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      • KCI등재

        복강임신 1례

        강신명(SM Kang),오혜숙(HS Oh),우복희(BH Woo),조현실(HS Cho),정경숙(KS Chung) 대한산부인과학회 1983 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.26 No.12

        Abdominal pregnancy is a kind of the ectopic pregnancy and it is extremely rare but aserious obstetric complication. The diagnosis of the abdominal pregnancy is very difficult and frequently confirmed at the time of operation. This abdominal pregnancy presented here accounted for l in 37968 deliverie for the past 20 years. (1962~1981)

      • KCI등재


        강신명(SM Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1973 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.16 No.7

        출혈은 우리나라 모성사망 원인의 제2위(약 35%)를 점하며 그 출혈사의 주요 원인은 이완성 자궁출혈과 태반잔유이었으며 또한 그들 전부가 도착사였다는 점이 주목된다. 이러한 불필요한 출혈사를 방지하기 위해서는 자가분만이 없도록하는 대책이 시급하며, 또한 의료인의 재수련제, 혈액공급, 준비등이 보다 완벽해야 기특될 것이다. 이완성자궁출혈이 우리나라에 많은 주요원인 즉 소인은 임신중독증과 자궁이 큰 상태 즉 이상의 태아 또 는 쌍태양수과다증 등이며 기타 유도분만등 이므로 이들 위험합병임신분만에 대하여는 각별한 철학과 대 책을 세워야 할 것이다. 즉 이러한 산모에 대하여 분만직후 예방적자궁수축제 정맥점적을 실시한 결과 산 후출혈로 인한 쇼크의 발생빈도를 58%(미실시군)에서 14% 즉 1/4로 현저히 감소 내지 에방할 수 있었다. 이러한 위험성임신 분만에 대하여 충분한 혈액공급 준비, 간호인원 및 기구재과 등의 대비가 되어 있지 않았을 때는 산과병원에 전송 협진을 요구하는 것이 현명한 방책일 것이라고 확신한다. Postpartum hemorrhage is usually defined as blood loss in excess of 500cc. If this occurs within the first 24 hours of delivery it is classified as late postpartum hemorrhage. During past 10 years(1961-1970) Common causes of maternal mortality among total deliveries of 18749 cases in Ewha Womans University Hospital, Seoul, Korea were toxemia of pregnancy (27 cases or 41.5%), hemorrhage (23 cases or 34.8%) and infection (4 cases or 6%). Majority cases of hemorrhagic death were dead on arival rather than hospital death. We have found that all the maternal death due to atonic uterine hemorrhage (13 cases) and retained placenta (4cases) were occured as D.O.A., none of hospital death except few cases of placenta previa and postoperative bleeding. Such un-necessary hemorrhagic D.O.A. could be reduced by the increasing nation wide hospital cares rather than home deliveries, and adequate obstetrical training of midwive and general practioners. The usual incidence of postpartum hemorrhage in Ewha Womans University Hospital was 2.6% of the total deliveries. It was mainly consit of atonic uterine bleeding and late postpartum bleeding. Reasons for predominantly often or a common predisposing factor in atonic uterine hemorrhage in Korea presumably lie in the high incidence of toxemas of pregnancy accounts for more than half or 65% of the cases of atonic uterine hemorrhage. The incidence of shock due to atonic uterine hemorrhage in high risk mothers; Such as associated with preedampsia, large baby forned, twins, Hydramnios and oxytocin induction was significantly reduced or prevented from 58% to 14% or 1/4 by instituting prophylactic oxytocin intravenous drip right after the delivery.

      • KCI등재

        태반조기박리 ( Abruptio placentae ) 의 6년간 관찰 ( 1963 - 1968 )

        강신명(SM Kang),김수자(SJ Kim),이경자(KZ Lee),이일준(IJ Rhee) 대한산부인과학회 1970 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.13 No.8

