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      • KCI등재

        화상인(火傷人)캠프에서 심리극 활용에 관한 고찰

        강지윤 西江大學校 學生生活相談硏究所 2005 人間理解 Vol.26 No.-

        본 연구는 서울시 장애인인식개선 지원사업인 '화상인(火傷人)을 위한 캠프' 프로그램의 일환으로 실시되었다. 다양한 집단에서 효과가 있는 것으로 나타난 심리극을 화상인이라는 집단에 실시하여 평가해 보자는데 목적이 있으며, 캠프에 참가한 화상인들을 대상으로 일회성으로 실시하였다. 그 결과 심리극이 집단의 지지와 응집력, 실존적 요인, 보편성 향상에 도움이 된다는 결과를 얻었고, 집단원들은 화상이라는 아픔에 대해 공감하고 함께 나눌 수 있는 것에 의미를 두고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 심리극이 화상인들의 자기성장을 위하여 활용되고 이에 대한 경험적 평가와 연구가 계속 축적될 수 있는 가능성을 열어 놓았다는 점에서 본 연구의 의의를 찾을 수 있다. This study carried out as a part of the camp program for 'burned people', designed to better understand physically or mentally challenged people under the support of Seoul City. Psychodrama itself has proven that it is considerably effective throughout diverse groups. The purpose of the study is to apply psychodrama particularly to burned pepole and to assess the effect. For the study, psychodrama was directed once for the camp participants and the conclusions were drawn as follows; psychodrama is a helpful tool in improving group support and cohesiveness, existential factor, universalilty. In addition, members in the group become to find the significance sharing their hurt feelings living with burned marks. The results show that psychodrama can be used for the self-growth of burned people and suggest further empirical researches and studies.

      • KCI등재

        고해상도 위성영상을 위한 국소영역 공간해상도 향상 기법

        강지윤,김인철,김재희,박종원,Kang, Ji-Yun,Kim, Ihn-Cheol,Kim, Jea-Hee,Park, Jong Won 대한전자공학회 2013 전자공학회논문지 Vol.50 No.6

        The high resolution satellite images are used in many fields such as weather observation, remote sensing, military facilities monitoring, cultural properties protection etc. Although satellite images are obtained in same satellite imaging system, the satellite images are degraded depending on the condition of hardware(optical device, satellite operation altitude, image sensor, etc.). Due to the fact that changing the hardware of satellite imaging system is impossible for resolution enhancement of these degraded satellite after launching a satellite, therefore the method of resolution enhancement with satellite images is necessary. In this paper the resolution is enhances by using a Super Resolution(SR) algorithm. The SR algorithm is an algorithm to enhance the resolution of an image by uniting many low resolution images, so an output image has higher resolution than using other interpolation methods. But It is difficult to obtain many images of the same area. Therefore, to solve this problem, we applied SR after by applying the affine and projection transform. As a results, we found that the images applied SR after affine and projection transform have higher resolution than the images only applied SR. 고해상도 위성영상은 기상관측, 지형관측, 원격탐사, 군사시설감시, 문화재보호 등 많은 분야에서 이용된다. 위성영상은 동일한 위성영상 시스템에서 획득한 영상이라 할지라도 하드웨어(광학장치, 위성의 운용고도, 영상 센서 등)의 조건에 따라서 해상도가 저하된 영상들이 발생한다. 따라서 위성이 발사된 이후에는 이러한 해상도가 저하된 영상들의 해상도 향상을 위해서 영상시스템의 하드웨어를 변경하는 것은 불가능하므로 위성영상 자체를 이용하여 해상도를 향상시키는 방법이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 저해상도 위성영상을 이용하여 해상도를 향상시키는 방법으로 SR(Super Resolution) 알고리즘을 사용하였다. SR 알고리즘은 다수의 저해상도 영상들의 정합을 통해 영상의 해상도를 향상시키는 알고리즘이다. 하지만 위성영상에서는 동일 지역에 대한 여러 장의 영상을 획득하기 어렵다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 어파인 변환(Affine Transform)및 투영 변환(Projection Transform)을 적용 후 영상에 대한 기하학적 변화를 보정하여 SR 알고리즘을 수행하였다. 그 결과 SR 알고리즘만 적용한 영상보다 어파인 변환과 투영 변환을 거친 후 SR 알고리즘을 적용한 영상에서 해상도가 확실하게 더 증가되는 것을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        『細雪』の中の戦争 : 蒔岡家を囲む外国人との交流を通じて

