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      • KCI등재

        중국 남수북조(南水北調) 프로젝트 권역별 특성 비교연구

        강재식 ( Jae Shik Kang ),이종구 ( Jong Gu Lee ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2010 유라시아연구 Vol.7 No.2

        The study analyzes each property of 3 areas relating to South-to-North Water Transfer Project which promotes water resource in rational usage through artificial space-rearrangement so that Chinese government would solve the imbalance distribution of water resource between south and north. Imbalance distribution of water resource in Northern area of China is a representative example of ecological environment changes which have chronically progressed. Especially, relatively terrible drought and shortage of water is bringing about serious life crisis in north-west area. Desertification is already starting widely from Xinjiang Uigur region to Gansu, Qinghai, Neimeng and Shanxi Province. Chinese people feel it is social-economical crisis in itself as well as a big natural disaster that desertification is going to 80km of Beijing, the capital of China. Chinese government is developing South-to-North Water Transfer Project which promotes water resource in rational usage through artificial space-rearrangement to solve imbalance distribution of water resource between south and north in China. South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China had begun the construction since 2002 in Eastern Route, Middle Route and Western Route through long-term public survey, the study and fundamental design process. 3 constructions of each area has their own properties on geographic environment, construction conditions, and construction object. Eastern Route is located in Eastern seaside area of China in which population rate is high and the first construction of three ones began there. The main business of Eastern Route construction is to supply industrial water stably with eastern seaside and Tianjin city including Shandong Province. Especially, it is closed to east coast which plays role of tow car of China Economy and its altitude is low. Difficulty of construction is also low because Grand Canal has been since it was long time ago and social-economical effects on the areas is very great when the construction is done. But it is a weak point that they can supply water only after they purify contaminated water of Yangtze River downstream. Middle Route will prepare for the formal part which is important for the solution of water-shortage in big cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Shijiazhuang. The main business of Middle Route construction aims at supply water of Danjiangkou reservoir located at an altitude of 976 meters with Beijing and Tianjin city by the natural-fall way. Because the capital of China, Beijing and a great city, Tianjin is the final destinations, actual effects as well as symbolism of the project is expected to be enormous. But it can cause damage by decrease in water amount of catchment area. The goal of Western Route construction is to build a great canal from Jinsha River which comes from Tibet and finally to promote afforestation of Neimeng area and civilization of north-west area by connecting the canal to upstream area of Yellow River. It is expected to be the project which can give innovative effects on ecological environment. Depending on the result of the successful completion, the effects on this area can be considerable because desertification has progressed and it is too serious for human to live there for a long time. Comparing to 2 other routes, the level of difficulty is very high, and the detail plan of construction is not set, yet. Due to those reasons, the construction has not begun, yet and in China, there is a sharp conflict of opinions on the expected effects and side effects. South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China is a national project which has been strategically planned for 100 years and supported widely by public. Besides, the government ever has consistently pushed ahead the project and they have a clear cause for that, the solution of survival and the route of pragmatism. Thus, South-to-North Water Transfer Project gets lots of positive reputations in China. The project is definitely supported in that people can expect development of urban environment and greening through supplying better residential water and industrial water than the format water and they can improve ecological environment and achieve balanced development of the country through rational rearrangement of space after tide. But large-scale construction can bring ecocide, another contamination and natural disaster. It is considered as a negative part of that project. That is, South-North Water Transfer Project can improve ecological environment of the area supplied with water but it can cause negative effects on the area which supplies water. In case of Yangtze River area, the catchment area of Eastern Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project, going-up sea water, holding together and tangled rivers, and blocked sand of the river mouth can be expected to influence even to sailing a boat because inflow water to the sea is rapidly decreased. Certainly it shouldn``t be ignored that conflict among areas, ethnic groups, and nations can happen due to the gap of interest between suppliers and beneficiaries. Ecocide can be caused by artificial canal construction through South-to-North Water Transfer Project and those parts will work against the project.