        Abruptio placenta is a serious complication in pregnancy when dealing with maternal death as well as fetal loss especially in the country having high incidence of toxemia. 1. We have encountered 34 cases of Abruptio placentae which occured among a total of 10,640 deliveries in Ewha Womens University Hospital, Seoul during the period of 6 years from 1963 to 1968, the incidence being one case per 330 deliveries or 0.32%. Although this incidence was considered relativity low both the maternal & fetal death rate were markdly high. 2. The leading causative predisposing factor of the abruptio pladentae in this series was toxemia occupying one-third(38%) of the cases. The other known cause was shortness of the umbilical cord(26%) including it`s strangulation. Indeed every efforts to prevent the toxemias of pregnancy are important at present among the numerous caucative factors. 3. The majority of placentae occured between age of 30&40, and more in multigravidas(88%). It was interesting to notice that more than one-half(56%) of the cases of abruptio placentae had a tendency of prematurity occuring from 27 to 37 weeks of gestation period. 4. Abruptio placentae with concealed hemorrhage was serious in it`s nature. However the fetal death rate were considered to be high(80%) even in the mild group which probably due to the delayed admission from the patient side. 5. The average amount of blood transfusion needed was 3 pints in the mild cases, and 6 pints or more in the severe cases. 6. About one-half(56%) of the abruptio placentae were treated by Cesarean section mostly for the severe cases with shock or for the fetal distress. The perinatal mortality was reduced to 53% in these section group. 7. The incidence of prenatal care undergone was very low(only 18%). Both quantative and qualitive prenatal care would be important to prevent abruptio placentae, and it should be warn if any toxemic state or sudden pain develops in multigravidas, over 30 year of age, particularly during 27-37 weeks of gestation. 8. The prognosis of the patient with abruptio placentae admitted in 4 hours after it`s onset was much fair than the delayed in which revealing the partial or less than one-half area of the placental detatchment with some hopeful(25%) fatal salvage. Therefore the abruptio placentae should be terminated promptly in 2~4~8 hours after the accident has occurred.

      • KCI등재

        제왕절개술후 감염과 Hygiene 질내 전처치의 가치

        강신명(SM Kang),조행원(HW cho),우복희(BH Woo),박정희(JH Park) 대한산부인과학회 1968 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.11 No.7

        During 1967 puerperal infection following Cesarean section has been evaluated with or without using the pre-operative vaginal application of 1% Hygiene solution(Amphoteric surface active agent) on the 50 section, among, 600 total deliveries in Ewha Womans University Hospital, Seoul. In order to reduce the post-Cesarean section infection 1% Hygiene solution was routinely applied preoperatively into vagina and it was throughly cleaned out. Particularly it has been focused to those who were potentialy infected pre-operatively. 1. The post-Cesarean section infection(38`C or over excess 48 hours) has been significantly reduced to 28% of the cases by using pre-operative vaginal application of 1% Hygiene solution in comparison with the 48% in the control group. 2. There were 2 wound infections or pus formation (8%) due to staphylococcus infection in the control group of Cesarean section, however none in the sections with pre-operative vaginal application of 1% Hygiene solution. 3. In the potentially infected section cases (mostly due to staphylococcus aureus) the incidence of endometritis can be reduced to 50% of the control group`s frequency by using pre-operative vaginal application of 1% Hygiene solution.

      • KCI등재

        전치태반 ( Placenta previa ) 에 관하여 ( 1963 - 1968 )

        강신명(SM Kang),이일준(IJ Rhee),이경자(KZ Lee),김수자(SJ Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1970 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.13 No.8

