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      • 경매의 성질과 유형에 관한 연구

        강연실(Yeon Sil KANG),김연수(Yeon Soo KIM) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1998 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        In analyzing auctioning, several phases of the subject must be considerations in depth : what auctioning actually is, how it fits into the marketing structure, and how it is used as a price-making mechanism. This paper is designed to examine what auctioning is, at first of above three phases by researching on the actual condition of auction schemes in Korea. Generally speaking, there are three basic methods of price making, and auctioning is a subtype of one of them. In auctioning of price making, would-be buyers attempt to outbid one another, thus tending to force the selling price to, or at least toward, the level of the successful bidder’s highest demand price. Usually (not necessarily) auctioning requires an immediate decision by the auctioneer as to the successful bidder. It is perfectly clear that competitive bidding arrangements are fundamentally different from the other basic pricing schemes. For example, competitive bidding, in contrast with take-it-or-leave-it pricing, is a flexible pricing scheme by means of which prices are tailor-made for each transaction. Private treaty selling and competitive bidding schemes also differ widely; the former brings the seller into contact only with buyers individually, whereas the latter pits buyer against buyer. There are 3 basic auction systems utilized at following market in Korea. o. Korean Agricultural and Fisheries wholesaling market : Almost Korean Agricultural and Fisheries wholesaling market uses a special auction system. A unique auction scheme utilized in the sale of vegetable, fruit and fish in Korea and Japan only around world is the Simultaneous-Bidding system. Its distinctive aspect is that all bids are made by prospective buyers at the same time, using individual hand signs for each transaction unit. The bidding starts as soon as the auctioneer gives the signal, and the highest bidder, as determined by the auctioneer is awarded the lot. Some bidders manage to raise their bids within the allotted time after seeing the signals of others. Each of the hand signs used in a Korean auction represents a number from 1 to 9. Two- or three-digit numbers are indicated by rapidly repeated signs, or by more complicated signals. This auction system is potentially very fast. Simultaneous bidding saves time, and no examination of the goods is permitted after the preauction display. o. Flower market : Yangjae-dong flower market is the largest wholesale market selling 30% of all flowers in Korea and utilizes Dutch (Descending-Price) Auction System with electronic devices. The Dutch system, instead of starting at a relatively low price level and ascending by steps until only one bidder remains, follows a descending-price pattern. The auctioneer determines the starting figure and quotes prices at descending intervals until someone bids the item in. The descending-price scheme may be implemented either by the human voice, or electronically by the Dutch clock. Yangjae-dong take the electronic signboard on the front wall showing amount bid and number of bidder within 5 second automatically. An indicator, or hand, moves counter-clockwise through a series of numbers in descending order, stopping when a bidder presses a button to register the amount of his bid. The clock is usually located in front of deeply tiered amphitheater with a normal seating capacity or a hundred or more buyers, who sit at desks facing it. Each seat holder can stop the movement of the indicator by pressing a button when the quotation to bid. o. Antique market : Antique market located at Insa-dong in Seoul is the most famous antique market which opens the English (Ascending-Bid) Auction 3 or 4 times every year. English Auction is the most commonly used auction scheme in English-speaking countries. The principle of the ascending-bid selling scheme is very simple. The auctioneer seeks an initial bid from one of the assembled buyers with the expectation that those interested in the item or lot will bid a

      • DEA분석을 통한 정부 기업지원사업의 효율성 분석

        강연실(Yeon Sil Kang),손성민(Seong Min Sohn),임소진(So Jin Im),조부연(Boo Yun Cho) 한국경영학회 2014 한국경영학회 통합학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.8