      • KCI등재

        중국 내 한류 문화의 지속 성장을 위한 전략에 정착을 관한 연구

        윤상일 ( Sang Il Yoon ),강재식 ( Jae Shik Kang ),김형재 ( Hyung Jae Kim ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2011 유라시아연구 Vol.8 No.4

        Having started in mainland China from the late 1990`s, Hallyu or the Hallyu not only disseminates Korean pop culture, but generates economic and cultural profits in many different aspects. At the same time, however, signs of objection to Hallyu are surfacing with the Hallyu spreading across the East Asian region. In this context, this research aims to discuss ways to firmly establish Hallyu by making it more sustainable, as Hallyu has shifted the Korean culture from the periphery to the center of the world culture, and to talk about measures to spur the establishment of a sustainable Hallyu on to advance the cultural industry of Korea. At present, Hallyu in China has factors of strength and opportunity, weakness and threat-strength in that Hallyu`s success has boosted favorability of Korean cultural goods in China and that Korean goods are a harmonious combination of Western and Eastern style, opportunity in that Hallyu has cultural similarities and a solid base of followers, weakness in that prices of Hallyu-related goods are on the rise, ‘killer-content` is non-existent yet, information about how to spread Hallyu further on the ground is insufficient, threat in that China`s import of Korean cultural goods is falling due to increasingly disapproving attitude of the Chinese people towards Korean cultural goods and widespread counterfeit goods within China. Under these circumstances, making Hallyu more sustainable requires us to build on establishing a governance system, to put more priority on industrial value in our policies for the cultural industry, and to devise strategies to make inroads into the global market by developing novel cultural products of diverse kinds and by nurturing a global media group. Coupled with these efforts, better quality goods by Korean companies and stronger national competitiveness are necessary to properly respond to the Chinese government`s restrictive policies against Hallyu and to maximize the spin-off effect of Hallyu, through various levels of cultural exchange with China.

      • KCI등재

        국제사회 : 재 한국 중국 유학생의 직업의식 특성에 따른 효율적 진로상담 방안에 관한 연구

        김홍유 ( Houng Yu Kim ),이종구 ( Jong Gu Lee ),강재식 ( Jae Shik Kang ) 국제지역학회 2009 국제지역연구 Vol.13 No.2

        최근 들어 대학의 글로벌 교육이라는 슬로건 하에 많은 외국대학과 교류에 노력을 기우리고 있다. 이러한 노력으로 최근 수년간 우리나라에 유학 오는 외국 학생수가 상당히 증가하고 있으나 이들을 위한 전반적인 시스템은 전무한 형편이다. 특히 개인의 생애설계와 관련된 진로지도 및 상담과 관련된 지원프로그램은 전무하다. 따라서 본 연구는 한국에 유학중인 중국 유학생들을 대상으로, 직업의식 특성에 따른 진로상담 자료로 활용하기 위해서 연구 조사한 논문이다. 연구 결과 중국 유학생들의 성별, 학년별 등의 특성에 따라 약간의 차이를 보였으나 전체적인 경향에서는 거의 비슷한 결과로 분석되었다. 특히 직업의식이 경제적인 측면으로 기울어지는 것은 점점 어려워져 가는 세계 경제 상황을 반영한 것이라고 할 수 있다. 또한 중국 유학생들도 평생직장의 개념이 사라지고, 평생직업의 개념으로 변화하는 추세임에도 불구하고, 직업의식을 교육 받거나 정보를 얻을 수 있는 곳은 드문 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 이들이 우리사회에 올바른 정착과 직업생활을 위해서는 올바른 직업의식을 알리고 교육하는 제도적 장치를 마련하는 것이 필요하다. We have been analyzed by research on the characteristics of professional consciousness, professional preparation, employment, and career life aimed at Chinese students. There is a tendency that overall trend is almost the same, even though there might be a small difference according to the characteristics of Chinese students` gender and scholastic year. Especially, a drift to the economic aspect of professional consciousness is a reflection of increasing hardship on our society. In spite of now is the era of disappearing permanent job and being changed to the concept of lifelong career, there is exceedingly rare places for getting education of professional consciousness or related information. It is needed to inform upright professional consciousness and to educate the Chinese students.