        Management of placenta previa is still a difficult one although expectant policy has been introduced for past 20 years in order to minimize the high neonatal mortality resulting from prematurity and intrauterine anoxia. The data to be presented are based on 73 cases of placenta previa seen among total deliveries of 10779 in Ewha Women`s University Hospital, Korea for past 6 years period. 1. Our incidence of placenta previa is considered somewhat high, 148:1 or 0.67%. It is unknown that whether or not this related to the frequency of induced abortion. 2. Placenta previa has occured more often in multigravidas(64.4%) than primigravidas or 4 times as frequent in primigravias as in multigravidas with para 4. 3. The frequent of toxemia associated with placenta previa was considered to be high, 17% or 3times the average incidence(Ewha) 4. About half(45%) cases of placenta previa was a sort of total placenta previa which was most serious one, requiring all(26 cases) Cesarean section and needed average 4 pints of blood transfusion. 5. Approximately half or 47.7% cases of placenta previa had delayed admission until labor pain occur following vaginal spotting has first time been noticed. More instructive prenatal education is emphasized. 6. The policy of waiting has been applied in the maximum of 41% cases of placenta previa. However there is a limitation that it seemed to be wise to perform the definitive operative delivery without delay more than 37th week of gestation becaue it prone to cause sudden, massive hemorrhage after that. 7. Vaginal delivery able been done in 1/5 cases of placenta previa which is all mild one requiring less than 2 pints of blood transfusion. 8. The majority cases(79.2%)of placenta previa, particularly all cases of total placenta previa (45% cases of sections)were treated by Cesarean sections and required more than 4 pints of massive, rappid blood transfusion. Of these sections 2 cases of Cesarean-hysterectomy were encountered inevitably in order to prevent uncontrolable hemorrhage. 9. A comparative study of low cervial Cesarean sections both to the anterior and posterior type of placenta previa(17&11 cases respectively) revealed no any differences either in view point of blood transfusion erquired or fetal loss corrected. Thus the potential risk of classical section seemed to be avoided. 10. Fetal mortality under the waiting policy is still limitted and high; 24% of loss in premature baby which is considered twice the average premature loss, and 3.4% loss(or 1.7% of corrected fetal loss)in term baby. There was no maternal mortality in this series. 11.A operative large sterized pads packing into the low segment to minimize the massive oozing is believed to be a life saving procedure and able to substitute any unexpectant hysterectomy. There was no significant postoperative infections in this procedure as aften seen in preoperative vaginal packing which is no longer been used.

      • KCI등재

        경관임신 2예

        강신명(SM Kang),조성원(SW Cho),김원자(WJ Kim),노영자(YJ Rho) 대한산부인과학회 1964 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.7 No.1

        1. 여기에 보고한 2예중 하나는 해부학적분류에 가깝고 다른 하나는 병리 및 임상적분류에 속하는 경관임신들이었다. 2. 이 2예는 모두 술전에 진단이 붙지 못하고 예 1은 전행소파술을 받은 후의 완고한 출혈이었으므로 인공유산후경손상으로 인상되었고, 예 2는 절박유산, 그후 천연유산으로 인상되었다. 전자는 시험소파술후 질식자궁척출을 하였고 후자는 일차 소파 및 경내팩킹을 하였는데 모두 결과 양호하였다. 3. 예 1에 있어서 자궁척출술시 저자가 곤란을 당한 것은 출혈이 보통이상으로 많아서 술중 2,000cc의 수혈을 하였다. 경관임신 때는 정상체부임신때와 달라서 골반상과 특히 방광 및 직장부착부에 혈관증대, 확장 등의 생리적변화가 일어나 있어서 술시 박리곤란 내지 극심한 출혈이 나타난다고 착자는 생각되었다. 따라서 자궁척출시에도 시험소파때와 같이 다량의 혈액을 준비하고서 한다는 것은 역시 대단히 중요하며 이로써 모성사망율도 감소될 것이다. 내반이 확실히 퇴행되었을 때(천연유산등)는 출혈의 위험이 적을 것이라고 본다(예 3). : 자궁경관임신, 자궁경부임신, 자궁외임신.... 2 cases of Cervical pregnancy meeting the criteria of Paalman and McElin; One closed to anatomical proof, the other proved pathologically and suggested clinically have been reported. It was impossible to me to make correct diagnosis preoperatively on either cases. Cases I, who had previous curettage therapeutic abortion(8 weeks gestation) 5 days prior to the admission was treated as post D. & C. hemorrhage or cervical injury, in which performing repeated curettages and cervical packings followed by vaginal hysterectomy. Case II, with vaginal spotting of 7 days duration was treated as threatened abortion at 7 weeks gestation, later as missed abortion, in which carrying out single curettage and cervical packing successfully. The results of 2 cases were good despite of one encountered a stomy hemorrhage during the hysterectomy. I would like to emphasize and urge that even in performing the hystectomy for cervical pregnancy, large amount of blood should be prepaired and available just like performing for the trical of curettage before any treatment is initiated, because I have experienced unforgetable severe hemorrhage during the hysterectomy, requiring up to 2.000 c.c. of blood transfusions(case I); probably due to the physiologic changes in cervical pregncy unlike the corporeal pregnancy, causing unusual vascularization or varicoses over the pelvic floor or vesico & recto-cervical areas depend on the site of implantation. The placenta regression type such as terminated as missed abortion (case II), however will be less chance of bleeding.

