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      • KCI등재

        실내조건에서 무당벌레(Harmonia axyridis : Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)의 각 발육단계에 친환경농자재가 미치는 영향

        강은진,강명기,이희진,이대홍,석희봉,김다아,길미라,서미자,유용만,윤영남,Kang, Eun-Jin,Kang, Myong-Ki,Lee, Hee-Jin,Lee, Dae-Hong,Seok, Hee-Bong,Kim, Da-A,Gil, Mi-La,Seo, Mi-Ja,Yu, Yong-Man,Youn, Young-Nam 한국응용곤충학회 2007 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.46 No.1

        무당벌레(H. axyridis)는 세계적으로 진딧물의 포식자로 널리 알려지면서 농생태계내에서 진딧물을 방제하기 위한 방제인자로 많이 사용하고 있다. 또한 국내에서는 농약의 사용을 억제하는 정부정책과 소비자의 요구 등으로 인하여 친환경농업이 확대되면서 친환경농자재들이 많이 사용되고 있다. 따라서 친환경농자재의 사용은 무당벌레에 직간접적으로 영향을 미칠 수가 있다. 살충성친환경농자재(IEFAMs)의 경우 무당벌레의 각 발육단계에 대하여 대부분 안전한 경향을 나타내고 있다. 살균성친환경농자재(FEFAM)의 경우에도 FEFAM A를 제외한 다른 종류들은 무당벌레에 대하여 영향이 적다. 토양미생물친환경농자재(EFAMSM)인 EFAMSM C와 H는 무당벌레 알의 부화율을 떨어뜨릴 수가 있으며, EFAMSM A와 F는 1령 유충에 피해를 줄 수 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 식물성추출물친환경농자재(EFAMPE)는 EFAMPE A와 D는 무당벌레 알에 치명적인 독성을 보이고 있는 것을 알 수 있다. 그 이외의 다른 조사된 농자재들은 무당벌레에 비교적 독성이 약한 것으로 평가되었다. The multicolored Asian ladybird beetle (Harmonia axyridis) has been commonly used with biological control agents for control of several kinds of aphids in agroecosystems. Also, environment friendly agricultural materials have been commonly applied in crop fields because the government held down pesticide application and environment friendly agricultures are gradually increased with consumer's desires. The multicolored Asian ladybird beetles may be directly or indirectly under the influence of environment friendly agricultural materials In crop fields. The insecticidal environment friendly agricultural materials (IEFAMs) might be saff against each developmental stage of multicolored Asian ladybird beetle. Fungicidal environment friendly agricultural materials (FEFAMs) had a miner effect to each developmental stage of multicolored Asian ladybird beetle with the exception of FEFAM A. Environment friendly agricultural materials contained useful soil microorganisms (EFAMSMs) C and H might be down the hatching rate of eggs, and EFAMSM A and F had a killing effect to 1st instar of lady beetles. Environment friendly agricultural materials contained plant extracts (EFAMPEs) A and D might be suffered effect a deathblow of egg hatching with lady beetles. Otherwise, there was a miner effect to lady beetles with the rest of tested environment friendly agricultural materials.

      • KCI우수등재

        핀란드, 캐나다, 호주 유아교육과정의 디지털 미디어 리터러시 요소 탐색

        강은진,김아미,이지운 한국아동학회 2022 아동학회지 Vol.43 No.4

        Objectives: Digital media literacy has been recognized internationally as an important competence. The 2022 Revised Curriculum for elementary and secondary education reflects digital media literacy as an essential competency for democratic citizenship. While the global trend suggests early childhood as the time for commencing digital media literacy education, the related elements are not specifically contained in the Korean national early childhood curriculum (Nuri Curriculum). The purpose of the current study is to propose a direction for revision of the Nuri Curriculum by comparatively analyzing the educational expectations, structures, and contents related to digital media literacy in early childhood curricula in Finland, Canada(Ontario), and Australia. Methods: Finland, Canada, and Australia implement lifetime media literacy education and systematically include media literacy in national level early childhood curricula. Educational expectations, structures, and contents related to digital and media literacy were analyzed according to media literacy and related skills and elements. Results: First, the educational expectations from international early childhood education curricula reflects digital and media literacy competency. Second, the international curricula suggest active online safety in ways such as participating in a safe, media-friendly environment. Finally, the international curricula encourage active development of digital literacy by suggesting diverse ways of using media. Conclusion: For digital media literacy development in early childhood, the elements of digital media literacy should be more specifically contained in the national level curriculum. Considering the change in the 2022 Revised Curriculum and global trend, it is necessary to reflect competencies in digital media literacy comprehensively in the Nuri Curriculum.