      • 손끝 접촉반응의 모델링과 응용

        한은경 ( Eun Kyung Han ),권영하 ( Young Ha Kwon ),강재식 ( Jae Shik Kang ),이수민 ( Su Min Lee ),강대임 ( Dae Lm Kang ),박연규 ( Yon Kyu Park ) 한국감성과학회 1998 추계학술대회 Vol.1998 No.-

        손끝으로 물건을 문지르거나 잡아 질감을 느끼는 경우 나타나는 현상을 Hertzian 접촉이론을 응용하여 수학적인 모델링을 하였다. 물체표면에 손끝이 접촉하여 눌려지게되면 변형이 일어나게 되고 변형된 모양과 정도에 따라 촉감을 느끼게 .된다. 손끝은 점탄성체로서 누르는 변위에 따라 탄성계수와 점성계수 값이 비선형으로 변하게 되는 현상을 이론과 실험을 통하여 연구하였다. 특히 손끝이 직물을 누를 때 나타나는 현상을 측정하여 질감표현과의 관계를 분석하였다.

      • 직물의 점탄성 특성 측정과 질감해석 연구(2) -크리프

        황성욱 ( Seong Uk Hwang ),권영하 ( Young Ha Kwon ),강재식 ( Jae Shik Kang ),박연규 ( Yon Kyu Park ),강대임 ( Dae Im Kang ) 한국감성과학회 1999 춘계학술대회 Vol.1999 No.-

        Voigt Model assumed for creep was used to obtain the viscoelastic properties of fabrics in thickness direction and the governing equation was derived. The weights were specially designed and calibrated for constant stress applied to fabrics and the 1 μm resolution laser displacement sensor was attached in order to measure the variation of strain. Ten fabric samples were used. The few steps of strain showed according to the internal structure of fabrics. Also correlations the Hand Values from KESF with the spring and damping coefficients were considered.

      • 기후변화에 대한 국제적 논의 이슈 및 각국의 대응 전략

        신지인;강재식 경희대학교 산업관계연구소 2011 産硏論叢 Vol.36 No.-

        기후변화에 대한 국제사회에서의 논의는 1992년 기후변화회의로부터 교토의정서, 발리 행동계획, 코펜하겐 합의, 칸쿤 회의 등에서 의미있게 다루어져 왔다. 특히 교토의정서를 통해 ‘온실가스 감축체제’를 구축하였으며 이에 관한 시장경제 매커니즘을 도입했다. 과거 기후변화에 대한 논의는 일부 선진국에 한해 제한적으로 이루어졌으나 현재는 세계 각국이 공동 협력을 구축해야 한다는 데에 공감대를 형성하고 있다. 그러나 교토 협약 이후, 기후변화에 대한 논의에 경제적 관점이 더해지면서 순수한 의미에서의 공동 협력은 이루어 지지 않은 채 각국의 입장 대립상황이 지속되고 있다. 유럽연합과 미국으로 대표되는 선진국들은 개발도상국의 배출 감축 의무 설정을 적극 요구하는 한편 탄소배출권 시장을 형성해 시범 운영해나가고 있다. 중국으로 대표되는 개발도상국들은 선진국의 역사적 의무를 강조하며 자발적 감축 정책으로 대응하고 일각에서는 기후변화에 대한 대응 양상을 선진국의 개도국에 대한 발전 저지 음모론으로 해석하며 대립에 각을 세우고 있다. 한국은 선진국으로의 편입을 통해 감축의무 설정 압박을 받고 있으나 정부는 적극적인 녹색성장 전략 등으로 국제사회의 논의 수준에 대하여 보다 선제적 입장을 취하며 이에 대응하고 있다. 그러나 국제적인 합의가 도출되지 않은 상태에서 정책에 가속도를 내기 보다는 국제 논의의 진행상황과 배출권 거래제의 국제적 흐름을 충분히 지켜보며 대응하는 것이 실익을 챙기는 방법일 것이다. The discussion of Climate Change has gone through with United Nations Climate Change Conference which was in 1992, Kyoto Protocol, Bali Action Plan, Copenhagen Accord, Cancun Decision. Particularly, it built reducing greenhouse gas system up and took the market economy mechanism which was reducing carbon emissions. These days, a bond of sympathy developed between all the countries of the world, although former discussion of Climate Change had been formed by developed country. However after Kyoto Protocol, there was no veritable cooperation but each government insisted on their rights. Since the economic benefits were discussed. Developed countries, such as the United States and the European Union demand developing countries' obligation of reducing emissions establishment, on the other hand, they have been operating carbon credits market. Developing countries represented by China are insisting historic obligation of developed countries and they are responding self reducing emissions policy. Some say the response of developed countries is conspiracy to check the growth. Republic of Korea has been pressed obligation of reduction because of joining the ranks of advanced countries. Despite the pressing of other countries, Republic of Korea handle them with green growth policy. Until they bring about agreement, we should not accelerate our policy progressing but observe world's situation carefully such an Emission Trading. That's how we get real profit.

