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        관광특구 진흥을 위한 지역 재생 활성화 전략에 관한 연구 -창녕 부곡온천 중심으로-

        고계성 ( Kye Sung Ko ) 경남대학교 산업경영연구소 2021 지역산업연구 Vol.44 No.2

        본 연구는 최근 융복합화된 관광산업이 지역재생 목적의 무한변신을 꾀할 수 있는 최적의 생존 해법으로 활용되고 있듯이, 경남권 또한 다양한 방향과 영역에서 경쟁력 회복, 경제활성화 및 주민 일자리 창출, 침체지역 재생 등의 사업에 관광산업과의 적극적인 연계 접목을 시도하고 있다. 경남창녕군에 소재하는 부곡관광특구는 예전의 신혼여행 1번지 위상에서 방문객 증감율이 저조한 온천 관광지로서 명맥을 이어오고 있다. 지역의 다양한 노력에도 불구하고 다목적 관광수요를 요구하는 이용객의 트렌드에 따라 온천관광지 경험이 풍부한 이용객의 눈높이와는 다소 간극은 여전히 큰 상태이다. 따라서 침체된 부곡지역의 재생, 지속가능한 관광공간이자 온천특구 활성화 차원의 방안모색이 절실하다. 트렌드에 맞춰진 지역재생, 일자리 창출 통한 경제활성화, 온천자원의 보존과 활용, 지역주민 중심 지역정체성 확립 등 제시된 방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 온천자원과 연계된 건강과 힐링, 신규 사업도입에 따른 일자리 창출과 파급효과 모색, 노인 복지정책에 주안점을 둔 한국형 은퇴자주거복합단지 CCRC 도입을 제안하였다. 급증하는 고령 인구에 선제적으로 대응하고 온천자원의 매력성 회복과 보건복지 중심의 힐링문화 조성 외에 빅데이터와 인공지능 등이 복합적으로 조율된 스마트한 헬스케어 공간 구축을 제시하였다. 둘째, 비대면 여가활동을 선호하는 캠핑객 대상으로 부곡 온천자원과 인근 스포츠시설, 그리고 주요 지점의 무료공영주차장 공간 연계 통한 여가레저 캠핑 활동공간으로서 변신 모색을 제시하였다. 동시에 관련 사업 유치와 조성차원에서 특구로 지정된 면적조정 노력 병행을 주문하였다. 셋째, 부곡온천 소재 주요 협의체 중심의 주민주도형 재생노력 주안점으로. 중앙정부 정책사업 중 주민참여형 지원사업, 지역관광활성화 사업 등 유치를 위한 노력병행이 필요함을 강조하였다. 본 연구의 한계점으로는 특정 공간 중심의 연구 및 탐색적 조사 통한 연구결과를 제시했다는 점에서 다소 연구결과의 일반화에는 한계가 있다는 점이 작용 한다 추후 도시재생 사례분석, 조사연구, 지역민조사 등의 후속연구를 통해서 지속가능한 지역재생 발전의 방향을 제시하고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to find out strategies for urban regeneration at the special tourist zone. STZ is specially designated as tourist destination for foreign tourists with prepared legal devices. Bugok was one of the famous honeymoon destination in the 80’s. Today, this place is one of the depressed area and to stimulate the regional economy. A number of regeneration plans suggests the need for hot-spring tourism and regional economic growth. First, it suggested introduce of CCRC(Continuing Care Retirement Community) that is proposed to have a variety of job opportunity, regional generation, conservation and utilization of hot-spring, and economic growth. Second, this place turns into a special space for campers. Bugok has several unused spaces for parking and camping. To attract campers, its multiple efforts are needed to create space with legal device. Third, it should participate in government-led projects that could introduce budget, people, and residents participation. This paper is suggested several managerial marketing implications and strategies for better hot-spring tourism destinations with urban regeneration. But this paper have several limitations, its follow-up study will be completed with suitable survey and develop methods.

