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      • 초등학교에서의 아동의 실제적 지능에 대한 아동과 교사의 구성요인 비교

        강영심,임영화 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 2003 敎育硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        지능은 인간의 정신능력을 대표하는 구성개념으로, 연구하는 학자에 따라, 시대에 따라, 또한 사회와 문화에 따라 서로 다르게 정의된다. 이러한 인간 정신능력의 포괄성과 지능 정의의 다양성에도 불구하고 그 동안 지능은 심리측정학적 접근 방식의 표준화 지능검사 결과를 토대로 설명되어져 왔다. 이러한 전통적 지능은 학습잠재력에 대한 적절한 지표가 되지 못할 뿐만 아니라(강영심, 1998). 학업성취 외의 실생활이나 직무수행 능력을 잘 예측하지 못하고 있다(Sternberg, 1985, 1997a).

      • KCI등재

        특수교육학개론 수강여부에 따른 예비초등교사의 교사효능감과 교수적 수정 실행의지 차이

        강영심,정혜윤 국립특수교육원 2015 특수교육연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 조사연구로 특수교육학개론 수강여부에 따라 예비초등교사의 교사효능감과 교수적 수정 실행의지에 어떠한 차이가 있는지 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 조사대상은 B지역의 교육대학교에 재학 중인 학생 489명이다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 18.0을 이용하여 독립표본 t-검증을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 특수교육학 개론을 수강한 예비초등교사와 그렇지 않은 예비초등교사간에는 장애학생지도에 대한 교사효능감에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았지만 교수적 수정 실행의지에서는 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 구체적으로 특수교육학 개론을 수강한 예비초등교사가 수강하지 않은 예비초등교사보다 전반적 교수적 수정과 하위영역 중 교수환경, 교수내용, 교수평가 등의 영역에서 실행의지가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 교사양성과정에서 특수교육과 통합교육 관련 강좌를 통하여 예비초등교사가 통합교육의 실행에 필요한 능력을 함양하도록 지원하는 방안을 모색하는데 중요한 정보를 제공한다.

      • Alkali Fusion과 Diazotization에 依한 phenol合成에 관한 硏究

        강영심,서현숙,손형옥,김덕길 이화여자대학교약학회 1968 梨花藥學硏究 Vol.- No.9

        The alkali fusion and diazotization have been known from the synthesis of phenol. The fusion of sodium benzene sulfonate with sodium hydroxide has long been one of the important preparing methods of phenol. The laberatory experiments upon the preparation of phenonal frequently utilize the diazo reaction. Aniline is diasotized in dilute sulfuric acid solution and the benzene diazonium hydrogen sulfate is hydrolyzed by warming the solution at the temperature ranges of 50~60℃.

      • KCI등재

        참여관찰을 통한 통합유치원에서의 장애유아와 일반유아의 상호작용 특성 연구

        강영심,정혜윤 한국아동권리학회 2005 아동과 권리 Vol.9 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of peer interaction of children in inclusive kindergarten, especially, the characteristics of interaction of children with disabilities toward children without disabilities and children without disabilities toward children with disabilities. For this study, the qualitative study has performed through participation observation. The results of the study are as follow.; The char- acteristics of peer interactions of children with disabilities toward children without disabilities are watching actions of peers, striking approached peers or taking a toy away from peers, approaching peers and participating peer's activity, suggesting game to peer with sharing a toy, smiling or physical touch properly, imitating peer's actions. And the characteristics of peer interactions of children without disabilities toward children with disabilities are calling off names, sharing playthings, suggesting activities to peer with disabilities or showing play earlier, helping peer with disabilities, advoing or excluding play, disregarding inadequate actions of children with disabilities or regarding as baby. Showing this pattern, children have attempted and maintained peer interactions each other. Through continuous peer interactions, children with disabilities have achieved advance of physical ability, utilizing utterance for peer interaction, imitating peer's play. Typical children have showed interest of child with disabilities and considering peer with disabilities. Through this experiences of interaction peers, children have expressed mutual interest, imitating each other, concerning mutually. 본 연구는 통합유치원에서 장애유아와 일반유아가 상호작용하는 행동특성을 살펴보고 그 의미를 해석하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 한 달 동안 장애유아가 통합되어 있는 유치원의 교육과정에 참여하여 관찰하는 질적 연구를 수행하였다. 연구결과, 장애유아와 일반유아의 상호작용의 특성은 긍정적인 측면과 부정적인 측면으로 나타났다. 긍정적인 측면으로는, 장애유아가 또래들에게 먼저 접근하여 적극적으로 상호작용을 시도한다는 점이다. 또한 또래들에게 자주 웃어 보이거나 적절하게 신체적인 접촉을 하여 자신의 부족한 언어적 능력과 사회적 능력을 보완하였다. 일반유아들은 장애유아의 활동을 보조해주거나 도움을 주면서 상호작용을 시도하였고 놀잇감을 나누어 주면서 함께 놀이를 하였다. 부정적인 측면으로는, 장애유아가 신체적, 언어적 능력의 결함으로 인한 어려움을 일반유아가 빈번하게 도와주고, 또래간의 상호작용과정에서 장애유아의 부적절한 행동에 대해서 또래들이 지나치게 관대한 태도를 보였다는 것이다. 그러나 중요한 것은 장애유아와 일반유아는 꾸준히 서로에게 접근을 시도하고 상호작용한다는 점이다. 이러한 상호작용은 장애유아와 일반유아는 서로에 대해 보다 이해하게 되고, 친밀한 애정적 또래관계로 변화해 갈 수 있는 기본적인 토대가 된다고 하겠다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        정신지체아의 발달권 증진을 위한또래갈등 해결전략 연구