      • 노동계약법 실시 이후 중국 노사관계의 변화와 재중 기업의 대응전략

        이희운;강재식 경희대학교 산업관계연구소 2011 産硏論叢 Vol.36 No.-

        중국은 경제체제개혁에서 나타나는 노동문제를 해결하고, 계획경제시기와 다른 노사관계를 수립하는 한편 노동자의 권익을 보호하기 위하여 2008년부터 노동계약법을 전면적으로 시행하였다. 노동계약법은 중국의 시장경제가 점차적으로 성숙해지는 시기에 노동쟁의가 날로 증가되는 상황에서 탄생된 법률로서 중국 노사관계가 새로운 변화를 가져올 것으로 보인다. 노동관련 정책과 법률이 “親기업”에서 “親노동자”로 변함에 따라 중국이 가공무역과 저임 노동력의 매력을 점점 상실하게 되고 중국진출 외자기업은 원가관리, 인력자원관리 등 면에서 새로운 도전에 직면하게 된다. 이 연구는 중국의 노동계약법 실시로 인한 노사관계의 변화를 살펴보고, 중국진출 외자기업의 대응전략을 제시하는 데 주목적을 두었다. 결과적으로 외자기업들은 첫째, 국제적 역량의 이전과 능력 향상 및 교육훈련을 강화하고, 주재원을 현지 경영 인력이나 기술 인력으로 간접적으로 대체하여야 한다. 둘째, 중국 공회를 통한 경영 및 관리방식의 개선을 실시하여야 한다. 셋째, 생산성 향상으로 임금상승을 상쇄하고 성과주의 인사제도를 도입하여야 한다. 넷째, 생산거점을 중국내륙으로 이전하거나, 중국에서의 철수 또는 타국으로의 이전을 고려하여야 한다. Since innovation and opening in 1978, China has been industrialized and urbanized through expansion of market economy and accomplishment of rapid economical growth for more than 30 years but labor-management relations have been significantly changed, too. Especially, as the Labor Agreement Law was enforced in January, 2008, the labor market and labor environment of China faced on important changes. The largest change was that the labor law system, which had been focused on the development of enterprises in the past, was changed to the direction to protect the rights and benefits of the laborers. The purpose of this study is to suggest counter strategies to the enterprises, which run business in China, against the new changes by studying and analyzing the changed Labor Agreement Law. The counter measures of the foreign-invested enterprises in China may be summarized as follows. The first is to minimize the employed manpower through equipment automation, outsourcing non-essential work, and expanded outsourcing in order to meet the elevated labor cost. The second is to take measures to meet the new labor environment through rearrangement of manpower and structural reorganization. The third is to try in order to construct cooperative relations with labor unions. And, the last is to improve the personnel affairs and labor management systems. Many foreign-invested enterprises in China, which is called as the factor of the world due to its rich manpower, could be comfortable in China in relation to the requests for wage increase and labor unions’ strikes which had been frequent in their native countries but, as the Labor Agreement Law was enforced, they are surprised at the change to the labor market that cannot be easily controlled due to requests for wage increase by almost 20 % every year, group suicide of Foxconn, and the large scale strike of Honda Motors Factory. The foreign-invested enterprises in China should strictly manage personnel affairs and labor to meet the changed Labor Agreement Law, should possess specified technology, and should practice ethical management in order to survive in Chinese market with competition priority.