        기업 경쟁력 강화를 위한 기업지원사업은 연구개발에서 사업화로 중심이 옮겨가고 있는 상황이다. 투자된 자원이 기술개발의 가시적 성과로 나타나지만 사업화로 이어지지 않는 경우가 많았기 때문이다. 사업화에 대한 기업지원 성과평가에 대해서는 명확한 방향성이 제시되지 않았는 데, 지원의 효과가 정성적 성과로 이어지는 경우가 많아서 계량적 평가기법 적용에 제약이 있었기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 정부의 기업지원사업을 수혜받은 BT(Bio technology)기업을 대상으로 DEA 모형을 적용하여 상대적 효율성을 평가하였다. 제주지역 바이오 산업에 대한2012년-2013년의 데이터를 기반으로 연도별 효율성을 분석한 후, 연차별 투입변수와 산출변수간의 시차를 두고 효율성을 분석하는 접근을 하였다. 분석결과에 따르면, CCR 모형의 평균 효율성보다는 BCC 모형의 평균 효율성이 더 높게 나타났으며,‘2012년(투입)-2013년(산출)’의 경우에서 모든 모형에서 효율성 증가가 나타나면서 기업지원사업의 효과가 시차를 두고 성과로 시현되는 것을 실증하였다. 지역과 산업군에 제한된 표본특성과 함께, 정태적 DEA 모형 적용에 따른 시계열적 변화를 포착하지 못한 것이 연구의 한계로 지적되었다. 따라서 향후 연구에서는 충분한 시계열 분석이 가능하도록 연차별 데이타 확보가 요구되었으며, 이를 기반으로 시간의 변화에 따른 효율성의 변화를 살펴볼 수 있는 동태적 분석방법 도입이 향후 연구방향으로 제시되었다.

      • KCI등재

        환경 위험과 생물학적 시민권: 한국의 석면 피해자 보상운동을 중심으로

        강연실 ( Yeon Sil Kang ),이영희 ( Young Hee Lee ) 한양대학교 제3섹터연구소 2015 시민사회와 NGO Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 2000년대 한국에서 일어난 석면 피해자 보상운동과 뒤이은 석면피해구제법의 제정 과정을 생물학적 시민권의 관점에서 분석하고자 한다. 환경 위험으로서 석면의 등장과 석면 피해자 보상운동 사이의 밀접한 관계를 보여 준 한국의 사례를 통해서, 환경 위험이 생물학적 시민권의 형성에 중요한 요인이 될 수 있음을 주장한다. 부산의 석면공장 노동자들 사이에서 석면병에 걸렸거나 석면에 노출되었다는 공통의 ‘석면 정체성’을 매개로 한 집단이 먼저 형성되었다. 이 정체성은 이후 충청남도의 석면 광산 지역을 비롯, 여러 지역에서 다양한 형태의 석면 오염으로 석면병에 걸린 환자들이 발견되자, 부산에서 전국으로, 노동자에서 모든 시민들로 ‘확장’되었다. 석면 피해에 대한 보상을 주장한 석면병 환자들과 시민사회의 석면피해구제법 제정운동은 뚜렷한 치료 방법이 없는 석면병 환자들이 ‘보상제도’를 통해 국가를 상대로 ‘살 권리’를 주장했음을 잘 보여준다. 또, 이 과정을 둘러싼 국내 환경정책의 흐름, 국제기구와 국가 정책사이의 관계, 석면산업의 국제적 이동과 같은 배경들은 석면 피해자들의 생물학적 시민권이 다양한 맥락 속에 위치하고 있음을 보여준다. This paper analyzes the rise of asbestos victim`s movement in South Korea in the late 2000s as a case of biological citizenship. By showing the close relationship between the re-characterization of asbestos from occupational hazard to an environmental risk, and asbestos victims` movement, it argues that environmental risk is an important trigger for the emergence of biological citizens. Dozens of former asbestos textile factory workers in Busan was first to recognize their shared biological feature: bodily damages from asbestos exposure in the factory. This `asbestos identity` was expanded from Busan to the whole country, and from laborers to ordinary citizens, as more patients are found throughout the country, whose exposure sources are suspected to the widespread asbestos pollution, not limited to workplace exposure. Patients and supporting activists` outcry over the need for a proper compensation system for the victims shows how they demanded rights to life to the state government. Biological citizenship of Korean asbestos victims and their legal demands to the government, however, cannot be separated from the various national and international contexts, including the history of Korean environmental policy, asbestos compensation in other countries, and the influence of international organizations to domestic policy-making.