        강영심,황순영,이태헌 한국아동권리학회 2006 아동과 권리 Vol.10 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the peer-conflict solving strategies of children with mental retardation compared with children without mental retardation in the same age under the circumstances of peer conflict. The subject of this investigation is chosen as 3, 4, 5, 6 grade children with mental retardation among 22 elementary schools and children without mental retardation with random sampling same as one with mental retardation among 2 elementary schools in B city. To find peer-conflict solving strategies, the 8 hypothetic circumstances of peer conflict were set up and showed to children and asked to answer the question with the individual interview. The results of this study are as follows; the children without mental retardation can offer more various kinds of answers than one with mental retardation even though difference is not that big. This result shows that the order of strategy that children with mental retardation prefer is self-assertive, passive, social, hostile and appeal to authority strategy and that of strategy that the children without mental retardation prefer is social, self-assertive, hostile, passive and the appeal to authority strategy. Consequently, analyzing this result can be interpreted that the more the children with mental retardation use the social strategy, the less they use the hostile one and the more they use the self-assertive strategy, the less they use the passive one. ◈본 연구의 목적은 정신지체아가 일반아와 비교했을 때 또래갈등 해결전략에서 어떠한 차이를 보이는지 알아보고 정신지체아의 원만한 또래관계 형성을 위한 발달권을 증진시킬 수 있는 교육적 방안을 탐색하기 위한 것이다. 연구대상은 B시의 초등학교 3, 4, 5, 6학년 정신지체아 35명과 이들과 생활연령이 같은 2개 초등학교 일반아 35명이다. 8가지 또래갈등 상황을 제시하여 아동의 해결전략 반응을 수집하여 집단간 또래갈등 해결전략을 비교하였고, 각 갈등상황별로 이들이 제시한 해결 전략을 비교하였다. 연구결과, 첫째 전체 또래갈등 해결전략의 수는 크게 차이가 나지 않았으나 정신지체아들은 또래갈등 해결전략으로 자기주장적 전략과 수동적 전략을 많이 제시한 반면, 일반아는 친사회적 전략을 가장 많이 제시하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 일반아가 정신지체아보다 사회적인 용어들을 사용하여 더 다양하고 폭넓게 갈등해결 전략들을 제시하였다. 이러한 결과는 정신지체아의 성공적인 사회적 관계를