      • 국내은행의 중국금융시장 진출 전략과 영업확대에 관한 연구 : 중국은행산업의 차별적 정책 철폐에 관하여

        김주호;강재식 경희대학교 산업관계연구소 2008 産硏論叢 Vol.33 No.-

        While the top 3 banks’ market concentration reaches 50% in today’s bank market, the phenomenon of deflection frequently occurs due to excessive competitions among banks, mainly in home mortgage loans or loans to small and medium-sized firms to expand their market shares. On the other hand, China announced in December 2006 an open policy that allows foreign banks retail finance and scraps regional deregulations, motivating foreign banks to accelerate entry into the market, with household savings ratio increasing by over 25% against the income against the backdrop of economic growth. After all, domestic banks also have the task of developing overseas markets and have chosen the Chinese market which is in earlier stage of opening than our bank industry and has a great growth potential. Such Chinese bank market is predicted to take off and become the world’s biggest economic bloc in the future and China is deemed to be a nation where there is a high possibility for our banks to take root, relative to the financially advanced nations. In keeping pace with a rapidly changing trend of globalization in the bank industry, this thesis was written to analyze the strategy for advancing into the Chinese bank market and the way of expanding business, thus making suggestions to domestic banks which have already entered, or are seeking the opportunity to enter, the Chinese bank industry.

      • 고유가시대의 중국 에너지 정책 분석 및 한국의 대응전략에 관한 연구

        김선태;강재식 경희대학교 산업관계연구소 2008 産硏論叢 Vol.33 No.-

        To summarize the current world energy phenomenon, we can express that it is in the ‘Instability of world energy supply and demand’ situation. Few factors causing these circumstances can be ‘Rising of Economy on newly rising developing country which resulted in sudden increase of demand on oil which caused the short supply of oil in international energy market’, ‘Deepening of foreign countries energy development competition by energy demand deficiency’, ‘Economic unrest of countries near resource - rich nations’ and ‘High sky marching of International oil prices’, Despite these possible factors, one main reason affecting this circumstance is ‘Continuance rise of International oil prices’. Such high rise of international oil price is reaching to the extreme as we are entering the year 2008. In the beginning of the year, price of WTI oil broke the $100/ barrel mark line and in June, it passed the $130/ barrel mark line. Moreover, price of Dubai oil also reached $120/ barrel mark line in June as well. According to Goldman Saks Corporation, the price will increase up to $200/ barrel in the near future. Meanwhile, China has achieved constant rise of economy, reaching close to 10% annual economic growth since they initiated ‘Innovation and open economy policy’. In order to achieve their ultimate aim ‘The all-out Syaokang(小康) Society in early 21st century", they would require to maintain their economy growth level and indeed, this will result in high demand of the energy. However, it’s impossible to continue their economic growth and achieve economic self sufficiency only with energy produced in China. For that reason, energy short in supply has to be imported from overseas. Consequently, this is a study of the Korea’s confrontation strategy based on ‘Analysis of SWOT’ and Chinese energy policy, ‘11-5Plan’ which Chinese government must choose to utilize, considering constant rise of international oil prices and circumstances in China’s energy situation. 작금의 세계 에너지 정세를 요약하면 신흥개도국의 ' 경제성장과 비례한 에너지 수요증가등으로 인한 국제 에너지 시장에서의 공급량 부족현상 심화'와 '러시아, 베네수엘라 등 신자원민족주의 가속화', '에너지 수요부족에 따른 해외 에너지 개발 경쟁의 심화', '자원보유국 주변 정세 불안', '국제유가의 고공행진' 등으로 인한 「세계 에너지 수급의 불안정」상황이라고 표현할 수 있으나 가장 심각하게 영향을 미치는 것은 '국제유가의 지속 상승'이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 국제유가의 상승 현상은 2008년도에 들어서면서 극에 달하고 있다. 금년 초에 WTI유 1배럴당 100달러대를 돌파한 후, 6월 현재 배럴당 130달러대를 넘어섰으며, 두바이유도 마찬가지로 6월 현재 1배럴당 120달러를 넘어서서 상승하고 있으며, 골드만삭스사에 의하면 멀지 않아 1배럴당 200달러에 이를 것이라고 전망하고 있는 상황이다. 한편 중국은 개혁개방이후 연평균 10%대의 높은 경제성장을 지속함과 비례하게 에너지수요량도 증가하였을 뿐만 아니라, 그들의 궁극적인 목표인 '21세기 초에 전면적인 샤오캉(小康)사회' 건설을 위해서는 당분간 현재의 경제성장 수준을 유지해야 하기 위해서는 경제성장에 필요한 만큼의 에너지 수요량도 증가할 수밖에 없다. 그러나 중국내에서 생산되는 에너지로 지속적인 경제성장을 위한 자급자족이 불가능하여 수요 대비 부족한량의 대부분을 해외로부터 도입해야 하는 상황이다. 따라서 이러한 국제유가의 지속상승과 중국내의 에너지 상황을 고려하여, 중국정부가 택할 수밖에 없는 중국의 에너지 정책인 '11-5규획'상에 명시된 에너지 정책을 분석하여,한국에 주는 영향과 시사점을 도출하여 SWOT분석을 통한 한국의 대응전략 수립에 관한 연구이다.