      • KCI등재후보

        뱃길 활용과 어항의 관광자원화를 통한 해양관광지 개발에 관한 정책적 제언

        고계성 ( Kye Sung Ko ) 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 人文論叢 Vol.28 No.-

        본 연구는 제주 성산-전남 장흥간 이어진 뱃길과 항구의 관광자원화를 통한 해양관광지 개발에 주안점을 두고서 연구를 진행하였다. 뱃길 이용객 증가와 지역발전 견인의 영향으로 인근 지자체의 적극적인 경쟁참여가 있지만, 두 지역간 경쟁력 확보와 지속가능한 관광산업 성장을 위한 다각적인 발전방안 마련이 요구되는 시점이다. 정책 제언으로 제시된 결과로는 사업재원마련, 해양중심의 산업별 복·융합 통한 신산업 영역 개척, 여객터미널의 다기능화, 공동프로모션, 지역간 연계 관광상품개발, 신규 해양매력물 도입 등을 제시하고 있다. 추후 단계별 시행계획 위한 로드맵 작성과 지속적인 관광지화에 따른 후속연구가 요구된다. This paper outlines and discusses the development of marine tourist destination with orange cruise line and the ports of Noryuk, Jangheung, and Seongsan, Jeju. A new high-speed ferry to Jeju has changed that paradigm. The ferry cuts down the journey from the time and money to less than two hours and low costs. Several regions are trying to follow this success scenario because its impacts are unexpectable in regional society. Its purpose aims to identify the development of marine tourist destination with two areas, Seongsan and Jangheung. Several suggestions are mentioned such as making fund, new development area between undeveloped field and regional-based industry, multi-complex port with various functions, win-win promotions between two regions to gain tourism competitiveness, cooperation with other tourism resources for gaining synergy effect, and new marine attractions to attract marine tourists and potential visitors. The future research should focus on the guideline about successful model that may be useful in applying the vitality concept in regional tourism planning.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스포츠이벤트 서비스품질이 참여선수 만족과 행동의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        고계성(Kye Sung Ko),김기윤(Ki Yoon Kim) 한국관광연구학회 2009 관광연구저널 Vol.23 No.3

        This paper examines sport event participants` satisfactions and behavioral intentions about the service quality of ironman triathlon race in Jeju. The items for measuring service quality are developed by previous related sports studies. 17 attributes were applied. A total of 160 out of 190 participants are required to rate the service quality attributes. These attributes are grouped into four dimensions; excitement, facility environment, service, and place. It illustrates through multiple regression analysis, several areas are suggested and recommended. First of all, excitement and place dimensions are positive impact on participants` satisfaction and recommendation to others. Second, all dimensions except service are positive impact on participation again next time. These findings suggests several management policies for better next iron races. First, it needs a variety of exciting programs for them to be happy. Second, it needs present event place to be the best place with better regional value with the brand. Even though this paper have some limitations, this result will provide several implications.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 관광자원화를 위한 제주 오름의 개발 방향에 관한 연구

        고계성(Kye Sung Ko) 한국관광연구학회 2011 관광연구저널 Vol.25 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the sustainable tourism resource development of Jeju through researching on the Orum(Parasitic volcano). Samples were drawn from the visitors who were visiting Orums. A total of 259 out of 270 participants are required to rate the resource attributes. These resource attributes are grouped into five dimensions; attractiveness, information-service, controlling the climb, legalization, and facility. The results of the study were as follows: First, sustainability in Orum tourism should be suggested with correct information that are creating the valuable environment perception and right participation. Second, the satisfaction of trekkers is commonly the most importantly considered limited facility plan and information service because facility limitation provides sustainable environment. Third, information-service is one of important atrractive power to recomment this resource for potential visitors and encourage sustaiable tourism development. Fourth, revisiting rate will be increased by concentrate on the information-service and comfortable facility service. Even though this paper have some limitations, this result will provide several implications for practitioners.