      • KCI등재

        태안 유류오염사고 피해사정 및 보상사례 분석연구 -허베이스피리트호 사고를 대상으로-

        강연실 ( Yeon Sil Kang ),김대현 ( Dae Hyon Kim ),최장훈 ( Jang Hoon Choi ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2011 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        The Hebei Spirit(a Hong Kong-registered oil tanker) oil spill was a major oil spill in South Korea that occurred in 7 December 2007, which has an ongoing environmental and economic effect. The accident resulted in the leaking of a 12,547 kl amount of oil. It is South Korea`s worst oil spill ever, surpassing a spill which occurred in July 1995, when the Sea Prince oil tanker struck a reef, releasing 5,035 kl of oil in water. The oil slick was 375km long and it was also reported that 101 regions(59 regions in Chungnam-do and 42 regions in Jeolla-do) was contaminated by the oil. The government declared a state of disaster in 11 regions(Boryoung, Seosan, Taean, Seocheon, Hongseong, Dangjin, Muan, Shinan, Yeongqwang, Gunsan, Buan). Every oil-dry absorbents and clean-up equipments in Korea was purchased and millions of volunteers helped to clean up the beaches in the region. The estimated economic loss was over 300 billion won which is the maximum amount of compensation from the IOPC(International Oil Pollution Compensation) Fund. The purpose of this study is to analyse the compensation procedure and amount for economic loss from the oil contamination. The victims submitted more than 100,000 claims to the Hebei Spirit Center which was organized by the Skuld P&I Club and IOPC Fund. The Hebei Spirit Center is still examining the forms submitted by claimers. The review of the claim examining reports from the Hebei Spirit Center showed that the number of rejections to those claims was very high, but the compensation assessment was not enough. The rejection rate in claims for economic loss was high, especially in fishery, aquaculture, and tourism market. This is due to the lack of evidence that shows that they have suffered an economic loss as a result of alleged impact of the Hebei Spirit incident. The results of this study show that we may need to convert the private sales to the public sales in the fishery market in order to increase the compensation assessment rate. In addition, the retailers should prepare VAT statements, statements of credit card receipts and the record of daily revenue received, etc.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        면세유류사용량분석을 통한 연안어업 감척사업 효과연구

        강연실 ( Yeon Sil Kang ),김대현 ( Dae Hyon Kim ),정준규 ( Jun Gyu Jung ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2012 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        Overfishing which is a non-sustainable use of the oceans occurs when fishing activities reduce fish stocks below the acceptable level. Ultimately, overfishing can lead to fishery resource depletion and critically low biomass levels. Moreover, external factors such as DDA(Doha Development Agenda) of WTO, FTA(Free Trade Agreement) may cause serious effects on domestic fishing industry. In order to tackle these problems, our government introduced fishery buy-back program in 1993. The government spent 354,000million won in order to reduce the number of fishing boats and recover coastal fisheries resources from 2005 to 2008. Normally, the fishery buy-back program requires a large amount of money from federal and local government and we need to conduct a cost-benefit analysis as a means of evaluating the program`s efficiency and effectiveness. In order to conduct the cost-benefit analysis, we need to know first the change in coastal fishery resources after introducing a fishery buy-back program and assess the effects of the program. Currently, one of the available and reliable data in coastal fisheries is the tax-free fuel consumption since every fisher is provided with tax-free diesel or gasoline fuel for vessel operations. In this study, we analyzed the recovery of coastal fishery resources after operating a vessel buy-back program. In order to promote reliability of this study, we used tax-free fuel consumption data which has been used by coastal fishing boats in Korea. In this paper, four parameters such as the number of fishing boats using tax-free oil, a catch of fish, fuel consumption, and a catch per boat have been used as Measures of Effectiveness(MOEs) to the vessel buy-back program. According to the results of this study, the government funded vessel buy-back program brought positive effects on the coastal fishery resources, especially in Gill-net Fishery, Seine Fishery, Lift-net Fishery, Pot Fishery and Multi-Species Fishery.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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