      • KCI등재

        장애관련 신문활용교육이 장애아동에 대한 비장애아동의 태도 변화에 미치는 효과

        강영심,원경아 한국아동권리학회 2004 아동과 권리 Vol.8 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of NIE on elementary nonhandicapped students' attitudes toward handicapped students. The experimental design used in this study is a pretest-posttest control group design, and 76 sixth grade students in elementary school are sampled as subjects of this study. They are randomly classified and assigned to two groups : an experimental group and a control group. A T-test is used to analyze the collected data in SPSS 10.0. The hypotheses of this study are as follows : 1) NIE will have a positive effect on changing nonhandicapped children's attitudes toward handicapped children. 2) NIE will have a positive effect on changing component of nonhandicapped children's attitudes toward handicapped children. The major findings of this study are 1) the NIE experimental group showed a positive change in their attitudes compared to the control group. In other words, NIE has a positive effect on changing nonhandicapped children's attitudes toward handicapped children. 2) the NIE experimental group showed a positive change in cognitive, affective, behavioral components of attitude compared to the control group. NIE has a positive effect on changing component of nonhandicapped children's attitude for handicapped children. In conclusion, NIE which offers realistic and concrete information for handicapped children and their special education has a positive effect on changing nonhandicapped children's attitudes toward handicapped children. 본 연구는 장애관련 신문활용교육이 장애아동에 대한 비장애아동의 태도에 미치는 효과를 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 연구대상은 부산광역시 H 초등학교 6학년 아동 76명이었으며, 전후 검사 통제 집단 실험 설계로 수행되었다. 연구 결과, 장애관련 신문활용교육을 받은 비장애아동들이 통제집단 비장애아동들보다 장애아동에 대해 긍정적으로 인식하게 되고 장애아동과 상호작용하려는 행동적 경향성이 높아져, 인지적 및 행동적 요소에서 유의미한 변화를 보여주었고, 정서적 요소의 태도에 있어서는 부분적인 변화를 보여주었다. 결론적으로 장애관련 신문활용교육은 통합교육이 주요한 실천과제가 된 현실에서, 비장애아동들에게 장에아동에 대한 올바른 이해와 공동체적 의식을 심어줌으로써 장애아동에 대한 부정적인 인식이나 편견을 없애는데 효과적인 중재전략임을 확인하였다.

      • Alkali Fusion과 Diazotization에 依한 phenol合成에 관한 硏究

        강영심,서현숙,손형옥,김덕길 이화여자대학교 약학회 1968 梨花藥學會誌 Vol.- No.9

        The alkali fusion and diazotization have been known from the synthesis of phenol. The fusion of sodium benzene sulfonate with sodium hydroxide has long been one of the important preparing methods of phenol. The laberatory experiments upon the preparation of phenonal frequently utilize the diazo reaction. Aniline is diasotized in dilute sulfuric acid solution and the benzene diazonium hydrogen sulfate is hydrolyzed by warming the solution at the temperature ranges of 50~60℃.

      • KCI등재

        金淳愛(1889~1976)의 생애와 독립운동

        강영심 한국근현대사학회 2012 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.63 No.-

        Kim, Sun-Ae is one of the typical Korean women who devoted themselves to the national independence movement in the colonial period. She was born in Sorae town, Jangyeon-gun, Hwanghae province and brought up to the Christian faith. She got to have a firm patriotic will to enlighten Korean women when she was educated at Joengshin girls’ school. After graduation in 1909, she became a teacher and instilled national consciousness at Chorang elementary school in Busan. Such patriotic educational activities by her were discovered by Japan and so she had to flee to China. In China, she helped her brother, Kim Pil-sun who lived in exile since he was pursued by Japan on the charge of his liberation movement as a member of Korean independence movement. She entered the Myongdok girls’ school in Nanjing, China in 1915 and trained herself to be a feamle national leader. She got married to Kim, Gyu-sik on January in 1919 and became a member of New Korean Youth Party (Sinhanchungnyundang). Thereafter she became dedicated herself to the Korean independence movement. The New Korean Youth Party planned to dispatch a representative to the Peace Conference at Paris in 1919 and to hold a domestic rally against Japanese colonialism. For this program, she stole into Busan, Korea with other members of the New Korean Youth Party. These activities led by Kim gave a great influence on the outbreak of the March 1st Independence movement. She gave her full support to the Korean Provisional government (KPG) which was established on April 1919. For example, she organized such patriotic groups as Korean Women’s Patriotic Society(Daehan Aeguk Buinhoe), the Korea National Red Cross (KNRC), Korean Female Young Alliance, the Reconstruction Korea Women´s Patriotic Association etc to support the Korean Provisional Government. It is a historical significance that Kim, Sun-Ae fulfilled the role of a supportive wife for the KPG in many different aspects. Kim, Sun-Ae was a female independence activist based upon China for 30 years. It is prominent that she was a supportive wife for her husband who was an independence fighter as well as she herself entered the nationalism movement. Furthermore, she played an important role as a diplomat with her foreign language skills for the national independence. She gave lively lectures to request the international support for the Korean liberation. Besides, Kim, Sun-Ae was a female international specialist who analyzed the international situation of those days and so she emphasized international unity beyond solidarity between Korean women to oppose fascist forces. Kim, Sun-Ae is one of the typical Korean women who devoted themselves to the national independence movement in the colonial period. She was born in Sorae town, Jangyeon-gun, Hwanghae province and brought up to the Christian faith. She got to have a firm patriotic will to enlighten Korean women when she was educated at Joengshin girls’ school. After graduation in 1909, she became a teacher and instilled national consciousness at Chorang elementary school in Busan. Such patriotic educational activities by her were discovered by Japan and so she had to flee to China. In China, she helped her brother, Kim Pil-sun who lived in exile since he was pursued by Japan on the charge of his liberation movement as a member of Korean independence movement. She entered the Myongdok girls’ school in Nanjing, China in 1915 and trained herself to be a feamle national leader. She got married to Kim, Gyu-sik on January in 1919 and became a member of New Korean Youth Party (Sinhanchungnyundang). Thereafter she became dedicated herself to the Korean independence movement. The New Korean Youth Party planned to dispatch a representative to the Peace Conference at Paris in 1919 and to hold a domestic rally against Japanese colonialism. For this program, she stole into Busan, Korea with other members of the New Korean Youth Party. These activities led by Kim gave a great influence on the outbreak of the March 1st Independence movement. She gave her full support to the Korean Provisional government (KPG) which was established on April 1919. For example, she organized such patriotic groups as Korean Women’s Patriotic Society(Daehan Aeguk Buinhoe), the Korea National Red Cross (KNRC), Korean Female Young Alliance, the Reconstruction Korea Women´s Patriotic Association etc to support the Korean Provisional Government. It is a historical significance that Kim, Sun-Ae fulfilled the role of a supportive wife for the KPG in many different aspects. Kim, Sun-Ae was a female independence activist based upon China for 30 years. It is prominent that she was a supportive wife for her husband who was an independence fighter as well as she herself entered the nationalism movement. Furthermore, she played an important role as a diplomat with her foreign language skills for the national independence. She gave lively lectures to request the international support for the Korean liberation. Besides, Kim, Sun-Ae was a female international specialist who analyzed the international situation of those days and so she emphasized international unity beyond solidarity between Korean women to oppose fascist forces.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 간호사들의 독립운동 - 1919년 전후한 시기를 중심으로 -