      • 한국 전력산업의 중국 진출 전략에 관한 연구 : 한국전력공사, 한국지역난방공사를 중심으로

        권태순;강재식 경희대학교 산업관계연구소 2009 産硏論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        The power industry is the driving force of national economy activities and it not only accounts for high portion, but it is a highly value-added integrated technology industry: therefore, it has raised Korea's foreign competitiveness and has been developed as a growth motive power industry. Korea electric power industry has dramatically developed over past 40 years and it has excellent human resources, technology and pluralistic power facilities internally and externally equal with advanced power corporation and it holds world-class technology in the field of thermal power generation and nuclear power generation. Recently, Korean power industry is predicted to be a slowdown in growth and the competitiveness is getting fierce due to the private power contractors's entry to the market. In addition, the circumstances for power industry because of the reduction duty of greenhouse gas emission according to the Climatic Change Convention and the instability of supply and demand from security competition of energy resource is getting worse. However, the power industry's entry into the international market is becoming the necessary situation: for example, CDM industry where additional income is expected in addition to the alternative of nuclear power generation due to the instability of oil prices and world-wide trend of new and renewable energy. The purpose of China power industry's entry corresponds with that of Korea power industry in the necessary circumstance of new power facilities construction according to the rapidly economic growth. Especially, China power market is getting larger and is expected to raise high benefits as the arena of competition and it has many opportunities because of the inducement strategy and monopolistic environment. However, the benefits has been canceled according to the foreign power generation and there are a lot of weakness such as difficult environment change-the multi-change of strategy and the complexities of entry procedure and the opacity of investigation- and vulnerable awareness of Korean public companies such as Korea electric power industry, the insufficient information about China power market, the technical insufficiency of new and renewable energy. Korea power industry entry to China market has been activated after the early-mid 1990s, bilateral ties between Korean and China when the limited business such as technology cooperation, technological consultive service had been performed. However, the cogeneration power business of Qinhuangdao in Hebei has been started by Korea District Heating Corporation in 1997 and it has entered China focused on wind power business in Neimenggu and Gansu and connected business of power and resources