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        초산훼닐수은의 Polarography

        강영규 한국농화학회 1960 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.1 No.1

        Organic mercurial fungicides, for seed treatments and dust formulations, has been increasingly used by farmers. Evaluation of the purity of organic mercurial fungicides has been performed by precipitation method at this laboratory. There are several methods for the an alyses of organic mercuric formulation, among which are (1) Precipitation met hod, (2) Volatilization method, (3) Volumetric method, and (4) Dithizon method. These methods, however, show some deffects in specificity (differentiation of organic form) and quantitativity. Polarography applied for the estimation of phenyl mercuric acetate was found to be simple, rapid and accurate. Tile fundamental method of polarography arid accuracy of analysis are discussed statistically and and a satisfactory results was obtained.

      • 多孔式 Orifice의 單孔式 Orifice에 對한 實驗的 比較硏究 : 流量係數를 中心으로

        姜濚珪 全北大學校 1966 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        The orifices used as a metering device of fluid flow are for the most part the single type orifices which were standadized in JIS, DIN, and ASME. However the multi-type orifices have never been standardized yet and never used in engineering practice. There has been very little experimental work done to evaluate the practical use of it. The object of the present paper is to try experimentally to compare multi-type orifice with single type orifice with respect to engineering usefulness. For the purpose of carrying out this comparison, main emphasis was put on their discharge coefficients. In oder to evaluate their efficiencies, it is convenient to measure and compare their discharge coefficiants. The results obtained in this experiments are summarized as follows; 1; Discharge coefficient of the multi-type orifice was larger than the single type orifice, it means that the multi-type orifice gives better efficiency than the single type orifice has. 2; It is shown that undur the lower range of Reynolds Number discharge cofficient of the multi-type orifice is constant in comparison with the single type orifice.

      • 沸騰二重管에 있어서의 流動特性과 Burnout

        姜濚珪 全北大學校 1978 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        The purposes of the present study are concerned with the boiling flow characteristic in annulus with different outer diameters, and the effect of annular gap size on the burnout behavior. The experiment constitutes two parts: (1) natural and (2) forced convections. For the experiment of natural convection, two concentric glass tubes were used to make annulus with an inner diameter fixed at 12mm and with three different outer diameters, 16, 20, 24mm, respectively. The inner tube was wound with a nichrome wire as an electric resistance heating element, making the heated length of 250mm. The experiment was conducted at stsyem pressure of 1kg/㎠ and with an inlet subcooling 0-20℃ in the full range of throttling ratio. For the experiment of forced convection, investigation was carried out, under the same condition, for 16, 18, 20, 22, 26mm at system pressure 1kg/㎠ and coolant mass velocity 2×10 exp (5)-3×10 exp (6)kg/m^2h. The experimental results could be summerized as follows: Ⅰ. The experiment of Natural Convection. 1) With the increase of ΔT_sub, D_2 and A/A_o, q_bo, on the whole, increases; with the decrease of ΔT_sub, D_2 and A/A_o, hydrodynamic instavility is accelerated prematually. 2) With the increase of ΔT_sub, D_2 and A/A_o, the burnout characteristic shows the high velocity-low quality burnout; with the decrease, the burnout characteristic shows low velocity-high quality burnout. 3. With the decrease of A/A_o, hydrodynamic instability is significantly restrained; and the difference of q in each D_2, under the same condition, is gradually reduced, finally converging into 1.9×10 exp (5)kcal/m^2-hr. Ⅱ. The experiment of Forced Convection. 1) With the decrease of inlet subcooling ΔT_sub and outer diameter D_2, hydrodynamic instability is accelerated prematurely; with the increase of D_2, coalecence of bubbles is restrained, and, at the same time, a tendency toward spray annular flow becomes dominant. 2) The beneficial effects to contribute to making the spray annular flow are partly due to turbulent diffusion by the increase of mass flow rate G, and partly to the entrainment of water droplet by the increase of heat flux q. 3) When the both conditions of hydrodynamic instability occurrence and spray annular flow formation are matched to coexist, oscilatory spray annular flow takes place in the test section. 4) With the increase of ΔT_sub, G, and D_2, the burnout heat flux q, on the whole, increases. 5) With the increase of diameter D_2, the burnout characteristic shows the high velocity-low quality burnout; with the increase of D_2, the burnout characteristic shows low velocity-high quality. 6) Experimental values of heat flux can be considerably well correlated to the pressure drop between inlet and outlet of the test section. Nomenclature B =Constant. C_P =Specific heat at constant pressure. D_1 =Inner diameter of annulus. D_2 =Outer diameter of annulus. G =Mass flow rate. h_fg =Latent heat of vaporization. h_f =Saturation enthalpy. h_1 =Inlet enthalpy. K_2 =Friction coefficient of fluid. L =Heated length. L_BO =Heated length up to burnout location. P =pressure. ΔP =pressure drop between inlet and outlet. q =Heat flux. q_BO =Burnout heat flux. r_1 =Radious of inner tube. r_2 =Radious of outer tube. r_max =Radious up to maximum velocity layer. T =Temperature. ΔT_sub =Inlet subcooling. U_m =Average velocity of fluid. U_mo =Average velocity at inlet. X_BO =Burnout quality. α_vm =Steam void. τ_1 =Shearing stress at inner wall. τ_2 =Shearing stress at outer wall. γ =Specific weight. μ =Coefficient of absolute velocity. ρ_L =Density of liquid. d =Density of fluid.