        강영심 한국민족운동사학회 2023 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.- No.115

        A nurse is the representative professional job for women that appeared in the early modern era of Korea. Although nurses were guaranteed socio-economic stability with modern professional education during the Japanese colonial period, they fought their way for the independence of their country, armed with national consciousness, the spirit of anti-Japanese movement, and professional medical skills. Therefore, we need to review the independence movement of nurses to discover, restore, and historically evaluate the movement and re-examine their role as female social leaders. In this study, we focus on the independence movement of nurses around the March First Movement in 1919, when the independence movement of nurses prevailed as the most active. Nurses played a significant role in 1919, accounting for most Korean Patriotic Women's Association members. After that, however, they failed to form a prominent organization for struggle. In Korea, on the other hand, there was a trend of nurses increasingly participating in the feminist movement closely connected to the women's rights movement. Considering these changes, we cover the movement up to about 1920. The following are the characteristics of the independence movement of nurses revealed in this research: (a) Nurses provided professional medical support to treat people injured majorly or minorly at the scene of struggles and protests. They armed themselves with a sense of national consciousness and anti-Japanese struggle with their experience treating wounded soldiers when the Imperial Korean Armed Forces disbanded in 1907. They continued treating the injured at the site of March First Movement in 1919. Since the nurses served similarly during Independence War in Manchuria 1920s, it is necessary to understand those kinds of medical activities. (b) Nurses took the lead in nursing, participating in the Manse Demonstration and delivering the Declaration of Independence in March First Movement. In particular, four nurses of Severance Hospital led the protesters in the demonstration before the Deamyo on December 2, 1919. (c) By organizing resistance groups or becoming a member, nurses worked in various fields, such as military fundraising, social movements, and espionage. The Korean Patriotic Women's Association, active from April to November 1919, is the most representative organization. We can observe the fighting spirit of nurses from the facts that 51% of the confirmed members were nurses and that Lee Jung-sook, the leader of nurses, achieved the desired results due to her dedication to expanding the organization. (d) In overseas, nurses focused on nursing education at the Korean Red Cross under the Korean Provisional Government in Shanghai. Examples include the Red Cross Nursing School in Shanghai and the nurse training course provided by the Women's Union for Independence in the Russian Maritime Province. Although the course was intensive, it fulfilled the cause of training medical reserve forces in preparation for the independence war. We can see some evidence of policies connecting the courses with the Red Cross to gain international recognition as a part of effective educational management.

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