      • KCI등재

        분만시 회음의 소독처치 와 그가치

        강신명(SM Kang),이순배(SB Rhee),박기영(KY Park),김인숙(IS Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1967 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.10 No.3

        Aseptic technique or reduction of the bacterial flora on the pudendal area in delevery preparation still requires constant re-evaluation. In this paper a new class of disinfectant, the amphoteric surface active agent, hygiene(TEGO 1 03 G) is applied to prepare the perineal area and it`s effects were compared with other varies con- ventional agents and were evaluated clinically by the incidence of transient episotomy fever or sub- clinical infection of clean surgical incision-episiotomy(Showing transient elevation of body tempe- rature orally up to 37`c. or more, lasting less than 4 hours any time in postpartum 3 days period but excluding all othe febrile sources) as well as in vitro study. The data to be presented are based on 169 primiparas deliveried in Ewha Womans University Hospital, Seoul, Korea(33 suing Hygiene, 15 with Mercurochrome, 13 with Cresol, 30 soap and water, 29 soap and water plus prophylactic systemic antibiotics). From this study following conclusions have been reached. 1.The effect of pudendal perineal aseptic technic or disinfectant best can sharply be compared and evaluated clinically by the incidence of transient episiotomy fever or subclinical infection of clean incision-episiotomy(Showing transient fever of 37`c. or more orally in any time of postpart- um 3 days period, but excluding all other febrile sources) rather than by gross episiotomy wound infection which is often encontering many different criterias or even by in vitro biocides effect alone which is also proven to be incorrect unless using serial basin bethod or neutralizing, reducing age- nts. 2.The transient episiotomy fever(Subclinical infection) is strongly correlated with quantitative bacterial innoculation as well as it`s types. It suggested that the most responsible pathogens were staphylococcus aureus and some Streptococcus. On the other hand E. coli appeared to be relatively non-causeative one in the pudendal perineal area; probably female perneum resistant particularly to the normally inhabiting enteric microorganisms. 3.1% Hygiene(TEGO 103G) was superior to a rapid physol wash, Mercurochrome or Cresol wa- sh in reducing subclinical infection of clean episiotomy(tranisent fever) mostly acused by Staphyloc- occus aureus. It seemed also sensitive to Streptococcus. 4.Routine prophylactic antibiotics reduced some transient dpisiotomy fever, but not all of the inc- idence of higher temperatures presumably caused by massive bacterial innoculations. Proper aseptic perineal technic will prevent the clinicl infection of episiotomy wound and subclinical transient episiotomy fever as well. The corection of low hemoglobin level should also be considered in this aspect.

      • KCI등재


        강신명(SM Kang),전혜자(HJ Chun),강민자(MJ Kang),조정신(JS Cho) 대한산부인과학회 1971 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.14 No.7