      • KCI등재후보

        건강기능식품의 신뢰도 및 이해도 향상을 위한 표시제도 연구

        강은진,김지연,권오란,김명철,김건희 한국식품위생안전성학회 2008 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        This study was performed to improve of Health Functional Food(HFF) through investigating thelabel system. The logo on HFF to increase the reliance, understanding and quality warranty for consumers was devel-oped through competition. In order to investigate the consumer's awareness about HFF label system a nationwidesurvey was conducted in metropolitan areas (6 cities) and middle-sizes cities (6 cities). The subjects was 2000(males collected by in-person interviews. The major results wereas follows. 63.0% of consumer responded they need certification mark for HFF and trust function information of text/graphic format than text format. 85.3% of consumers chose the long claim including the mechanism because 38%reported that they could confide the information, 36% reported it is easy to understand and 26% reported that theythought it is more effective than short claim. As 58.8% of the total consumers answered that the manufacturers markedthe nutrition function claim without the permit of the KFDA, a reliable certification mark developed by this researchis expected to contribute in improving the label system of HFF, rising reliability and perception of consumer.

      • KCI등재

        유아교사의 애니메이션 활용실태 및 인식 : 디즈니 애니메이션을 중심으로

        강은진,현은자 한국유아교육학회 2001 유아교육연구 Vol.21 No.2

        본 연구는 유아교육기관에서의 애니메이션 활용, 유아교사의 디즈니 애니메이션에 대한 인식, 그리고 애니메이션 선정기준을 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 서울·경기, 부산·경남, 전북지역의 유아교사 439명을 대상으로 설문조사를 한 다음, 연구문제에 따라 빈도와 백분율을 살펴보았다. 설문지 조사 결과, 유아교육기관에서 애니메이션을 일주일에 1-2번 정도 보여주었고, 대부분의 유아교육기관에서 디즈니 애니메이션을 보여준 것으로 나타났다. 유아교사들은 디즈니 애니메이션에 대해 높은 선호도를 보였으며, 디즈니 애니메이션을 교육적으로도 바람직하다고 답하였다. 연구결과를 통해 애니메이션 선정기준과 유아 교사를 위한 미디어교육 프로그램 개발의 필요성에 대한 요구를 제시하였다. This study examines early childhood teachers' use of animation in kindergartens and child care centers, their perception of animation, especially, Disney Animation, and their criteria for selecting animation. Subjects were 439 teachers in Seoul·Kyungki, Pusan, Kyungsangnamdo, and Chollabukdo areas, Korea. The instrument used for this study was a questionnaire developed by researchers. Collected data were analyzed according to frequency and percentage. The survey results were as following: 1) Regarding watching animation in kindergarten and child care centers, teachers showed to children 1∼2 times per week. 2) Regarding watching Disney Animation in kindergarten and child care centers, the majority of teachers showed Disney Animation. 3) The majority of teachers thought Disney Animation was appropriate use in kindergarten and child care centers. 4) The majority of teachers said they felt it was necessary to develop criteria for selecting animation. The results indicate that teachers feel there is need to develop viable criteria for appropriate animation selection and to have a media education program for early childhood teachers.