      • KCI등재

        관광목적지 질적 도약을 위한 실천적 전략 고찰

        고계성(Kye Sung Ko) 한국관광연구학회 2014 관광연구저널 Vol.28 No.2

        This paper outlines and discusses the strategies for the development of quality tourism in Jeju Speical Self-Governing Province(Jeju SSGP). The key to quality tourism strategies focuses upon a number of key issues necessary to reposition Jeju(SSGP) as a quality tourism destination, including the promotion of Korean government tourism policies. A number of strategies have suggested the need for quality tourism and business. Firstly, tourism preparation to receive tourists is significant sector in the increasing demands on the part of tourists for quality and value for money. Secondly, global quality tourism market is still growing with other mass-market products. Like any other industry, benefiting from significant co-operation both in terms of tourism industry innovation and high-value strategy is more important to maintain and increase market share and to attract high-spending visitors. Thirdly, the number of illegal tour guides, no-registered travel companies, and low-value products is growing problem in Jeju(SSGP) tourism market. legislation and regulation are needed to control the proper market and tourism quality.

      • KCI등재

        해양관광개발에 따른 관광지 지역주민의 관광영향 인식 차이 연구

        고계성(Kye Sung Ko) 한국관광연구학회 2011 관광연구저널 Vol.25 No.2

        The current study was designed to investigate hotel customers` environmental friendly decision-making process. This study proposed and tested the conceptual model including the critical components of one`s attitude toward green behaviors, overall image, and loyalty intentions(intentions to visit and recommend) in a green hotel context. A Web-based survey was employed to collect data through an online market research firm`s survey system. A total of 388 usable responses were returned. Following Anderson and Gerbing`s (1988) two step approach, the measurement model was first conducted to assess measurement quality, and then the structural model was estimated to test proposed model. The results of the measurement model verified an adequate level of reliability and validity of the measures. The findings from the structural model indicated that two major components of attitude(i.e., importance of being environmental friendly and perceived level of responsibility of corporations) significantly affect overall image of a green hotel, and this image is positively associated with loyalty intentions. Further, the current study results showed that overall image had a significant mediating effect on the formation of loyalty intentions. This study provides green hotel operators with useful insights about attitudes and image in relation to eco-friendly decisions, which eventually enable them to build up effective marketing strategies. Theoretical and practial implications, limitaitons of the study, and suggestions for future research are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 해양관광 통한 지역개발 방향에 관한 탐색적 연구

        고계성(Kye-Sung Ko) 한국해양비즈니스학회 2011 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.18

        This paper outlines and discusses a strategic approach to sustain marine tourism and regional tourism development for Changwon city tourism industry. It’s purpose aims to identify the development of mega-marine projects such as new-marine city, marine tourist complex, and water-front project. The paper provides a brief summary of the key points and considerations for the marine projects with specific operationalizing sustainability in regional tourism planning. To aviod the wrong results of mega-projects conducted and the impact of desired regional tourism planning, there are several suggestions from non-public investment to cooperation with tourism industry. Community, image, edutainment, marketing, and susutainable planning system are discussed. The future research should address a model that may be useful in applying the sustainability concept in regional tourism planning.

      • KCI등재

        해양관광자원 저도연육교의 활용 방안에 관한 연구

        고계성(Kye-Sung Ko) 한국해양비즈니스학회 2018 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.39

        This paper discusses a strategic approach to promote using Jeodo bridge as marine tourism resource in Changwon city. It s purpose aims to find differential attractiveness and development plans of Jeodo bridge used intensified glass. Jeodo bridge as tourism resource is one of the most clear and famous hot spot and almost 1 million tourists visited this place recently. To find better development plans, this paper provides several key points that will be good for operationalizing sustainability in regional tourism planning. The key points focus on three areas, such as region, theme, and resource characteristics. A variety of events can be hold at any time with bridge, major mega-projects that are operating near Jeodo island region could be connected to cooperate with each other. Several themes are suggested to address new image and business. Resource characteristics are also suggested to attract more visitors and investors for tourism industry. The future research should address suitable plans with concept in regional tourism and development planning.

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