        본 이화의대에 입원한 견위분만의 발생빈도는 과거 6년간 총분만 10679명중 276명으로서 1:36즉 2.5%였다. Management of the breech delivery is still a difficult problem because there is no practical way of measurement of fetal biparietal diameter up to date, and fetal mortality remains still high. It seemed very important to evaluate the pelvic capacity and to juge the fetal size accurately by experienced obstetrician before the labor takes place in order to reduce the unnecessary fetal loss or hypoxia which affect second generations. The data to be presented are based on 276 cases of breech presentation seen past 6 years between January 1963 and December 1968 in Ewha Woman`s University Hospital, Seoul, Korea. the following results were obtained. 1. The incidence of breech delivery was one in every 38 cases or 2.5% of 10,679 cases of total deliveries during past 6 years. In this study, breech presentation associated with twins and infant weighing under 1,000gm were excluded. 2. Placenta previa is a most commonly associated etiologic factor(6 cases) in breech presentation in which the incidence is significantly high, 3 times the average one in this institute. 3. Operative delivery or Cesarean section was required in 19% of the total cases of breech presentation with 1,000gm or more of the birth weight, and in 24% of the cases of term breech presentation. 4. In cases of that anteroposterior diameter of pelvic inlet in 10cm or less, or interspinous diameter of mid-pelvis is 9.5cm or below, approximately one-half(48%) of the cases of breech presentation necessitated Cesarean section. 5. In general, the more big the infant`s birth weight the greater the incidence of Cesarean sectionrequired such as 28% done in the moderate sized infants (3.0kg-3.49kg), and 37% in the rather large infants weighing 3.5kg-3.99kg in breech presentation. 6. In careful revewing the fetal distress in vaginal breech delivery according to the birth weight, the frequency of infant with poor condition or lower Apgar Score of 6 or less were 19% of the cases among average term babies weighing 3.0kg. However in case of infant body weight exceeding 3.0kg, the hypoxic infant rate were significantly increased up to 61% of the case or 3 times the one with 3.0kg birth weight. Severe hypoxic infants with Apgar Score of 4 or less were apt to occur in the footling presentation (68%), twice as much as that in complete breech presentation. No fetal fractures or dislocation and Erb`s paralysis were seen in this whole subject. 7. When dealing with breech vaginal delivery, over all 6 cases of more than average sizd infant wighing from 3.3kg to 3.5kg or more were dead due to breech delivery whereas all alived among 132 cases of average size of infant weighing from 3.0kg-3.2kg. However, infants weighing 3.3kg or more who were deliveried by Cesarean section were all alived. In this whole series of breech presentation, no maternal death were ween except 3 cases of mild degree of cervical lacerations. 8. The corrected perinatal mortality in the vaginal breech delivery was 9.3% among the premature infants and 4.1% among the term babies.

      • KCI등재

        임신에 관한 질세포학적 연구

        강신명(SM Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1964 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.7 No.5

        1. 임신때 질세포는 임신진행에 따라 일정한 형태학적 변화를 일으킨다. 즉 임신전반기에서는 모든 세포지수가 높은 황체기상을 정하며, 이것이 점차 주장세포로 구성된 세포응집과 핵농 및 호산지수를 보이는 태반기상으로 이행한다. 더욱 임신말기에 가서는 이 태반기상의 극기인 만삭전형이 점차 소실되어서 만삭형으로 변화하고, 더 나가서는 산욕형 또는 과숙형으로 이행한다. 2. 임신말의 소위임신만기(term)이라는 것은, 자연분만 15일전부터 일어나며, 8일경에 들어 가면서 급격하게 증가한다는 사실을 세포학적관찰로써 인정할 수 있었다. 3. 질세포검사에서 만삭전형으로 나타날 때에는, 그 86%가 5일내에 자연분만이 일어나지 못하였다. 4. 만삭형으로 나타날 때에는 그 85%가 5일내에 자연분만이 일어났다. 5. 임신말기 질세포상의 반응은 적어도 임상적 이학적 요인, 예. 자궁경관의 상태, 태아 또는 경산회수등의 영향을 받지 않았고 독립적이었다. 즉 이는 홀몬적 요인에 기인된다고 생각하며 더욱이 Pitocin 유도분만에 대한 자궁의 감수성이 만삭전형때는 둔하고 만삭형때는 예민하다는 약간의 근거를 체험하게 된 것은 흥미있는 점이었다. 6. 월경연령으로 본 연장임신은 세포학적으로 반드시 만숙이 아니었고, 이것은 임상소견에 일치되었다. 이 사실은 연장임신문제해결에 있어서 좋은 지침이 될 것이다. 7. 과숙형은 임상적으로 만삭임신 심지어는 만삭이전이라고 추측되는 임부에서도 태반기능부전이 있을 때에는 언제든지 나타날 수 있다. 8. 최종월경불명임부에 대한 적절한 세포진의 반복은 연장임신부에서와 같이 과숙방지에 좋은 지침이 될 것이고, 또한 그와 반면에 반복제왕절개 특히 선택제왕절개 적응임부에 대한 수술시기의 지나친 조기실시로 인한 조산을 예방하는데도 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다. 9. 자연유산에 있어서 세포응집수가 현저히 감소 내지 소실(8~0)하였을 때에는, 거의 전부(97%)가 결국 유산되었다. 또한 세포응집수와 핵농지수(또는 호산지수)와의 비가(C/K or E) 1보다 적게 전도될 때는, 그 환자의 80~100%가 유산으로 끝났다. 저자는 이 두 점을 구명한 문헌을 아직 볼 수 없었으나, 이 두 방법의 확률은 핵농지수나 호산지수 등의 변화상만을 기준으로 하는 현행판정율(71%)에 비하여 월등하게 높았다고 확신한다. 10. 홀몬치료를 받든 안받든 그 세포상이 유산평균치 이상으로 나쁘든지, 또는 반복검사에 있어 단시일내 그 개선반응이 나타나지 않으면 그 예후는 거의 다 불량하였다. 11. 질세포상이 정상이면 Hormone치료를 할 필요가 없다고 본다. 임상적으로 절박유산을 의심한 제6~16주간의 임부 17명은 세포학적으로 정상이었던 만큼 치료없이 100% 예후 양호하였다. 12. 유산의 제일 좋은 치료 내지 예방의 하나는, 특히 홀몬장애로 오는 습관성유산에 있어서 출혈호발시기라고 보는 임신제2월초(5주)부터 제3월간에 정기적질세포진을 반복함으로써, 출혈미연에 조기치료를 할 수 있는 것이다. 이상을 총괄하면 임신시의 질세포검사는 임신중 성홀몬의 동태를 반영하여 주는 좋은 거울로써, 이 홀몬과 관련되는 임신문제들을 관리하는데, 대단히 실용적이고 가치 높은 지침이 된다고 확신한다. Vaginal cytologic study is very helpful during pregnancy although it has not been widely used in obstetrics. In this paper the etiologic factors of cytologic change, especially those seen during the last month of pregnancy, the cytologic prediction of delivery, the cytologic evaluation of prolonged pregnancy, of the pregnancy with unknown duration, of postmaturity and of abortion will be discussed. The data to be presented are based on 497 pregnant patients seen Ewha Woman`s University Hospital, Seoul, Korea(374 at the end of pregnancy, 35 having spontaneous abortion, 17 suspected of having abortion and 71 in the first half of a normal pregnancy).

