 결혼·이혼관을 보였다. 사회관 준법성 수준은 한국대학생의 경우 특히 사회 지도층에 대해 부정적 시각이높았다. 한·일대학생 모두 정치·관료·언론 분야가 사회의 건강성을 해치는 요인이라 응답하였고 정당한 실력이나 노력으로 성공할 수 있다고 보는 견해가 양국 모두 낮아 사회에 대한 부정적 시각이 반영되었다. 불만이 있을 때 이직 가능성, 시간외 근무에 대한 태도, 업무와 무관한상사의 요구에 대한 태도를 종합할 때 한국 남자 대학생이 조직생활 적응력이 높고 신중할 것으로 보였다. 소비생활습관은 과거 기성세대의 철저한 경제관념과는 달리 일본대학생들이 생활을즐기기 위한 소비성향이 한국대학생 보다 높은 것으로 나타났다. 반면 한국대학생들이 자신 외에 타인의 외모에 신경을 쓰는 경향에서는 일본대학생들에 비해 다소 높았다. 본 연구 결과 대학생의 성숙한 가족관, 사회관, 직장관 그리고 생활소비 습관 및 외모관을 함양하기 위해 교육적접근이 필요하였다. The purpose of this study is to find implications by comparing Korean·Japanese college students` thinking and consciousness tendency. Subjects were 516 college students(297 Koreans and 219 Japanese). Survey questionnaire composed by 14 items asking their view on family, marriage, society, career, living consumption habit and appearance (2013. 9 ~ 2014. 10). Collected data was analyzed by Chi-Square Test and by-nation & by-gender cross tabulation. The results of this study are as follows. First, students of both nations proved to be contrary to traditional values of marriage and divorce, and they not only passive but also lack of responsibility. Korean students had higher negative opinion than Japanese students, especially in the social leaders` legal observance. The opinion of both Korean and Japanese students as what harms the social health, was the political, administrative, and journalistic. And they thought that possibility of success through fair capability or effort is low. This result reflect their negative view on the society. Judging from turnover intention at time of complaint, attitude toward overtime work and attitude toward their boss, it turned out that Korean male students have the highest adaptability to career life, and are the most careful. Regarding their living consumption habits, unlike the economic concepts of older generations, Japanese students have higher consumption trend for enjoying life than Koreans. Korean student`s paying to their appearance is a bit higher than that of Japanese. The reinforcement of educational program was required in order to have more mature perspective for college students on value of family, career, physical appearance and consumer lifestyle.

      • 山形県のなかの「東アジア」 : 地域に根差した「東アジア的シティズンシップ」育成へ

        高吉嬉 동의대학교 인문과학연구소 2012 인간과 문화 연구 Vol.20 No.-

        これまで日韓両国では多様な分野で東アジアに関する研究や議論が進められてきた。しかしここで問題となるのは、そのほとんどが国家を軸に政治・経済・歴史などについて研究したものであり、ある地域に焦点を当てて、その中から東アジアを考察・議論したものは管見の限りあまり見当たらない。これから東アジアという認識が言説にとどまらず、個々人の生活実感のレベルで具体的に据えられていくためには、地域から具体的な事例を通して東アジアを見通し、それを土台にしながら再び東アジアから地域を捉え直すという往復運動こそが肝要である。 地域に根差した東アジア認識は、特に未来を創っていく東アジアの青少年の教育において大切である。日本と韓国の場合、小学校あるいは初等学校の子どもたちは社会科関連教科でまず地域について学習し、次に日本あるいは韓国を学び、さらに世界各国へとその学びを広げていくことになる。各国の子どもたちが幼い時から自分が住んでいる地域で、具体的な事例を通じて東アジアの存在を発見し学ぶことになれば、その子どもたちは成長してからも東アジアを身近な存在として感じるはずである。この際、教育において重要なのは、東アジアに対する肯定的な観点と未来に対するビジョンを提示することである。そうしたなか、近年、東アジア各国の社会科関連の教育分野では、東アジア的市民性の育成や東アジアにおけるシティズンシップ教育の可能性を模索する動きが見られている。 本研究では、以上のような問題意識をもちつつ、山形県という地域に焦点を当てて、以下の問題を考察していくことにした。すなわち、第一に山形県における「農村花嫁」の概況と戸沢村の取り組みについて、第二に戦前の「満州開拓民」の歴史と戦後の「中国帰国者」の現状と課題について、第三に山形県在住外国人の子どもに対する支援体制の現状と課題について検討を行い、その上で、地域に根差した東アジア的シティズンシップ育成の可能性と課題について考察した。 There have been a wide range of researches on East Asia being conducted between Korean and Japanese academic circles. However, since most of the existing researches concerned to date have been characteristic of being to a greater extent "partial or fragmented" in the sense that they deal with the political, economic, and historical contexts of East Asia by focusing mainly upon those of the specific nation-states respectively within this region, "holistic" perspectives to see and research East Asia within its regional context have been given less attention by academics concerned. Thus, if the discussion on East Asia becomes immersed, extended and solidified tangibly into everyday lives of individuals in East Asia, not merely existing as an abstract discourse, it is of great importance for us to have the (integrated / holistic) insight into seeing the East Asia region via its specific (local / national) cases, on the basis of which to reconsider these specific cases from the regional context. In particular, the way of perceiving East Asia grounded in its regional context plays crucial roles in the future youth education in East Asia. For instance, in Korea and Japan respectively, the social studies curriculum of elementary or primary schools is normally run to teach students, firstly, the East Asian region, secondly, Korea and Japan within this regional context, and lastly, other countries and regions beyond the first two contexts. If these children from their early ages learn and embark on recognizing East Asia based on specific cases to do with where they are currently living (i.e. Korea and Japan), they will be eventually perceiving East Asia as a even more familiar and "approachable" entity / region to them, as they are growing up. At this juncture, what should be prioritized / preconditioned in this educational process is to propose them future vision for as well as positive perspective on East Asia. Hence, there are currently movements to explore the possibility of "East Asian citizenship" or "citizenship education in East Asia" being detected in the social studies education sectors of countries in the East Asian region. In this context, this research examined the following three questions by focusing on the Yamagata Prefecture in Japan: [1] The current condition of "East Asian brides" in the Yamagata Prefecture and the case study about Dojawamura, [2] the history of "Manchurian settlers"in the pre-Second World Warera and the reality of the "Chinese returnees" in the postwar era, [3] the current condition of the support in gsystem for foreign residents’ children in the Yamagata Prefecture and the future task for it. On the basis of these aforementioned questions, I, then, pondered the possibility of cultivating and promoting the regionally-grounded East Asian citizenship and its prospective questions concerned with it.

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