in Shanxi. Therefore, this study has analyzed the cases of Korea district heating corporation and the strategy has been established through SWOT analysis of the advantages of Korean public corporation, the internal environment as weakness, opportunity factors of China power market and external environment as a threatening factor so that it can get effective results by promoting the entry to China power market. First, the intensification of entry to the fields such as China nuclear power, water power and new and renewable energy Second, the cooperative entry strategy with Korean private company based on Korea Electric Power Corporation, the best public one in the field of power. Third, the intensification of optimum financing such as projecting financing and financial package of Export-Import Bank of Korea. Fourth, the manage intensification of nation and business risk in case of entry to China market Fifth, the intensification of professionals for China expert cultivation. Sixth, the strategy of Korean standard power plants for the penetration of China nuclear power Seventh, the establishment of government support system for diplomatic channel intensification depending on the diversification of risks, financing and political influence of China government according to the public corporation's entry to the power market. Lastly, the information collection like the demand and the trend of competitors for the penetration of China power market and the intensification of network management for the connections with China government and companies. 우리나라 전력산업은 지난 40년간 비약적인 성장을 하였으며, 대내외적으로 선진전력회사와 대등한 수준으로 우수한 인적자원과 기술력, 다원화된 전력설비를 보유하고 특히 화력 및 원자력발전 분야에 있어서는 세계적인 기술력을 갖추고 있다. 최근 국내 전력산업은 전력수요의 성장둔화 추세가 예측되고 민간발전사업자의 시장참여로 인한 경쟁은 더욱 심화되고 있으며, 여기에 기후변화협약에 따른 온실가스 배출감축의무, 각국의 에너지자원 확보경쟁에 따른 에너지 수급불안정 등 전력산업 환경은 점점 악화되고 있는 실정이다. 그러나 국제유가의 불안정에 따른 원자력발전 대체와 신재생에너지의 세계적인 추세 외에 부가적인 수입이 예상되는 CDM사업 등 전력시장에도 해외진출은 시대적 흐름과 기업의 성장, 생존을 위한 필연적 상황이 되고 있다. 중국의 전력시장은 개혁․개방 이래 급속한 경제성장으로 전력산업도 이에 따라 대규모 신규 발전설비의 건설이 불가피한 상황으로 우리가 적극적으로 진출하려는 목적과 서로 부합되는데, 특히 중국 전력시장은 세계 선진전력회사의 각축장이라고 할 만큼 규모가 커고 전력부문에 대한 해외유치정책으로 진출기회도 많고 독점적 환경으로 인한 높은 수익도 기대할 수 있으나, 외국전력 유치에 따른 혜택이 축소되고 정책의 다변화 및 진출절차의 복잡성, 심사과정의 불투명성 등 중국 내 어려운 환경변화와 한국전력공사 등 국내 전력회사의 낮은 인지도, 중국 전력시장의 정보부족, 신재생에너지 기술력 미비 등 많은 취약점도 가지고 있다. 한국전력산업의 중국시장 진출은 한․중 수교가 이루어진 후인 1990년대 중반으로 초기에는 기술협력, 기술 자문용역 등 제한된 사업을 하였으나, 1997년 최초로 한국지역난방공사의 허베이성 친황다오열병합발전사업을 시작으로 2003년 한국전력공사의 허난성 우즈열병합발전사업, 내이멍구와 깐쑤성 풍력발전사업 및 샨시성 발전․자원 연계사업 등 화력과 풍력발전사업 위주로 진출하고 있다. 진출초기의 사업타당성 검토부족과 중국 내의 전력시장 환경변화에 대한 대처미비 등 어려움이 많았으나, 그 동안 해외에서 축적한 경험과 국제경쟁력 확보를 바탕으로 중국 전력시장에서의 수익성 창출, 세계적인 기업으로의 성장기회, 국내 민간기업과의 공동 진출을 통한 위험회피 및 시너지 효과를 기대할 수 있다. 따라서 이러한 취약점을 극복하고, 중국 전력산업의 현황과 환경변화를 고찰하고 기 진출한 외국 전력회사 및 한국전력공사, 한국지역난방공사의 사례를 분석한 뒤, SWOT분석을 통한 전략방안을 제시하여 중국 전력시장에 진출하고자 하는 연구이다.

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