      • KCI등재

        초자막질환 ( 호흡곤란증후군 Hyaline Membrane Diease , RDS ) 예방을 위한 선택적 제왕절개술 직전 Oxcytocin 정맥내 전처치

        강신명(SM Kang),우복희(BH Woo),양승희(SH Yang),배순희(SH Bae) 대한산부인과학회 1980 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.23 No.7

        선택적인 특히 반복제왕절개술 직전에(36~42주간의 70예) 처음 시도된 Oxytocin정맥점적전처치의 효과적인 적용은 초자막질환(호흡곤란증후군)의 예방, 또는 사망 감소에 현저하게(p<0.01) 거의 전부(100%) 효과적이었다. 이 Oxytocin 정점전처치는 아마도 인간에 있어서 첫 시도라고 추정되나 그 효과는 자연진통이 선행된 제왕절개술(대부분 준비없는 응급제왕절개술)에 비하여 손색없는 것으로 입증되었고, 도리어 안전하였으며, 부작용이 없었고 단시간내의 처치로써 실용적이었다. Prenatal Prevention of Respiratory Distress Syndrome(RDS, Hyaline Membrane Disease) by Intravenous Oxytocin Pretreatment in Elective Cesarean Section The prevention of Respiratory Distress Syndrome(RDS) is important not only for premature i nfants but for matured term babies particularly, in elective or repeat cesarean section. A controlled intravenous oxytocin infusion was tried in inducing regular labor or 3 to 4 con tractions per 10 minutes for a short time period just before cesarean section to pregnant women between 34 and 41 weeks of gestation indicating elective or repeat cesarean section to prevent RDS. This study is based on the 217 cases of cesarean section including 70 intr avenous oxytocin pretreated cases, 75 untreated control subjects, and 72 emergency cesarea n sections with preexisting spontaneous labor, admitted into Ewha Womans University Hospit al, Seoul, Korea for past 3 years from 1976~1978. The result of this clinical trial sugges ts that oxytocin pretreatments in an effective short course prior to elective or repeat ce sarean sections in human pregnancy, may prevent RDS almost completely(100%), its mortality depends on the outcome of clinical trial. These significant values(0/70 at p<0.01) was com parable with both control-elective, untreated subjects(10/75), and preexisting regular lab or group(0/57). There was no increased incidence of maternal postpartum bleeding, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia or other adverse reactions in this study.

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