      • KCI등재

        전공의를 대상으로 시행한 사망진단서 작성법 교육의 효과

        강은진,이혜지,김선휴 대한응급의학회 2018 대한응급의학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        Objective: This study investigated the most common errors on death certificates written by resident trainees of the emergency department and evaluated the effects of education on how to write a death certificate. Methods: A casebook of 31 deaths was prepared based on actual death cases in the emergency room in 2016. Ten residents completed 31 death certificates for the death casebook without any prior notice and then received education on ‘How to write the death certificate.’ They completed the death certificates again for the same casebook after receiving the education and the number of errors on all death certificates was again determined and divided into major and minor errors. The average number of error types was compared before and after the education. Results: Major errors occurred in 55% of all death certificates, but decreased to 32% after education. Minor errors decreased from 81% before education to 54% after education. The most common major error was ‘unacceptable cause of death’ (mean±standard deviation [SD], 10.2±8.2), and the most common minor error was ‘absence of time interval’ (mean±SD, 24.0±7.7), followed by ‘absence of other significant conditions’ (mean±SD, 14.6±6.1) before education. Conclusion: Education on ‘how to write a death certificate’ can help reduce errors on death certificates and improve the quality of death certificates.

      • 육아친화적 스마트시티 리빙랩 운영 방안

        강은진 육아정책연구소 2020 육아정책포럼 Vol.66 No.-

        새로운 도시에 대한 기대로 출발한 스마트시티는 도시 집중으로 야기된 문제를 해결하기 위한 기술혁명 도입과 거주민의 삶의 질 개선을 지향한다. 해외뿐만 아니라 국내에도 여러 지역에서 스마트시티 사업이 추진되며 다양한 서비스가 모색되고 있으나, 현재 도시 인구에 집중되고 있는 아동과 청장년층의 삶의 질에 대한 고려는 부족한 상황이다. 새로 소개되는 저출산·고령사회 기본계획에서도 저출생 극복을 위한 주거정책에 대해 다루고 있다. 스마트시티의 추진 방향이 인간 중심의 기술구현이 되기 위해서, 아이를 키우기 좋은 환경으로서 스마트시티를 바라보는 것이 필요하며, 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 리빙랩 운영의 모델을 제시하고 시범 적용해 봄으로써 육아친화적 스마트시티 리빙랩의 운영 가능성에 대해 다루고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        장애위험 영유아 지원을 위한 법과 전달체계의 현황 및 개선 방안

        강은진,최윤경 한국유아교육학회 2023 유아교육연구 Vol.43 No.4

        Recently, the number of infants and children at risk of disability such as developmental delay has increased, and the difficulties for daycare and kindergarten teachers are also escalating. The need for early screening and early intervention in children at risk of disability is recognized, but not implemented. This study collected literature and operational plan data to examine the current status and cases of the legal system related to disability risk and the delivery system, which is the main body of service support. Data were collected and analyzed through questionnaires and interviews with the person in charge. The results are as follows. First, current legislation does not have a separate law provision for "children at risk". However, the Welfare Support Act for Disabled Children and the Special Education Act for Persons with Disabilities state that developmental rehabilitation services are necessary for children under a certain age. Second, it the legislation provides related services from comprehensive childcare support centers, special education support centers, and welfare centers for the disabled, but in reality there were regional differences and a shortage of specialized personnel. This study suggested that there is a need to deploy professional personnel to support infants and children at risk and establish a system to provide related services even before disability registration. 최근 발달지연 등 장애위험 영유아가 늘어나며 어린이집과 유치원 교사들의 어려움이 커지고 있다. 장애위험 영유아의 조기발견과 조기개입의 필요성에 대해서는 인식하지만, 실행에는 어려움 이 있는 상황이다. 본 연구는 장애위험 관련 법의 체계와 서비스 지원 주체인 전달체계의 현황 및 사례를 살펴보기 위해 문헌 및 운영계획 자료를 수집하였으며, 보완이 필요한 자료는 설문조사와 담당자 면담을 통해 수집해 분석하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 우리 법은 ‘장애위험 영유아’에 대한 별도의 개별법을 두고 있지는 않으나, 「장애아동 복지지원법」, 「장애인 등에 대한 특수교육법」에서는 특정 연령 이하의 아동에 대하여는 발달재활서비스가 필요하다고 언급하고 있었다. 둘째, 육아종합지원센터, 특수교육지원센터, 장애인 복지관의 관련 서비스를 제공하고 있으나, 지역적 차이와 전문 인력이 부족함을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구에서는 장애위험 영유아를 지원하기 위한 전문인력의 배치와 장애 등록 이전에도 관련 서비스를 제공받을 수 있는 체계가 구축될 필요가 있음을 제언하였다.

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