        강지윤 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2019 일본연구 Vol.31 No.-

        Junichiro Tanizaki’s novel “Sasameyuki” is a serial work which he started in 1943, but its publication was interrupted by the military, as they deemed it not suitable for wartime. However, Tanizaki continued writing it even when the prospect of its publication was not assured, and it was completed in 1948 and was then published. The story depicts the everyday lives of four sisters who own a store in Senba, which was “time-honored from the Tokugawa period”. The marriage proposal Yukiko (the third daughter) receives and the love affair of Taeko (the fourth daughter) are the central axes of “Sasameyuki”. “Sasameyuki” is thought as a work of “Anti-era” as a work depicting the extravagant everyday life of the Makioka sister, and It has been thought that “not fitting in the wartime” in the military is due to this “extravagant everyday”. However, in this paper, we consider this concept of “Anti-era” as “denial to the times”. Various characters in the story mainly emerge in relation to Yukiko’s marriage and Taeko’s love affair. However, the Stolz family who are neighbors of the Sachiko and Kirilenko families who in turn are acquaintances of Taeko, appear frequently in the novel, despite the fact that they have no involvement in the Makioka family’s activities. The Stolzes are a German family who run a shop in Kobe, and they and the Makioka family become close to each other because the former have a son and daughter who are about Sachiko’s daughter Etsuko’s age. The Kirilenkos are an exiled Russian family and their daughter Katarina helps provide the motive for Taeko to learn how to make a doll. Although the Stolz and the Kirilenko families, both foreign, seem to be similar, it has been pointed out that there is a difference in the attitude that the Makioka family displays toward them. The Makiokas proactively engage with the Stolz family to the extent of inviting them to their house, but they don't extend this welcome to the Kirilenko family. The favorable attitude towards the Stolz family that the Makioka family displays is believed to reflect the strong Japan-Germany relations of that time. In addition, Teinosuke’s attentive attitude toward the Kirilenko family echoes the state of Japan-Soviet relations of the period after the Russian revolution. The era of war, which had not appeared until then, is appeared when the Stolz family leaves Japan and returns to Germany. It is believed that Tanizaki’s perception of the war is reflected in the letters exchanged between the Stolz and the Makioka families. Although the circumstances of the Stolz family’s departure is depicted in detail, on the other hand, Catalina’s departure is not described, only referred to in conversation among the Makioka family. The fate of Catalina is also only transmitted indirectly through messages from others, and the Makioka family engages in a miscalculation at her expense. The Makioka family’s miscalculation at Catalina is regarded as a miscalculation in the war for the reader after the war. In these ways the depiction of the Stolz and Kirilenko families functions as a narrative device which encourages the reader to remember the war. 谷崎潤一郎の長編小説『細雪』は1943年に連載が始まった作品だが、戦時中という時局にそぐわないとして軍部によって中断された。しかし戦時中において、谷崎は疎開しながらも執筆を続け、1948年に完成させている。『細雪』は「旧幕時代からの由緒を誇る」船場の店舗を所有していた大阪の旧家である蒔岡家の四姉妹の日常を描いた作品である。その中でも三女雪子の縁談の物語と四女妙子の恋愛の物語は、『細雪』の軸となる出来事である。蒔岡姉妹の華美な日常を描いた作品として、『細雪』は「反時代性」の作品として捉えられており、軍部における「時局にそぐわない」という指摘がこの「華美な日常」にあると考えられてきた。しかし、本稿では、この「反時代性」の概念を「時代への否定」として捉える。 物語に登場する人物は、雪子の縁談の出来事と妙子の恋愛の出来事に関わる人物が主であるが、幸子の隣人として登場するシュトルツ家と妙子の知人として登場するキリレンコ家は、蒔岡家の出来事には関わりを持たないにもかかわらず、物語の中で頻繁に登場している。シュトルツ家はドイツ人の家族で神戸で店を営んでおり、幸子の娘悦子と年の近い兄妹がいることから、両家は親しくなっている。キリレンコ家は亡命ロシア人家族であり、その娘カタリナが妙子に人形作りを習うきっかけで登場する。 同じ外国人家族として登場するシュトルツ家とキリレンコ家だが、蒔岡家が彼らを接する態度に差異が生じていることを指摘したい。蒔岡家はシュトルツ家に対しては家に招待する程積極的な交流をしているが、キリレンコ家に対しては彼らの招待にも一度では応じない態度の違いを見せている。蒔岡家が見せるシュトルツ家への好意的な態度は、当時の日独関係を反映していると考えられる。また、キリレンコ家での貞之助の慎重な態度はロシア革命後の日ソ関係を想起させる。 蒔岡家とシュトルツ家の関係はシュトルツ家が日本を離れドイツに戻ることで、それまでは登場しなかった「戦争」という時代状況を登場させている。シュトルツ家と蒔岡家の間で交される手紙には当時の戦争に対する谷崎の認識が反映されていると考えられる。出国するシュトルツ家の様子は詳しく描写されている反面、カタリナの出国の様子は描かれておらず、蒔岡家の会話の中で登場するのみである。その後のカタリナの消息も、他人からの伝言という間接的な情報の伝達が行われており、彼女に対する蒔岡家の誤算が発生する。カタリナに対する蒔岡家の誤算は、敗戦後の読み手にとって戦争における己の誤算として捉えられる。シュトルツ家とキリレンコ家の存在は、読み手の戦争の記憶を想起させる装置として機能している。