      • DRILLING에 있어서 BURR의 生成에 關한 硏究

        姜濚珪,徐南燮 전북대학교 공업기술연구소 1980 工學硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        The burr is produced on the back side of the plate by the plastic flow when the metal is drilled, which makes the surface of the work rough and is more troublesome when the metal plasticity is more This study deals with the effect of the diameter of drills and the thickness of the plate on the burr size, where the other factors are considered to be constant. As larger the diameter of drills and the thickness of the plate became larger the burr size was also becaone larger. The gradient of the curve for the burrthickness is a little steeper than that of the burr height.

      • 鑄鐵의 ARC熔接과 熔接龜裂에 關하여

        姜濚珪,徐南燮,鄭寅聖 全北大學校 1972 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        As it is hard to joint cast iron by the shielded metal are welding, many efforts are concentrated in developing its weldability. The difficult point in the metal are welbing is to prevent the hardening and abnormal expansion of fusion metal by a rapid cooling rate. The structure in welding point has been examined to prevent the crack after welding at the normal temperature. The results are as follows : 1) Metal are electrodes and fluxes should be controled to contain the silicon which helps carbon to become graphite and decreases the shrinkage of molten metal. 2) The slow cooling in welding point should be performed without preheating and postheating as possible.

      • 高速衝突 特殊噴流에의 沸騰熱傳達

        姜濚珪,熊谷哲,무산무랑 전북대학교 공업기술연구소 1981 工學硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose of the present study are concerned with the boiling characteristic of the saturated impinging jet on a flat heated suface, but it has as a key feature the use of nozzle with the interference plate that is a solid surface opposed to a flat heated surface for the purpose of making very small clearance, S=0.2~0.3mm, restricting the fluid movement. It was found that with the increase of impinging jet veloity heat flux and heat transfer coefficient increased. Empirical equations obtained by their close relations is as follows : q_max = 2.9X10^6 u^0.39 α_max = 9.48X10⁴u^0.335 Nomenclature q: Heat Flux Kcal/㎡h λ: Thermal Couductivity Kcal/mh ℃ α: Heat Transfer Coefficieut Kcal/㎡h ℃ T_c: Temperature of cooling water ℃ T_w: Temperature of cooling surface ℃ ΔT_sat : T_w-T_c : Excess Temperature ℃ u : Velocity of Impinging Jet m/sec r : Radius of cooling Surface S : Clearance fetween the Interference-Plate and Cooling surface

      • 回轉圓板에 있어서의 熱傳達에 關한 硏究

        姜濚珪,白秉峻 전북대학교 공업기술연구소 1983 工學硏究 Vol.14 No.-

        Reynolds 수 5•10^4에서 5•10^5의 범위에서 Pr=0.7의 조건하에 회전원판에 있어서의 열전달을 난류형성조성기(Wire ring)를 부착했을 때와 충돌분류를 사용했을 경우에 대하여 실험적으로 조사해 본 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1) 다른 부가조건 없이 회전만 시킬 때 난류역에서 다음과 같은 상관식을 얻었다. Nur = 0.0188 Rer^0.8 2) Wire ring과 같은 난류발달촉진기를 원판표면에 근접 사용함으로서 열전달증진을 꾀할 수 있었고 층류역에서의 상관식은 Nur = 0.556Rer^0.5 가 되었다. 3) 충돌분류를 사용할 때 열전달증진이 현저하게 촉진되었고 그 상관식은 다음과 같다. Nur = 0.3355(Rej+ 1)^0.5189 Rer^0.5/(Rej+1)^0.1 (층류역) Nur = 0.0186(Rej+1)^0.2121 Rer^0.8/(Rej+1)^0.02 (난류역)

      • KCI등재
      • 管群의 流動과 熱傳達에 관한 數値解釋

        姜濚珪,朴祥奎 全北大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        The fluid flow and heat transfer in tube bank in crossflow are important in relation to several types of heat exchangers. Numerous experimental studies have been reported previously. Recently, several numerical studies based on the finite difference and the finite element methods have been published. The present study represents the numerical predication of laminar flow and heat transfer in an in-line tube bank at low Reynolds number. The conservation equations of stream function, vorticity and energy were solved numberically using the finite difference method by Gosman et al. Calcurations were carried out for pitch-to-diameter ratios (1.2∼1.5)×(1.2∼1.5), Reynolds number Re = 50∼300, and the Prandtl number Pr=0.7∼15, under the condition of uniform heat flux. This paper presents the characteristic variations of local and mean heat transfer coefficients, pressure drop and friction coefficients, stream-line, isovorticity and isothermal contours, with arrangement, Reynolds and Prandtl numbers.

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