      • KCI등재

        식민지의 기억:남성수난사와 실패한 관계들-1960년대 식민지기 회고서사 최정희 『인간사』와 손소희 『남풍』 다시 읽기-

        강지윤 국제한국문학문화학회 2023 사이 Vol.35 No.-

        이 연구는 최정희의 『인간사』(1964)와 손소희의 『남풍』(1963)을4․19혁명 직후 국민국가 건설 과정에서 지배 담론이 누락한 탈식민 주체성의 문제성을 회고 서사를 통해 역사화하고 있는 한국문학사의 흥미로운 사례로서 주목했다. 최정희의 『인간사』는 식민지기 사회주의자의 이중성을 핵심적인 재현 대상으로 삼고 있는, 해방 후 한국문학사에서 매우 찾아보기 힘든 텍스트다. 이 작품은탈식민 주체성의 착종에 접근하면서 ‘국민’ 정체성의 은폐된 균열에도 접속하고있다. 다른 한편 손소희의 『남풍』은 재만(在滿) 조선인과 재만 일본인, 재조(在朝) 일본인처럼 국민국가 서사에서 누락된 식민지적 디아스포리제이션의 문제를 조명하고 있는 텍스트다. 더불어 여성작가의 남성수난사로서 남성 주체의 사회적 정체성이 어떻게 개인의 내밀한 젠더적 관계성에 연루되어 있는지를 보여주는 한편, 남성 주체가 한국 사회의 주류적 정체화 기제를 거부하고 다른 선택을 하는 사례를 서사화하고자 했다는 점에서 더욱 주목을 요한다. 이를 통해 이 회고서사들은한국 근현대사의 가려진 역사를 재현하는 것을 넘어 역사의 변화 속에 있는 주체의 사회적 정체성 승인 과정에 내포된 젠더의 문제를 조명하는, 이 시기 한국문학사의 드문 사례가 되고 있다. This study tries to read Choi Jung-hee’s Ingansa and Son So-hee’s Nampung as interesting examples to show what is excluded by “nation” as nation-state building of postcolonial Korean society. Choi Jung-hee’s Ingansa represented the colonial socialists who have been disappeared in South Korean society, that claimed to support anti-communism, and captured their doublesidedness to reveal postcolonial nation’s hidden fissure. Son So-hee’s Nampung deals with colonial diasphorization and shows racial hybridity of colonial society which Korean nation state tried to eliminate by insisting on racial nationalism after Liberation. Besides, this article points out that both narratives seize historical rupture inside of masculine identity membership of Korean postcolonial subjects by describing hero’s fixation to their lovers.

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